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Life, Second edition

TEACHER : Jesus Javier Cobeñas Morales.

COURSE : Intermediate 5

TOPIC : Summary of the book Life, second edition, unit 1, 2 and 3.

STUDENT : Brandon Stewar Colupu Espinoza


Life, Second edition

1. UNIT 1 Culture and identity

1.1. Grammar simple present
Auxiliary DO (I, You, They, We) and Does (He, She, It)
To Use a verb in third person, add S or Es to the end of a verb:
 If a verb end in X, Sh, Ch, SS or S add Es
 For all others verbs add S
 If a verb end in “Y”: There are two options, first, if before Y there is a
consonant, change Y by I and add ES. Second option, if before Y there is
a vocal, add S
 She eats breakfast every day at 9:00
 We go out to run every weekend in the morning
 He studies accounting at UDEP
 They get up late on weekend because they don’t work
 I always watch news on TV in the evening
1.2. Grammar present continuous
Use present continuous to express actions in progress. Use a form of Be and a
present participle.
 I’m not wearing a jacket
 She’s not taking a shower
 We’re watching America Cup on TV
 I’m playing soccer with my friends
 Is she going to Cinema to watch Toy Story 4?
1.3. Collocations
When words are used regularly together, rules are created about their use not
for grammatical reasons but for simple association. "Black and white" (black
and white), for example, appears in that order by placement; always used that
way and put it upside down "white and black" (black and white) seems wrong.
For the same reason, "we make a mistake" (we make a mistake) or "do a test"
(we make a test). In these examples, the reason for using these verbs is that we
always do it in the same way: this is collocation
 Have: have a bath, have a drink, have a good time, have a holiday
 Do: do business, do nothing, do someone a favor, do the housework
 Make: make a difference, make a mess, make a mistake, make an effort
 Take: take a break, take a chance, take a look, take a seat, take some
 Break: break a habit, break a leg, break a window, break the law
Life, Second edition

1.4. New vocabulary

Cheerful, luck, brave, identity, achievement, pride, mean, success

2. UNIT 2 Performing
2.1. Grammar present perfect

Use the present perfect to talk about and indefinite time in the past. Form the
present perfect with have or has and past participle


 Has she been in the university?

 We’ve gone to play soccer
 Have you studied English?
 Has he spoken with his teacher?
 The music has gotten evolution thanks to the technology
2.2. The present perfect: Already, just and Yet
 Have you already studied English?
 I have already been here before.
 The nearest record store has just closed.
 They have just had a good score in the exam.
 I have not studied for the final exam yet.
 She hasn’t gone to watch Toy Story 4 yet.
2.3. New Vocabulary:
Catchy, repetitive, lively, tuneless, cry, nowadays, mood, smile.

3. UNIT 3 Water
3.1. Adverbs with –ly
Some adverbs are formed by adding –ly to adjectives.

adjective adverb
dangerous dangerously
careful carefully
nice nicely
horrible horribly
easy easily
electronic electronically

 He does his homework carefully.
 You must drive slowly along this road.
 The boy is walking happily.
 I accidentally broke the window.
Life, Second edition

3.2. Grammar past continuous.

The past continuous describes an activity that continued during a period of
time in the past or at a specific time in the past. Form the past continuous with
was or were and a present participle
 She was reading the newspaper in the living room when you arrived.
 You were working very hard yesterday.
 The plane was leaving the airport.
 The boy was crying because his toy is broken.
3.3. Grammar past perfect
Use the past perfect to describe an action that occurred before a specific time
in the past. Form the past perfect with had + a past participle.
 She had finished her homework.
 We had talked for more than two hours.
 I had worked in that firm for many years.
 I had played this game several times.
3.4. New vocabulary
Diving, rowing, snorkeling, waterskiing, windsurfing, rafting, kayaking, jet skiing,

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