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however = insa, dar totusi

nevertheless = totusi, cu toate acestea

still = totusi, insa, dar, cu toate acestea

while = whereas = pe cata vreme, in timp ce, pe cand

yet (nevertheless) = totusi, cu toate acestea

accordingly = in consecinta, deci, prin urmare, ca atare

consequently = in consecinta, asadar, prin urmare

therefore = astfel cA, deci, de aceea, asadar, prin urmare, in consecinta

for = caci, pentru ca, intrucat, deoarece, fiindca

as far as = pana unde / la

as soon as = de indata ce, imediat ce

as if = as though = ca si cand, de parca, parca sa

in order to/that = cu scopul de a, ca sa

so that = asa incat, ca sa

though = although = desi, cu toate ca

even if = chiar daca

no matter how = nu conteaza cat/cum, indiferent cat/cum

in spite of = in ciuda

in spite of the fact that = in ciuda faptului ca, desi, chiar daca

provided that = cu conditia ca

to whom = who(m) . . . to = caruia, careia, carora

whom / that = pe care (pentru persoane)

Secondly, and far more importantly . . . = In al doilea rand, si mult mai important . . .
and to conclude . . .= si in incheiere
first / firstly = in primul rand, mai intai
second / secondly = in al doilea rand
third / thirdly = in al treilea rand
to conclude = in incheiere / concluzie
for a start = pentru inceput
I want to begin by saying that. = Vreau sa incep prin a spune (spunand) ca.
Another thing is that . . . = Alt lucru este ca . . .
Which is far more important. = Care este cu mult mai important.
There is still another thing. = Mai este inca un lucru.
The final thing I must say is . . . = Ultimul lucru pe care trebuie sa-l spun este . . .
The second/third reason is . . . = Al doilea/treilea motiv este . . .
Also, it's not . . . = De asemenea, nu este . . .

That reminds me of . . . = Asta imi aminteste de . . .

By the way. = By the by. = Apropo.
In a word, briefly. = Intr-un cuvant, pe scurt.
My conclusion is that . . . = Concluzia mea este ca . . .
That is. = That is to say. = Adica
This is another way of putting it. = Aceasta este un alt fel/mod de a-l spune/ exprima.
Such an example would be . . . = Un astfel de exemplu ar fi
As a result...= consequently... = Ca urmare; in consecinta...
The consequence was that . . . = Consecinta/urmarea a fost ca . . .
The consequence of his being late was that . . . = Consecinta/urmarea intarzierii lui a fost ca . .
in other words = cu alte cuvinte
in that case = in cazul acela
if so = daca e asa
if not = daca nu
I would rather say = as spune/zice mai degraba
a way of putting it = un fel de a spune
a better way of putting it = un fel mai bun de a zice
It would be better to . . . = Ar fi mai bine sa. ….
on the one hand / side = pe de o parte; on the other hand / side = pe de alta parte
on the contrary = dimpotriva
by contrast = prin contrast
Of course, he . . .= Desigur, el . . .
He is , of course.... = El este, desigur...
it is true that = este adevarat ca
There is little doubt about that. = Este putina indoiala in privinta aceasta/aceea.
There is no doubt about that. = Nu este nici o indoiala in acest sens.
The truth is that . . . = Adevarul este ca . . .

Nevertheless- cu toate acestea

Due to- din cauza

Furthermore/ moreover - in plus

Owing to- datorita

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