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Gordon's 7th Grade Ancient History Class

Egypt Unit 2 Study Guide

Chapters 8 – 15

Chapter 8: 1st Intermediate Period and Middle Kingdom

• Differences between “Kingdoms” and “Intermediate Periods”

• Example of Ankhtyfy and his tomb

• Pepi II's death

• “Dialogue Between a Man Tired of Life and His Ba” (2940-1782 BCE)

• “Tale of Sinuhe” (1991-1926 BCE)

• Middle Kingdom Palace (3 rooms)

Chapter 9: Medicine and Magic

• “Peru-ankh”

• The Ebers Papyrus (1550 BCE)

• Malpractice/Specialization in Egyptian medicine

• Pros of ancient Egyptian medicine

• Cons of ancient Egyptian medicine

• Know at least 3 types of medical procedures/practices in ancient Egypt

Chapter 10: 2nd Intermediate Period

• “Heqa-khasut”

• Hyksos and Avaris

• Pharaoh Seqenenre's fate

• Egypt at beginning of war vs. Egypt at end of war with Hyksos

• Ahmose's tomb and the Golden Fly Award

• Result of war?

Chapter 11: Hatshepsut and Thutmose III

• Hatshepsut and her reign

• Journey to Punt

• Thutmose III and his reign

• Battle of Megiddo

Chapter 12: Daily Life (Fashion)

• “Kalasiris” and “schenti”

• Jewelry in ancient Egypt

• Know what an ancient Egyptian may have looked like including hair, makeup, clothes, perfume

• Fashion “don'ts” and why they are fashion “don'ts”

• Egyptian weddings

• “Tale of a Shipwrecked Sailor” (2000 BCE)

Chapter 13: Amenhotep III and Egyptian Government

• Amenhotep and Thutmose names/definitions

• Amenhotep III's reign

• Marriage Scarab (1385 BCE)

• Vizier

• Overseers

• Social hierarchy of ancient Egypt (who controlled the wealth?)

• Justice in ancient Egypt

Chapter 14: Foreign Relations in New Kingdom

• Amarna Letters (1386-1334 BCE) and two different types of them

• E.A. Wallis Budge

• Importance of alliances and marriage

Chapter 15: The Amarna Period

• Egyptian golden age

• Northern and Southern capitals

• Amenhotep IV or Akhenaten's reign

• Nefertiti

• 5th year of Amenhotep IV's reign?

• City of Amarna and its temple

• “Great Hymn to Aten” (1350-1334 BCE)

• Akhenaten's changes to Egyptian religion

• Result of Akhenaten's reign?

Possible Long Answer Questions:

1. Compare and contrast the reigns of Hatshepsut, Thutmose III, and Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV). What
aspects of their reigns brought Egypt prosperity? What aspects of their reigns hurt Egyptian prosperity?
What can we conclude, from these rulers, about what makes a pharaoh a successful leader? What
characteristics lead to decline? In their answer, students should cite at least 1 specific example from
each pharaoh.

2. Describe fashion in ancient Egypt. What did men and women wear? How did they take care of
themselves? What were several common ancient Egyptian fashion trends? Were there any fashion
“don'ts?” What were they?

3. Describe medicine in ancient Egypt. What was medicine like during this time? How did physicians
treat diseases? Were these treatments successful? Were any treatments unsuccessful? Describe at least 3
types of medical treatments or procedures that the Egyptians used.

4. Describe the “Tale of the Shipwrecked Sailor.” What happens in the story? Is there a moral of the
story? If so, what is it? If not, why? Is this an enjoyable story to read? Why or why not?

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