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Computer Science 100 Study Sheet

CSC test 1
1. A host name such as must: belong to some unique top level domain
2.Which of the following controls the internet and can shut it down: nobody
3.Which of the following statements is not rue about the internet: it is controlled by a single gov
4.protect yourself from phishing scam by:update personal user visiting https facebook .com
5.the internet was born out of:Project called arpanet
6.TCP/IP was developed originally for: ARPANET
7.If you log into a secure server with a pass and sends u code to phone this is called: two factor authentication upload files securely to we use: SFTP (secure file transfer protocol)
9.Why may possible ip adresses pop up when u look up Serve different geographical groups faster
10.Every IP must contain sender and receivers: IP adresses
11.which of the following must be present in an IP packet: Senders IP address
12.What is the port number for http: 80
13.How do you find IP address if friend may be moving between school and home: online your server will tell you IP adress
of person u trying to contact
14.IP address is like a phone number ex specifies: globally unique network address
15.Which of the following is not a part of the domain name system (DNS): port numbers
16.Relate the concepts in DNS to PTSN: Top level domain= country code Domain names=area Host names= international
phone numbers
17.DNS created to look up IP addresses
18.which of the following is not a standard html tag: <mp3> </mp3>
19.when uploading lab1 what is the default settings: FTP protocol
20.What does Javascript do inside an HTML page? Create dynamic webpage and scrolling images
21. Identify html tag to which is stated:imbeded image <img src..main contents=<body>,java script=<script> unordered list
22.When ur browser is requesting webpage it receives:HTML text then request pics vids etc
23.Cascade style sheet CSS used for: consistent uniform style
24.when u enter url inside browsers address bar what does browser do immediately: looks up IP address
25.Netscape became what: Firefox
26.Type of Mal ware that hides itself f inside well acting program: trojan
27.DDoS attack is:coordinated attack by many zombie computers
28.What is point of extended validate certificate EVC: validates host name
29.kind of spy ware that inputs keyboard input is: keyboard tracker
30.Not true about VPN: VPN similar to peer to peer network ie skpe view on website you must perform: inspect
32.create page division<div> heading<h1> Display page title <title> entire page <html>
33.what is file type of csc100 lab 1 folder: .html
34.To embed youtube video in website u use : iframe have published index.html to you lab where do u put index.html: under www part 2 of lab 1 if you click <li><a food…> same page publish your ivic html: use cyrberduck
38. Which of the following is not a top level domain? : .bc
39. What is a cybersquatter? : a person/company who registers many ‘well known’ domain names and sells them for huge
40. What can ARPANET best be defined as? An early experimental data network connecting sites across the US.
41. The internet provides all but the following? Moblie Phone Services
42. For two machines on the internet to communicate , they must: know each other's IP Addresses
43. How is information transmitted on the internet? Small IP Packets
44. To establish a peer-to-peer (P2P) connection, the two client computers must? Exchange their IP addresses through a
45. The number 22 in “” is known as? A port number. IP address is like an international phone number. For example, the four part number such as
Specifies? A globally unique network address.
47.What statement is NOT true about hostname? It must have a unique IP address
48. Which is NOT a characteristic of DNS? It is managed by a single centralized computer.
49. What is NOT a part of a URL? An email address
50.What is the primary purpose of cookies? They are designed to record a user's personal preference when visiting a
51. Which of the following is not a key part of the World Wide Web (WWW) Technology? Email
52. JavaScript is embedded inside an HTML file between <script></script>
53. What should you do if you suspect your computer has been infected by a computer virus? Backup all your personal data
54. A mind of spyware that collects your keyboard inputs is called? A keylogger
55. It is a malware hidden inside your computer, used to collect your sensitive personal information is called? Third-party
56. Are hostnames case sensitive? NO


1. A CD can hold 70 minutes, or 700 MB, of uncompressed digital audio. If you

compressed the entire CD using a typical lossy compression digital audio format
(e.g., MP3, AAC), what would the resulting size approximately be?
2. A hexadecimal digit can count from 0 to 15
3. A plain text file can include many scalable fonts.
4. A responsive HTML5 website means
It is based on HTML5 technology that adjusts the website layouts based on viewing
device screen sizes.
5. A sound wave is a change in sound pressure in the air. The bottom half of this image is a
visual representation of a sound wave. What does the vertical axis represent?
6. All HTML files are plain-text files encoded in ASCII only.
7. ASCII stands for
American Standard Code for Information Interchange
8. Both Vector Graphics and Outline Fonts are
9. Each ASCII character is encoded with 7 bits. What is the word encoded by the
following bits “1100100 1100001 1100100” in ASCII?
10. Every file type (or extension) is owned/reserved by a company (e.g., .doc is owned
by Microsoft, and .flv is owned by Adobe). Thus, other companies cannot use the
same file type.
11. Every file type/extension must be associated with exactly one software application
that can open it. That is, .doc must be open with Microsoft Word only.
12. Google Map is an example of a vector graphics application.
13. Every position in Google Map is referred to by two numbers, known as latitude and
14. Google PageRank algorithm ranks search results (i.e., which pages appear first)
based on number of pages which hyperlink to a page
15. How do you make one of the 3 smaller images in part 2 of lab 2 linked to Google
<a href="..."> <img src="..."> </a>
16. How is the Cascade Style Sheet (CSS) in lab 3 part 1 added?t
between the tags <style> and </style> in the HTML file
17. How many decimal numbers can one count using only 5 bits?
18. How much smaller can lossy compression (e.g., MP3) reduce a music CD compared to
lossless compression (e.g., Apple Lossless)?
19. HTML color codes use a #xxxxxx, where xxxxxx must be in hexadecimal
20. Identify the software application (1,2,3,...) to the type of data that it manipulates
1. Miro Convertor D
2. Irfan Viewer (or Preview) B
3. Sublime Text A
4. Adobe Reader C

21. If rgb(255,0,0) is RED, rgb(0,255,0) is GREEN, and rgb(0,0,255) is BLUE, identify the
following rgb values (1,2,3,...) to its colors (A,B,C,...)
C) Yellow
E) Cyan
C 1 . rgb(255,255,0)
D 2. rgb(255,255,255)
B 3. rgb(0,0,0)
E 4. rgb(0,255,255)
A 5. rgb(255,0,255)

22. If we want to center all images in part 1 of lab 3, we need to specify an img
selector with the property margin-left and margin-right set to auto.
23. If you burn a copy of a music album (a CD) that you rip into MP3 format on your
computer, you get a copy of the original CD back (i.e., identical to the original).
24. If you reduce the color-depth (bits per pixel) of an image from 24-bit to 8-bit, what is the
effect on the image?
the image becomes more grainy
25. If you rip an entire CD into your computer using Apple Lossless (or FLAC) format, then
you burn it onto a CDR. You get an identical copy of the original.
26. In a 24-bpp RGB image, what is the maximum number of levels in each color?
27. In CSS box model, the border surrounds everything, i.e., it is the outermost box.
28. In CSS style sheet, if we want the body of the entire HTML document justify, we
must specify both properties width:800px and text-align :justify.
29. In digital audio, a sound wave is sampled at a fixed rate. For CDs, the music is sampled at
44,100 times a second and the amplitude of each sample is encoded by a 16-bit binary
30. In order to change the font of all <h1> headings, in addition to loading the required font
from Google, we also need to add a property font-family in the selector of h1.
31. In part 2 of lab 2 (Google Map markers), we added inside the JavaScript file "map.js" a
title of the marker, so that a name appeared when a cursor is hovered on top of the
32. In the attached image, a piece of JavaScript used in lab 2, the name "#csc100" refers the
<div id ="csc100" style="background:url(csc100a01.jpg);width:1000px;height:512px">
inside the HTML file.
33. In the index.html of part 2 of lab 3, one of the thumbnail images is specified as
<img src="images/thumbs/zjj1.jpg">. Where is the zjj1.jpg?
inside a folder "images/thumbs"
34. It determines the maximum number of colors that can be stored per pixel in a digital
35. It is a scalable outline font technology.
36. It is a technique for reducing the size of a bitmap image file without losing any of its
Lossless compression
37. It is an important characteristic used to measure the quality of a color LCD display in
units of ppi (or dpi).
pixel density
38. It is one of the most common lossy compression digital audio formats on the Internet.
39. It is one of the most common lossy image compression format used by digital cameras.
40. iTunes is an example of a database because it is a structured collection of songs.
41. JavaScript is a web font technology for the WWW.
42. Microsoft Access is an example of
43. Microsoft owns the trademark for ".doc" for all MS Word documents, i.e., no other
company can use it.
44. Pixel density is related to:
size of each pixel
45. Rank the following storage sizes from largest to smallest.
TB, GB, MB, KB, Kb
46. See the attached box model image. Which is the correct margin property?
margin : 50px 25px 70px 100px;
47. Sublime Text can open and edit any HTML files (e.g., index.html) and any Microsoft Word
48. The binary representation of the hexadecimal digit "D" is 001101
49. The CSS selector .highlight means it selects all HTML elements containing the attribute ID
CLASS ="highlight".
50. The file extension (e.g., .jpg, .mp4, .doc) can be changed by a user to anything.
51. The first killer application on personal computer is called
52. The internet of things is about when every gadget (e.g., thermostats, door locks, cars,
etc.) is connected to the Internet.
53. The loudness of a sound wave (e.g., music) is affected by its amplitude.
54. The music data stores inside a CD is uncompressed 16-bit and 44,100 Hz audio.
55. There are many class="youtube" attributes scattered inside your HTML file. Which of the
following statement about CSS rule is incorrect
#youtube { ...}
refers all those elements that have a class="youtube" attribute.
56. To insert a piece of MP3 music (e.g., "song.mp3") into your HTML5 web page, you use
<audio src="song.mp3> </audio>
57. To insert a piece of video (e.g., "ecs.mp4") into your HTML5 web page, you use
<video src="ecs.mp4”> </video>
58. To make a voice sounded deeper or lower, we decrease its
59. To resize a video, you use
Miro Video Converter
60. UTF-8 (also known as Unicode), similar to ASCII (American Standard Code for Information
Interchange), is a standard for:
encoding International character sets, including Chinese, Japanese, etc.
61. Vector graphics are used by artists and designers to create 3D objects inside a computer.
These 3D objects are typically represented inside a computer as:
wire frames
62. What is the binary representation of the decimal number 13?
63. What is the binary representation of the decimal number 22?
64. What is the decimal number represented by the bits ”11011”?
65. What is the decimal number represented by the bits “11101”?
66. What is the most common uncompressed digital video format for consumers?
67. What is the size of a digital picture with a resolution of 1,000 by 1,000 pixels and each
pixel is either black or white? Note that 1,000 × 1,000 = 1,000,000.
1 Megabits
68. What is the storage size of a typical commercial DVD disc?
5-10 GB
69. What is the word encoded by the bits ”1000110 1010100 1010000” in ASCII? Each
character is encoded with 7 bits.
70. When you take a picture using your smartphone, where is the GPS location of that image
inside the metadata of the image file
71. Which application is not suitable for a Home Personal Computer?
Disney movie animation
72. Which application is not suitable for mainframe computers?
73. Which company invented Postscript?
74. Which is an example of a "peer-to-peer" application?
75. Which is an example of a spreadsheet application?
76. Which is not an example of a "cloud" application?
77. Which of the following are important factors determining the quality of digital audio?
Sampling rate and Bit depth
78. Which of the following is an example of a database?
79. Which of the following is not a characteristic of bit-mapped fonts?
invented by Apple
80. Which of the following is not a compressed data format?
81. Which of the following problems that is most suited for using a database?
search our music collections
82. Which statement is not true about a spreadsheet?
It is just a table of structured data (e.g., student records).
83. Which statement is not true about ASCII?
84. It is a bit-mapped font.
85. Why does text displayed on your computer look better than on your TVs?
computer has higher pixel density
86. What are the primary colours used by color digital images and color display?
Green, blue, red
87. What is the minimum number of bits per pixel that we need if we want to represent
up to 7 colors per pixel?
3 bits
88. What is the binary representation of the decimal number 18?
89. The right side of the image shown on a display looks sharper than the left ride
shown on a different display. Why?
Difference in pixel density
90. What is the advantage of a cloud computing device as a Chromebook?
No backup and no updates are necessary
91. Which company invented the PageRank algorithm
92. Wolfram Alpha is an example of
A semantic
93. How are multiple “clickable” markers added in our embedded Google Map in lab 2
part 2
Inside the “map.js” JavaScript
94. To display a panoramic image within a fixed region in a web page (e.g., part 1
“aboutme.html” of lab 2), how is it embedded inside the HTML file?
Inside a Javascript (e.g., <script> … </script>
95. Which is NOT a selector in CSS?
Style (e.g., <style></style>)
96. We used a background watermark.png image in part 1 of lab 3. Which of the
following is correct?
Add background ; url (“watermark.png”) as a property in a body selector
97. Which statement is incorrect when a google web font is used in an HTML file?
The font used must match the font loaded
98. Which of the following is being selected by the CSS selector “p.important {…}”?
All paragraphs with a class = “important” attribute
99. In the index.html of part 2 lab 3, one of the thumbnail images is specified as <img
src=”images/thumbs/zjj1.jpg”>. Where is the zjj1.jpg?
Inside a folder images
100. Which statement is incorrect when a google webfont is used inside an HTML file?
The used font must be embedded inside the HTML file
101. Which of the following is not part of the CSS box model?
102. For any given file extension (jpg, mp4) there is only one application that can open it
F, may be multiple apps that can read/write the same fil formate
103. Which of the following technology is not critical to cloud computing
Touch screen display
104. What is the color-depth (bits per pixel) for a 16 levels of a grayscale image?
105. What is the technology used in Google Map, 3D model of a protein molecule, and 3D
model of a human head?
Vector Graphics
106. What is the minimum number of frames per second used in typical Motion Pictures
(movies in a cinema)?
107. Identify the storage size (1, 2, 3) to its actual number of bytes (a, b, c)
A)KB, B)MB, C)GB, D)TB, E)Kb (bits = lower case, bytes = upper case)
108. Which of the following is not a digital video format?
109. Which of the following is not a valid HTML color?
Rbg (300, 100, 45)
110. It is a structured collection of data searchable by a structure query language
111. An operating system uses the file type/extension to identify which software application to
open a data file (e.g., .jpg, .mov, .doc).
112. The movie (digital video) stored inside a DVD is compressed MPEG 2
113. It is the unit used in digital audio data, which means “times per second”
Hertz (or Hz)
114. Which of the following best summarizes the primary difference between a spreadsheet and
a database?
One can re-calculate instantly using numbers and formulas, and the other cannot.
115. The Facebook like button was added in lab 2 (part 1and part 3) as
A piece of embedded JavaScript
116. To embed a YouTube video into your web page, you use
<iframe src=”…”> </iframe>
117. In terms of storage size, 1GB is
Eight billion bits
118. Spreadsheet was invented by Microsoft
119. If the frist line in an HTML file contains <!DOCTYPE html> the it means this file follows
the HTML5 standard.
120. The multiple markers shown in the embedded Google Map in our part 2 of lab 2 are
clickable. This feature of clickable marker is provided by the Google Map (i.e., itself.
121. It is the rate (times per second) at which sound is recorded in digital audio.
Sampling frequency
122. If we want to play an audio automatically whenever a page is loaded, we add Autoplay
where “???” is in <audio ??? src= “mysong.mp3”></audio>
123. If we specify a CSS rule for #youtube, then every embedded youtube video will be styled
the same
124. Microsoft access is an example of
125. Graphic User Interface (WYSIWYG) was invented by Apple Inc.
126. A selector #youtube in CSS refers to an id name “youtube” which can appear multiple

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