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Course: Basic Concepts of Educational Planning-I (6557)

Level: MA-EPM
Semester: Spring, 2019

Q.1 Collect various definition of development and critically analyse them with
reference to development education. Discuss different indicators of the
development. What strategy would you suggest for the eradication of poverty
in Pakistan through education?


Economic development" or "development" is a term that economists, politicians, and others

have used frequently in the 20th century. Development has been defined variously by

various scholars. There is no universally accepted definition of development. Initially,

economic growth or development was taken to be development by some economists. But,

economic development is only one of the dimensions of development. Other dimensions of

development include socio-cultural development, human development, environmental

development, geo-political development and technological development.

The various definitions given by various scholars of development can be described as lying

within one of the two broad categories-traditional definition and modern definition.

Traditionally, development was understood as an increase in per capita income, national

income, economic welfare and positive change in economic structure. All the definitions
based on such criteria as per capita income, national income, economic welfare and
economic structure fall under the traditional view of economic development.

Some scholars such as Williamson, Buttrick, Water Crouse, Viner etc. define economic

development as the process that brings about permanent increase in per capita income.
According to them, the objective of economic development is raise per capita levels of
income or to maintain the existing high levels of income. Other scholars like Meier, Baldwin

etc. define economic development as the process leading to long-lasting increase in

national income instead of per capita income.

Bernard, Okun and W. Richardson define economic development as sustained improvement

in wellbeing, which is reflected by increasing flow of goods and services.
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Simon Kuznets defines economic development as a long term rise in the capacity to supply
increasing diverse economic goods to its population, the growing capacity based on
advancing technology and the institutional and ideological adjustment that demands. The

definition given by Simon Kuznets is more comprehensive than the ones given by other
scholars who look at economic development from traditional point of view.

Until 1960s, the concept of economic development considering per capita income and
national income as parameters of economic development was popular. But, after 1960s,
some economists such as Dudley Steers, Edgar Owens, Todaro etc. called into question such
a narrow concept of economic development. They argued that such a concept glosses over
(ignores) distribution of means and resources. According to them, it is not appropriate to
consider an increase in per capita income and national income as economic development if
such social problems as poverty, inequality and unemployment exist in the country.
According to modern view of development or economic development, development is an

improvement in quality of life of people. Todaro defines development as the gamut (set) of
changes such as acceleration of economic growth, reduction of inequality, eradication of

poverty, etc. that leads to the transformation of unsatisfactory condition of life into
materially and spiritually better condition of life.

Given the cruxes of various definitions put forward by various scholars, the concept of
economic development contains three core values-sustenance (the ability to meet basic

needs, self- esteem (to be a person) and freedom from servitude(To be able to choose).

Sustenance, which means the ability to meet basic needs, is one of three cores values of

economic development. In other words, the concept of economic development must

include this element because economic development cannot be said to have taken place if
people lack the ability to meet basic needs. This means economic development is making
people able to meet their basic needs.

Freedom from servitude means to be able to choose. Lack of personal freedom, as to act as
one chooses. reedom refers to political or ideological freedom, economic freedom and
freedom from social servitude Economic development means freeing people from a

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situation in which their choice is limited. In other words, economic development means
enlarging people’s choices. Freedom involves a wide range of choices for people living in a

Self-esteem means to be a person. In other words, self- esteem means a state of not being
used as a tool by others for their own interest. According to Todaro, people may use such

words as identity, dignity, respect and honor to refer to self-esteem. Self-esteem is another
core value of economic development. If people are used by others as a tool for fulfilling
their own needs, economic development has not taken place.

Thus, economic development means a situation in which (i) people are able to meet their
basic needs;(ii) they have a wide range of choices and (iii) they are not used by others as a
tool for their own ends.

Different indicators of the development:

There are hundreds of economic, political and social indicators of development, ranging

from ‘Hard’ economic indicators such as Gross National Income (and all its variations), to
various poverty and economic inequality indicators, to the Sustainable Development Goals,

which focus much more on social indicators of development such as education and health,
all the way down to much more subjective development indicators such as happiness.

In this blog post I consider what the most useful indicators of development are for students
of A level sociology, studying the excellent module in global development.

I’ve thus selected the indicators below to try and represent:

 the most commonly used indicators collected by some of the major development
institutions, both multilateral agencies such as the World Bank, as well as NGOS.

 The indicators you need to know for the ‘indicators of development topic – most

obviously GNP, the HDI and the MDGs.

 Other indicators which are useful to know for different sub-topics within the global

development course (health, education, gender, conflict, the environment etc…)

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Taken together these indicators should provide enough breadth of measurements to gain a
very good (for A level standards) insight into the level of development of a country, without
resulting in information overload and mental meltdown…

Most of the above indicators below have been developed and are monitored by either the
World Bank or the United Nations, but I’ve also included others, such as the Global Peace

Index, which are collated by other agencies, so as to broaden out the data sou

The indicators I consider in more detail below are as follows.

1. Total nominal Gross Domestic Product

2. Gross National Income per capita (PPP)

3. The percentage of people living on less than $1.25 a day

4. The percentage of people living below the poverty line within a country.

5. The unemployment rate.

6. The Human Development Index score

7. Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (overlaps with many other

8. School enrollment ratios

9. PISA educational achievement rankings

10. Percentage of population in tertiary education.

11. The infant mortality rate.

12. Healthy life expectancy

13. The gender inequality index

14. The global peace index

15. Total military expenditure

16. Carbon Dioxide emissions

17. The corruption index

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18. The Happiness Index.

Eradication of poverty in Pakistan through education:

Eradicating poverty is one of the biggest challenges facing nations around the world and is

number one on the list of sustainable development goals set by the United Nations.
According to UN estimates, over 783 million people live below the international poverty line
of $1.90 a day and the situation will only get worse if the right steps are not taken now.

The discussion on the war on poverty will remain incomplete unless we discuss the impact
education can have on poverty reduction. Almost all experts agree that the education and
its provision is one of the most obvious and effective ways to take millions of households

out of poverty across the world, and Pakistan is no different.

For starters, access to quality education allows humans in extreme poverty situations to

develop skills they need to find better livelihoods and acts as the golden key that can open
the doors to prosperity. Even if not ultimate, education remains a key solution that can help

reduce poverty. On this International Day for the Eradication of Poverty 2018, we discuss
how education can in fact help millions in Pakistan and around the world escape the

clutches of abject impoverishment. Read on.

Education Can Help Eradicate Poverty Directly

According to vetted reports, 171 million humans around globe got rid of extreme poverty
situations in the last decade. It is estimated that if the world is able to educate all children of

the world with basic reading and writing skills, the world’s poverty can be reduced by 15%
in a year. Every country that is facing extreme poverty conditions like Pakistan must do

essential investment in education sector. This will help Pakistanis attain the knowledge, skills
and understanding to pursue better jobs that are not only well paying but also provide
them with consistent earnings that will help them provide for the needs of themselves and
their families. Pakistan must take steps to provide free public education to those who lived

under the line of poverty along with additional costs for uniforms, books and
transportation, so that these citizens stand a better shot at improving their lives and the
economic productivity of the country.

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Education Helps Increase Earnings

Another way education can help eradicate poverty is by enhancing earnings of an

individual. Poverty is sometimes simply not having enough earnings and having quality, or
even in some cases basic education, can alleviate such problems. In order to achieve the
goal of widespread economic prosperity in Pakistan, the role of education is imperative in

increasing the skill level of masses. More education translates into more valued skills and
more income as a result. Surely proper basic education is the most effective and direct way
to increase economic security for those who are living in extreme poverty conditions.

Education Helps Reduce Fiscal Inequalities

Proper education not only ends illiteracy and ignorance of individual rights, but also boosts
the self-esteem in those who are facing economic hardships. Education is directly correlated

with income and reduces income inequality that has increased from 25% to 35% in the last
two decades. Some quick changes in primary, secondary and higher education of Pakistan is

perhaps the only line of attack to recuperate the economic inequalities of disadvantaged
population in country.

Education Uplifts Economic Development

According to a recent report, about 39% Pakistanis do not have enough money to meet the

basic needs such as food, clothing and shelter. Due to the slow pace of economic growth
and development in Pakistan, it’s really hard for the poor to come out from their
multidimensional poverty. But education can turn the tables even in such situations of
limited resources and means. Education not only gives people a better understanding of
themselves but also helps them to achieve sustainable economic development without
substantial investment. Truly Education is among those influential instruments that Pakistan

can use to set the foundation for a sustained economic growth.

Education Leads To Personal Growth

In every sense of the word, basic education is one of the key factors of personal
development. It not only reduces poverty, but also improves the quality of life that leads to

broad social benefits to individuals as well as for the society. Impact of education on
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personal growth of individuals helps them to reap the complete benefits they need to
unleash their potential. Economic security achieved through education can in turn lead to
people turning to ever new ideas to enhance their incomes and in turn help the national

economy gather pace. Moreover, educated households can take stock of the realities of life
much better and hence take better decisions in crucial areas such as family planning. So
education can alos directly help Pakistan deal with the very concerning but still uncontrolled
rapid growth in population.


Q.2 Select five latest definitions of planning and management with reference to
education and compare them. Evaluate the various types of national plans and
their scope.


Definition of planning

"Planning is usually interpreted as a process to develop a strategy to achieve desired []

objectives, to solve problems, and to facilitate action" (Mitchell 2002, 6).

The role of the planner is thus to identify a desirable future and to prepare a course of

action to achieve this goal (Mitchell 2002). He records this in a plan. In the course of this
module you will learn how planning can be carried out.

Natural resource planning thus is - with regard to resources - "the identification of possible

desirable future end states, and development of courses of action to reach such end states"
(Mitchell 2002, 6).

Definition of management

Management refers to the controlling and planning of details (Bauer 1998). By judicious use of

available means the actual decisions are made and actions are carried out to achieve the
objectives (Storey 1960).

Management thus requires both plans and objectives (Storey 1960).

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The manager has therefore to control, handle and direct the decision-making and the
course of action. He has the responsibility and the authority to allocate the capital,
technology and human resources to achieve the desired end (Mitchell 2002; Ratter 2002).

Natural resource management thus comprises actual decisions and actions concerning policy
and practice regarding how resources are appraised, protected, allocated, developed, utilised,

processed, rehabilitated, remediated and restored, monitored and evaluated (Ewert et al. 2004;
Mitchell 2002).

This management process includes the broad economic, social, environmental and technical
considerations that influence natural resource management decision-making (Ewert et al.
2004). Thus, management is complex and requires substantial advance planning.

Planning the development and management of natural resources should involve the

broader development goals of the community aiming to improve the living conditions of
the local population (such as marketing opportunities for the cultivated crops). In this

context, natural resource management means less the outright protection of natural
resources (e.g., game reserves to which local people are denied access); rather it means a
sustainable and environmentally appropriate management (Bollom 1998).

Various types of national plans and their scope:

Development plan prepared within the framework of the approved perspective plan is a
medium-term (5 years) comprehensive plan of spatio-economic development of the urban
centre. The objective of a development plan is to provide further necessary details and
intended actions in the form of strategies and physical proposals for various policies given
in the perspective plan depending upon the economic and social needs and aspiration of
the people, available resources and priorities. A local authority cannot adopt a development

plan unless it is conceived within the framework of the perspective plan, which is approved
or is in the process of being approved

Scope of Development Plan

The scope of this plan covers an assessment of current issues, prospects, priorities and

proposals for development of the urban centre including employment generation,

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economic base, transportation and land use, housing and other infrastructure; and matters
like environment, conservation and ecology. It also contains implementation strategies,
agency-wise (including private sector) schemes/projects, development promotion rules, and

resource mobilization plan with particular reference to finance, land and manpower and
provides an efficient system of monitoring and review.

Depending upon the urgency of the needs and priorities requiring special treatment and
covering special aerial extant development plans for specific subjects could also be
prepared within the framework of the perspective plan and covering the area of jurisdiction
of the local authority. These plans could be traffic and transportation plan, tourism
development plan, environmental conservation plan, heritage conservation plan, mining
sites reclamation plan, coastal area development plan, highway corridor development and
such others. A development plan is a statutory plan, approved and adopted by the local
authority for implementation with the help of schemes and projects. Its proposals are

precise and definite. It makes known publicly the intention of the local authority regarding
physical, social and economic development of the urban centre, the facilities and services

that are proposed to be provided in near future (next 5 years). It notifies the property
owners the manner in which their properties will be affected; and it informs the developers

about the areas where opportunities for investment will be available.


Q.3 Identify the leadership functions expected of educational planners and

administrators with reference to Pakistan.


Over the past decade, amazing research has been conducted in the area of school
leadership. With the wealth of information out there, I often wish someone would take the

best of it and put it into simple terms, describing exactly what it is that great principals do
to significantly improve teaching and learning. The Wallace Foundation's recent Perspective,
The School Principal as Leader: Guiding Schools to Better Teaching and Learning, is a huge
step forward in granting my wish. The report tells us that the most successful principals
perform five key functions well:

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1. Shaping a vision of academic success for all students

2. Creating a climate hospitable to education

3. Cultivating leadership in others

4. Improving instruction

5. Managing people, data, and processes to foster school improvement

What makes the Wallace Perspective so significant is the fact that it's informed by both
research and practice. The foundation's more than 70 research reports and other
publications covering school leadership provide the research based for the report's key
ideas. Heavy hitters like The University of Toronto's and University of Minnesota's 2010

report Learning From Leadership: Investigating the Links to Improved Student

Learning and Rand's 2009 report Improving School Leadership: The Promise of

Cohesive Leadership Systems were culled and the ideas repurposed for this Perspective.
The Wallace Foundation's 10+ years of active engagement with states and school districts

across the country enabled the authors to have access to the very practical forces that
impact school leadership. The bottom line: We all have a lot to learn from this commentary.

After breaking the five key functions down into very practitioner-friendly language, the
authors did something Learning Forward members have come to expect from our

publications: provide real-world examples. We are introduced to Dewey Hensley, principal

of the J. B. Atkinson Academy for Excellence in Teaching and Learning in Louisville,
Kentucky. During Hensley first week at Atkinson Academy, he drew a picture of a school on
poster board and asked his faculty to annotate it. He asked his school team to create a
perfect vision of a school, and then they all worked together to get there. Hensley was living
the first key function: shaping a vision of academic success for all students. His story is

woven throughout the remaining four functions outlined in the report. The professional
learning implications of this Wallace Perspective are many. For those whose work in any way
involves developing school leaders, this resource will prove extremely useful. The
Perspective is also an excellent resource for those already "sitting in the chair," giving those
school leaders a handy tool to inform potential target areas for professional growth. The

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same is true for assistant principals and teacher leaders who aspire to be principals and are
looking to practice their leadership skills.


Q.4 Define educational characteristics of population. Elaborate the demographic

factors which have a bearing on programmes to ensure equality of educational


Education is for people and its development is ultimately aimed at maximizing the capacity

for achieving full welfare of the population. The educational planner as well as administrator
is constantly engaged in activities for and with the people. The question arises: What are
the demographic challenges facing educational planning today? It is vital for planners
and decision-makers to know the structure and distribution of the population at a given

date, as well as how it has changed in recent years. In other words, educational planning
cannot be divorced from considerations about dynamics of population (i.e., its growth and

change), as it deals with a ‘target population' which is constantly changing in number, age
and sex composition, and geographic distribution.

Population growth results in significant variations in the age and sex compositions of the
population besides the numerical increase. The rate of population growth has wide

implications on all spheres of human activity. Migration of people determines their

geographical distribution and this too, has a significant impact on the needs of the society.
All these affect educational development in a direct manner. In fact, the findings of
demography are one of the foundations on which educational plans are built and for this
reason, planners should have a sufficient knowledge of demographic methods and
concepts, their meanings and limitations. Nearly all quantitative analyses and estimates of
the qualitative aspects of education are related to population - its size, structure, location,

dynamics and prospects. Hence there is need to study demographic aspects of educational

The discipline of the study of human population is known by two terms: (i) population
studies (ii) Demography. Population Studies can easily be understood as studies concerned

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with population. Demography has been derived from the latin word 'demos', meaning
people and hence is the science of population. Demographic analysis is confined to a study
of the components of population variation and change. Population studies are concerned

not only with population variables but also with the relationships between population
changes and other variables - social, economic, political, biological, genetic and
geographical etc. Whereas the theoretical demographic analysis tries to explain
demographic facts and to seek the causes behind them, the descriptive approach limits
oneself to a ‘statistical description of populations’. In reality, however, the distinction is not
as clear as this; population forecasts, for instance, cannot be made without a minimum of

demographic analysis. Whichever approach is adopted, demographers have two possible

fields of study distinct from each other, both in objectives and in method. The first one is
static demographic analysis which deals with the current situation of the population, their
structure or composition. The second one is the dynamic aspect of population analysis

which aims at the trend of the population – also called movement of the population which
depend on a number of factors, particularly on such demographic events as births,

marriages and deaths.

I. Population Structure and Its Effects on Education

Studying the structure of a population means studying its composition, i.e., its distribution
according to certain pre-defined criteria. Educational planners may be concerned with the

distribution of the population for various reasons. First, they may be interested in its
distribution by age and sex. This enables them to measure the relative size of the school-
age population, which is the foundation and the point of departure for any educational
policy. Second, they may be concerned with the distribution of the population by sector of

economic activity and, within each of these sectors, by occupation. Without accurate
knowledge of the distribution by sector and occupation, it is impossible to estimate
manpower requirements, and hence to determine targets for technical, vocational and
higher education. Third, planners may be concerned with the geographical distribution of
the population, which affects both the cost of education and the choice of types, sizes and

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locations of schools. Our examination of population structure will be confined to the three
above-mentioned aspects.

Structure of the Population by Age and Sex

The simplest method of studying the population structure by age and by sex is to construct
an ‘age pyramid’. The age structure of the population is very important in demographic
analysis because it provides a sort of summary of the demographic history of the nation,
and also because, as it governs to some extent the future growth of the population. The

number of individuals at each age, or in each age group, depends on (i) the number of
births in the generation, or generations, of which they were born; (ii) the effect of mortality
on that generation or those generations; and (iii) the size of migratory flows at various
times, and the ages of the migrants.

Age Composition

The age structure of a population is the consequence of trends in fertility (birth), mortality

(deaths) and migration over past periods with fertility trends having the dominant influence.
The proportion of small children, for instance, reflects the recent birth rate as further

affected by infant mortality. The proportion of old person is a cumulative effect of

population trends ever since the time when they are born. The population of children aged
0-4 years gives an indication of the burden of child care. The group 5-14 is an indicative of
investment needed for school enrolment and teaching staff. The economically active

population is reflected by the 15-64 group while a rough index of old age dependency is
the proportion of the population aged 60 years and over.

Dependency Ratio

The size of the age-group 15-64 years in relation to the rest of the population in the two
age-groups, 0-14 and 65 years and above provides an idea about the magnitude of the
burden of dependency on it. The estimation of the extent of economic dependence in a

population is the main use of working out the dependency ratio.


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Q.5 Highlights the techniques of efficient use of resources in education? Discuss the
role of education as an agent of development in Pakistan.


Building an efficient educational institution infrastructure is a worthy goal, but until recently,
it has been an elusive one. However, education institutions that use analytics can not only
measure performance, but shape students' education experiences. This involves using
predictive analytics to ensure maximum efficiency in the classroom, and if executed

properly, the rewards are huge. In addition to schools realizing cost savings, the next
generation of students can benefit from more personalized and effective education.

The following are eight ways that analytics can help build an efficient educational institution

1. By fueling smart textbooks that adjust to a learner's speed. Tests and other
assessments were once the only way to determine whether students actually read

assigned material. By the time teachers had the results, it was often too late for

struggling students to catch up. However, the new breed of electronic textbooks take
a different approach to measuring a student's mastery of material. Such devices can

talk to students, coaching them on the most effective way to read the material based
on their reading speed and answers to periodic questions.

2. By personalizing the learning experience. Typically, a learning experience is

tailored to a classroom: If a class has 20 children, the teacher usually finds a balance
that addresses the fastest and slowest learners. However, by using electronic
textbooks and applications that measure performance, teachers can personalize
learning experiences and create custom study paths for each student.

3. By finding pain points. Though largely untapped, social media can be used to
unearth national or local trends related to curricula. In particular, pain points related
to subjects or educational initiatives can be discerned through sentiment analysis

and used to inform programs going forward.

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4. By increasing classroom engagement. When a teacher asks a question in class,

only one person can answer at a time. However, an increasing number of educators
are adopting interactive response systems that let every student in a class respond

simultaneously. In fact, the Market Research Store reported that the market for this
technology is slated to expand at a compound annual growth rate of 27.4 percent
through 2019. As adoption increases, the data collected can illustrate which students
are engaged and which topics classes are struggling with.

5. By measuring engagement. Online learning programs and electronic textbooks can

measure a student's engagement by noting how fast they read, the speed of their
answers to practice questions or even the pause between keystrokes. According to
research from Iowa State University, long pauses may mean a student is distracted,
bored or has not yet mastered the concept. This type of data can be used to predict
student outcomes with increasing accuracy.

6. By keeping parents informed. In addition to evaluations that teachers periodically

send home, many parents may want access to raw data about their children's

performance: how engaged they are, which concepts they're having trouble with and
their overall performance. This information can help parents be more strategic about

using their resources to help their children succeed.

7. By identifying dropout risks. Data gathered over the years has shown that

attendance history, class performance and socioeconomic status are the strongest
indicators that a child may drop out, according to The Washington Post. If schools

can use this kind of data to intervene before students start struggling, they could
help mitigate the overall dropout rate.

8. By cracking down on cheating. Apps like Turn It In cross-reference written material

with similar online sources to determine whether it has been plagiarized. Data, such

as the amount of time a student takes to answer a question, can also illustrate
patterns that might indicate cheating.

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As these applications illustrate, data has the power to completely transform an educational
system. As computing becomes even more powerful and prevalent, education will likely
evolve to be more efficient, which will benefit not only students, but society as well.

Role of education as an agent of development in Pakistan:

Education is a vital investment for human and economic development and is influenced by
the environment within which it exists. Changes in technology, labour market patterns and
general global environment, all require policy responses. Traditions, culture and faith all

reflect upon the education system and at the same time are also affected by them. The
element of continuity and change remains perpetual and it is up to the society to determine
its pace and direction.

We are living in an inquiring and innovation-oriented society. The demand of twenty first

century is novelty, creativity, and integration of knowledge at global level, research, critical
and analytical thoughts. Rapidly social changes are creating uncertainty and complexity in

the society. To prepare the children and youth to cope with the present situation needs to
develop analytical and critical thinking, skill and attitude that would make them more
flexible and innovative to deal with uncertainty and crises at national and global level.

The greatest need of the hour is to re-design curriculum, textbooks, teaching methodology
and children’s literature, formal and non-formal educational systems. It has been
demonstrated by researcher that active learning (questioning and investigate the nature of

topic) develop creativity and stimulate for learning.

Cultural values of the majority of Pakistanis are derived from Islam. Since an education
system reflects and strengthens social, cultural and moral values, therefore, Pakistan’s
educational interventions have to be based on the core values of religion and faith.

Curriculum plays crucial role in national integration and harmony. Curriculum role as
observed in the National Education Policy (1979) should aim enable the learners to learn

knowledge, develop conceptual and intellectual skills, attitudes, values and aptitudes
conductive to the all-round development of their personality and proportionate with the
societal, economic and environmental realities at national and international level.

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Whitehead (1962) says “culture is the activity of thought, and receptiveness to beauty and
humane feeling”. A child is a human being in embryo, a man to be and we are responsible
to the future for him. It is considered that a child learns 90 percent of his personality by his


It is, perhaps easier to educate a child in beginning than re-educated him when he has

already formed. Therefore, books for children are not simply a source of entertainment
rather inculcate intelligence and values. In Russia, America and Japan children’s literature is
considered a great cultural and educational phenomenon, and creation of books for
children is responsibility of the states. The manifest and latent functions of children’s
literature is to transmit knowledge, myth, mores, values, folkways, legendry personalities,
superstitions and beliefs which are integral part of a culture.

Textbooks are the most widely used as a teaching tool which represent our national culture.
Textbooks reveal our national values, culture, and ideology of a nation. A good text book
can be a “teacher in print”, and sometime even superior to an average teacher. In fact they
are influence towards national integration by sharing common national culture. The

selection, organization and presentation of subject matter in textbooks show philosophy,

integrity, values and intellectual thoughts of a nation. Questioning methodology is a

powerful tool to build analytical and critical skills in pupils. In the world of knowledge the
emphasis has not to be merely mastery to extant the knowledge but on the acquisitions of

capacity to think and analyze facts logically and conclude its own. Teachers must adopt such
teaching methodology by which students must learn how to discard old ideas and replace
them with modify ideas. As Toffler once said “learn how to learn”.


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Ali Academy! Call/Txt/Whatsapp 0304-8919161,

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