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Proper Grammar Elements

Are hundreds of grammar rules but the basic refer to sentence
structure and parts of speech.
They are also terms we use in grammar to help to explain the
relationship and the function of all the words in a sentence .
NB: Proper grammar is key to the success of your composition

Subject + Verb + Object combine to make basic English sentences.

"She drinks milk."

Subject: who/what the sentence is about.

Verb: What the subject does/is doing.
Object: a person or thing that is affected by the action of a verb


Know when and where to capitalize

Capitalize the First Word of a Sentence

The cat is sleeping.

Capitalize Names and Other Proper Nouns

Tom and Peter met at Andrew’s house.
Have you met my sister,Mary?

Don’t Capitalize After a Colon (Usually)

In most cases, you don’t need to capitalize after a colon.

I have one true passion: swimming

Capitalize the First Word of a Quote (Sometimes)

Capitalize the first word of a quote when the quote is a complete

Maria asked, “What is everyone doing this weekend?”

Capitalize Days, Months, and Holidays, But Not Seasons

The names of days, months, and holidays are proper nouns, so you
should capitalize them.
I hate Mondays!
Rose’s birthday is in June.

Capitalize Cities, Countries, Nationalities, and Languages

The names of cities, countries, nationalities, and languages are

proper nouns, so you should capitalize them. E.g
English is made up of many languages, including Latin, German, and
My mother is Ugandan.
Elements of Grammar (Eight parts of Speech) also called word
Noun e.g (Boy, Uganda, Lion , Monkey)
Adjective e.g hot , beautiful , white, old
Verb e.g (Go, write , come, eat , play)
Adverb e.g (Loudly , tomorrow, nicely , badly)
Prepositions e.g (on , in , to , under, about, with)
Pronouns e.g (she, he , they, it , her, his,him)
Conjunction e.g (but, yet, and , or , because)
Interjections e.g (wow, oh! , ouch)
The above elements are further explained below
Nouns ; a word used to identify a people, places, or things ,it can be
singular, plural, passive like; names of people , animals , places ,
things and many others.
He lives in Uganda.
Mary will come today.
That is my dog.
Joel will not come to school today.
Pronouns : is a word that takes the place of a noun like I , You , or
They , She and many others
The teacher asked for her book. He likes watching football. She
goes to school everyday.
They play football on Friday.
Verb : is the action word in a sentence that describes what the
subject is doing. Averb is a kind of word (part of speech) that tells
about an action or a state. It is the main part of a sentence e.g she is
singing a song. Mark eats his dinner quickly. The kids are making

Adjective modifies a noun or pronoun (modify by tellings us more

about various aspects of a noun e.g size , colour, quantity etc

e.g rose wore a beautiful dress yesterday .

My dog is small and short. A handsome boy won the competition.

Adverb: modifies a verb and shares more information about it

including when , where , how much , and many others . with the
adverb we usually add -ly.

e.g he runs quickly . She walks slowly . I happily handed in my


preposition: prepositions can have many functions. They can tell us

the position of an object (on, under, in). They can tell us a
relationship between nouns and pronouns.. e.g she is going to
school. Joel is throwing stones into the river.

conjunction: Conjunctions are joining words, such as or, and . E.g

peter and paul are brothers. I want to buy meat but I don’t have
money. Would you like meat or chicken.

Homophones : is a word that is pronounced the same (to varying

extent) as another word but differs in meaning. A homophone may
also differ in spelling. The two words may be spelled the same, such
as rose (flower) and rose (past tense of "rise"), or differently, such as
( to, two, and too.) e.g I want to buy two pairs of shoes tomorrow .

I don’t know whether to carry a jacket, the weather is

And the interjection. Have a habit of standing alone. Ouch! Darn!
Interjections are words that express surprise. They often come with
an exclamation mark. E.g Wow, your so smart today.

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