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Dedication and Posthumous homage

Chapter I – The Concept of Criminology; The History of Penalty; The Classical and the
Positivist School; The Causaulist Ideas of Enrico Ferri; The Comparison between his
Principles and those from Philosophical Schools.

Chapter II – The Dogmatist School of Penal Law; Free Will and Determinist; Behaviorism.

Chapter III - The Criminal Police School; The Social-Defense School; Criminal
Prophylaxis; Stanciu’s Preventionist Ideas.

Chapter IV – Criminology and Criminal Sociology; “Negazione del Libero Arbitrio e

Responsabilità”, Ferri; Criminal Biology, Anthropology, Psychology and Psychoanalysis;
The Crime-Prevention School.

Chapter V – Criminal Statistics; The Dark Numbers; Criminogenetic Analysis of the

Statistical Results taken of Different Situations Faced by a Criminal.

Chapter VI – Determinism; Cause-Effect Criminogenous Factors; Influence Exerted by the

Media; Alcoholism, Toxicologism and their Crime-Generating Effects; Drugs Impair
Nations; The New Law Against Drugs.

Chapter VII – The Object of Criminology; Clinical Criminology; Personality Tests and
Examinations; Projective and Prospective Tests; Intelligence Rate; Intelligence rate table.

Chapter VIII – Criminality among Children and Teenagers; The Children and Teenagers
Statute; Underage who are Offenders, who are Abandoned and who are Living in
destitution; Social-Educational Measures; Institutions Specially Designed to Crime-
Perpetrating Underage.

Chapter IX – Women’s Criminality and their Crimes; Factors Enticing Female Criminality;
The Law Number 11,340 of 7/8/2006 on Domestic and Familial Violence and it Forms.

Chapter X – Preventionist Criminology; The Candidacy for the Stockholm Prize in

Criminology; Preventionist Principles; Prevention of Crime Incidence and Reincidence;
Criminogenous Factors which Need to be Fought in Order to Avoid Crime-Perpetration;
Reforms to be Implemented in the Police, Justice and Prison Systems; Recuperation

Chapter XI – Research on Conduct Abnormalities on Individuals Carrying Mental or

Psychopathic Disorders; The Classification of Criminals for Recuperational Purposes:
Circunstantial Exogenous, Mesological, Mesoendogenous and Pathoendogenous.
Chapter XII – Criminal Misfortune and Victimology; The Classification and the Kinds of
Victims; Victim Criminals; The Criminal Man’s Misfortune.

Chapter XIII – Trafficking of Women, Children and Teenagers with the Sole Purpose of
Commercial Sexual Exploration; Drug-Dealing Gangs and Enticers; Operations Carried out
by the Federal Police; Routes Used by Mob Groups; International and Domestic Flow;
Examples of Women who Have Been Trafficked and their Misfortune.

Chapter XIV – The Damages and Crimes Perpetrated against Environment and their
Disastrous Consequences; The Laws number 6,605 of 12/02/2008 and Number 4,771, of
15/09/1965; Global Warming; The Greenhouse Effect; Kyoto Protocol; The Water Crisis in
the World; The Water-Dealing Challenges Faced by Brazil.

Chapter XV – Two parts “The Deleterious and Violent Brazil We Have” and “The Honest
and Pacific Brazil We Want”; In the First Part; The Unbearable Situation Promoted by
Corruption, Criminality and the Hecatomb which has Resulted in Public Clamour,
Demonstrations, Protests against Insecurity, Tears and Pain for the Daily Victims; In the
Second Part – Public Safety and Social Peace – The Prevention of Crime Incidence and of

Bibliographic References.

Systematic Table of Contents.

Alphabetical Table of Contents.

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