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JSS Mahavidyapeetha

JSS Academy of Technical Education, Bengaluru

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Discrete Mathematical Structures (18CS36)

Faculty Incharge: Mahesh Kumar M R Sem / Sec: 3rd C

Module: 2,3 Announcement Date: 16.10.2019
Assignment: 02 Due Date: 26.10.2019

Course Outcomes
C206.2 Solve problems using counting techniques and combinatorics in the context of discrete L3
C206.4 Apply and appreciate the concepts of relations and functions to solve a variety of discrete
mathematical problems.

Q.No. Questions
1 The men’s final at wimbledon is won by the first player to win three sets of the five set match. Let
C and M denote the players. Draw a tree diagram to show all the ways in which the match can be
2 Let A = { 1,2,3,4} and B={1,2,3,4,5,6}
(a) how many functions are there from A to B?
(b) how many are onto?
How many functions are there from B to A? How many are one to one?
3 Give an example of finite sets A and B with |A|, |B|>=4 and a function f: A to B such that (a) f is
neither one to one nor onto. (b) f is one to one but not onto. (c) f is onto but not one to one. (d) f
is onto and one to one.
4 During the firt six weeks of his senior year in college, Joseph sends out at least one resume each
day but no more than 60 resumes in total. Show that there is a period of consecutive days during
which he sends out exactly 23 resumes.
5 Let S be a set of five positive integers the maximum of which is at most 9. Prove that the sum of
the elements in all the nonempty subsets of S cannot all be distinct.
6 A computer science professor has seven different programming books on a bookshelf. Three of the
books deal with C++, the other four with Java. In how many ways can the professor arrange these
books on the shelf (a) if there are no restrictions? (b) if the languages should alternate? (c) if all the
C++ books must be next to each other? (d) if all the C++ books must be next to each other and all
the Java books must be next to each other?
7 A ice cream store has 31 flavors of ice cream available. In how many ways can we order a dozen
ice cream cones if (a) we do not want the same flavor more than once? (b) a flavor may be ordered
as many as 12 times? (c) a flavor may be ordered not more than 11 times?
8 (a) How many permutations of size 3 can one produce with the letters m, r, a, f, and t?
(b) List all the combinations of size 3 that result for the letters m, r, a, f, and t?
9 For A = (-2, 7] subset of R, function f, g : A to R, f(x) = 2x – 4 and g(x) = 2x 2 – 8 / (x + 2). Verify
that f = g.

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