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Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 703 (2013) 16–21

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SuN: Summing NaI(Tl) gamma-ray detector for capture

reaction measurements
A. Simon a,b,n, S.J. Quinn a,c,b, A. Spyrou a,c,b, A. Battaglia e, I. Beskin a, A. Best e,1, B. Bucher e, M. Couder e,
P.A. DeYoung f, X. Fang e, J. Görres e, A. Kontos a,e, Q. Li e, S.N. Liddick a,d, A. Long e, S. Lyons e,
K. Padmanabhan a, J. Peace a, A. Roberts e, D. Robertson e, K. Smith e, M.K. Smith e, E. Stech e,
B. Stefanek a,c, W.P. Tan e, X.D. Tang e, M. Wiescher e
National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA
Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA
Department of Physics & Astronomy, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA
Department of Chemistry, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA
Department of Physics and The Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556, USA
Department of Physics, Hope College, Holland, MI 49423, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: High demand for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements relevant for astrophysical processes
Received 20 September 2012 requires the development of new experimental techniques that allow for investigation of, often very
Accepted 12 November 2012 low, cross-sections. For this purpose, a new 4p Summing NaI(Tl) detector (SuN) has been constructed,
Available online 20 November 2012
which is an 8-fold segmented NaI(Tl) barrel read by 24 photomultipliers. The design of the detector will
Keywords: be presented and detailed results of the commissioning experiments utilizing standard calibration
Gamma spectroscopy sources and known Alðp, gÞ28 Si resonances will be discussed.
Summing technique & 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Sodium iodide
Resonance strength

1. Introduction by the decaying nuclei are detected with high resolution detectors
and the reaction cross-section can be deduced from the intensity
Since the first description of nucleosynthesis [1], great of the emitted gamma lines. Recently the activation technique
advancement in the understanding of stellar nucleosynthesis was extended to the detection of characteristic X-rays for cases
processes has been made. These processes often involve ðp, gÞ where gamma-rays are not suitable for measurement [5]. The
and ða, gÞ reactions and their inverse (photodisintegration). For the activation technique is limited to reactions that result in an
proper description of these processes, greater knowledge of ðp, gÞ unstable final nucleus.
and ða, gÞ reaction cross-sections within the appropriate Gamow Cross-sections for ðp, gÞ and ða, gÞ reactions can be also mea-
window is necessary. sured directly by detecting gamma rays from the deexcitation of
There are several gamma detection techniques that are used the final nucleus during the target irradiation. When a projectile
for measurements of radiative capture cross-sections. One of the with a kinetic energy Ep is captured, it will populate an excited
most common is the activation technique, which is used widely state of energy Eentry ¼ Ecm þQ , where
for astrophysical applications (e.g. [2–4]). For this technique, a mt
sample of a target material is first irradiated with a proton or Ecm ¼ Ep ð1Þ
mt þmp
alpha beam of a given energy to produce a radioactive final
nucleus. The sample is then placed in a counting station, where it is the total kinetic energy in the center of mass system, Q is the
is shielded from background radiation. The gamma rays emitted reaction Q-value and mt and mp denote target and projectile mass,
respectively. The created system will deexcite through the emis-
sion of gamma radiation. If an array of high resolution detectors is
placed around the target, individual gamma rays and their
Corresponding author at: National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory, angular distributions can be measured [6,7]. This technique can
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA.
E-mail address: (A. Simon).
provide insight into the gamma cascade patterns of the final
Current address: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA nucleus and as such its structure. The shortcomings of this
94720, USA. method are the low efficiency of the high resolution detectors

0168-9002/$ - see front matter & 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Simon et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 703 (2013) 16–21 17

and the difficulty of obtaining the total cross-section from various

low intensity gamma decay channels in addition to overcoming
the beam induced background.
An alternative method for the measurement of capture reac-
tion cross-sections is the gamma summing technique [8,9]. In an
ideal case, when a large volume detector covering close to 4p
solid angle surrounds the target, the gamma rays from a single
cascade are fully absorbed within the detector. As a result, gamma
rays emitted during one cascade are summed to an energy equal
to the energy difference between the entry and ground states.
Thus, if the entry state decays to the ground state, the spectrum
comprises of only one peak, the so-called sum peak, at the energy
ES ¼ Q þ Ecm . Scintillator detectors are usually used with this
technique as their response time (typically on the order of
100 ns for NaI(Tl) [10]) ensures full absorption of all the gamma
rays emitted from a given cascade while allowing for high
detection efficiency. If the reaction Q-value or beam energy are
sufficient, the energy of the resulting sum peak is much greater
than the energy of room or beam-induced background. Thus, the
sum peak will be registered within the region of the gamma
spectrum where the background is low. This technique has
already been extensively used for investigations of various proton
and alpha capture reactions [9,11–14].
In this paper, a new gamma ray detector (SuN) that imple-
ments the gamma summing technique is introduced. In Section 2
the design of the detector is presented and the digital data
acquisition system that is used for signal processing is discussed.
Further, the results of the detector commissioning with standard
gamma sources (Section 3) and in-beam measurements (Section
5) are given. The procedure for determining the summing effi-
ciency is discussed in detail in Section 4.

2. The SuN detector and its data acquisition system

SuN (Summing NaI(Tl)) is a scintillator detector developed at the

National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (NSCL) and manu-
factured by SCIONIX [15]. Its core is a cylinder, 16 in. in diameter
and 16 in. long, with a 1.8 in. diameter bore hole along its axis. The
cylinder comprised two separate halves enclosed in aluminium
casings that allow for placing the detector around a beam line.
Within the two aluminium casings, each of the halves is additionally
divided into four optically isolated segments separated by 0.5 mm
aluminium plates covered with 0.25 mm reflecting material. A
schematic view of the detector is shown in Fig. 1.
Schematics of the SuN data acquisition system is presented in
Fig. 2. Each of the segments is read by three photomultipliers
positioned within the segment in a way that results in equal
spacing of 601 between the PMTs around the beam line when the
SuN detector is closed. A WIENER MPOD HV power supply
provides stable voltage to all the PMTs. The power supply can
be controlled by means of Simple Network Management Protocol Fig. 1. Schematic drawing of the SuN detector (top) and a cross-section (bottom)
(SNMP) commands, which provide a fast and precise way to gain where the optically isolated segments can be seen.
match all of the 24 channels. Additionally, a PHP based interface
serves as a user-friendly tool for monitoring and adjusting power
supply operating parameters. The photomultiplier signals are sent the gamma rays from a decay cascade. Data is recorded based on
to a dedicated amplifier/splitter module manufactured by Pico either independently self-triggered channels or the coincidence
Systems, from which they are directly fed into the NSCL Digital between an independently self-triggered channel and an exter-
Data Acquisition System (DDAS) [16,17]. nally input signal. In both cases, the data from channels are
DDAS is a 100 MSPS digitizer utilizing 16-channel PXI based timestamped (48-bit timestamp running at 100 MHz) and events
XIA LLC modules [18]. The firmware loaded to the modules are reconstructed in software based on user definable coinci-
allows for registering both energy and time information as well dence window.
as traces of individual signals. An important advantage of DDAS The SuN Data Acquisition System includes three DDAS modules,
is the wide dynamic range of accepted signals that allows for two of which are triggered with an external trigger signal and the
detection of gamma rays in a range from a few tens of keV up to third one operates in self-triggering mode. The externally triggered
several tens of MeV, which is crucial for proper summing of all DDAS modules record data directly from the photomultipliers, while
18 A. Simon et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 703 (2013) 16–21

Fig. 2. Schematic of the SuN electronics. Signals from all the PMTs are sent to DDAS while signals from the middle PMTs are additionally used as an external trigger signal
to reduce low-energy backgrounds. The third module is self-trigger and records the trigger signal spectrum for dead time corrections.

resolution [%]

4 500
Cs 662 keV line
3 Co 1173 keV line
Co 1332 keV line
2 Co 2505 keV - sum peak
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
segment number
number of counts

Fig. 3. Resolution of the individual segments of the SuN detector obtained for
Cs and 60Co sources. Error bars are within the size of the data points.

the self-triggered one is mainly used as an independent dead time
monitor. The external trigger is generated by summing the signals
from the center PMTs from all the segments in a multiplicity 0
summing amplifier. This sum signal is fed into a constant fraction
discriminator whose output (after conversion from NIM to TTL)
triggers the DDAS modules that work in external trigger mode. This
ensures reduction of the low energy background in the gamma-ray
energy spectra from individual photomultipliers without eliminat- 2000
ing true events. The sum signal is also used as an input signal for
two of the DDAS modules—one of the externally triggered and the
other self-triggered. Comparison of the number of counts in the
sum-peak region of these two signals serves as an independent
monitor of DDAS dead time. 0
1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
E [keV]
3. Resolution and summing efficiency tests with standard
gamma sources Fig. 4. 60Co gamma spectra obtained from a single segment, half of the array and
the whole SuN detector. Experimental results (black dotted line) are in a very good
agreement with GEANT4 simulations (solid blue line). (a) Single segment, (b) Top
The resolution of individual channels and the detection effi-
half of the detector and (c) Total sum. (For interpretation of the references to color
ciency were tested with standard point-like 137Cs and 60Co in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
gamma sources. For individual segments an average resolutions
of 6.1(2)% and 5.8(2)% were obtained for the 662 keV 137Cs line
and single gamma lines (1173 and 1332 keV) from 60Co source, Summing efficiencies of 85(2)% for 137Cs and 65(2)% for the 60Co
respectively. The resolution of the individual segments is shown sum peak were obtained when the sources were placed at the center
in Fig. 3. of the SuN detector. Fig. 5 shows the summing efficiency obtained
The 60Co source emits two gamma rays, 1173 and 1332 keV, in experimentally for the 60Co source compared with GEANT4 simula-
coincidence, providing a simple way to test the summing effi- tion as a function of source position within the detector. The
ciency of the detector. Typical 60Co spectra registered by a single efficiency is almost constant within 20 mm distance from the
segment, half of the detector and the whole SuN array are shown detector center, which implies that the summing technique will not
in Fig. 4. With an increasing solid angle coverage the ratio of the be very sensitive to the exact position of the target inside the detector.
sum-peak height to the height of single 60Co gamma lines A slight decrease in the efficiency for the source at the center of the
increases and, for the data obtained with the whole detector, detector is due to the aluminium separating the segments. For
the sum peak dominates the spectrum. For each of the cases the distances greater than 20 mm, the efficiency slowly decreases with
obtained spectrum is very well reproduced by GEANT4 simula- the increasing distance of the source from the detector center, due to
tions, also shown in Fig. 4. the decrease in the solid angle covered by the detector.
A. Simon et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 703 (2013) 16–21 19

80 differently among the emitted gamma rays. This will result in a

experiment different response of the detector as the higher energy gamma
70 GEANT4 rays may interact with multiple segments resulting in a higher
60 value of the hit pattern centroid. Thus, for example, for
ES ¼ 10 MeV and /MS ¼ 2, the combination of 1þ9 MeV gamma
εΣ [%]

50 rays will have the /NS S ¼ 3:18ð1Þ while for two 5 MeV gamma
40 rays /NS S ¼ 3:31ð1Þ. The relation between the hit pattern cen-
troid and average gamma cascade multiplicity for a wide range of
30 the sum-peak energies was investigated using GEANT4 simula-
20 tions. The results for ES ¼ 10 MeV are shown in Fig. 7. For each of
-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 the values of /MS various combinations of the energies of the
source position [mm] individual gamma rays were assumed, resulting in a range of
/N S S for each /MS.
Fig. 5. Efficiency of the SuN detector obtained for 60Co source as a position of the
The summing efficiency of the SuN detector as a function of
source along the SuN axis. The uncertainties are mainly due to the uncertainty of
the gamma source intensity. Solid line denotes GEANT4 simulations. the hit pattern centroid /NS S obtained from GEANT4 simulations
is shown in Fig. 8. The efficiency decreases with increasing /MS
and increasing sum-peak energy. Additionally, it can be noted
×103 that at a given ES energy for each value of /MS, the data points
form bands that cover a range of up to 20% of the efficiency value.
<M> = 2
15 However, the hit pattern centroid provides a sensitive tool for
number of counts

<M> = 3
measuring the detection efficiency within the same value of /MS,
which reduces the uncertainty of eS to less than 10%.

5 5. In-beam commissioning of the SuN detector

In-beam commissioning of the SuN detector was performed at

0 the FN Tandem Van de Graaff Accelerator at the Nuclear Science
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 27
Laboratory, University of Notre Dame. Well-known Alðp, gÞ28 Si
resonances in the proton energy range of 2–4 MeV were investi-
Fig. 6. GEANT4 simulation of a hit pattern distribution for /MS ¼ 2 and /MS ¼ 3 gated using a 74:7ð3:7Þ mg=cm2 thick self-supporting aluminium
for ES ¼ 10 MeV obtained for a case when the total energy is divided equally target. The targets were created in the Detector Laboratory of the
among the emitted gamma rays. Solid black lines denote Gaussian fits that are NSCL and their thicknesses were measured at the Hope College
used to determine the hit pattern centroid.

4. Summing efficiency
As it was shown during earlier measurements utilizing the

gamma summing technique [9], the most crucial part of the data
analysis is the proper determination of the summing efficiency eS , 3
which depends not only on the sum-peak energy but also on the
average multiplicity /MS of the decay cascade. However, in most 2.5
cases the level scheme of the investigated nucleus is not known,
thus it is impossible to determine /MS analytically. In the 1 2 3 4 5
previous work [9] the average multiplicity was estimated by <M>
means of the so-called ‘‘in/out’’ method. In the present paper an Fig. 7. Hit pattern centroid as a function of the average decay cascade multiplicity
alternative way of determining /MS is introduced, taking advan- /MS for ES ¼ 10 MeV obtained from GEANT4 simulations. The uncertainties of the
tage of the detector segmentation. /N S S are within the size of the data markers.
Information about /MS can be obtained from the distribution
of the gamma rays from a single decay cascade among the
segments—the hit pattern. With increasing multiplicity of the EΣ = 7 MeV
50 <M> = 1
cascade, the number of segments that ‘‘fired’’ during one event EΣ = 11 MeV
(NS) increases. Thus, the centroid of the hit pattern distribution <M> = 2
EΣ = 15 MeV
ð/N S SÞ will shift towards higher values. A sample distribution of
εΣ [%]

the hit pattern is shown in Fig. 6. The figure shows a simulation of <M> = 3
two gamma cascades of the same sum-peak energy ES ¼ 10 MeV <M> = 4
but different average multiplicities (/MS ¼ 2 and /MS ¼ 3). For 20 <M> = 5
this case, values of /N S S ¼ 3:30ð1Þ and /NS S ¼ 3:96ð1Þ were
obtained for /MS ¼ 2 and /MS ¼ 3, respectively. The difference 10
in the total number of events for each of the distributions is due
2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
to a different summing efficiency for the two different average
For reactions that have the same average multiplicity /MS Fig. 8. Summing efficiency of the SuN detector as a function of the average
and ES , slightly different positions of the hit pattern centroid number of hits /N S S for various sum-peak energies. The uncertainties of eS and
/NS S may be obtained, as the energy ES may be distributed /N S S are within the size of the data points.
20 A. Simon et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 703 (2013) 16–21

Ion Beam Analysis Laboratory (HIBAL) using the Rutherford The resonance strength Sp is defined as
Backscattering (RBS) technique. The targets were irradiated with
a proton beam in 1–2 keV steps in the resonance energy region. Sp ¼ ogð2J p þ 1Þð2Jt þ 1Þ ð2Þ
Since the summing efficiency depends on both the total energy
ðES Þ and the average decay cascade multiplicity /MS, resonances where Jp and Jt denote total projectile and target spin, respec-
with known /MS were investigated. The resonance gamma tively, and og can be calculated from the integral of the excitation
spectra were reproduced with GEANT4 simulations using 28Si curve using the finite target thickness formula:
decay schemes from Refs. [22,23]. In Fig. 9(a) a sample sum
spectrum obtained experimentally for the Alðp, gÞ28 Si resonance Ag 2
og ¼ ð3Þ
at Ep ¼2517 keV is compared with GEANT4 simulations. eS n l2r
Fig. 9(b) of this figure shows a spectrum registered by individual
segments which is sensitive to the details of the decay cascade. where Ag is the area under the resonance yield curve, n is the
Both spectra are in excellent agreement with GEANT4 simula- target thickness, and lr is the de Broglie wavelength at the
tions. Similarly, excellent agreement was observed for all the resonance energy. The results are presented in Fig. 10 and
resonances studied in the present work. For each of the investi- summarized in Table 1. The uncertainty of the resonance
gated resonances, the summing efficiency as a function of the hit strengths obtained with the SuN detector includes statistical
pattern centroid for the sum-peak energy of the given resonance uncertainty as well as the uncertainty resulting from subtraction
was obtained using GEANT4 simulations. Fig. 9(c) shows the sum- of the background under the sum-peak. These errors, together
peak efficiency as a function of /NS S for the 2517 keV resonance with the uncertainty of the total collected beam charge of 5%,
together with a linear fit to the simulated values. The experi- were propagated through the procedure of integration of the
mental position of the hit pattern centroid at /NS S ¼ 4:01ð1Þ for excitation curve for the given resonance to obtain Ag . The
this particular resonance is also shown indicating the summing uncertainty in the target thickness of 5% was also included in
efficiency of 21.1(1.2)%, where the uncertainty of the summing the total uncertainty of the resonance strength. For each of the
efficiency was determined from the fitting procedure. The proce- resonances, the uncertainty of the summing efficiency was
dure described above was used to determine the resonance obtained using the procedure described in Section 4. The results
strength of 11 resonances in the Alðp, gÞ28 Si reaction. were compared to two compilations of data [19–21]. It can be
noticed that for most of the investigated resonances the strengths
obtained using the SuN detector are in agreement with those
from Ref. [19]. In the case of the resonance at Ep ¼2374 keV, the
300 current measurement was not able to reproduce the strength
from Ref. [19], but agreed with the value from Refs. [20,21].
number of counts

SuN detector
100 40
Endt, Nucl. Phys. A 633 (1998) 1
NACRE database
0 30
Sp [eV]

20 2500 3000 3500 4000
Ep keV
4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 Fig. 10. Comparison of the resonance strengths obtained using SuN detector
E [keV] (red squares) with those published in [19] (black circles) and [20,21] (black
triangles). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the
reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Table 1
30 Comparison of the resonance strengths obtained using SuN detector with those
εΣ [%]

found in literature.

20 Ep (keV) Sp (eV)

SuN detector Endt [19] NACRE [20,21]

2303.1 3.30 (60) 1.60 (48) 2.6 (1.3)
2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 2311.9 10.1 (1.8) 6.7 (1.3) 6.72 (84)
2359.9 2.8 (0.5) 5.4 (1.6) 1.32 (48)
2373.8 3.9 (0.7) 26.0 (7.8) 4.2 (1.2)
2517.7 14.6 (2.1) 16 (3) 17.2 (1.9)
Fig. 9. Comparison of the experimentally obtained spectrum with GEANT4 2675.5 4.7 (1.0) 7.2 (1.4) 7.32 (84)
27 28
simulations for Alðp, gÞ Si resonance at Ep ¼ 2517 keV obtained with (a) the 2711.7 16.1 (2.2) 14 (3) 15.5 (3.0)
whole SuN detector and (b) one segment only. (c) The procedure of estimating the 3338.4 3.6 (7) 4.3 (9) 4.2 (8)
summing efficiency. Solid line – best fit to the simulation results (open circles), red 3674.9 33.3 (4.6) 35 (7) 33.5 (6.7)
square denotes the hit pattern centroid and corresponding efficiency for the 3791.7 11.9 (1.6) 7.3 (1.5) 7.1 (1.7)
2517 keV resonance (see text for details). (For interpretation of the references to 3960.8 5.4 (8) 3.3 (7) 3.2 (6)
color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
A. Simon et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 703 (2013) 16–21 21

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Lingle, and Matthew Sanford for their help with the preparation of P. Mantica, H. Tan, W. Henning, M. Walby, A. Fallu-Labruyere, J. Harris,
the commissioning experiment. This work was supported by the D. Breus, P. Grudberg, W.K. Warburton, NNuclear Instruments and Methods
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