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1. VAC service

CVAC offers a number of administrative support services and biometric collection services to clients
submitting a temporary or permanent resident application, or permanent resident travel document
application to enter Canada.

Services charges for services at CVAC have been authorised by the Government of Canada.

2. Liability

VFS Global is operating on behalf of TT Visa Services Ltd (hereinafter TT Services) in Colombia . VFS
Global is not an agent of the Government of Canada. CVAC is a completely independent entity, operating
under the laws of the country where the services are provided and is solely responsible for the provision of
its services.

3. Language of service

CVAC shall provide the service and maintain all channels of communication in English and French and in
the predominant local languages.

4. Agreement

As a user of CVAC services I understand and agree that:

I have read this document completely. My use of the services of CVAC is to assist me with
submitting my temporary resident visa or permit application, or application for travel documents to the
Government of Canada, and is on the terms and conditions noted in this document. I understand that VFS
Global has no decision making power or influence over visa applications.

The personal information is gathered by the CVAC under the authority of a contract between VFS
Global Services and the Government of Canada. This authority includes any approved subcontractor. The
CVAC in Colombia will receive documents from me and collect personal information related to me for the
exclusive purpose of supporting the processing of my application by the Government of Canada for a
Canadian visa, permit or travel document, including transferring such documents and information to and
from the Government of Canada.

In addition, if indicated below in the “Consent for Indirect Collection”, I give my consent to the
CVAC in Colombia to receive my documents and personal information from the person specified below.

My personal information may include my application form, supporting or other documents,

including my fingerprints and photographs and other biometric information, as required by the
Government of Canada. My personal information may also include information related to application,
identity, biographic and contact details, including electronic records or data related to my application.

In order to obtain the authorisation of the Government of Canada as a contractor, CVAC will
respect principles of personal information confidentiality and protection adopted by various laws of
Canada. A copy of these principles has been made available to me, and by signing this form I
acknowledge that I am aware of the principles, and of the contact information for the Office of the Privacy
Commissioner for Canada.

These documents and electronic information will be transmitted to the Government of Canada , as
required to provide the service.

I understand that CVAC will only collect, use, disclose and retain my personal information as required in
its contract with the Government of Canada and for the purposes of providing administrative support
services and biometric collection services for my visa, permit or travel document application, where
applicable. The Government of Canada has prohibited CVAC from using or disclosing my personal
information for any other purpose unless I have provided a further consent in writing. I understand that if
I have concerns with the handling of my personal Information by the CVAC, I have the right to file a
complaint with the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Canada, using the contact information
provided to me.

NAME (printed):__________________________________________________________

ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________

SIGNATURE: ___________________________________________________________

DATE: ___________________________________________

SIGNED AT: ____________________________ (city, country)

Consent for Indirect Submission and/or Collection
(to be completed ONLY if travel agent or person other than applicant themselves is
submitting and/or collecting the visa application and decision)

I give my consent to the Canada Visa Application Centre in _______________(City, Country) to

collect my documents from:

Name of Person to submit an application or collect the decision on my behalf:


Relationship to Applicant (if applicable): ________________________

Applicant Signature ____________________________ Date ______________________

Declaration to be signed ONLY

by applicants assisted by the CVAC staff with electronic application form.

I received the assistance of the CVAC staff for data entry of my application information. I provided all
information and responses required for the application. I have read the completed and printed
application form and declare that the information provided is true and that the documents I am
submitting in support of my application are genuine and have not been altered in any way.

Name: ___________________________

Signature: ___________________________________ Date: _______________

Applicants wishing to provide biometrics
I confirm that I have reviewed the biometrics validity and requirement tool on the Government of
Canada’s website and will be providing my biometric enrolment notwithstanding the information
provided on the Government of Canada’s website.
I have made this decision of my own free will and without any influence or suggestions from the VAC staff.

Name: ________________
Signature: ______________
Date: ___________________

Applicants NOT wishing to provide biometrics

I confirm that I have reviewed the biometrics validity and requirement tool on the Government of Canada
s website and have decided NOT to provide my biometric enrolment.
I have made this choice of my own free will and without any influence or suggestions from the VAC staff.

Name: ________________
Signature: ______________
Date: ___________________



Al completar la información personal solicitada en este documento, usted en su calidad

de Titular o de Representante Legal del Titular de los Datos Personales que serán
suministrados para la prestación de los servicios para aplicar a una Visa de Canadá,
otorga su consentimiento de forma previa, expresa e informada, para que VFS
COLOMBIA S.A.S. operando bajo subcontratación de TT Visa Services (de
ahora en adelante TT Services) (en adelante “VFS”), pueda realizar el Tratamiento
de sus Datos Personales, con el propósito de que VFS pueda transferir esta
información a la Embajada de Canadá o al Consulado General de Canadá para su
evaluación, pueda emitir las facturas correspondientes al servicio para la aplicación de
visas y al recaudo de las tasas correspondientes según el tipo de Visa al cual se
aplique, pueda contactar al aplicante para informarle sobre el estado de su solicitud y
pueda enviarle por correo su pasaporte y otros documentos que hagan parte de la
solicitud de Visa de Canadá. /

(English) By completing the Personal Data in this document, you as the Personal Data
Owner or Legal Representative of the Owner of Personal Data that will be supplied for
rendering the services for Canada Visa Applications, give your prior, informed and
express consent to VFS COLOMBIA S.A.S. which is operating on behalf of TT
Visa Services Ltd (hereinafter TT Services) (hereinafter “VFS”) to process your
Personal Data for the purpose that VFS may transfer these information to the
Embassy of Canada or the Consulate General of Canada for its study, may emit the
invoices for the visa application services and the collection of fees depending on the
type of visa for which the application was submitted, may contact the applicant to
inform him/her about the status of his/her application and may send him/her by mail
his/her passport and other documents that are part of his/her Canada Visa Application.

VFS, como responsable de la información personal, conservará dicha información en

una base de datos central y podrá transferir toda o parte de la misma a la Embajada
de Canadá, al Consulado General de Canadá, o a terceros, según se describe en la
Política de Privacidad de VFS que aparece publicada en la Página Web de VFS.

(English) VFS, as responsible of the Personal Data, will store said information in a
central data base and may transfer it or part of it to the Embassy of Canada or the
Consulate General of Canada or, a third party, as described in VFS’s Privacy Policy
published on VFS’s web site.

Usted podrá, de acuerdo con lo dispuesto en la Ley 1581 de 2012, el Decreto 1377 de
2013 y en la Política de Tratamiento de Datos Personales de VFS, publicada en la
página web de VFS, acceder en todo momento a sus Datos Personales para
consultarlos y solicitar su actualización, rectificación y/o supresión.

(English) You may access at any time to your Personal Data in order to consult them
and to request their update, rectification and or suppression, in accordance with Law
1581 of 2012, Decree 1377 of 2013 and VFS’s Personal Data Policy publish in VFS’s
web page.


Nombre y apellidos del Aplicante. /

Name and Last Name of Applicant.
Número de Documento de Identidad
del Aplicante. / Applicant’s
Identification Number.
Fecha de Nacimiento del Aplicante
(día/mes/año). / Date of Birth of
Applicant (Day/Month/Year).
Edad del Aplicante. / Age of
Nombre y apellidos del
Representante Legal del Aplicante
(Padre o Acudiente). *Aplica para
menores de 18 Años. / Name and
Last Name of Applicant (Parent or
Legal Guardian). * For Applicants
that are minors of 18 years of age.
Número de Documento de Identidad
del Representante Legal del
Aplicante. / Identification Number of
Applicant’s Legal Representative.
Dirección de correo electrónico de
contacto del Aplicante. / Applicant’s
email addres.
Teléfono fijo de contacto del
Aplicante. / Applicant’s contact
telephone number.
Teléfono celular de contacto del
Aplicante. / Applicant’s contact
mobile number
Dirección de residencia del Aplicante.
/ Applicant’s residence address.

Declaro de manera expresa que he leído y entendido la totalidad del presente

documento y que al firmarlo, doy mi consentimiento expreso para que VFS
COLOMBIA S.A.S. operando bajo subcontratación de TT Visa Services (de
ahora en adelante TT Services) (en adelante “VFS”), pueda realizar el tratamiento
de los Datos Personales que he entregado en los términos y para los fines descritos en
este documento.

(English) I hereby declare that I have read and understood the integrity of this
document and that by signing it I give my express consent to VFS COLOMBIA S.A.S.
which is operating on behalf of TT Visa Services Ltd (hereinafter TT Services)
for the processing and treatment of the personal data that I have provided as per the
terms and for the purposes described within this document.

Firma / Signature: ____________________________

Nombre / Name: _____________________________
No. Documento / I.D. Number: __________________

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