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1. which of the following is not an abstraction level in verilog ( )

a. circuit level. b. gate level c. behavioral level d. dynamic level
Ans: d

2. ---------- is the basic element at circuit level

a. gate b. switch c. system d. none of the above.
Ans: b

3. --------- is the suitable example for switch level constructs.

a. inverter. b. OR gate c. “+” operator d. AND gate.
Ans: a

4. “verilog has basic MOS switches built into constructs”. Statement is-
a. true b. false c. partially correct d. none
Ans: a

5. Basic gates are available as ready made modules called--------- in verilog HDL.
a. inverters. b. switches c. primitives. d. structures.
Ans: c

6. AND gate is suitable for --------- level of abstraction.

a. gate b. switch c. behavioral d. data flow
Ans: a

7. Structural modeling is the second name of

a. circuit modeling b. behavioral modeling c. data flow modeling d. gate level modeling
Ans: d

8. All possible operations are represented as----------- in data flow level model.
a. assignments b. statements. c. variable. d. none
Ans: a

9. ----------- level is the system level itself.

a. data flow b. behavioral c. gate level d. circuit

10. ------------ in verilog calls for concurrency of operation.

a. design b. synthesize c. description d. simulation
Ans: d

11. Translation of debugged design into corresponding output is called------------

a. synthesis b. testing c. timing d. none
ANS: a
12. Testing has two dimensions i.e. functional tests and ---- tests.
a. behavioral b. design c. timing d. none

13. -------------- can be used for accessing the variables within master modules.
a. design addressing b. sequential addressing
c. hierarchical addressing d. all of the above.
Ans: c

14. PLI stands for------------------

a. Programming Loop Identification b. Planned Language Interface.
c. Program Loop Interface. d. Programming Language Interface.

15. Begin and end signify---------- in verilog HDL.

a. comments b. keywords. c. characters. d. strings
Ans: b

16. Assignments are ------------ in nature at data flow level.

a. non concurrent b. variable c. concurrent d. in variant.
Ans: c

17. Which of the following is not a white space character?

a. \b b. \t c. \n d. \e
Ans: d

18. In a number representation, 8’hf4, ‘h’ stands for-------------

a. sign bit b. base of the number c. decimal number d. bit width

19. In logic values representation of verilog HDL, ‘z’ defines-----------

a. high impedance state b. unknown value. c. signal strength d. none of the above.

20. if a signal line ‘a’ is driven by two sources, b at level 1 with strength “ pull 1” & c at level 0 with
strength “strong 0” then ‘a’ will take the value of what?
a. z b. x c. 0 d. 1

21. -------- are generalized modules that already exist in verilog

a. String b.key word c. system tasks d. primitives
Ans: d

22. in the following statement and g1(O, I1,I2,…………,In); g1 specifies…………….

a. and gate b. name of the instantiation c. input d. output
Ans: b
23. ---- keyword specifies settings done initially
a. Begin b. end c. initial d. none

24. ---monitors variables specified whenever any of those changes

a. $monitor b.$display c .$time d. $stop
Ans: a

25. ------------- when encountered exists simulation

a. $stop b.$finish c. $exit d.$end

26. if for an and gate primitive if i/p1=z, i/p2 =x , then the output is in ---------- state.
a. 0 b.1 c. X d. Z
Ans: c

27. the last statement on any module definition is keyword----------

a. end module b.endmodule c. end d. exit
Ans: b

28. in a BUF gate, if the only input is at ‘1’ state, the o/p is -------
a. x b. z c.0 d. 1
Ans: d

29. the below figure defines

a. buf if0(out,in,control); b. buf if1(out,in,control);

c. not if0(out,in,control); d.not if1(out,in,control) 1)

Ans: c

30. in a tristate buffer, when control= ----------, out is cut off from i/p and tristated
a. 0 b.1 c.X d. none of the above
Ans: a

31. the general instantiation of array type is-----------

a. and(a,b,c); b.and gate[mm:nn]; c. and gate(a,b,c); d.and gate [mm:nn](a,b,c);
32. for the module below:
module and1(c,a,b)
input a,b; output c; and(c,a,b); endmodule.
For a test bench input with #2 a=1, b=0; #4 a=1, b=1;
The output goes at logic one at--------------ns.
a. 0 b.6 c.2 d. 4

33. –construct repeats assignment seq. cyclically until simulation stops

a. Initial b.begin c. always d. all of the above

34. which of the foll. Is not a delay type?

a. net delay b.gate delay c. tristate gate delay d. switch delay.

35. wire #2nn; depict --- type of thedelay.

a. gate delay delay c. tristate gate delay d. register delay
Ans: b

36. valid format for different propogation delays are

a. wire #(2,1)nm; b. #2 wire #1 nm; c. Wire nm #(2,1); d. None of the above.

37. and # 3 g(a,b,c); denotes --------

a. net delay b. and delay c.gate delay d. module delay

38. in the format stmt. Shown : bufif1@(1,2,3)b1(a0,ai,c); the first number stands for------------
a. negative transition of output b.positive transition of output c. control signal d. none
Ans: b

39. which of the following gate primitive has the strongest strength?
a. Pull b. weak c. strong
Ans: d

40. -------------- types of nets have a charge storage capacity with them.
a. Reg b. net c. wire d.trireg

41. Verilog has _____for test bench and design

a) Different code b) Same code c) No code d) None of the above

42. A block comment begins with

a) / b) // c) !! d) --:
Ans: b
43. Simulation at uniform levels obtains____
a) non persistence b) loops c) concurrency d) synthesis
Ans: c
4 4. Verilog HDL can design in which level of decription
a)circuit level b)gate level c)data flow level d)all the above
Ans: d
45. RTL stands for
a)resistor transistor logic b)resistor transfer level c)register transfer level d) non
Ans: c

46. In logic values representation of verilog HDL, ‘z’ defines-----------

a. high impedance state b. unknown value. c. signal strength d. none of the above.

47. In a number representation, 8’hf4, ‘h’ stands for-------------

a. sign bit b. base of the number c. decimal number d. bit width

48. In numbers token if size is not mentioned what is the default size
a)32 bits b)16 bits c)8 bits d)64 bits
Ans: a

49. Wire[3:0]a represents

a)single bit b)4 bit vector c)3 bit vector d) non
Ans: b

50. Symbol identification of system task

a)# b)& c)$ d)*

51. $finish task,when encountered

a)suspends simulation b)exits simulation c)a&b d) non

52. If all the inputs are at one then output state is 1 for which gate
a)OR gate b)AND gate c)NAND gate d)NOR gate
Ans: b

53. If sign is not mentioned in numbers token which sign it consider

a)positive b)negative using 2’s complement c)negative using 1’s complement d) non

54. The higher level of design description next to circuit level is________ level.
a)switch level b)gate level c)data flow level d)behavioral level.

55. In verilog,the system task used for controlling system is

a)$display b)$monitor c)$monitor d)all the above
56. The two groups of data types are,
a)variable and net type b)wire and tri-data type c)integer d)real

57. Functions which are used in all programming language is known as

a) subroutines b)level c)programs d)language
Ans: a

58. -------------- can be used for accessing the variables within master modules.
a. design addressing b. sequential addressing
c. hierarchical addressing d. all of the above.

59. PLI stands for------------------

a. Programming Loop Identification b. Planned Language Interface.
c. Program Loop Interface. d. Programming Language Interface.


60. Begin and end signify---------- in verilog HDL.

a. comments b. keywords. c. characters. d. strings

61. Assignments are ------------ in nature at data flow level.

a. non concurrent b. variable c. concurrent d. in variant.

62. Which of the following is not a white space character?

a. \b b. \t c. \n d. \e

63. In a number representation, 8’hf4, ‘h’ stands for-------------

a. sign bit b. base of the number c. decimal number d. bit width

64. In logic values representation of verilog HDL, ‘z’ defines-----------

a. high impedance state b. unknown value. c. signal strength d. none of the above.

65. if a signal line ‘a’ is driven by two sources, b at level 1 with strength “ pull 1” & c at level 0 with
strength “strong 0” then ‘a’ will take the value of what?
a. z b. x c. 0 d. 1

66. ------------ in verilog calls for concurrency of operation.

a. design b. synthesize c. description d. simulation
67. Translation of debugged design into corresponding output is called------------
a. synthesis b. testing c. timing d. none

68. Testing has two dimensions i.e. functional tests and ---- tests.
a. behavioral b. design c. timing d. none

69. -------------- can be used for accessing the variables within master modules.
a. design addressing b. sequential addressing
c. hierarchical addressing d. all of the above.

70. PLI stands for------------------

a. Programming Loop Identification b. Planned Language Interface.
c. Program Loop Interface. d. Programming Language Interface.
Ans: d

71. Begin and end signify---------- in verilog HDL.

a. comments b. keywords. c. characters. d. strings

72. In a number representation, 8’hf4, ‘h’ stands for-------------

a. sign bit b. base of the number c. decimal number d. bit width


73. In numbers token if size is not mentioned what is the default size

a)32 bits b)16 bits c)8 bits d)64 bits


74. Wire[3:0]a represents

a)single bit b)4 bit vector c)3 bit vector d) non


75. Symbol identification of system task

a)# b)& c)$ d)*


76. $finish task,when encountered

a)suspends simulation b)exits simulation c)a&b d) non

77. Assignments are ------------ in nature at data flow level.
a. non concurrent b. variable c. concurrent d. in variant.
Ans: c

78. Which of the following is not a white space character?

a. \b b. \t c. \n d. \e
Ans: d

79. In a number representation, 8’hf4, ‘h’ stands for-------------

a. sign bit b. base of the number c. decimal number d. bit width

80. In logic values representation of verilog HDL, ‘z’ defines-----------

a. high impedance state b. unknown value. c. signal strength d. none of the above.

81. if a signal line ‘a’ is driven by two sources, b at level 1 with strength “ pull 1” & c at level 0 with
strength “strong 0” then ‘a’ will take the value of what?
a. z b. x c. 0 d. 1

82. Which of the following is not a white space character?

a. \b b. \t c. \n d. \e

83. In a number representation, 8’hf4, ‘h’ stands for-------------

a. sign bit b. base of the number c. decimal number d. bit width

84. In logic values representation of verilog HDL, ‘z’ defines-----------

a. high impedance state b. unknown value. c. signal strength d. none of the above.

85. if a signal line ‘a’ is driven by two sources, b at level 1 with strength “ pull 1” & c at level 0 with
strength “strong 0” then ‘a’ will take the value of what?
a. z b. x c. 0 d. 1
Ans: c

86. The various types of sequential models provided by verilog for storing data are,

a)feedback model b)capacitive model c)implicit model d)all the above

Ans: d

87. The simulation task is controlled by $stop and _______construct.

a)$repeat b)$random c)$finish d)$hold.

Ans: d
88.Formal verification tools do not perform

a)verification b)observation c)simulation d)assertion


89. Trun-on and trun-off delays are associated with __________ switches

a) uni-directional b) bi-directional c) both a and b d) none


90. module path can be specified in a specify block as,

a)simple path b)edge-sensitive path c)state-dependent path d)all the above

Ans: d

91. The parameter values can be overridden or assigned by preceding the assignments
with_____________ keyword.

a)defparam b)specparam c)localparam d)none

Ans: a

92.__________task is used to completely stop the simulation

a)$stop b)$strobe c)$finish d)none

Ans: c

93. The keywords _______ are used to group statements into parallel blocks.

a)begin b)fork c)join d)both b and c

Ans: d

94. The non-blocking assignments are used to implement the ________________ logic
a)combinational b)sequential c)both a and b d)none


95._______ statement is a simple construct in a module for multiple branching.

a)for b)while c)forever d)case

96.Which of the following is a set of specially selected input patterns?

a) test pattern b) debugger pattern c) bit pattern d) byte pattern


97. Which is applied to a manufactured system?

a) bit pattern b) parity pattern c) test pattern d) byte pattern


98. Which of the following is based on fault models?

a) alpha-numeric pattern b) test pattern c) bit pattern d) parity pattern


99. which of the foll. Is not a delay type?

a. net delay b.gate delay c. tristate gate delay d. switch delay.

100. wire #2nn; depict --- type of thedelay.

a. gate delay delay c. tristate gate delay d. register delay
Ans: b

101. valid format for different propogation delays are

a. wire #(2,1)nm; b. #2 wire #1 nm; c. Wire nm #(2,1); d. None of the above.
Ans: a

102. and # 3 g(a,b,c); denotes --------

a. net delay b. and delay c.gate delay d. module delay
Ans: c

103. in the format stmt. Shown : bufif1@(1,2,3)b1(a0,ai,c); the first number stands for------------
a. negative transition of output b.positive transition of output c. control signal d. none
Ans: b

104. which of the following gate primitive has the strongest strength?
aPull b. weak c. strong
Ans: d

205. -------------- types of nets have a charge storage capacity with them.
a. Reg b. net c. wire d. trireg

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