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How The Communists Took Control

by Alan Stang

Thirly—Five Cents
About the author: Alan Stang is a former business editor
for Prentiee—Halli Inc.. and has written. produced, and done
research for network radio and television. Mr. Stang is an
AMERICAN OPINION Contributing Editor and is author of
the Western Islands bestsellers. It’s Very Simple and The
Actor Author Stang, who earned his BA. at City College of
New York and his Masters at Columbia University, spent
months researching this article and interviewed authorities
on the scene in Canada.

Reprints of this copyrighted article. Canada by Alan Stang.

are available at the following prices: One to 99 copies. three
for one dollar: 100—999 copies,twe11ty-i'ive cents each: 1,000
or more copies, twenty cents each.

This article first appeared in AMERICAN OPINION

magazine. a Conservative journal of opinion in April of I971.
The subscription rate for AMERICAN OPINION, to any
address in the United States, is ten dollars per year: twelve
dollars to other countries. For either reprints or sub-
scriptions. address:

Belmont, Massachusetts 02178
How The Communists Took Control
I MANY Canadians know a lot about America. They watch American television.
They read American magazines. But until a few years ago most Americans didn‘t know
much about Canada. There was the colorful Calgary Stampede, of course. There were
the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. There was Sergeant Preston 7 and his loyal dog,
King. But that, as far as most knew, was it.
The situation has now been simplified. There is only one thing anyone has time to
know: The events of last year prove that if enough Canadians, with the help of enough
Americans, don’t act soon enough to prevent it, Canada in avery short time will be a
totalitarian dictatorship of the kind in Cuba.
The story starts with Prime Minister Pierre-Elliott Trudeau who, as your newspaper
has told you, is irresistibly charmant. By now you know that those admitted to his
presence leave forever énchanté. His wit is like Champagne, his learning immense. He
adores pretty girls. They adore him. His overpowering masculinity may well destroy
the Women’s Liberation Front.
Trudeau had an unhappy childhood, as a man of the people should. True, he did
like being driven to school in 3 Rolls Royce. He was glad his father was a millionaire.
Money came in so handy. But he became unhappy because so many other fathers were
not millionaires. He decided to become “socially conscious.”
Pierre Trudeau is now about fifty-one years old. As with so much else about him,
his exact age is a mystery in 1939, Hitler and his ally Stalin signed their
Non-Aggression Pact, started World War 11 and divided Poland between them. And
Lucky Pierre apparently became two years younger — less vulnerable to the Canadian
draft. He opposed the war. he explained, because. “Like most Quebecers, l was taught
to keep away from imperialistic wars.” Stalin also called it an “imperialistic war,” and
sabotaged our side ~ until Hitler attacked him, which made the war “patriotic” 7 but
this doesn’t prove anything. After all, Joe may have gotten the term from Pierre.
During the “imperialistic war," Pierre spent some time in the Canadian Officers
Training Corps, but was kicked out for what he says was “lack of discipline" 7
which was a shame. His overwhelming masculinity would have terrified the Nazis. He
also spent some time in the Communist-backed Bloc Populaire, helping to undermine
the war effort. Like the Communists at the time, he apparently believed Hitler wasn’t
that bad.
In 1947, Trudeau was a student at the London School of Economics, founded by
the Fabian Socialists to train Marxists and spread Marxism. Professor Harold Laski,
then head of the Fabian Society, was publicly advocating violent revolution at the
time. Almost twenty years later, Trudeau, about to become Prime Minister, reflected
on his training and told reporter Norman DePoe that Laski is “the most stimulating
and powerful influence he has encountered.”
APRIL. 1971 1
For instance, Trudeau was also a student in Paris, where, apparently under the
influence, he was arrested with other demonstrators but escaped from the police.
Then come a mystifying couple of years, during which, we are told, Lucky Pierre
was a vagabond. Money comes in so handy. Apparently, he visited Communist
Yugoslavia. He was in the Middle East during the first Arab—lsraeli war. He was in
Shanghai when Mao Tse—tung took over. He had many dangerous adventures. He
fought bandits, He fought pirates — all of whom his overwhelming masculinity helped
him overwhelm.
Then the young millionaire came home, dressed like a hippie, sporting a beard. In
1949, he got a job as an economic advisor to the Privy Council in Ottawa. Igor
Gouzenko, the Soviet Embassy official who exposed Communist espionage activities in
Canada after World War 11, says Trudeau got that job with the help of Robert Bryce,
who was Clerk of the Privy Council at the time. Bryce had earlier served in
Washington, says Gouzenko, where he belonged to a Communist study group and was
a close friend of Soviet spy Alger Hiss.
While in Paris, Pierre had spent some time with Canadian Gerard Pelletier, who was
then with World University Service, he says, “giving American money to countries that
were about to go Communist.” (Maclean ’5, February 24, 1962.)
Now, in Montreal, in 1951, Trudeau and Pelletier began to publish a magazine they
called Ciré Lz'bre, in which they carried the commentaries of various distinguished
intellectuals. There was Professor Raymond Boyer, for instance, who earlier had been
exposed by Gouzenko and convicted of Soviet espionage. There was frequent
contributor Pierre Gelinas, Quebec Director of Agitation and Propaganda for the
Communist Party. There was Stanley B. Ryerson, leading theoretician of the
Communist Party and editor ofMarxist Review.
Toronto Star editor Peter Newman, :1 Trudeaucrat, wrote in 1968 that Cité Libre
did not publish Ryerson. As you see on Page 15, the table of contents says it did
Also in 1951, the Communist World Peace Council, and the Communist World
Federation of Trade Unions, then run by V.V. Kuznetsov of Soviet Intelligence. began
planning an international economic conference to be held the next year in Moscow.
Indeed, so obvious was the nature of the-forthcomjng conference that in December,
1951, then Canadian Justice Minister Stuart Carson warned all Cabinet Ministers
that it was a Communist operation, and advised that government employees
should not attend.
The conference was held in April, 1952. Of the 471 delegates, 132 were from
officially Communist countries. Observers at the time estimated that 300 of the
remaining 339 were known or suspected Party members e which left 39 or so for
window dressing.
Marcus Leslie Hancock, one of the six delegates from Canada, says the Canadian
delegation was organized by the Canadian Communist Party, which also paid the
delegates’ bills. Hancock, then a Communist, says that everyone else he knew in the
delegation was also a Party member.
The report of that conference, printed in Moscow, is now very hard to get. All
copies in Canadian libraries have disappeared. You see a part of that report reproduced
on Page 3. As you see, one of the delegates was Pierre-Elliott Trudeau. Indeed, the
fact that Trudeau’s name appears first means he headed the Communist delegation.
Hancock says he didn’t know Trudeau, who stayed at a different hote1.Millionaires,
after all, don’t mix with peasants. It’s outré.
Trudeau apparently was inspired in Moscow. He couldn’t wait to get home, where
he began writing pro-Soviet articles. He couldn’t understand why Le Droit (Ottawa)
and L’Action Catholique (Quebec City) began calling him a Communist. All he had
done was attend a Communist meeting in Moscow as a guest of the Communist Party
at the head of a Communist delegation. All he was doing now was publishing his
Pierre Elliott Trudeau. econo-
INTERNATIONAL mist. ’Le Devm'r correspondent
Wultam Garth Teeple, Genera]
Manager at the Workers'
IN MOSCOW Maren: Leslie Hancock. horti-
Mm: : xx, Morris Miller, economist. Presi-
dent at Ms 5: M. Trading
Michael Myer Freeman, EXECU‘
mitt)! ‘5 “m W
*Ive, Health Bread Bakery. Ltd.
Inch Comm, President of
Overseas Travel. Limited,
(Jvcrse-s Trading Corporation

To the loft of Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau is the report of the Rods' International Eunomic
Conference held in Moscow in 1952. To the right is the part of that report listing Canadian
delegltli. Former Communist Marcus Hancock has testified that the Canadian delegation,
headed by Trudeau, was organized by Canada's Communist Party, which paid the delegtee'
bills. Hancock, himself a delegate, says everyone he knew in the delegation was a Party member.
thanks. He couldn’t understand why in 1953 he was barred from entry into the United
States. The Eisenhower Administration was then getting ready to admit some Soviet
secret policemen to attend a meeting of the World Council of Churches — but poor
Pierre they kept out. Why?
Pierre later explained that while in Moscow for the conference he actually threw
snowballs at Stalin’s statue w and remember that Stalin was still alive. Isn't the man’s
overwhelming masculinity overwhelming?
But Toronto Tefegmm correspondent Peter Worthington checked the meteoro-
logical records and found that there was no snow in Moscow during that conference in
April, 1952. Worthington published that fact, and for some reason Pierre has since
been angry at him.
During the next few years, Trudeau clashed frequently with the Quebec Provincial
Police, published various Communist articles and organized Le Rassemblement, a
political front so communistic even the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation w
now the Socialist New Democratic Party — refused to join. He applied several times for
a teaching job at the University of Montreal, but his Communist activities led
Paul—Emile Cardinal Leger to reject him.
Pierre apparently had developed a taste for leading delegations to Communist
countries. In 1960 he led another — to Communist China. He participated in a
Communist “victory celebration.” He met his idol, Mao Tse-tung. He collaborated on a
book called Two Innocents In Red China. (Toronto, Oxford University Press, 1968.)
Trudeau describes his meeting with the Communist leaders like this: “ . . . It is a stir-
ring moment: these greybeards, in their ripe old age, embody today the triumph of an
APRIL, 1971 3
idea, an idea that has turned the whole world upside down and profoundly changed the
course of human history.” Of the greybeard who has murdered more than 30 million
Chinese, Trudeau says: “ . . . Mao Tse-tung, one of the great men of the century, has a
powerful head, an unlined face, and a look of wisdom tinged with melancholy. The eyes
in that tranquil face are heavy with having seen too much of the misery ofmen.”
You don’t believe he said it. 1 know. Neither did I. Get the book. Notice that the
typical Trudeau sarcasm and condescension are gone. Now the Lord Protector of the
Realm fawns and scrapes.
Indeed, says Trudeau: “Everyone knows that the Communists summarily rushed to
the gallows or to jail many of the great landed proprietors. It was the genius of Mao
Tse~tung to realize the extent to which his revolution must depend on the peasants,
and he mercilessly suppressed the class that inspired in these peasants awe, respect, and
submissiveness towards outworn traditions.”
This you still may not believe, even if you read the book yourself. Here, Trudeau
not only justifies Mao Tse-tung’s mass murders 7 he applauds them. They are good, he
says. They are necessary. They prove Mao’s genius.
Lucky Pierre loves to travel. He was in Ghana when Communist Kwame Nkrumah
took control, We don’t know why. Pierre won’t say. He was in Algeria when
Communist Ahmed Ben Bella took over. We don’t know why. Pierre won’t say. Early
in 1961, at about the time of the Bay of Figs, the U.S. Coast Guard picked him up.
Pierre was paddling a canoe to Cuba from Key West. We don’t know why. Pierre won’t
say. The Coast Guard deported Pierre to Canada, but he did get to Cuba in 1964, after
all. He doesn’t say what happened there. Neither does Fidel.
“When a question is tough or Mr. Trudeau wishes to avoid it, he goes into an
elaborate performance,” writes Peter Worthington. “His hands start gesturing, the
shoulders wriggle, the eyebrows squirm, the mouth puckers and after some groping for
appropriate words Mr. Trudeau invariably says something that is often irrelevant,
usually amusing and always evasive. His listeners laugh or giggle as is their individual
went, and the moment is past. Next question.”
By 1962, traditionalist Quebec Premier Maurice Duplessis was dead, and Trudeau
finally became a professor at the University of Montreal, overcoming the usual
protests. He went right to work turning out Fidelistas. indeed, the school is now
teeming with them. Apparently he admires Castro as much as Mao.
And in 1963, he campaigned vigorously with the Marxist New Democratic Party
against the Liberals, who roughly correspond to the Democrats in the States. Trudeau
called the Liberals “idiots” because they had decided to use nuclear weapons for ;
defense. The Liberals. he said, were "a spineless herd.”
So much for Trudeau’s biography. What about his ideas? What’s behind his policies?

Thoughts 0f Chairman Trudeau

“ . . .The drive towards power must begin with the establishment of bridgeheads,”
says Trudeau (Federalism And The French Canadians, New York, St. Martin’s Press, '
1968), “since at the outset it is obviously easier to convert specific groups or localities
than to win over an absolute majority of the whole nation.”
So Trudeau isn’t simply trying to govern Canada. He isn’tjust trying to protect the
realm, as he should. What he is really doing is using his powerful position as a weapon.
What he really wants, like his idol, Mao Tse-tung, is power. Indeed, says Trudeau, “the
experience of that superb strategist Mao Tse-tung might lead us to conclude that in a
vast and heterogeneous country, the possibility of establishing socialist strongholds in
certa .1 regions is the very best thing. . . .”
It’s unnecessary and infeasible to establish Socialism all at once. he says. In a big coun-
try like China, or like Canada, the best way to impose Socialism is to manipulate group
after group and seize region after region. He says "Federalism must be welcomed as a
valuable tool which permits dynamic parties to plant socialist governments in certain
provinces, from which the seed of radicalism can slowly spread.”
Notice the crucially important fact that Trudeau’s famous opposition to separatism
isn‘t based, like Lincoln’s, on a desire to keep his country together. Federalism for
Trudeau is like everything else a tool 7 with which to impose Communism on Canada.
Socialism in one province will seep into another. he says. But if the separatists are
successful 7 if a Socialist province becomes a foreign country 7 then that seepage is
made more difficult. On the other hand. without the degree of provincial autonomy
federalism allows Trudeau says he would be faced with the difficult task of imposing
Socialism at once. Federalism allows it to be done province by province. That is why 1
he wantsjust enough autonomy — but not too much.
What about specific tactics? Tmtleau explains that “in terms of political tactics,
the only real question democratic socialists must answer is. ‘Just how much reform
can the majority of the people be brought to desire at the present time?’ " PeoPIe
are “brought” to desire what Pierre wants. They are manipulated. The Socialism is
Canadians pace outside
the Parliament build-
ings in Ottawa on Octo-
ber 16, 1970, awaiting
word of what Premier
Trudeau will do after
declaration of the War
Measures Act has made
him a virtual dictator.
Using as his excuse the
kidnapping of two offi-
cials by the Communist
F.L.O., Trudeau set a
precedent for Police
State methods which
can only strengthen his
hand when he considers
the time right fora more
permanent Communist
takeover from the top.

slyly slipped over on them. Socialists must know how far to go at any time. As
Pierre puts it: “I should like to see socialists feeling free to espouse whatever
political trends or to use whatever constitutional tools happen to fit each particular
problem at each particular time . . . . ”
Use the law, the government, and the political Parties to advance Socialism. says
Pierre. If something is useable for the purpose. use it. “The Government is not in
Quebec, not in Ottawa, but out in the street,” Trudeau has said. “We, too,must take
APRIL, 1 9 71' 5
to the streets,” he explained in Montreal in 1969, because “the orientation to be given
our society is going to be decided in the street.”
What should we conclude about Pietre-Elliott Trudeau? Observe that it was obvious
his idol Mao was a Communist long before the New York Times finally agreed. It was
obvious that Castro was a Communist long before he announced it. It was obvious,long
before he took over, that Ben Bella was a Communist. But the incredible fact is that in
Trudeau’s case the same thing is more obvious than in all the others put together.
Indeed, remember that we are talking here, of course, only about the known facts.
In Montreal, a former Police Intelligence official told me that the Royal Canadian
Mounted Police (R.C.M.P.) over the years had collected a big file on Trudeau, but that
Pierre destroyed it as soon as he could.
So there really is only one conclusion to be drawn. As you know, I usually draw it
only after discovering the serial numbers of someone’s Party card tattooed on his
forehead. But in this case, as we have seen, there is nothing else to say — and Pierre,
after all, isn’t trying very hard to hide it. I wish there were some other conclusion, but
there isn’t. Pierre-Elliott Trudeau is a Communist. He has always been a Communist.
He is now conspiring to impose Communist dictatorship on the people ofCanada.
But a perennial question arises, so let’s deal with it at once: Why would a
millionaire like Pierre work all his life for Communism? isn’t he working against
himself? If the people rise up — “from the bottom, mad with hunger and disease” 7
and if the Revolution succeeds, won’t Pierre be overthrown?
And the answer, of course, as we have seen, is “No” 7 because Trudeau is the
Revolution. People don’t rise up from the bottom for Communism mad with hunger
and disease. The Communists say they do, but they don’t. They’re too hungry and too
sick. Communism is dictatorship — of the “proletariat” 7 and like every variety of
dictatorship is always pressed dawn on people by dictators at the top — by well—fed
dictators like Pierre Trudeau. What Trudeau wants — he says so himself — is power.
That’s what every Communist wants. In a cafeteria on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, a
Member of Parliament, and of the loyal opposition, leans across the table and tells me:
“Trudeau Would starve you, your family, and everyone west of Winnipeg to death, if
he thought it meant one more ounce of political power.”
Three years ago, on television, Trudeau was asked which politician in history he
most admired.
“Machiavelli,” Trudeau replied.
How does a Communist like this get to be Prime Minister of Canada?

The Big Switch

In 1963, as you will remember, Trudeau had campaigned for the Marxist New
Democrats, and had called the Liberals “idiots” and “a spineless herd.” Two years
later, in 1965, Trudeau, Gerard Pelletier and Jean Marchand, of Cite' Libre, decided to
run for Parliament themselves — as Liberals. In an article in Le Devoir, Trudeau and
Pelletiet explained to the dumbfounded N.D.P. that “we are pursuing the same
objectives and adhering to the same political ideas we have been espousing for so long
in Cité Libre , . . . ” Among these ideas was “a politics open to the left.” It should be
understood, they explained, that “a political patty is not an end, but a means.”
Trudeau, in other words, was still working for Communism. He had become a
Liberal simply because the Liberals could win and the N.D.P. couldn’t, He was frankly
using the Liberal Party, in accordance with the Maoist tactics he so admires.
The three revolutionaries were elected, shortly after which Prime Minister Lester
Pearson appointed deeau his Parliamentary Secretary. Politicians and reporters
stared at each other, Who is Trudeau? In 1967, Pearson appointed him Minister of
Justice. Politicians and reporters stared at each other. Who is Trudeau? And in 1968.
Pearson conveniently retired, opening the way for Lucky Pierre.
I realize that what you have already read presses painfully on your limits of belief,
but the fact is that Pearson is also a Communist. Elizabeth Bentley, the late, former
Soviet spy, testified in Executive Session before a Congressional Subcommittee in
Washington that “Mike” Pearson had been one of those who passed information to her
spy ringf“
That a Communist of the Pearson sort should become Prime Minister ofCanada is
understandable. Bland and smiling, he tricked the Canadian people, as other Communist
traitors have tricked people in country aftercountry. He concealed his real color by con-
tinually mouthing “peace.” But Trudeau, as we have seen, boldly tells us what he thinks,
Could it be that the Conspiracy decided the time had come to make Canada an official
Communist state? Could it be that Pierre and Mike had a cozy réte-a-réte?
Early in 1968, Pierre announced his availability. Mike dropped the word that Pierre
was his choice. And suddenly, with the precision of the New York Philharmonic, the
Canadian Press began to sell Pierre to the people. His Communist record was simply
ignored. Attempts to discuss it were branded as “hate.” Canadian women read instead
about his intense masculinity. So blatant was the blackout of Pierre‘s Communist
background that the Calgary Herald refused an anti—Trudeau ad composed of passages
from his own writings. The Toronto Globe & Mail and the Toronto Star also refused
ads to detail his Communist background. And so complete has been the blackout that
in January, 1971, former Prime Minister John Diefenbaker, of the Progressive
Conservatives 7 who correspond roughly to our Republicans 7 demanded an
investigation of the government-owned C.B,C. network.
There are notable exceptions, of course, such as Peter Worthington and Lubor link
of the Toronto Telegram, but in his office in Ottawa another Member of Parliament
told us that the mass media in Canada are even worse than in the United States 7 an
assertion an American finds hard to believe.
In April, 1968, Trudeau was elected Party leader at the Liberal Convention. The
Liberals controlled Commons, which meant, in the parliamentary system, that he had
now become Prime Ministers He dissolved Parliament immediately and called an
election. During the campaign no issues were discussed. No program was presented. No
questions were resolved. Marxist T.C. Douglas, leader of the New Democrats, and
Robert Stanfield, leader of the Progressive Conservatives, indignantly defended Lucky
Pierre from “hate.” Canadians were told that Pierre should be Prime Minister because
he is sexier and cha-chas better than anyone else.
And in June, 1968, Trudeau was elected. Our great neighbor now had 21 Prime
Minister with a Communist record more blatant than Castro’s.

‘See “Trudeau — A Potential Canadian Castro," Congressional Record, October 12, 1968,
Page E8989.

APRIL. 1971 7
The Rest Of The Ring
If you are imposing a totalitarian dictatorship, one of the imperative things you
need is government propaganda. Hitler had Joseph Goebbels. Nixon has Spiro Agnew.
And Trudeau has Jean-Louis Gagnon. Pierre has created Information Canada, and
named Gagnon to run it at $40,000 a year. Jean-Louis doesn’t really need iti because
his father, like Pierre’s, was also a millionaire. Trudeau has also appointed Gagnon
Co—Chairman 0f the influential Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism. 5
Who is Jean-Louis Gagnon? He is a former Managing Editor of La Presse, one of ,
Canada’s largest dailies. He is a former Editor-in-Chief ofL’Evénemenr—Joumal. He is a
frequent commentator on the C.B.C_ He is still another contributor to Cité Libra.
And he is a dues-paying member of the Communist Party.
Before World War II, lean-Louis was Secretaryv'l'reasurer of L'Union Nationale 9
Ouvriére, a labor organization. The U.N.O. kicked him out for Communist activities. He
also was a writer for La Nation. But La Nation kicked him out for running a Communist t
cell. During the war, he worked for the British Foreign Office, recommended for thejob
‘ by Soviet spy Donald Maclean. The British kicked him out for Communist activities.
The French kicked him out of North Africa after the Allied landings.
He has now finally found refuge as a Deputy Cabinet Minister.
Jean-Louis has been a speaker at many Communist meetings. As you see on Page i
14 , for instance, he was one of two speakers at a meeting ot‘the Labor Youth Federation
7 previously known as the Young Communist League. The other, as you see, was Fred
Rose, an officer in G,R.U. (Soviet military intelligence), who later was convicted and sent
to the penitentiary for Soviet espionage. Rose was one of Gagnon’s bosses in the Party.
You also see on Page 14 the telegram Gagnon sent from Washington to Montreal, on
May 1, I946, expressing his adoration of “the great Soviet Union.”
The papers brought by Igor Gouzenko to the Canadians from the Soviet Embassy in
Ottawa revealed that it was Jean-Louis Gagnon who had supplied Soviet Colonel
Zabotin with the information that the exact date of D—Day was June 6, l944i
Gagnon is therefore also fully qualified to be Canada’s Prime Minister.
Indeed, in his office in Trudeaugrad, another opposition Member ofPariiament told
‘ us that Gagnon‘s wife, Helene, is on the payroll of Peking, where she has been Mao
Tse-tung’s guest, and that Pravda pays her through Bucharest, where she goes to pick it
up. Maybe she was simply bored as a housewife. She has also been involved, he says,
with the operation of Camp Beaver in the Laurentians, the Communist Party training
camp opened in 1967.
The head of Information Canada has a very pungent style. In a personal letter)
Gagnon once wrote: “Nationalism leads to useless wars; class struggle leads to the t
liberation of the oppressed . . . . the class struggle is a liberating factor . . . . I believe i
that we will find ourselves, inevitably, on the same side of the barricades; because, first
of all I believe that one day there will be barricades, and finally because I believe that
lead (bullets), fire and blood will suffice to ensure our agreement . . . . ”
Another thing you need if you are imposing a dictatorship is control of the police.
In Canada, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police are controlled by the Solicitor-Gen—
eral. So Trudeau made Jean—Pierre Goyer the Solicitor-General 7 when Parliament was
not in session and could not question him. Goyer, it goes without saying, was a regular
contributor to Cite' Libra Isn’t everybody? He was once arrested for staging a sit7in
outside the office of the Premier of Quebec. He has been involved in several
pro-Communist fronts. And he has attended Communist meetings behind the Iron
Curtain. Like his friend Trudeau, he is a revolutionary.
This is the man now running the national police of Canada.
Then there is lean Marchand. of Cire' Libre, now a member of Trudeau’s Cabinet.
There is Gerard Pelletier, of Cité Libra, who, like Jean—Louis Gagnon, has also been an
editor at La Presse. Pelletier is now Trudeau’s Secretary of State. One of the Members
of Parliament quoted earlier also told us that in his opinion Pelletier is “the most
dangerous man of all 7 very clever, very deceirt‘ul‘ very doctrinairef’ It was
unnecessary to ask which doctrine he had in mind.
And there is Paul Martin. Lester Pearson’s Minister of External Affairs, now the
Liberal leader of the Senate (which corresponds to the British House of Lords) — to
which Trudeau appointed him. Martin for '
some incredible reason has not been a
? contributor to Cité Libre, as far as [
know, but he is an advocate of what we
call “socialized medicine,” is generally
anti-Arnerican, is a champion of the
United Nations, strongly opposed our
bombing of the Communists in North
Vietnam, and has done what he could to
bring down anti—Communist Rhodesia.
Martin has also been a prominent,
charter member of the Canadian branch
of the Communist Institute of Pacific
Relations exposed by a Subcommittee of
Congress. One of his old friends is identi-
fied Soviet spy Mark Gayn, of the
Toronto Star, who left the United States
after exposure of his role in the Amerasia
spy cases
The photograph mdUdmg Paul lVlartm Jean-Pierre Goyer was a contributor to the
which you see on Page 15 appeared in the pro—Communist Cire' me' was neck-deep in
April, 1938, issue Of New Advance, Offi‘ Rad Fronts, and'anended Communist meetings
cial organ of the Young Communist behind the Iron Curtain. Trudeau named him
League. The First World Youth Congress Soticitor-General and had oithenationalpotice.
to which the caption refers was of course Connnunist-controlled. As you see, the
delegation included Roy Davis, later of the C.B.C., convicted of Soviet espionage when
Gouzenko blew the whistle; William Kashtan, now head of the Canadian Communist
Party; T.C. Douglas, now head of the Marxist New Democratic Party 7 and Paul
Martin, M.P., the delegation’s chairman.
Perhaps Martin felt that contributing to Cité Libre would be redundant,
It is interesting to note that in a 1962 article, Macleim’s reported that Roger
Rolland, of Cite Libre, was already regional program director of French networks for
the C.BiCiw that Charles Lussier, of Cite' Libra, was in charge of Quebec House. a
provincial quasi-consulate in Paris and that Pierre Juneau, of Cité Libra, was executive

APRIL, 1971
director of the National Film Board, a federal government agency. Juneau is new
chairman of the Canadian Radio—Television Commission. Rolland is a Special Assistant
in the Prime Minister’s office.
“Trudeau has homosexuals everywhere,” says the Conservative MP. in the cafeteria
on the Hill. “They’re useable.” The Fabian affinity for homosexuality is of course well
known. John Maynard Keynes, for instance
“Canada is completely in the hands of the Fabians,” says the MP, “Stanfield, who
is supposed to be a Conservative, is also a Fabian.”
“How possible is it that Canada will fall?” I asked
The Member leaned toward me, his voice a combination of bitterness and surprise.
“She’s already fallen,” the Member said.

By Their Fruit
What have these various revolutionaries been doing? Trudeau recently began
muttering about the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. He says he wants to make it
more “efficient.” Exactly what he means has not yet been made known, but civil
libertarians will no doubt shudder at the thought of“efficient” police in the hands of
a man who idolizes Mao Tse-tung, The freedom-loving freedom lovers at the
Universities of Toronto and Montreal, ever alert to a whiSpeI of “police brutality,” are
no doubt now preparing demonstrations to protest. It is interesting to note that Pierre
wants to close up the Security and Intelligence Directorate of the RCMP. — which
for years has been doing a genuinely efficient job of catching Communists 7 and
replace it with a civilian security agency. Perhaps Pierre‘s real complaint is that the
RCMP. has been too efficient. It is unnecessary to wonder whom his civilian
intelligence agency would investigate instead.
Chairman Pierre is trying to arrange this without the traditional debate before
Parliament. Parliaments and Congresses are so inefficient, are they not? Some
unenlightened Members might ask embarrassing questions, Indeed, Chairman Pierre is
responsible for Bill 75-C, which allows the government arbitrarily to limit debate on
Bills before Parliament. The same thing is happening here, of course, in the attempt to
destroy the filibuster in the U.S. Senate. The inspiration apparently is Chairman Mao’s
Council of Peoples’ Commissars, where such problems do not exist.
Then there is Chairman Pierre’s Bill C-3, his attempt to liquidate “hate” and “con-
. tempt.” Under (1-3, anyone caught being contemptuous and hateful in print toward
minorities apparently can be prosecuted andjailed. Exactly what “hate literature” is, C—3
does not make Clear, but during the 1968 campaign Chairman Pierre gave us a hint, when i
he used that phrase to describe opposition material on which was reprinted excerpts from
his own books. “Hate literature,” under 03, apparently will be anything critical of
Chairman Pierre — a handy coincidence if you are imposing a dictatorship.
Trudeau has also drastically reduced Canada’s N.A.T.O. commitment. “He is
weaning Canada away from being any help to the United States,” says the
Conservative MP. in the cafeteria, “and Stanfield is helping him.” Trudeau also
opposes our Anti—Ballistic Missile defense. Indeed, says the M.P., Canada's own defense
today is nil. Pierre has reduced her forces from 92,000 men under aims to 82,000, is
destroying their professionalism and denying them needed funds. The defense of
Canada’s Pacific coast 7 all one thousand miles of it _ now consists, says the M.P., of

two (repeat, two) night fighters. And recently there has been talk that gun control
laws may be needed, as in Nazi Germany. imposing a totalitarian dictatorship on an
armed population can be dangerous.
And there is Trudeau’s White Papeir on Taxation 7 the “solution” to what Finance
Minister Edgar Benson calls "social injustice” 7 which would impose ruinous taxation
on small business trying to compete. There would be a “Valuation Day,” on which the
personal possessions of Canadians would be itemized and taxed.

The Poor War Revolution

In January, 1971, hundreds of “poor people” from throughout Canada descended
on Toronto’s comfortable Lord Simcoe hotel, to participate in a “Poor People’s
Conference.” The Conference was run by the Praxis Corporation, which calls itself a
“research institute for social change.” Praxis was estabiished by some professors in
1968. In a Praxis brochure we read as follows: “Praxis Corporation is a n0n-profit
, research institute established to generate the creative ‘social invention’ that is needed
for social change . . . . The overall aim ofPraxis is to promote ways of organizing more
democratic control by communities and individuals of their social environment and a
higher level ofparticipation by citizens in the decisions which affect their lives.”
In other words, Praxis is what the Communists call an “agit-prop” outfit (agitation
and propaganda), egging people on to Marxist revolution.
For instance, in March, 1970, Praxis had run anothet conference, on “industrial
democracy,” at which Gerry Hunnius, who runs Praxis, said workers should “control
the means and processes of production‘” What that means, said Hunnius, is this: “It
should be obvious that a fuliy operational system of workers’ self—management cannot
operate within a Capitalist system . . . . "
In October, 1970, Praxis had run still another Conference 7 this one on “Workers’
Control and Community Control” — at which a demand was made to destroy Capitalism
by revolution. Capitalism would be replaced by “radical Socialism.” Confrontation is
obsolete, the conferees were told. What they should do now is “infiltrate,” and, like
“microbes,” destroy Canada from within. The guest speaker, Andre' Gorz, was one of the
organizers of the Paris riots a few years ago. He advocated revolution in Canada.
Praxis honcho Hunnius has an interesting background. In 1956, at Sir George
, Williams College in Montreal, he was program director of the Asian Studies Group,
linked to the Communist Institute of Pacific Relations. He was a founding official of
the London-based International Confederation of Disarmament and Peace, an umbrella
for such revolutionary outfits as the Fellowship of Reconciliation, the War Resisters
International, and the Student Union for Peace Action. At the time, he explained:
“There must be an examination. . . of our tactics. We must develop a new loyalty, a
world loyalty which must be placed above loyalty to the nation state.” In 1968, he
was in Communist Yugoslavia, running a “peace” conference. The next year, in
Toronto, he was involved with the Rochdzfle Play School, the educational policy of
which is this: “Giving children complete freedom, within restrictions of the group, to
do whatever they wish. No taboos i . ewe are determined that our Socialist,humanist
values be passed on to our children.”
Hunnius has naturally been a consultant for U.N.E.S.C.O., an agency of the United
Nations. He has worked with the Canadian Pugwash crowd, bossed by Soviet apologist
APRIL. 1971 ll
Cyrus Eaton. He has spent some time in Washington with the Institute for Policy 3.
Studies, a radical outfit working for America’s defeat. In an articte published by War ,
Resisters International, Hunnius wrote: “Marxism, for us, is a method of analysis of '
the realities of our society, as well as being an uncompromising call to fight.” i
Recently, Mr. Hunnius tried to arrange another conference, for which one of the
speakers he suggested was Michel Chartrand, the labor leader and F.L.Q. supporter
charged with seditious conspiracy under the War Measures Act.
The Poor People‘s Conference run by Hunnius by way of Praxis began with a
speech by Alex Bandy, of the Unemployed Citizens’ Welfare Improvement Council of
Vancouver, “If there is anyone who came here for good times, forget it,” Alex says.
His lips quiver. He has been so abused. “ . i . As poor, oppressed people in Canada we
see our plight as inseparably bound up with the people of Asia, Africa and Latin
America and the poor in the U.S.," Alex explains. “ . . .We have more in common
with a Vietnamese peasant than with the tyrant Trudeau.”
Alex teally has a thing about Trudeau. Pierre is keeping the people down. Alex, like ,
Eldridge Cleaver, wants All Power to the People. “ . . . Capitalism means concentration
of wealth and power,” he says. “To hell with everyone else. What we desperately need is a
distribution of the wealth . . , . At this conference we must come to grips with the fact
that a thoroughgoing war on poverty means nothing less than war on the rich. Nothing
less” “Whatever it takes," he says, “only when we’re willing to sacrifice do we stand a
chance to win. No slave should die a natural death.” During the Conference, a woman,
puzzled by the constant repetition of the word “fight," stands up and inquires what ,
the word means. She is expertly expelled by members of the revolutionary Just
Society. And the Press is denied admission to various secret “workshops.”
Now, who paid for this Communist Conference? Where did the necessary thousands
come from to fly people from all over the country back and forth to Toronto, put
them up at the Lord Simcoe and pay Praxis to arrange it? As with similar affairs in the
States, the money came from the federal government 7 from the same Trudeau whom
Bandy condemns 7 paid by Minister of Health and Welfare John Munro, through such
federal agencies as the National Council of Welfare.
Why? For the same reason it happens in the States. Incredibly, Alex Bandy
explained it at the Conference: “ , . i The way Munro tells it, the government is really,
secretly, on our side. It’s everybody else who is against us and that’s why the
government can’t help us. So, the master plan is to give us money to organize and
demonstrate and win popular support, then the government will move . . . . ”
Perhaps some of the delegates at the Conference were suspecting that is true.
Perhaps Bandy was just trying to persuade them it isn’t. Communist Pierre Trudeau is
using what Czech Communist theoretician Jan Kozak called “ptessure from above”
and “pressure from below.” As in CzechoSlovakia 7 and as in the United States 7 the
Communists high in the government are financing a phony demand at the bottom,
to provide an excuse for their takeover from the top.
Alex calls his boss a tyrant to keep the taxpayer well conned.
It is interesting to note that in 1962, Gerry Hunnius, who runs Praxis, which ran
the Conference Pierre paid for, was in Moscow at the World Congress for General
Disarmament and Peace, sponsored by the Communist World Peace Council — which
had sponsored Trudeau’s trip to Moscow ten years before‘ In 1963, Hunnius went to
An ”American" draft dodger sits
in the office of the Toronto Anti-
Draft Programme, financed in
part by America's National Coun-
cil of Churches. It was launched
by William Spira, who has been
connected with the radical Corn-
‘ munist National Guardian and
Canadians for the National Lib-
eration Front (Vietcong). When
he is not promoting desertion
from America's Armed Forces,
Spira runs a Communist bookv
_ store. The total of draft dodgers
l and deserters lured to Canada by
. propaganda totals nearly 60,000l

' work as European representative of the Canadian Peace Research Institute, which
the Canada Council supports with public funds 7 and two directors of which, at
: one time, were Trudeau and Pelletier, Another director, named in 1962, was
Communist Jean-Louis Gagnon.
It pays to have important friends.
And Hunnius has been a consultant 7 at $1,000 per month — for the Company of
Young Canadians, which apparently is the Canadian version of V.I.S.T.A., and which was ,
established and federally financed by former Premier Lester Pearson, Dozens of other
‘ C.YVC. revolutionaries have been cau tusing tax P ayers’ mone Y to finance revolution,
and in January, 1971, Diefenbaker demanded that the C.Y.C. be investigated too.
Trudeau has also told Munro to finance the Black Power forces in Nova Scotia,
despite the opposition of real Negro leaders who live there, including Arnold Johnson,
Halifax County Councillor, and Ross Kinney, Moderator of the African United Baptist
Association of Nova Scotia, the largest black outfit in the province, And the federal
government awarded a large contract it was forced to withdraw, for the purchase of
dairy products for the Armed Forces, to the People’s Cooperative, a Winnipeg outfit
which has been described as a subsidiary of the Communist Party.
Trudeau is also using Crown Corporations, controlled not by Parliament but by
him, to communize the economy under the guise of private enterprise.
What he is organizing, an MP. tells us, is best called “the new Fascism."

The Cannon Fodder

Of particular interest to Americans are the thousands of American draft dodgers
and deserters in Canada. Premier “Red Mike” Pearson had already opened the door to
deserters, and in May, 1969, Trudeau opened it all the way. Deserters from the American
military, like draft dodgers, who ask to become “landed” immigrants, are now processed
by Canadian Immigration without regard for their military status. Five years later, they
can become Canadian citizens. It is impossible to know exactly how many are there,
because many don‘t try to get “landed," but the combined total of both types is
apparently between 50,000 and 60,000, most of whom are in Toronto.
Most of them used to be draft dodgers, better educated and more ideological; but
now, with the loosening of the draft, the majority are deserters. Some are
APRIL. 1971 I3
Premier Trudeau
and caption aret
lieation, showing
World Youth Co
head of Canada

Jean-Louls Gagnon is Premier Trudeau's Deputy Cabinet Minister in charge of the vast
network of Information Canada. Gagnon, below left, is a member of the Communist
Party. Above is a telegram he sent to a Communist May Day rally, declaring: "On this Va
first postwar victorious May Day we can foresee the victory at the working class STOP :2:
Fraternat greetings to all trade union leaders STOP Let us go forward to Peace STOP 5:
Long live the glorious Soviet Union STOP Long live singing tomorrows." Below right is $3
an announcement of speeches to the Communist L.Y.F. by Gagnon and convicted v:
Soviet spy Fred Rose. Mr. Gagnon's wife is now in the emptoy of Communist China. Ur»

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rm ROSE en_itécome eithiiiiuiste a—été_ military deserter

tondmné cu pénitenciet punt traJtist-n ell liven: th‘? 0" “9*" ‘5
meet with Matt

14 AMERICA N opliwoiv
selected Paul Martin as Liberaf Party boss of Senate. Photo
rorn April 1938 New Advance, an official Communist pub-
Martin led delegation of Comrades to the Communist First
uncil. Davis was convicted of Soviet espionage: Kashtan is
's Communist Party: T.C. Douglas runs Marxist NAD.P.

HE OTYAWA comsnms )tni lwa 04mm dtltgafra :r‘n trfl* \t'

[he llnfllng ol thiny mm; \n m; rim Wnrid mum emf“,
new in Gereva‘ Swnleriand. a: me can 0! August. van The
atourlph mm.; pm 94 m: dningailcn ibulrd m: as Aumma n-
i"""“" a; m WWW" M, pm Mgflin. MP Snidiers were in the streets with automatic
Lm {u right m: ghaingngn lhom‘ (rim row] Amwv
rkminxlar axpmc n, unmir Murd weapons, above, when Trudeau instituted his first
WIN, win m I
,Lun. Landau. DnL, n Emergency dictatorship, Trudeau's Cité Libra,
nth anemlnt, Haward Rxps
am: Norman Levy. Chairman canadian Vnum Camus E befow, carries an article by Stanley B - Ryerson ,
:k’zr. Y.W,C.A; Leon Ki‘l. ngktnn Vouth CDJHCH}
Law: Buys’ Clutn: Kgnvwlh Wcadiwaflh. Strmtar) Can.
anmncowemwg Cummnnwg .h V top theoretician of Canada's Communist Party.
Allan Lugzn‘ Hzml an vaum Cflufltii' ‘
:‘aria VM.c,A.: Haward Lanuwe‘ mm.- v MC A, .-.
mu Fzrmrrs oi unimo mm", Pcuule

m— l hmmnmm

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tage above left was on a wall of Toronto headquarters for U.S.

s and draft dodgers. Other walls displayed Red propaganda.
a propaganda shot of Communist Pierre-Elliott Trudeau when he
“.33.. ._..i-4
- m inn.ami!
Innuu: xun
ina to participate in a Communist "victory celebration" and
Tse-tung, whose strategies Trudeau recommends in his writings.

APRIL, 1971'
: Communists, some opportunists, some ordinary cowards. Most of them work at very
badly paid jobs, a few at very good ones. A few steal. A few scruunge. A few get
welfare. Half the welfare bill in Toronto is paid by the federal government, thirty
percent by the Province of Ontario and the rest by the Metropolitan area. And local
Welfare Commissioner John Anderson says he is not even allowed to ask whether an
applicant is a citizen. “Almost nobody is sent back,” he says. “even if he’s mildly
criminal. Immigration is very lax.”
Preeminent among those who agitated for Canada’s new federal policy toward
deserters is William Spira, a former American who apparently left at the height of the
“McCarthy Era.” Spira launched the Toronto Anti—Draft Programme, formerly the fed- j
' eIale-financed Student Union f0! Peace Action already mentioned. He has also been con- _
nected with the radical Communist National Guardian in the States, and with Canadians
for the National Liberation Front (Vietcong). He was a sponsor ofC.N.L.F.’s Canadian i
Rights Defence Committee. And he runs the Third World Information Service. a Com- .
i munist bookstore in suburban Thomhill, which the Castroites decided to establish at
the Tri—Continental Conference in Havana in 1966. They mail their propaganda t0
‘ Comrade Spira in Toronto. who remails it to the United States.
The Toronto Anti-Draft Programme (T.A.D.P.) he masterminds consists of several I
rooms and offices, the walls of which are covered with Communist propaganda Various :
counsellors” are sitting around, along with the clients they are helping to dodge the :
draft or desert. There is Lee. for instance, who is twenty, and is sitting under a picture of
terrorist H, Rap Brown. Lee has a brother who spent eight years in our Marines, and
who he says would “rather see me dead.” From time to time, Lee sees a Toronto street
that reminds him of his American home town, but he says the memory quickly fades
I and he is glad to be in Canada.
And there is Dick, who is twenty-four and comes from El Paso, where his father is a
Presbyterian ministers Dick “had a hassle” with his parents about his decision, but he
made it and now is a T.A,D.PV counsellor. His salary is $50 a week.
The American people should be tried for war crimes, says Dick, who apparently
endorses the idea of collective guilt. He agrees such a trial is impossible to arrange, but
will settle for the trials of Presidents Johnson and Nixon. We are in Vietnam, he says,
“to protect the oil.”
White people have always been aggressors, he explains, but there is a “social
revolution” in the United States, because of which they are beginning to realize it.
Dick himself is white, but apparently believes he’s a “good” hunky. He is grim,
unsmiling, trying to make amends He loves humanity. He can’t stand hate. The Bill of
Rights, he says, has always been a sham. The Bill of Rights was meant to be a sham.
Our War for Independence was caused by economics. The colonists wanted to make
more money. George Washington was “all lies.” Benjamin Franklin was “all lies.” ‘
Abraham Lincoln was “bull s**ti”
The United States must make a 180 degree turn, says Dick. We should have a
Socialist system in a Communist type of world. And that means a psychological
change is needed. Capitalism, he says rightly, is “inner directed,” in sociologist David
Reisman’s phrase, personal, private, individual; while Socialism is “other directed” 7
collectivized. Dick lives in a commune, in Communism, he says. He uses “grass”
(marijuana), but that’s all.
, On the wall above his head is some Vietcong propaganda, and i ask what sort of
Communism he wants. The Russian Constitution is much the same as the US,
Constitution, he says. Perhaps that’s why he opposes the Russian form of
Communism. Mao, on the contrary, “has done a beautiful job in China.” And Dick
“has heard” that Communism “is working in Cuba.”
Has Dick actualiy read the U.S. Constitution and its Russian opposite? is he aware i
_ that the latter promises handouts, taken originally from the people, but that ours, on 3
the contrary, restricts the central government 7 the “Establishment” Dick claims to
oppose? I don’t know. It doesn’t matter. He probably does know that Mao has already
murdered more than 30 million Chinese, but as Lenin once put it, you can’t make an
omeletski without breaking eggs.
I ask Dick why the U.S. Internal Revenue Service has let radical Communist Jerry
Rubin use a tax‘ftee foundation to avoid income tax. Dick says Rubin is “using the
system,” and is a “media freak,” He says “Movement” people are wary ofits leaders
Could it be that leaders like William Kunstler are using people like Dick? Leaders like
Kunstier are using me, he says. Suddenly, Dick’s elderly New Psychology produces a
profound thought. Ralph Nader, the housewife’s friend, is more revolutionary than
Kunstler or Rubin, he says.
I a .\ Dick why the Nixon Administration he says should be tried for war crimes is i
sending military supplies to Russia and its European satellites. which in turn supply
almost all the Vietcong’s military equipment‘
Dick does not answer. His face is blank.
Then there is the Committee to Aid Refugees from Militarism (C.A.R.M.), one of
whose counsellors is Charlie McKee. In the kitchen of the Toronto commune where he
and his wife live with five other couples. some of the residents are preparing a meal. A
mild, bearded, young man, straight from Turgenev, is slicing potatoes. He puts them in
a pot it will be a communal casserole. Everyone is fully clothed.
“This is a pretty square commune,” i say. “Where’s the sex orgy?”
Everyone Chuckles. “You’re supposed to hate us,” says a girls
Mrs. McKee is twenty-one, pretty, and comes from Waidwick, New Jersey. She
wants to get back to the land, she says. The residents of the commune are saving to
buy a farm‘ “1 want to live for me,” she says, “and for the children l’m going to have.” ‘
E Let’s hope she is able to do so. She does agree that the authoritarianism she dislikes in
the States is possible in Canada, too.
Her husband, Charlie, also opposes authoritarianism, He believes that government is
necessary but that it should be restricted. 1 ask him about a picture of Ho chi Minh on ‘
the corridor wall. He says he doesn’t like it and once took it down, but someone put it
back up. Charlie gets excited when we say we oppose the Establishment and that the
Establishment is using him to impose a dictatorship. That’s exactly what Chailie
believes. He makes a telephone call and sends us to another Toronto address, where we
find a fiftyish lady named Judy Merril.
Mrs. Merril, who apparently is the Mother Bloor 0f C.A,R‘M., explains that her
Committee to Aid Refugees from Militarism is the result of a merger between the
Toronto American Deserters’ Committee, which gave draft, immigration, job and
housing advice; and Red, White & Black, which emphasized public relations. The
C.A.R,M., for instance, publishes Carmmunique, the bi-monthly news of radical
APRIL, 1971 17
activities in Toronto; Exnet‘, “maintaining contact among all Canadian aid programmes
and between the Canadian scene and draft and military counsellors and the anti-war
resistance in the States”; and, Outpost, which is “designed to serve a similar function
for more American [deserters] and war-resisters all over the world 7 to send news of
the U.S. resistance to Sweden, England, Japan, Vietnam and everywhere else that
members of the A.S.U., the C.R.V. and the growing ranks of deserters are scattered
and to bring back news here . . . .
The American Servicemen’s Union and the Committee of Returned Volunteers are
of course revolutionary organizations working to destroy our Armed Forces. C.A.R.M.
does its “counselling” at a place on Huron Street called The Hall.
Mrs. Metril naturally wore a sweatshirt and dungarees, which produced a discreet,
proletarian lone. She is a science-fiction writer, who came to Toronto from Milford,
Pennsylvania, two years ago. In 1968, in Chicago for the Democrat Convention, she ‘
drove for the Medical Committee for Human Rights, a revolutionary outfit which was
part of the Communist attack on the police. Indeed, she told me she “hoped to see a ‘
lot of cops shot." She assures us that “all the violence after the assassination of Martin
Luther King was caused by the police.” Dictatorship is a necessary prerequisite to a
police state, she explains, and a total police state is the only thing that can happen in
the States 7 no matter who gets elected. Since she is so opposed to repression, Iask
what she thinks of the fact that the Canadian federal government financed the Poor
People’s Conference; and the possibility that Trudeau isjust using it.
She smiles. “It’s very hard to think of the government as your enemy,“ she says, “if
the government gives you the money to say it.” Pierre apparently sets Mrs. Metril all
atingle. His intense masculinity leaves her no choice. The Johnson and Nixon
Administrations have of course been financing Communist revolution for years,
through such programs as the “war on poverty,” but she doesn’t explain why she
thinks they are against her.
The only solution, she says, is the elimination of national sovereignty. She would
convene a world constitutional convention to create a World Government. Would it be
possible, I ask, for Americans to participate in such a government with the Communists in
Russia? Certainly, she says. “There is as much freedom of speech in Russia as there is in
the United States.” There isn’t any freedom of speech in Russia.
Mrs. Merril’s daughter comes in with her boy friend, Alan Reed, of Logansport,
Indiana Mr. Reed deserted from the Medical Corps at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. He is
very happy in Canada. And his parents have visited him five or six times.
In Carmmunique for December 14, 1970, we read of the impending visit to Toronto
of Clergy and Laymen Concerned About Vietnam. The C.A.R,M. is very enthusiastic
about Clergy and Laymen Concerned which, among other such things, is discussing
arrangement of trials for “war crimes” of American Prisoners of War. In the same
issue, we read of a dinner for “refugees,” who will be entertained by revolutionary
Dick Gregory and Communist Pete Seeger.

A Look At The “Life Style”

Then there is a place called Rochdale College, a hi-tise commune near the
University of Toronto. Rochdale isn’t really a college, but a “free university” like
those in the States, working to revolutionize the UT. area. At the American Consulate
e we are told about “Rochdale bombs” 7 beer bottles thrown from the windows during
the frequent police raids. The building is loaded with drugs, we are told; there is
human excrement in the halls and the inmates race motorcycles on the stairs. Needless
to say, Rochdale is financed by Canada’s federal government, with money taken from
the pay of Canadian workers to do so.
At the entrance to the building, we get on line to be questioned. Someone explains
that Rochdale has already been raided that day. We are duly questioned and admitted.
And in an apartment on the eleventh floor, we find Steven M. Lowe, among several other
residents. He is twenty, recently was “landed,” and says he will become aCanadian citi-
zen. Steve was born in Indianapolis, at 603 North Jefferson, “a dump." Steve’s father
worked in a metal shop and invented something, but Steve does not remember what it
was. Today his dad is doing very well, as an estimator in the construction game. But
Steve never could understand his parents. They fought to rise, which to Steve makes
no sense. Steve is satisfied with nothing.
When the time came, Steve Lowe was drafted, but for some reason other recruits
began threatening to kill him, so after five weeks he deserted, leaving behind his beads
and bells. He had decided to go back, at least to get his beads and bells 7 they clicked
and tinkled so beautifully —~ but another deserter named Blue (Danny Stevens) talked
him out of it. The F.B.l. later came in the front door and arrested Blue, but Steve
went out the back door and got away.
In Brown County, Indiana, a man named Tom Canada had “bought a town,”
turned it into a commune and is trying to “bring the bison back.” Near the town there
is a cave in which Steve hid out, at the suggestion of someone known only as
Sheepdog. Sheepdog later tipped him that the F.B.l. was on the way, so Steve left and
began living in the woods. He lived in the streets in Indianapolis. He lived with Nancy
and her two kids on Meridian. He took drugs and developed hepatitis.
Steve tried to get into Canada once and was refused. Marge, twenty-six, a go-go dancer,
got him drunk and they went to the border, but Steve had no “l.D.,” so Marge went back
to her husband. All three are good friends, Someone named Lynn finally drove him to
Toronto, on her way to see her boy friend. She and Steve entered Canada on
September 26, 1970 7 his birthday. He found people “grooving” on pot in a cafeteria.
“l was so happy. It was a dream come ttue.”
Steve now sits on the springless, wooden bed, under a psychedelic poster, and
explains that he is working in a record shop for $1.50 an hour, He is very friendly and
somewhat manici He gets up and announces he must see his chick next door. She
wants to go to college, he explains, but she can’t. She is suicidal and recently
“dropped” (took) 260 grams of Valium.
“Bring her back,” I say.
“Can I?” he asks with delight.
And he goes out.
Also sitting on the bed is Dave Marco, who simply didn’t report for his physical.
Dave has a degree from a junior college, and is now paid $75 a month as a counsellor
at The Hall. He gets up, goes to the refrigerator, and brings us some beer.
Then there is Nancy, from Philadelphia (not the same Nancy Steve once lived with),
' who says she recently had an abortion. Nancy is not wearing what you squares would
APRIL. 1971 19
call clothes. She is wrapped in what appears to be a large piece of felt, held together
with a safety pin. She used to live at Rochdale, but contracted a condition which Dave
calls “negative energy.” Now she lives nearby and visits.
Steve comes back with Esther, his girl. “We just dropped Psylisibin,” he announces
with delight. (A druggist later told me that what Steve meant was this: Psylocybrin.)
"It breaks down socializing barriers,” Dave explains “Hard” drugs, such as heroin,
“speed” (amphetamines), opium and MDA, are barred from Rochdale and are cause
for eviction, he says. “Soft” drugs, such as marijuana, “hash” (hashish), mescaline and ‘
“clean" LSD, are permitted, but clean LSD is hard to find because eighty percent of j
the stuff sold has been cut with strychnine or speed.
Esther has never used Psylocybrin before and i ask her what she feels. She seems ‘
almost in a trance. “Nothing,” she says.
Esther recently stayed at the Toronto Free Youth Clinic. 21 “freaks’ hospital," Dave
explains. The clinic provides legal advice and solves such problems as pregnancy.
Esther was raised in Toronto and saw her parents 21 month ago. They are old-fashioned ‘
immigrants from Europe and “don’t understand.” Esther won’t go to college. The
effort is too great. She lives “day by day.” She has no plans. l
The fire bell rings and we hear running feet, The fire bell is the signal that Rochdale
is being raided. But the warning turns out to be somebody’s joke.
Also in the room is Eddie from Brooklyn, who has a good job in data processing.
Ed is twenty-five and was born in Russia. His family emigrated to Poland, and then to
Israel in 1957‘ His father was a Zionist who became disillusioned when he discovered
that Zionism is a “dirty. Capitalist trick.” So in 1959, he brought the family to the
United States. Ed explains that his father is a Communist, and is thinking of returning
to Communist Russia.
Ed went to the University of Buffalo, spent a year in the Army, and deserted. He
doesn’t “feel like killing,” besides which he is a Socialist, he says, and “the other side
will win.” The Vietcong are leading “a popular revolution.”
1 ask about the F.L‘Q” and Dave and Steve say they oppose it because it’s violent.
Ed says the F.L.Q. is “nuts.” There's no need for it. Canada, he says, will accept
Socialism without it, because of the country’s English background. Trudeau is brilliant
but has “misguided loyalties.” He “should be more attached 'to the working class.” He
“overreacted” with the War Measures Act, which is one reason Canada is not so good
as it was twenty years ago.
Bruno, who came from Czecho-Slovakia not long ago, says it’s certainly better in
Canada than in his former countryt Ed shakes his head. “It’s basically better in
Czecho-Slovakia,” he says. “Capitalism is self-destructive,” he explains.
The Russians steal from the Czechs, says Bruno, “and if you don‘t work, they put
you in jail.” But Ed doesn’t buy it. “They take care of you,” he says.
Sitting next to me is Lloyd McDougal, a seventh-generation Canadian with a wispy,
Ho chi Minh beard. Lloyd excuses Trudeau, who “had to take action.” Lloyd also says
he once tried to get into the States to join the anti-draft forces, but the Americans at
the border would not let him in. Maybe it’s that wispy, Ho chi Minh beard.
We get up to go and Lloyd gets up too. He puts on a World War II, Canadian Navy,
First Lieutenant’s overcoat, with “peace” symbols sewn into the epauletst As he does
so, he says that among those arrested on May 9, I970, at the demonstration at the US.
:Consulate only one pleaded guilty and paid a $l0 fine. lie had been charged with
I burning retuse without a permit, and told the judge that since what he had burned was
i an American flag he could honestly make no other plea.
| Lloyd strokes his Ho chi Minh beard and chuckles. He is sure that we too are
; highly amused.
I The Network In Ottawa
Then there’s the truly sad story of Vernon Darin. Vern is twenty-two, and comes I
I from Norwalk, Ohio, where his father has worked for Westinghouse for twenty-nine
I; years. Vern studied engineering at Ohio State University for three months, and then
' for nine months at Tri—State College in Angola, Indiana, but decided he wasn’t
interested and quit. For a short time,he worked on a Ford assembly line in Lorain. In
December, I967, he enlisted in the Navy, to get his choice of duty (electronics), passed 1
the tests, and went to boot camp at Great Lakes.
Later, Vern served on the U.S.S. Opportune, and on the USS. Georgetown, a “spy
ship" doing technical research. His record was perfect, but he got disillusioned,
because “the Navy doesn’t let you think for yourself.” This is understandable, he says,
in boot camp, where he had no problems, but later “you don’t get any time to
yourself.” There was no privacy. He lived with more than a hundred other sailors in a
big room. He didn’t like the discipline, He didn’t like the pay. He was away from home
and Vern got depressed. indeed, “The people around you are depressed for the same
reasons” Once a cook on the Opportune tried to poison himself. A kid walked around
crying. Most people are all right after a year and a half, says Vern, but he wasn‘t. After
five months he began to think of desertingt He saw a psychiatrist.
Then one day in Norfolk, “a guy with long hair” came in and distributed material
about the “anti-draft movement” in Canada, which included information about the 1
Toronto Anti-Draft Programme. Vern read it, saw desertion was possible, and called
T.A.D.P. a few days later. in June, 1969, he entered Canada through Detroit on a bus.
The Toronto Anti—Draft people sent him to stay with two writers. Then T.A.D.P.
drove him and four others to Ottawa, where Professor James Wilcox, of Carleton
University, apparently took over. Vern stayed with a school vice principal named
Gordon McClure.
He worked in the kitchen of a local A. & W. Root Beer stand. On January 28, I970,
he was “landed.” Today he is part of the “management team” at McDonald’s and likes
it. if he keeps working hard he could become an assistant manager. Vern is ambitious.
He wants to make money. He hasn’t adopted the aboriginal “life style,”
But Vernon Dann is still unhappy. He’s homesick. At first he kept insisting he
“would do it again,” perhaps trying to believe it. But then he opened up. He wants to
come home. He says he still thinks of himself as an American. He did what he did
because he was emotionally disturbed. Vern naturally doesn’t relish the possibility, but
says he‘s now ready for the brig, if allowed to finish his hitch. He says he loves
America. He says he’s against our defeatist, no-win policy. He says we should win the
war and get out. He says he would fight for the United States to win,
AMERICAN OPINION has talked with the Navy about Vern, but so far we’re still
being run around. Does the Navy want this man back — or doesn’t it? His address is
Box 577, Hazeldean, Ontario,
APRIL, 1971 21
Professor James Wilcox ran Assistance with Immigration and the Draft until
recently. it was to him that T,A.D.P. sent Vern. He is a former American from Detroit.
1n the living room of his comfortable home in Ottawa, he relates that his wife, Joan,
told him that if he were drafted she would “invest in North Vietnamese savings
bonds.” The memory is pleasant and Wilcox chuckles. “She wanted to invest in a
winner,” he explains.
Joan Wilcox chuckles too. Between them there is an almost tangible rapport. She is
sitting on the couch in regulation dungarees and sweat shirt, exuding a discreet,
proletarian tone. Her voice is explosive, her movements abrupt. Joan Wilcox is boiling
with righteousness. I ask her husband what he tells his clients, and her sweat shirt
heaves. Her voice booms out. My phraseology smacks of paternalism, which she hates.
Properly chastened, l rearrange it.
Mest of the arrivals have no political motivation, says Wilcox. The American
Deserters’ Committee in Montreal forced them to listen to politicizing. He explains
‘ that the American military system is only “a symptom of the economic system which
exploits them even more.”
Wilcox became involved in February, 1968, and lobbied in Parliament to change
government policy. But Bill Spira, of T.A.D,P., is “Mr. Deserter.” [t was Spira who
established the machinery, atmosphere, and procedures for deserters. Unfortunately,
says Wilcox, his organization is “screwed up now.” So many thousands of Americans
are arriw'ng that T.A.D.P. has been telling them to go home and continue the fight in
the United States. There are 75 to 100 of them at Carleton University. In the
American Northwest, says Wilcox, “there are retired American military men who are
part of the underground railway,” In Detroit, American officials check buses leaving
for Windsor. The A.I.D. has been getting thirty customers a week, and Wilcox believes
there are more than 50,000 in Canada. But the Wilcoxes are still dissatisfied with Cana-
dian policy Immigration authorities, they say, should classify Americans as refugees. The
government should give them housing and welfare until they’re settled, Joan adds.
There must also be changes in America, says Wilcox. Much more should be spent
fighting pollutioni Money should be taken from the war and put into the ghettos —
and soon. The Russians would be happy to react to an American peace initiative, such
as an immediate pullout from Vietnam, or an end of arms sales to Israel. Would
America have anything to fear? No. The Russians can be trusted. And someone must
take the first step. America must change its “arrogant idea that the U.S. has cures for
all social and political ills."
I ask whether this means we should disregard the scheme concocted by the Carnegie
Endowment for international Peace — headed by Soviet spy Alger Hiss and then by his
good friend Joseph E, Johnson 7 to invade South Africa and overthrow its
government. Both the Wilcoxes get very nervous. They’ve never heard of such a thing.
They don’t believe it. Will somebody please send them a copy of Apartheid And
United Nations Collective Measures, at 78 Riverdale in Ottawa?
As for the future, Canada will get more nationalistic, “because a small band of
Canadians are sacrificing themselves to show that Canada is a branch plant of the
United States.” The level of repression in the States will become part of Canada, he
says, and will be imposed more easily because Canadians are less easily aroused.
“Trudeau is a catastrophe,” he says. He’s an opportunist, a “liberal.” He would sell out
to the United States “if the price were right.” He was a revolutionary in Quebec
because he opposed the regime of late, former Provincial Premier Maurice Duplessis.
f At first Wilcox liked Trudeau. He “thought he was a Socialist.” Wilcox has now found
out he isn’t.
Presumably, he is telling all this to his students at Carleton.
Jim Wilcox says we must see Bob Lanning, who is paid $200 a month as
coordinator of A.I.D., and is one of nine or ten cousellors. But Lanning won‘t tell
how he takes people to the border for immigration purposes. It’s a secret. Lanning
comes from Wichita, Kansas, was a conscientious objector for nine months, deserted
from the medical corps at Ft. Sam Houston, and was “landed” on May 3, 1969. Even
in the medical corps, he explains, he was “one small element contributing to the war.”
Bob is now just on speaking terms with his folks. In the future, he may do social work.
He describes himself as a “marginal Canadian.” He says he is working for Socialism in
Canada He, too, is “disillusioned” with Trudeau because of his use of the War
Measures Act.
Bob believes America should have no army. We should disband it. “Is there a
chance we would be invaded?” I ask.
“Yes,” says Bob.
“What would we do?”
“Give up.”
I slump in my chair, completely stumped. A young woman comes in, putters
around and goes out. “Suppose someone breaks in here," I ask, “and starts kicking
your wife . . . . "
Bob cuts me off. “That’s irrelevant,” he says. He‘s painfully boredi He hadn’t
known I was so stupid.
“What would you do?” I ask.
“I don’t know."
“You mean you might stay where you are, on the floor, in a stupor?"
“That‘s right.”
In the interests of science, I considered rapping Mrs. Lanning in the mouth. I
decided against it because my colleague, at former sergeant who has worked with
Special Forces 7 whose patience, after a week of this, was already razor thin 7 would
no doubt have taken the experiment as his signal to pacify the zone.
“What about World War II?"I asked,
Lanning smiled. “That was thirty years ago,” Apparently he wasn’t a history rnajor_
There should be police, he said, because of “the nature of man.” I asked whether
that isn’t a contradiction.
“It is,” he said. “So what?”
“I sense that you’ve been influenced by Eastern thinkers," I said. Lanning smiled,
inscrutably. I wasn’t so dumb as he had thought.
Also in the room was a young man named Joseph Di Vincenti, who comes from
New York and didn’t report for his physical, “I’m a fugitive," Di Vincenti says with
delight. He says he is not a pacifist and wants Communism “with a small ‘e.‘ ” He
wants democracy. A government “shouldn’t govern," he explains. In Communist
China, he says rightly, you are “part of a whole 7 not an individual.” And this, says Di
Vincenti, is good. Unfortunately, he can’t live that way yet, he explains. He’s neurotic‘
APRIL, 1971 23
Di Vincenti has finished eleven grades 7 he tells me that he wants to open a school. I
And so we say goodbye to sparkling Ottawa, In amex (American expatriate) for
October/November, 1970, we read as follows: “ . . . It’s a funny experience to undergo
but Ottawa is so deep into Canadian territory that one is free of U.S. radio and :
television and all but the occasional New York license plate on a Buick 7 full of
small—time Fascists oohing and ahing at the many tourist attractions , . . . ” In the same
issue. we read that the Montreal American Deserters’ Committee, now underground,
sent representatives to the “American Revolutionary People’s Constitutional Conven-
tion,” run by the Communist Black Panther Party last September in Philadelphia. And
we read that Spiro Agnew’s nephew is dodging the draft in Vancouver; that Stewart
Udall’s son has deserted to Banff; and that the former Secretary of the Interior under 1
JFK. and L.BJ. approves
The question arises: Who pays for all this? Who pays the salaries and operating
expenses of such outfits as C.A.R.M.. T.A.D.P., and A.I.D.? And the answer of course ;
is: You do. You do if you support a church affiliated with the National Council of '
Churches. At this late stage of the game, it shouldn’t surprise you to learn that a part
of the money put on the collection plate in such a church on Sunday morning is sent '
to the small band of sleazy con men with their collars on backwards who control the -
N.C.C.; then to their counterparts in Geneva who control the World Council of g
Churches; then to their counterparts in Canada who control the Canadian Council of
Churches 7 who then use it to finance the organized attempt you have just read about
to destroy the United States Army.
As we have seen, the participants in the scheme are of different types. Some, like
Wilcox, we are better off without, a happy fact tainted by the knowledge that our
Canadian cousins are now burdened with them. They were not loyal to America, They
are not loyal to Canada. They are using their opposition to “militarism” to lend
respectability to their desire for totalitarian dictatorship. But others, like Vernon
Dann, are victims, caught between our defeatist policy deliberately designed to depress
I them — as the First World War was used to demoralize Russia 7 and the blandishments :
' of “resistance” outfits financed by the National Council of Churches. As usual, the
“resistance,” and the thing it is “resisting,” are controlled by the same people 7 the
’ leaders of the N.C.C. and of our federal government, after all, are the same people 7
collaborating to instigate and finance this scheme to destroy us. Indeed, the “life
style” they encourage, unknown to its practitioners, is also part of the plot. The
communalized mentality which cannot stand apart from the group, ego and ambition
blown by pot 7 willing to settle for so little 7 is exactly what the dictators want for
the dictatorship they are imposing. Trudeau and his fellow conspirators are I
encouraging the sort of immigration they want.
Early last year, Trudeau told a Mennonite delegation in Winnipeg that he welcomes
U.S. draft resisters, because many have “a religious motivation concerned with love
and brotherhood.” Indeed, he said: “Your motivation is like mine. It stems from a
belief in a transcendent God. The young radicals are looking for the same thing, too, ‘
whatever existentialist and nihilist elements there may be in their thinkings.”
On December 24, 1970 7 Christmas Eve 7 the Reverend Joshua Dube, an African
who is studying in Philadelphia, tried to enter Canada with his family to visit friends in
Hamilton, Ontario.

The Reverend Dube was denied admission. He is from anti-Communist Rhodesia. He
was told that no Rhodesian can enter Canada.
Indeed, defeating Polish seamen and visiting Biafran students have been treated like 3
criminals and threatened with deportation.

La Piece de Resistance
On October 5, 1970, as you will recall, a cell of the Front de Liberation du Quebec ‘
kidnapped senior British trade commissioner James Richard Cross from his home in ‘
Montreal. Five days later, another F.L.Q. cell kidnapped Quebec‘s Minister of Labor,
Pierre laporte.
The F.L.Q. is of course a Communist terror organization, like the F.LN. in Algeria
and the Vietcong in South Vietnam. It was founded in 1963 by Georges Schoeters,
then thirty-three, a Belgian trained in Cuba by Fidel Castro. A former Montreal police
intelligence official tells me that Marc Carbonneau. for instance, one of the kidnappers
flown to Cuba in December in exchange for Cross’s release. has been a member of the
Communist Party for ten years. At last word, the kidnappers are now in Communist
Algeria, which has been helping and financing the Communist F,L.Q. for years. The
F.L.Q. has also been trained in Jordan, by the Communist terror gang called A] Fatah.
FILQ. leaders have applauded the Communist Black Panthers. And Communist ‘
terrorist Stokely Carmichael once sent a telegram of sympathy to “our brothers in the
F.L.Q.” His “brothers” have murdered several people in many bombings over the
years. In an F.L.Q. document entitled Revolutionary Strategy And The Role Of The
Avant-Garde, the revolutionaries say as follows: “Here in Quebec the fight for the
I overthrow of Capitalism is inseparably linked to the fight for national independence.
i Neither will go anywhere without the other . . . ,
I So the leaders of the F.L.Q. are Communists.
I And Pierre-Elliott Trudeau, the Prime Minister, is a Communist.
E What do Communists want?
I They want a “dictatorship of the proletariat” 7 total power. They say so.
I Before dawn on October 16, 1970, Communist Pierre Trudeau invoked the War
I Measures Act, suspended the Canadian Bill of Rights, and imposed a dictatorship on
I Canada. Trudeau now had the power of censorship, for instance, and could search
i without warrant and arrest without trial. His fellow Communists in the F.L.Q. had
I given him the excuse.
i In 1967, as Justice Minister, Trudeau could have suppressed the Communists, when
confronted with the fact that they were training in the Laurentians. He did nothing. In 1
1970, he could have suppressed the Communists by using laWS designed for the I
purpose. In Canada, as in the United States, kidnapping, murder, and sedition are
unlawful. Instead, he used a law which imposed dictatorship even in British Columbia,
thousands of miles from the F.L.Q. problem, Canadians in general suffered more from
his “solution” than they did from the problem.
Indeed, the possibility that Communist Pierre-Elliott Trudeau colluded with the
Communist F.L.Q. in the matter must be seriously considered. Charles Gagnon, one of
the revolutionaries now on trial, was still another frequent contributor to Trudeau’s
. Cité Libra. Indeed, before he entered politics, Trudeau turned Cite'Libre over to Pierre
I Vallie'res, another of the F.L.Q. leaders now on trial, who also had been a frequent
APRIL, 1971 25
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contributor to the magazine. In some direct or indirect way did they concoct a
Canadian version of Hitler’s Reichstag fire?
You will remember that Trudeau’s defense of federalism is based not on genuine
Canadian patriotism, but on his idol Mao Tse-tung’s idea of imposing Communism in a
province, from which it then can spread. in June, 1970, socialized medicine came to
Quebec, in the form of Provincial Bill #8. Doctors in Quebec now cannot bill their
patients. They are paid directly by the Province — and as much as thirty-five percent ‘
less than they were earning before, Indeed, says D.A. Geekie, Director of Communica-
tions of the Canadian Medical Association, some doctors “haven’t been paid for
two-and—a-half months.” And, incredibly, while they are now completely under
Provincial control, their patients pay more J to the government. The doctors in
Quebec are now “piece work civil servants," says Geekie. Bill #8 also spoke of
transferring licensing and discipline from the Medical Associations t0 the government.
And on September third, the Castonguay Commission, headed by C. Castonguay. now
Quebec Minister of Health, advocated government salaries for doctors instead of
patients’ feesi
On October eighth, three days after Cross’s kidnapping and two days before
Laporte’s, thousands of Quebec specialists simply stopped working. Some received
threatening telephone calls. Many made plans to leave By October thirteenth, Laporte
had been kidnapped, and on that day the Federation of Medical Specialists of Quebec
offered to call its members back to work if the government would only agree to
negotiate the matters of dispute after the PLO. crisis was over. The government
refused, demanding unconditional surrender. But the doctors would not yield. They
continued to provide emergency service in the face of F.L.Q. threats. And on October
fifteenth, the C.M.A. announced support for its Provincial affiliate.
Later that same day, Quebec Premier Robert Bourassa forced Bill #4] through the
National Assembly (Provincial tegislature). Bill #41 ordered the specialists back to
work immediately, threatening fines of $200 to $500 per day and onemomh jail
sentences. The law applied to every specialist who had held a license to practise in
Quebec during the previous three months — even though he might already have moved
permanently to another province or country. And any syndicate or Association
officer, official, or employee who denounced the Bill was to be fined $5,000 to
$50,000 per day and jailed for as long as a year. In other words, the doctors were now
enslaved and denied even their freedom of speech.
Early the next morning, as you will recall, Communist Trudeau invoked the War
Measures Act. And two days later, under its pressure, worried about their patients
under crisis and their families under threat, the specialists decided to return to work,
Could that have been the real result Communist Trudeau was trying to achieve? Did
he really invoke the War Measures Act not to suppress his fellow Communists — which
he hadn’t done before and hasn’t done since — but to use his idol Mao’s scheme “to
plant Socialist government in certain provinces, from which the seed of radicalism can
slowly spread?”
I asked Mr. Geekie whether he thought it would spread. He shrugged. His lips
pursed. “I hope not," he said.
It is interesting to note that, during the crisis, Communist Trudeau announced his
government would establish full diplomatic relations with Communist China. And, as 1

APRIL, 1971 27
write, Mao’s agents are setting up their Embassy in Ottawa Like the Russian
Embassy, it will be used as a center of subversion.

What Happens Now?

Canada is now on the verge of becoming a Communist country; and when you read
this Canada will be where Cuba was in April, 1959, soon after Castro took over. Like
Castro, Trudeau will continue to deny he is a Communist until he seizes total power. If
the Canadian people let him do that, he will then announce, like Castro, that he has
been a Communist from the beginning.
Recently, he shouted from his limousine to some unemployed Quebec workers in
' Ottawa to protest: “Mange: de la merdel" This advice translates into the Queen’s
English as “Eat s**t1” 7 somewhat inappropriate phraseology from a “champion of t
; the laboring masses.” Marie Antoinette is at least reported to have told them to eat
cake. On another recent occasion, he used an obscene gesture — on the floor of
Parliament — at the same time mouthing the words, “F*** off!"
And the same terror that exists in Saigon can now be found in Montreal. In a :
restaurant. a woman cautions me to whisper as we discuss the F.L.Q. And there is the 5
usual manufactured anti~Americanism. At the Seaway Motor Inn 7 a good place for .
: Americans to avoid 7 we have guaranteed reservations we must pay for if we don’t
. show. We do show but there is no room. Our credit cards are good and then they are '
no good. As in Cuba, there is a Canadian version of “Cuba si. Yankee no.” An attempt E
is being made to reduce and eliminate American investment. “Canada for the
Canadians,” the people are being told The stage is being set for the usual .
Indeed, the first refugees 7 the doctors 7 are already arriving in the United States ;
from Canada. Unlike the Cubans, they can walk all the way.
IfTrudeau and his fellow Communists are successful. the United States will be faced .
3 not only with a Communist country ninety miles away 7 but also by one with whom
we share a common,4,000-rnile border.0ur best friend would be turned into our great- ;
est danger. And America would be caught in the pincers the Communists have planned.
Presumably, Richard Nixon has a policy ready, When Trudeau demands Louisiana, ‘
we will only give him half.
Demagogues throughout history have used mobs on the bottom, in the streets, in
the open, to justify the imposition of a dictatorship at the top. indeed, that is the
meaning of the word, demagoguerjv. Hitler did it, by fomenting riots and then offering
a “solution." Communists like Trudeau do it.
And the demagogic conspirators who control our government are doing it too. Like
; Trudeau, they are financing revolution against themselves, tojustify a dictatorship as the
“solution.” Indeed, just as in Canada, they are beginning to demand that our doctors be
nationalized, by means ofvarious proposals for “health care.” And on October 30, 1969,
the Federal Register published Richard Nixon’s Executive Order I 1490, which consoli- r
dates the powers described in nineteen earlier Executive Orders issued by Presidents Ken- 2
nedy and Johnson; powers which the President may use if he declares a state of “national
emergency" 7 a term which Mr. Nixon‘sOrder does not define. America, in short, has its ‘
own War Measures Act. And America has its own Trudeau. Americans and Canadians
must cooperate immediately to stop them. I I
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