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Happiness & Well Being

Assignment 1
In continuation to Module 1 - Understanding true potential and removing our limiting beliefs and
translating our fears into our excitements, the following are a few tasks for each to attempt.


• Do not exceed the space provided for each response.

• Attempt all the questions
• Do not use Google to respond as the responses need to be from our own thought process

Task 1 - How would you describe yourself?

I am a management graduate looking to gain some corporate experience and become an

entrepreneur down the road. I believe I’m very optimistic and faithful in every situation. I am also
very determined and have high will power. Apart from curricular activities, I am a fitness
enthusiast, and also a part of the basketball team.

Task 2 - What are your Current strength

I’m very optimistic

Highly determined
Carefree attitude
Full of integrity
Helpful towards other people

Task 3 - Happiness is a CHOICE? Is it an over statement or understatement? Give your view points.

“Happiness is a choice” is an understatement according to me. I believe happiness has to come

from within, and not be attached to material things. One should believe and be optimistic in every
possible situation. Whenever one feels pessimistic, one should look up to the good things in life,
things that make them happy. And finally what I think is gratitude, kindness and belief in god are
the key for happiness in an individual.

Task 4 - After going through a self discovery, you are now more aware about your potentials, your
limiting beliefs and your fears.
Are you ready to take charge and complete responsibility of your self? How?

After going through self discovery, I am highly determined to take charge and actively change the
things that would help me evolve. For example, to become more fluent in communication, I have
take up courses that help me overcome my shyness, as communication was one aspect that I
thought I should improve. Another is taking more prominent action, what I believe is that I should
act more on things that excite me rather than just studying and researching about them. Taking in
more experiences, taking lead in situations are the things that could help me develop a better self.

Task 5 - What strengths and beliefs you need to build and replace your limiting beliefs with? Will it
increase your well being and your happiness quotient? Will you be able to look at issues more objec-
tively? Note your responses.

Strengths and beliefs that I need to build and replace are -

Being more proactive : that is taking lead and more action towards my goals.
Stopping the pessimistic thinking that hinders with potential happy things that can happen
in life.
Being more religiously inclined.
Being more health conscious because I believe health and happiness are co related

Name – Lakshay Virmani

Roll No – 18DM103
Section – A

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