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A Detailed Lesson Plan in

Commercial Cooking 8

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:
a. Differentiate cleaning and sanitizing;
b. Enumerate the different cleaning agents;
c. Appreciate the importance of cleaning and sanitizing.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Cleaning and Sanitizing
Materials: Visual Aid
References: Learning Module in Commercial Cooking Exploratory Course Grade 7 & 8

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preparation
 Prayer
 Greeting
 Classroom management
 Checking of attendance

B. Review

What was our lesson yesterday? “Our lesson yesterday was all about Kitchen

Very good. What is an equipment? “Equipment is a more complicated tool that

refers to a small electrical appliances.”

Exactly! Who can give an example of a kitchen

equipment? “Ma’am, refrigerator is an example of a
kitchen equipment.”

What is the use of refrigerator? “The refrigerator is necessary in preventing

the bacterial infections from foods.”

Another example? “Microwave oven, ma’am.”

How about the use of microwave oven? “It is use to cook food quickly and easily.”

Very good. Do you still have question regarding the

different kitchen equipment and their uses? “No, ma’am.”
C. Activity
Okay class, I will show you a picture and I will choose 2
students, 1 for the girls and another 1 from the boys.
After describing the picture, the student will choose 1 of
his/ her classmates to describe the picture.

(The teacher will show 2 pictures of a kitchen, the first

picture is a clean kitchen and the other one is a dirt

D. Analysis

What is cleaning? “Cleaning is the process of removing food and

other types of soil from a surface, such as a
dish, glass, or a cutting boards.”

Very good. How about Sanitizing? “Sanitizing is to make something free from

Yes, very good. Another answer? “Sanitizing is done using, radiation, or


So the difference between cleaning and sanitizing:

Cleaning is to remove food and other types of soil from a
surface while sanitizing is the process of reducing the
number of microorganisms that are on a properly
cleaned surface to safe level.

What are the 4 categories of cleaning agents? Cleaning agents are divided into four
 Detergents
 Solvent cleaners
 Acid cleaners
 Abrasive cleaners

Very good, cleaning agents must be selected to make

cleaning easy.

What are the uses of the cleaning agents?  Detergents- use detergents to
routinely wash tableware, surfaces
and equipment. Detergents can
penetrate soil quickly and soften it.
 Solvent cleaners- use periodically on
surfaces where grease has burned on.
 Acid cleaners- use periodically on
mineral deposits and other soils that
detergents cannot remove. These
cleaners are often used to remove
scale in ware washing machines and
steam tables.
 Abrasive cleaners- use these cleaners
to remove heavy accumulations of
soil that are difficult to remove with

What are the two methods of sanitizing? The most commonly used as a method for
sanitizing are heat and chemical sanitizers.

What is the most common method used in restaurants? The most common method of sanitizing that
is used in a restaurants is the hot water.

Very good. What are the approved chemical sanitizers? Chemicals that are approved chemical
sanitizers are chlorine, iodine and quaternary
Very good. There are different factors that influence the
effectiveness of chemical sanitizers. So, what are the
three factors? The three factors that must be considered are:
 Concentration- the presence of too
little sanitizer will result in an
inadequate reduction of harmful
microorganism. Too much can be
 Temperature- generally chemical
sanitizers work best in water that is
between 55֯F (13֯C) and 120֯F (49֯C)
 Contact time- in order for sanitizer to
kill harmful microorganisms, the
cleaned item must be in contact with
sanitizer for the recommended length
of time.

Very good. Every restaurant must have the appropriate

testing kit to measure chemical sanitizer concentration.
To accurately test the strength of a sanitizing solution,
one must first determine which chemical is being used.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of different  Chlorine

chemical sanitizers? Contact time: 7 seconds
Advantage: effective on a wide variety
of bacteria; highly effective; not
affected by hard water; generally
Disadvantage: Corrosive, irritating to
the skin, effectiveness decreases with
increasing pH of solution; deteriorates
during storage and when exposed to
light; dissipates rapidly; loses activity
in the presence of organic matter.

 Iodine
Contact time: 30 seconds
Advantage: Forms brown color that
indicates strength; not affected by
hard water; less irritating to the skin
than is chlorine.

Disadvantage: effectiveness decreases

greatly with an increase in pH (most
active at pH 3.0; very low active at pH
7.0) should not be used in water that
is at 120֯F or hotter.

 Quaternary Ammonium
Contact time: 30 seconds
Advantage: nontoxic, odourless,
colourless, noncorrosive, nonirritating

Disadvantage: slow destruction of

some microorganisms, not compatible
with some detergents and hard water.

E. Abstraction
What is the difference between cleaning and
sanitizing? Cleaning is the process of removing foods and
other types of soil from a surface while
Sanitizer is the process of reducing the number
of microorganism.
Is it important to sanitize surfaces after washing?
Why? Yes, it is very important to sanitize surfaces
into a safe level so that the foods will not be
contaminated with disease microorganisms
that can cause food poisoning.

Enumerate the following. Write it on a ¼ sheet of paper.

1. What are the categories of cleaning agents? 1. Detergents, Solvent cleaners, Acid
2. What are the approved chemical sanitizers? cleaners, Abrasive
3. What are the two common methods of 2. Chlorine, Iodine, Quaternary
sanitizing? Ammonium
3. Heat and chemical methods
IV. Assignment

Cut out at least 4 pictures of a cleaning agents and

paste it on a short bondpaper

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