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Dimensions of Health and Wellness

Student Name

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Dimensions of Health and Wellness


A good number of people have the idea of what being health is, but a majority of people

have blurred ideas of what wellness is and end up defining it in terms of physical health –

exercises, managing of weight, eating health and nutritious food among many others. However,

that’s not the case because wellness is a holism; an integration of mental fitness, physical fitness,

and spiritual well-being. It is the refueling of the body, having the brain engaged and nurturing

our spiritual ream. It is a lifestyle and a personalized kind of life approach that enables us to

become the best versions of ourselves according to our capabilities, situations that comes along

with life and where fate throws us at. This paper seeks to explain some of my own experiences

that I have gone though while trying to improve on my health and wellness a s a student. It will

give out some of the areas that I found motivating; those that improve on, areas where I declined

and some ways on how to improve them, the benefits of health and wellness to me as a student

and to the entire society among others.

Dimensions of health and wellness that I excelled

First of all there fiver major dimensions of wellness which include: emotional, physical,

intellectual, social and spiritual wellness. In order for one to have health and wellness all these

aspects have to be synchronized and none should be neglected. In my wellness assessments there

are two dimensions that I performed exceptionally well; and these are my spiritual wellness and

my emotional wellness.

a) Spiritual wellness

Spiritual components wellness are the most personal piece of the puzzle you will find

when trying to put all the five dimension of health and wellness together. Normally, all human

are trying to live a life with a meaning and a purpose and when all these targets are achieved then

one’s life if full of harmony and even those one surrounds themselves with. This piece of the

wellness puzzle involves an individual’s values, beliefs and their purpose in life. Throughout

may assessment experience I learned that it can be achieved both mentally and physical and two

of my activities that were so effective were going for yoga and thinking to find a deeper meaning

of life, how it ought to be lived and whom I am. Yoga is physical technique that helps one in

increasing their spiritual wellness by decreasing both emotional and physical strains of the body

and mind. It also lowers blood pressure, boosts the immune system, reduces anxiety, stress, and

depression among others and brings emotional and body coolness which increases one’s health

and wellness. Going for yoga excelled my spiritual wellness and it felt like a therapy to me.

b) Emotional wellness

This is the second piece of health and wellness puzzle that I felted that I excelled pretty

well. Emotions are how we feel at a given time. It can range from bitterness, happiness, sorrow,

for better for worse; a number of times we find ourselves experiencing a wide range of emotions

at the same time. With referring what emotional wellness is, the first thing I learned is that I

should be able to identify the exact feeling that I am having at any given moment. Through this

process I engaged in being positive and acceptance of mistakes. It is very easy for one to be

caught up in negative thoughts because of the circumstances or the people that you’re with. I

learned that during such time the best solution is to redirect my thought on the positive side of

the situation; being optimistic no matter what kind of situation I am. I also learned that it is okay

to limit friendships or association of pessimistic people but most fundamentally I learned about

emotional intelligence which restricts one from experiencing extreme emotions by reading books

on this topic. On acceptance of mistakes I realized that it’s okay to make mistakes and no one is

perfects. During this assessment period I read book about accepting mistakes and negotiating

even when the stakes are high, getting into consensus with people I disagree with so as to solve a

collective mistake.

Dimensions of health and wellness that I declined

It is right to fail, but it is more important for one to find out the mistakes they made or their

weakness and begins to work on them so as to achieve my health and wellness

assessment I failed in the following two dimensions:

a) Physical wellness

This is one of the dimensions were I failed. Despite attending yoga classes, reading book on

emotional intelligence and improving on my spiritual wellness, I still never found time to do

body exercise. Additionally, I took more of sugary drinks, I took fatty meals and I never had

enough sleep over the night because I had only three hours of sleep within that whole health and

wellness assessment period. In order to improve on my physical wellness I am planning to

embark on the following activities

 Drink more water to keep my body hydrated and avoiding sugary drinks

 Eating more fruits and vegetables and avoiding consumption of fast and fatty foods

 Having enough sleep over the night

 Excising habitually

b) Social wellness

I am an introvert and one of my biggest challenges has been trying to find the equilibrium

between my private life and my social life. In matters of wellness during the assessment period

this is one of the fields where I failed. I have had an issue with not knowing who to trust and who

not to trust and this has made me seek to live lonely life which is not good for one’s social

wellness. To improve on this aspect I am planning to implement the following so that I can

achieve social excellence and wellness.

 I am planning to get involves in group and clubs of my interest in school

 Knowing clearly my circle of friends and who to trust and not trust

 Identify unhealthy relationships and pull myself out of them

 And try to find an equilibrium between my private life and my social life

Health and wellness benefits to a student

The following are some of health wellness to students

 Leads to improved health of a student

 Increases students’ academic performance

 Reduces students class absenteeism

 Increases students’ self-esteem


Health and wellness necessitates an excellent self-stewardship nor only for ourselves but

also for those who we care for. Having health and wellness requires all dimensions of health and

wellness integrated. This integration brings about holism which cannot be achieved with the

isolation of one dimension. Wellness is viewed from a holistic perspective because it embraces

positivity and the well-being of the human mind, body and spirit.

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