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Algebraic Forms, Linear equations and Inequalities in One or Two


Slide 1

Algebraic forms is a mathematical form which in its presentation contains letters to represent
unknown numbers.

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The elements algebraic forms :
 Value is part of the algebraic form separated by a sign + ( Addition) or –
 Coefficient is The number factor of a product with a variable. If there is a
coefficient of value equal to 1, so there isn’t need to write it. If 1a-1b-1c is
sufficient to write with a-b-c
 a constant is symbol that states a certain number (fixed number)

Slide 3
Example :
 Value
9a+2b consists of two values is 9a and 2b
3n2-2n-n consists of three values is 3n2,2n and N
 Coefficient
5x3+ 2y -2 so 5 is Coefficient from X3 while 2 is coefficient form Y
 a constant
9a +8b-3 so value of three is a constant

Slide 4
arithmetic operations of Algebraic forms
addition and substraction of Algebraic forms
example : 3x2+6x-2x2-10x
= 3x2- 2x2+ 6x-10X
= x2-4x

Multiplication a constant with Algebraic forms in the set of integers applies the distributive
principle of multiplication to the addition is
Ax (b+C)= (a.b)+ (a.c)
distributive principle of multiplication to the substruction is
a. (b-c)= (a.b) –(a.c)

Slide 5
Slide 6
Powers of Numbers and Algebraic forms
Thats an= a.a.a.a..... etc , n is positive numbers
it also applies to algebraic forms such as the following example
( 3x2)= 3x.3x = 9x2
Slide 7
Linear equations and Inequalities in One or Two Variable

Equations are mathematical sentences which show that there are two sentences of equal
value. The equation uses the equal sign
Silde 8
one variable linear equation is an equation that only uses one variable with the power of one
can be written with the formula:
ax+b=0 a and b is element of real numbers and a not equals zero

slide 9
One variable linear equation is an equation that uses only one variable with the power of one,
can be written with the formula: 𝑎𝑥 + 𝑏 = 0, with a, b∈R and a ≠ 0.

Slide 10
The linear equation of one variable will remain equivalent if: - both segments are added /
subtracted by bil. same - Both segments are multiplied or divided by the same number
Example :
2y+3 = 13
2y+3-3 = 13-3
2y = 10
2y : 2 = 10 : 2

Slide 11
The two variable linear equation is an equation that uses 2 variables with the rank of each
variable one, which can be written in the formula:
𝑎𝑥 + 𝑏𝑦 = 𝑐, where a, b, and c riil are real numbers
A two-variable linear equation system is two two-variable linear equations that have one

Slide 12
The two-variable linear equation system can be solved by:
a)Graph Method
▪ Draw a straight line for the x-axis and y-axis in the Cartesian diagram. ▪ Find the x and y
points of each known equation.
▪ Enter the points obtained in the Cartesian coordinates.
▪ Draw a line from that point to determine the intersection point. This intersection point is the
set of solutions.

Slide 13
Example: Determine the settlement set of x + y = 4 and x + 3y = 6 with the graph method!

So, the graph x + y = 4 has points (0.4) and (4.0)
So, the graph x + 3y = 6 has points (0,2) and (6,0)

Slide 14
Based on the system graphic image the equation of x + y = 4 and x + 3y = 6 above shows that
the coordinates of the intersection points of the two lines are (3, 1).
So , the set of solutions of the system of equations x + y = 4 and x + 3y = 6 is (3, 1).

Slide 15
b) Elimination Method
▪ Select 1 variable that you want to eliminate first, then match the coefficients by multiplying
the equation with the opposite number
▪ Eliminate 1 equation by dividing or subtracting the equation

Slide 16


Determine the x value of the equation x + 3y = 1 and 2x - y = 9 with the elimination method!
Answer :

x + 3y = 1 x1 x + 3y = 1

2x – y = 9 x3 6x – 3y = 27

7x = 28


So, the value of x is 4

Slide 17
Substitution method
By using the steps:
 Solve one of the equations for one of the variable
 Plug the equation in step 1 back into the other equation, substitute for the chosen
variable and solve for the other. Then you back solve for the first variable.
Slide 18
Determine the solution set the following linear equation system y= 7-3x and 2x-
5y = 33 by substitution method.
Substitute equation y = 7 - 3x to equation 2x - 5y = 33
2x – 5 (7 – 3x) = 33
2x – 35 + 15x = 33
2x + 15x – 35 = 33
17x = 33 + 35
17x = 68
substitute x = 4 to y = 7 – 3x
y = 7 – 3x
y = 7 – 3 (4)
y = 7 – 12
y = -5
so, the solution set is {(4,-5)}
Slide 19
Mixed Method (Elimination and Substitution)
Determine the solution set the following linear equation system x + 3y = 1 and 2x
– y = 9 by mixed method.
 Elimination
x + 3y = 1 x1 x + 3y = 1
2x – y = 9 x3 6x – 3y = 27
7x = 28
 Substitution
Substitute x = 4 to x + 3y =1
x + 3y =1
4 + 3y =1
3y =1-4
3y = -3
y= -1
So, the solution set is {(4,-1)}

Slide 20
Linear Inequality One and Two Variables
Inequality is a mathematical sentence that shows that there are two sentences that are not
worth. The inequality uses the signs "<,>, ≤, ≥".

Slide 21
One variable linear inequality
One variable linear inequality is an open sentence that has only one variable and
has one degree and contains a relationship (<,>, ≤ or ≥). Usually written: ax + b <0,
ax + b> 0, or ax + b ≥ 0, or ax + b ≤ 0, with a and b real numbers.

Slide 22
The Properties of One Variable Linear Inequality
1. The sign of an inequality does not change. If both segments are added or subtracted by the
same number
If a> b then a ± c> b ± c
If a <b then a ± c <b ± c
If a ≥ b then a ± c ≥ b ± c
If a ≤ b then a ± c ≤ b ± c
2. The sign of inequality does not change if both segments are multiplied or divided by the
same positive number.
3. The sign of inequality changes if both segments are multiplied or divided by the same
negative number.
Slide 23

𝑥>2 for x natural numbers less than 10
3. (3 𝑥) > 2.3 The two segments are multiplied by three

For x natural numbers less than 10, the solution is x = 7, x = 8 or x = 9

Slide 24
Linear Inequality of two Variables
The linear inequality of two variables can be written using the formula:
𝑎𝑥 + 𝑏𝑦 <𝑐
𝑎𝑥 + 𝑏𝑦> 𝑐
𝑎𝑥 + 𝑏𝑦≤𝑐
𝑎𝑥 + 𝑏𝑦≥𝑐
With a coefficient x, b coefficient y, and c constants. Where a, b, and c are real numbers and
a ≠ 0, b ≠ 0.

Slide 25
A linear inequality is usually represented by a graph, while the steps in drawing a graph are
as follows:
▪ Change the sign of inequality into equality
▪ Determine the intersection of the Cartesian cooedinat with the x axis and the y axis
▪ Use a test point to determine the settlement area
▪ Draw the graph and shading the area which is the set of solutions

Slide 26
1. Find the settlement area of the linear inequality of two variables 3x + y <9?
3x + y <9
3x + y = 9

Furthermore, any one point is taken as a test point, for example O (0, 0),
3 (0) + 0 <9
0 <9 (correct)

Slide 27
Because the statement is true, then (0.0) includes the solution. So the area containing (0,0) is
the solution. In this case, the non-shaded area is the solution of the inequality.

Slide 28
2. Find the settlement area of the linear inequality system of two variables x + y ≤ 9, 6x + 11y
≤ 66, x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0?

6x + 11y ≤ 66
6x + 11y = 66

Slide 29
 x ≥ 0, the line drawing coincides with the y axis with the settlement area to the
right of the y axis
 y ≥ 0, the line drawing coincides with the x-axis with the settlement
area above the x-axis
completion chart
Test point (0,0)
0 ≤ 9 (correct)
Test point (0,0)
6 (0) + 11 (0) ≤ 66
0 ≤ 66 (correct)

Teks Moderator

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

How are you, friend ?

we from the second group standing here will present about “Algebraic Forms
Linear equations and Inequalities in One or Two Variable”

first introduce my name is Tia Utami as the moderator, my partner Nurul as the
first speaker and my partner Rizqi Amalia as the second speaker.

Ok Guys ...

Next will be explained by Nurul as first speaker, Time is your....

( Jelasin PPT pemateri 1)

Next will be explained by kiki as second speaker, Time is your

( Jelasin PPT pemateri 2)

Thank you to the speakers, and then the question and answer session, we open 2
questions please...

Thank you for your questions , the question will be answered by... ( Nurul)

Ok guys that's all we can say more or less we apologize and thank you for your

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb .

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