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Whatever your background. I believe we are always taught to love them as yourself.

have you ever thought of loving someone who is our enemy? I believe this is very difficult thing to
do even impossible to do.

In the bible says love enemies like yourself. this is one of the big challenges in life.this is a
universal problem. Because as long as one another consider the enemy, of course the world will
never be we will discuss about loving enemy and what we can do to make peace with
our enemy

Who is the enemy????

An enemy is someone who gets a negative response from us, an enemy causes others to become
angry and may hurt physically or mentally. Finally the person who feels wronged becomes sensitive
and keeps a feeling of dislike and that is kept burried.

There is a lot of love in this world, love for family,,love for friends, love for your girs or boyfriend,
and you can also love your enemis. Loving enemy means being willing to forgive and choose peace.
No need to love them like those closest to you,just to do something good for them and it means
you have loved your enemy.

Why Should I Love My Enemy?

This question is not easy, you always ask why and why. And i believe this is very difficult but
everyone who has done, it means that others can do the same thing. I'm sure that you can apply it
too. Many benefits can be learned if we are willing to be sincere and generous to love our enemies.
What are the benefits?

1. 1. Proof of Yourself If You Really Are a Good Person.

Many people feel that if he has done good, everything is enough. "I am a good person and have
done a lot of kindness to my family and friends". Wait a minute, doesn't everyone do the same
thing? Loving people close to you is easy because they are kind to you. But loving those who do evil
to you is not easy. Need hard work and magnanimity. That's a lot harder.

2. 2. Good Examples for Others

Many people who usually give spiritual talks at places of worship often say the same thing to love
enemies. But when they were in another place, when they met an annoying person they were
immediately greeted with scorn. Can this be a good example? Of course not. So do good with your
enemies, then others who see it will be touched and can follow your kindness and even spread it to

3. 3. Get new friends

Without realizing it turns out many people who in the past became our enemies are now even our
friends. This can be seen when there is competition between 2 people who want to get a position at
work, for example, trying hard to tackle each other. But their interaction caused them to get to know
the other personalities of the enemy. It could even be amazed at his opponent. This is very positive
and very extraordinary if you can do it.

4. 4. You will be happier

As previously said, when we hate our enemies, we mean keeping negative feelings such as hatred or
revenge. Unfortunately such feelings that actually make a person become depressed and tend to be
uncomfortable. Even at risk for causing illnesses such as stress and depression. Therefore, replace
your negative feelings with positive things that can make you much better and also comfortable. If
you do this your physical and spiritual health will be well preserved.

5Change the Life of Others to the Right Path

The object that you hate is human. Humans are sentient beings. One day feelings can change. Even
for people whose hearts are as hard as a rock or as big as an iceberg will surely collapse if they
continue to get the warmth of love. Yes many people have changed after seeing the "silent
testimony" of those who practice love. They become touched and slowly but surely their bad life will
change and enter the right path.

Here are tips for you so you can love your enemy

1. Make Deep Contemplations

The first thing you do is take a deep breath, then start thinking about who we consider to be the
enemy, and ask yourself why I think of it that way? Is it because he hurt me? Has he hurt the people
closest to me? Look at everything in an objective perspective, and this is the first step to making you
overcome the hatred in yourself.
2. Put Yourself in Their Position

After you start your contemplation, try to think if you were in their position. Is it fair for them to be
placed in this position?

Use your overall observational power. You will surely feel that it is uncomfortable to be placed in
such a position. All humans try to do good things, but they make mistakes, or they have a different
perspective. Seeing the situation from another person's perspective is very difficult, but very

3. Try to understand

Understanding is harder than just understanding. Understanding your meaning is not just knowing
the condition of a situation, but you also really know the ins and outs of the problem. If you
understand the cause and effect before anything happens, you can better tolerate their actions.

4. Accept What It Is

Often humans are selfish, they only want what is good but refuse to accept its ugliness. Yes
accepting is a part of life. Accept that people who are close to you often make mistakes. So why
can't I accept other people whom I consider enemies who also have flaws? Because if we can never
accept, of course we can never love.

5. Forget All Things in the Past and Forgive Them

I think this is the hardest part of everything. Yes indeed when you are hurt, betrayed, shunned,
harassed and so on you will always remember it for life. But remember all these things have passed
and can not be changed again. Once again this is not easy. But if you can forgive all of that, you will
be free from the bitterness of the past and get a better future.

6. Look for Their Strengths

Another difficult part is finding the strengths of our enemies. In fact it is often as the saying goes that
the ants across the sea appear, while the elephants in the eyelids are invisible. Yes, someone's small
mistakes can be detected quickly by us, but their strengths are ignored. How do you find someone's
strengths? Be objective as a first step. Find something awesome or loved ... There is something like
that in everyone. You may need to know that a better person is someone who always sees the
strengths of others.
7. Embrace Equations but Avoid Differences

Maybe we forget that we have a lot in common with our enemies. Yes often an enemy has the same
goal as us. So why don't we make them close to us? The similarity will help a person's relationship
better and also improve the quality of a relationship. Instead we don't need to remember
differences because basically all humans are different. Make that difference a leap to navigate the
problems that hinder our lives.

8. Open Your Heart

Opening your heart is difficult, to be honest with me too. For many people, the heart is self defense.
Rather than being rejected or hurt, it's better to close your heart. But if we are too close to the
hearts of many parties we will never find happiness. This is a big challenge for you. But if you can
open your heart even more to your enemies, surely your life will get better.

9. Say and Do with Verbal Communication

There are several ways to show your affection. But often verbal communication proves effective.
Many people need recognition that they are loved by others. Therefore, do not hesitate to show
your affection verbally. Say that you really love them. Hug them. Pat their shoulders. They will get
power from your words and touch. With that your enemy can be touched and your relationship


It is clear that we as humans should love one another. Loving others indiscriminately. Anyone is free
to love. Even though it was difficult at first to love our enemies, rest assured that with earnest effort
and magnanimity, it is possible. Nothing is impossible in this world, including loving your enemy. So
the question is are you ready to love your enemy? Please apply the writing of this article. Good luck

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