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Of Contents

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I Am Here To Help
Why We Lie
The Reward System
How To Catch Him In His Lies
Technique One: The Conundrum
Technique Two: Inconsistent Stories
Physical Evidence Anyone?
His Conversation Topics
His Body Language
Is He Manipulating You?
Why Do We Manipulate?
How Do They Manipulate?
Appeal to the ego
Our need to be liked
What to do
Why He Isn’t Texting You Back
You believe old fashion courtship
You played hard to get.
You’re boring.
Your text have no substance
There is someone else
You don’t fit his “Love Map”
No social Proof

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I Am Here To Help
It seems to be a dog eat dog world when it comes to dating. At times, you can’t

catch a break and you can’t trust anyone. And you have good reason to.
According to several studies, the average person lies three times when they first

meet a stranger (that means you and the guy you met at the coffee shop) and ten

to two hundred times in a day! That’s a lot of lying even for Pinocchio.
Unfortunately, Mother Nature didn’t find it necessary to equip us with a nose

that grows every time we spit out a lie (and for good reason which we will get to

in a bit). Because of this, people lie day to day and get away with it. This is

where you come in.

You’re reading this book because something is bothering you. Someone is lying,

cheating, or manipulating you and you want to know why. Furthermore,

someone you’re interested in seems to have a case of multiple personalities. At

one moment he may seems interested. In another they forget who you are. This

can drive anyone crazy. If only he was the Weather Channel and provides you
with frequent updates or if he came with his own user manual. Well no worry;

this guide is his user manual (To why he is lying and not texting you back at

When I was a freshman in college, I went through Hell and back and made a
couple wrong turns along the way. I was manipulated, lied to, and pushed away

by someone I strongly cared for. My phone wasn’t blowing up like it once did
and it destroyed me because I felt like I was the one who did something wrong.
How can someone so beautiful and someone you care for so much just act like
you’re not there? I bet you can relate. That’s why I am here and I am going to

help you. I know you spent countless hours looking at your phone, waiting

around for his reply, got in arguments with why he’s acting the way he is, and
wonder why you’re being pulled around. My goals with this book are to tell you

why he is lying and manipulative, how to call his bluff, and to figure out why he

isn’t texting you back. If you want in depth information over the topic of male

psychology and texting, I suggest you pre-order my book Should I Text Him?

Why We Lie
If you thought the above statistic about lying was interesting, you’re about to

find out why we lie so darn much. To keep things simple, we lie for our own

self-interest. This sounds bad but it’s perfectly normal. In fact, you need to lie to
keep society running smoothly. Just think if everyone told the truth. There would

be so much hate in this world we wouldn’t know what to do. Even Ghandi

smacked people around without good reason.

The real question is: Why he is lying to you and being an asshole? I assume

you’re a smart, beautiful, and lovely woman who deserves the best. So how did
this become as messed up as a soup sandwich and how did he make you feel as

useless as a football bat? To understand why we make these lies for our own
self-interest and feel it’s okay, it’s important to know the difference between

logic and morals. While both sexes use logic and morals when they tell a lie,
men are more logical while women are more moral.
Logic is reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of
validity. Basically, logic is a common sense reason for something. In our case,

morals are put aside.

Morals are concerned with the principles of right and wrong behavior and
the goodness or badness of human character.

What does all this mean? From your point of view, you’re looking at his lies

from a moral standpoint. You have the mindset of, “How can someone directly

lie to someone? After I have done so much for him? I care for him so much why

would he treat me like this?”

Unfortunately, the reason he is doing it to you (besides not being interested or

you pushing him away) is because he is looking at it from a logic standpoint.

Think about it. If you were blowing up his phone, why would he text back and

fuel the fire? It doesn’t make sense. To go even further, if he’s not interested,

why would he reach out to you? That doesn’t follow common sense. Where the

friction lies is you guys have two different outlooks on what is happening and
you’re both right. You feel this is the Yin-Yang of relationships.

Okay, you’re probably thinking, “That doesn’t explain why he is lying to


I am glad you brought that up.

The Reward System

The reason you think he is an asshole is he’s treating you wrong in a moral
sense. I agree with you. It’s wrong to lie to someone’s face. That shows
disrespect and a lack of sympathy. If that person you’re interested in dragged
you around with that lie for his own pleasures, then you shouldn’t be worrying

about getting him to like you despite him being a “nice guy” most of the time.

From a moral sense, he lied and you should kick him to the curve.
However, Mother Nature and Evolution don’t see it that way. The goal of all

living species is to survive and replicate. Studies have shown time and time

again that’s the primary goal of all living organisms.

We learn that lying has some big rewards. In fact, lying lets you have your cake

and eat it too. Let’s take lying on online dating for example (because of the
perverted men):

You meet a nice guy online who reaches out to you and is sweet as can be. You

mention on your profile that you’re interested in a relationship and nothing

short-term. On his profile, it says he is interested in short-term dating. You ask

him, “Your profile says you’re just interested in dating”. He will probably reply

with something along the lines of, “Oh that’s old. I am ready for a relationship”
and then tell you the stuff you want to hear based off of your profile and what is

socially accepted. He attracts you because he’s a nice and fun. He’s “different”
than the other men you’ve dated. You two end up hanging out and eventually

hook up. The next day, he’s a little distant. He’s not texting you as much, you’re
always initiating it, he’s short when you do talk and it always about hooking up,
and over time he’s out of your life.

You’re probably wondering what went wrong. Why would he lie to you about
that? Some women wouldn’t even feel lied to. They would just say he’s a jerk.
Well, let’s look at logic.

If he told you, “I don’t want a relationship I just want to see what is around,” you

probably wouldn’t give him a chance. He knows this so logically, why would he
say it? It’s against his evolutionary makeup (survive and replicate). You’re mad

because he lied to you from a moral sense and left you feeling confused and

unwanted. So to fulfill his evolutionary needs, he tells you a lie, does the bare

necessities a man needs to do, and it’s over faster than it started.

So who is at fault here? It’s a tricky one but it’s either you both are or you both
aren’t. From your point of view he is wrong for lying to you to your face and

leaving you like that. However, the problem isn’t who is wrong. it’s

understanding what happened. He was right from a logical standpoint so

therefore he believes it was justified. It’s like arguing with someone who has

faith. You can argue with someone all you want it’s still not going to change his

or her mind of anything. Despite all the stuff you bring to the table, he/she
believes that they’re right. So what does a woman do about this? She builds a

filter that only quality men can cross.

What is a quality man? He is a man who treats you with respect and listens. He

provides you with things not because you’re incapable but because he wants you
to be happy. He is a man who fits your ideal description and he makes you want
to be the best person you can possibly be. At the end of it all, if the person you

are with doesn’t make you want to become the best person you can be, he
shouldn’t be a dating option. You better your life by raising your standards. No
more liars, okay?

As a woman, you control everything. It’s your birthright to find a great man to

bond and experience life with. Therefore, you have to stick your ground. No
matter what Casanova tells you, don’t give into what he wants until YOU feel

it’s ready. You’re the strong woman here. He’s the liar. You call the shots.

NOTE: I know I am bashing men here and making us sound like pigs. We’re not.

Both sexes lie, cheat, and manipulate but if you look at the context of what we

are talking about, we are talking about people who lie. Lying isn’t bad. It’s the
manipulating I have a problem with.

How To Catch Him In His Lies

After you make the conscious decision of never settling for less than you deserve
(and listening to your voice in your head that says, “ don’t do it”), I am going to

show you some techniques you can use in all cases from meeting him for the

first time and trying to figure out what his expectations are to wondering if your
significant other is cheating. Below are three techniques that can be shaped for

any scenario if you do it right.

Technique One: The Conundrum

This is my favorite technique when you expect something from someone and

you want to catch that person in a lie. What you do is throw in a lie as if it was
true and see how they react. For example, if someone says he/she went to the
movies and you’re expecting they went somewhere else, you could say,

“I heard that XYZ died at the end” (when he/she didn’t).

“I heard the traffic was really bad over there” (when in fact it wasn’t).

This is great because if the person didn’t go, he/she wouldn’t know. If they agree

with you that XYZ died at the end and the traffic was bad when it wasn’t then

you have something to worry about. Whenever I expect someone of lying on his

or her whereabouts, I use this technique.

Ask open-ended questions after you ask these conundrum questions. Anyone can
get away with a simple yes or no answer. Instead do this:

You: “I heard the traffic was busy over there.”

Him: “Yeah it was…” (it doesn’t matter what he says or if you already caught

him. Keep going).

You: “Do you think I would like the movie? I was thinking about seeing it.”

Him: “Yes/No”
You: “Why do you think I would like the movie?”

See what he says. Start off with general questions and then get specific. If he
gives you short answers or tries to change the subject then you have something

to be suspicious about. Remember, everything he tells you whether it’s a lie or

not can be used to see if he is doing what he says he is doing. Everything he
gives you is free information.

It’s important that you don’t confront the person after you catch him/her. If you
do, the person will know to do their research next time. You want to have
enough evidence to prove the person is deceiving you, not to just catch them in a

lie. This technique is more for the person who thinks their significant other is

messing around with someone else, lying where he/she has been, and other
things that involve location.

Technique Two: Inconsistent Stories

I like to use this technique on people who I believe are telling me what I want to

hear. This one is a little more complex but the success rate is very high if you’re

good at it. What makes this technique work so well is it’s very hard to constantly

watch someone’s micro expressions to see if he/she is lying while trying not to
blow your cover. A person can hide their expressions pretty well but it’s much

harder to hide a “cognitive load”. Good lying takes a lot of thinking and thinking

fast. This puts a lot of pressure on a person and it’s your job to catch these

hiccups in their story. So that means you need to increase their cognitive load.

It’s hard to think logically on a dime, cover the truth, make up a lie, and hide all

your body cues at the same time. Something is going to surface.

Have the person tell you whatever story he/she is telling you and look for minor

inconsistencies that don’t make logical sense.

What do I mean when I say logical? Simply, pay close attention to human

actions and why we do what we do. If it doesn’t sound like something we

naturally do you should dig deeper. For example, if someone says they heard a
loud bang and then turn away and ran, you know they’re lying because it’s our
natural instinct to turn towards a loud noise. That is involuntary. To go even
further, if that person did turn their head towards the noise, he/she would explain

what he/she has seen and vice versa. If someone said they turned away but then

described the person or thing other than the noise, that person is lying eve if
he/she isn’t meaning to.

Another example of logical senses is if the person says he/she went out to eat but

comes home and chows down on some leftovers, you know something is up.

Sure, people are still hungry after they eat and maybe the person ate early when

he/she went out and didn’t come home until late. That can all be true. That’s why
it’s important to find multiple reasons to why something doesn’t add up. In body

language, someone who crosses his or her arms is closed off or uninterested.

While closed arms do mimic that, closed arms alone don’t mean anything.

However, if that person gives you multiple signals such as his body is pointing

away, his arms are crossed, and he avoids eye contact, that is a good indicator

he’s not interested. In our case with the online dating, when a guy has his dating
profile set to something like, “looking for short-term”, “doesn’t want any type of

commitment”, or “Looking to date for now”, and then tells you he wants a
relationship, do you know what that equates to?
That’s right...A red flag. There is no logical sense to having your profile say one

thing and him saying another. It’s these little things women don’t look for.

Physical Evidence Anyone?

I had a friend whose father was a police officer and he suspected his wife of

cheating on him. She would go out a lot at night and tell him where she was

going (remember, the more he/she talks, the more you have on that person).

Whenever she went and got ready, he would sneak out and check the miles on
the car. When she got home, he checked the miles again and saw that she went a

lot further than she said she would. He confronted her and she in fact, admitted

to having an affair. It’s easier to put everything together if you have a lot of
information to fill in the gaps. The worse thing to do is to assume things.

“Assumptions are the termites of relationships” they say.

You need to find some type of evidence and inconsistency and see if anything

doesn’t make sense. Two things that are always going to be around as long as
you two are communicating is his conversation topics (texting or not) and his

body language (when you’re on your date or hanging out)

His Conversation Topics
If a man is really interested in you in terms of a relationship, he will let you

know. He will be caring, loving, fun, full of energy, grateful, and not pressure

you into anything.

With that being said, the sooner a guy brings up something sexual, the more that

says about his intentions. There is nothing wrong with flirting and a little teasing

but if he’s doing all the stuff that he wants and none of the stuff you want

(actually going on a date and him not expecting anything) then you have a new

suspect my friend.
You should take note even if he jokes about it. Not that it’s a bad thing by any

means, but it’s important to remember the amount of times he does it and when

he does it. This is one of the reasons why I am not a big fan of texting in the

beginning of the dating/meeting process. It’s easier to set a date, show mutual

interest in each other, and then evaluate the situation. You know he is interested

if you both laugh, have fun, and get lost in a great conversation that doesn’t end
with you two being all over each other.

His Body Language

Do you ever look at someone’s body language and can tell immediately what

that person is thinking? Probably not. But you should! What we say is only 7%
of total communication. If you’re good enough, you can read someone like a
book. This is important if you want to prevent being deceived and catch a liar in

his tracks. Or better yet, you can read body language to see if someone is
attracted to you or not.
What he shouldn’t be doing:

If his eyes are more on the prize than they are on your eyes, his intentions
are clear.

If his hand is on your lower back instead of your mid to upper back, take

note. Again, it comes down to consistency. A guy may touch your lower
back because he is genuinely interested in you. I would put my hand on a

woman’s lower back to build interest. If he does it over and over, keeps it

there, rubs it, and gives a tight press with the fingers, he isn’t fooling


Touching your thigh. A slight “touch and release” is one thing but if he

leaves it there and starts to slightly increase his grip than he is on a different
page than you.

The firmness of his touch. A lot of people wouldn’t think about the amount

of pressure someone uses to indicate anything but it means a lot. It’s a

forceful and controlling gesture that indicates sexual desire.

Is He Manipulating You?
A good liar is also a great manipulator. You may think once you catch him in his
lies that you have won but a good manipulator can get out of the lie by turning it

around on you, making you feel guilty, or playing victim.

Lying and manipulating almost go hand to hand so it’s important to learn how
manipulators work. Liars lie through manipulation. They are able to manipulate
you and lead you down any story they tell because they have tricked you into

believing a certain thing. If you’re prepared, know the signs of manipulation,

and know what to do in that scenario, it’s very easy to catch a liar.
It is important to know a couple things about manipulators. For one, they only

manipulate people who are able to be manipulated. If you come off with poor

self-image, self-esteem, give in too easily, care only about pleasing others, and

other passive traits, you will get manipulated. Manipulators don’t just

manipulate anyone. It’s usually easy targets. If they try to manipulate someone
and it’s not working they give up.

Another thing to take notice of is emotional manipulation. Manipulators will try

to manipulate you from an emotional perspective. It’s easier for them because a

lot of human decision making is based on emotions. To avoid emotional

manipulating, think with your brain and use logic. Don’t follow that heart.

Why Do We Manipulate?
People manipulate for many reasons. A lot of liars are good at it because it helps
them get what they want. It also helps them get out of sticky situations when

they get caught.

Some people manipulate for control of the situation. Control of a situation is a

powerful variable to a liar. They need to know they have everything under
control. This is done consciously. They know they’re lying and need to control
the scenario to get away with it. Remember, it’s important to get away with a lie
because a liar can have their cake and eat it too.
Another reason some may manipulate is to raise their self-esteem. This is

obvious because people who manipulate and lie more than the average person do

have self-esteem issues. It’s important for you to know the signs of poor self-
esteem. Here are some:

Neediness. A basic need of human life is to love and feel like they’re loved
in return. If they don’t feel that, they may have low self-esteem

Desperately seeking reassurance

Chaotic relationships

Defensive. They can become defensive over simple things such as asking

for their opinion, idea, or confronting them about something

Very anxious
Lack of assertiveness


Terrible boundaries

Terrible communication

See if the person fits any of these descriptions and go from there.

How Do They Manipulate?

Manipulators get away with a lot of manipulation because there are several ways
to manipulate and the person they manipulate either don’t understand they’re
getting manipulated (because of all the ways) or the manipulator targets the
person, their insecurities, or does the exact opposite and praise them. Here are

some of the main ways a manipulator might try to manipulate you.

An obvious but successful manipulation tactic is making the person feel guilty. If

an manipulator is confronted, they will try to turn it around on the other person

and say, “why would you say XYZ when you did ABC the other day”, “Of

course I cheated on you, you did XYZ. You make me feel like shit,” or “ How

could you ever accuse me? That really hurts me. I can’t believe you would
assume that.”.

Don’t let them steer you off your goal. You caught them in a lie. Confront them.

When they pull the guilt trip on you, it’s time to hold your ground and say no. It

doesn’t matter what you did. You need to hold your ground and find a solution.

When it comes to texting, the guilt trip is usually pulled when it comes to sexting

or you calling the man out on something such as standing you up, lying, or being
sleezy. He will try to turn it around on you and give you some justification to

why he did it. If his justification is sound and sounds fair, come up with a
solution. If he makes you feel guilty, let him know you don’t appreciate what he

is saying.
A lot of friends manipulate friends and you can tell when you feel like a doormat
or the relationship feels unbalanced. A lot of friends will talk you into doing

things and when you don’t agree they will bring up that time they did something
for you. Sometimes, you have to just say no.

In my opinion, manipulation is strongly connected with control so it’s only

natural for someone to try intimidation tactics. The job of the manipulator here is
to throw you on the defense with subtle threats. Do not let him turn it around on

you. The problem with manipulators are they don’t care if they hurt the other

person or not. They will say whatever they have to say to get you on the defense

and to cave in. If that is the case with the person you are with, you need to back

out now. That is just an unhealthy relationship and disaster waiting to happen.
He’s going to start manipulating you through intimidation, attack your

vulnerabilities, and control you to the point of emotional abuse.

This is one of the reasons why I constantly tell women they need to be strong

and powerful to attract the right men in their life. A manipulator will give up

once he knows he can’t control the situation. A strong confident woman is the

first thing any woman should master if they want a quality life and a quality

Appeal to the ego

Unlike what you’ve read so far, a manipulator will try to appeal to your ego if he

knows you’re egotistical or need reassurance. He will tell you things like, “I
would never do that to you. You’re so amazing” or “I wouldn’t lie to you. I could
never pull it off.”

They appeal to the ego because it’s a great way to defuse the situation. They’re
not necessarily attacking you so you wouldn’t automatically go on the defense. If
he knows he can get away with a situation by appealing to your ego, he will do

so. This means you need to follow through with your accusation and let him

know you don’t deal with this stuff.

In texting and relationships, a guy will try to appeal to the ego to try to get

something sexual from the woman. He knows by telling her how beautiful she is,

how amazing she is, and how connected feels to her, he has a better chance of

getting what he wants. It’s important to be aware of this because this is probably

the most used tactic men use in texting. He will tell you what you want to hear
until he believes it’s okay to get what he wants. This isn’t men in general. This is

liars and manipulators. Not all men are like this.

Our need to be liked

This tactic happens often but people don’t realize it. Whenever someone says,

“Do XYZ or I am leaving”, “ Nobody likes it when you XYZ”, or “No one likes

you when you’re XYZ”, that person is appealing to your need to be liked. As
humans we crave belonging. That’s natural. Especially women because from

their evolutionary makeup of bearing and raising children, they have a much
stronger emotional attachment than men. This tactic comes off as an ultimatum.

It’s usually a, “Do this or else” kind of scenario.

This is an obvious tactic but for some reason we are always falling for this

manipulation tactic. A lot of the time, the manipulator will try to use “love” to
take advantage of any situation. And it would be love from either side. It could
be, “you know I love you, I could never do that” or “I thought you loved me,

how could you think that”.

Love is a vulnerable and powerful emotion so it’s easy to have a clouded mind
when someone brings this up. As the victim, you may start thinking of the good

times, realize he’s not that bad of a guy, and/or believe that if you two really did

care for each other, this wouldn’t happen (and who in their right mind would say,

“are love isn’t real love?” That’s why it’s so easy to get sucked in when this

tactic is used!).

What to do
The reason I brought up these tactics were so you have a visual and conscious

idea of manipulation when you see it. Knowing is half the battle and

manipulators know that the average person doesn’t sit around and wonder if

he/she is being manipulated.

What you need to do, no matter if you met the guy last week or if you’re married

is to act like a tree: plant your roots, stand up tall, and take on any manipulative
force he throws at you and let him know it’s not okay. Now that you’re aware of

what he is doing, you won’t cave into his tactics because you know they’re not
authentic. When he uses a tactic (especially after you catch him in a lie) you

need to say, “Stop. Listen, I don’t appreciate being lied to about XYZ. I feel
guilty when you ABC and I feel there's a better way to resolve this.” Notice I
didn’t use the word “you” and that I wasn’t direct about it. I didnt’ say, “I don’t
appreciate it when you lie me. I hate when you make me feel guilty about…”.
Remember, manipulators put up a shield fast. They play victim and don’t have

the best self-esteem so to get through to them, clear communication is key.

Why He Isn’t Texting You Back

Finally, to the part a lot of you have been waiting for. We are going to keep this

simple because it is. When it comes to a guy texting you back, it’s because he’s
simply not interested, doesn’t see a point to move forward, his ego is under

attack, or he got to know you better and you pushed him away.

Men are as simple as can be. Here is the kicker that I a lot of women don’t

understand: Humans can’t help who they’re attracted to! You don’t wake up

one day and say, “I’m going to start liking Sally just because.”I go into great

detail of this in my book but to give you the jist of what I call “pretexting”, you
need to have a good foundation of confidence, social proof, sex appeal, and

health (there are sub categories in each group). These four things are what men

look for on a psychological, evolutionary, and sociological level which are all
out of our control.

However to keep this short and to the point, I will give you some scenarios that
you were taught that are completely wrong. You must change these things if you

want more success.

You believe old fashion courtship

If there is one-thing women must understand, it’s the importance of the male
ego. Forget understanding men. If you understand the male ego, you’re halfway
home. Men are very egotistical and at the same time we talk a big talk to feed

that ego. That’s why when it comes game time, you don’t see men left and right

going up and introducing us to women (unless we are online because it’s less
risk). A man’s ego is heavily tied to his self-esteem and both are based off how

well he satisfies the opposite sex (it doesn’t have to be sexual). He’s not going to

risk his self-esteem just go up to talk to a girl who has shown no interest in him.

So if you’re expecting him to play the game how you believe it’s supposed to be

played and that old fashion courtship, a lot of men will disagree with that. It’s
only the “3%” men who will do that. What does this have to do with him not

texting you? If you’re pulling away in hopes he will reach out, don’t hold your

breath. I know a lot of woman who will do a lot of the texting but then pull back

to make him chase a little, to see if he’s still interested, or to balance the playing

field. Men are not mind readers. The first thing we think about is, “what did I do

wrong for her not to text me as much?” I am not saying women should always
reach out but women should make their intentions clear enough for a man to

understand and say, “she digs me. Let me play my role and give her what she

Everything is mutual nowadays. Women actually approach men two/thirds of the

time. A lot of men just have approach anxiety when it comes to women. Old
fashion courtship actually takes away a lot of opportunities women have in

meeting a quality guy. So if you pulled away in anyway, stop and let it flow

You played hard to get.

If there was one thing I wish women knew it’s that hard to get doesn’t work.

Study after study has proved this. If you do get one of those men who do reach

out to you when you play this hard to get game (those needy emotional types we
can’t stand) than it’s because he has self-esteem issues and is trying to feel the

gap which is most likely to fulfill his ego.

Hard to get doesn’t work because it goes against the male ego. Why would a guy

approach a woman who shows no interest? It’s not worth the hit. So what do you


If it’s through text, you need to show interest and then let him come to you.

Feed his ego just enough where you have him believing he’s the one doing

the work.

If you meet someone outside of texting such as a coffee shop, show interest

in him. Smile, look away and look back, and smile again. That is enough
for a confident man to approach a woman. However, a lot of men have

approach anxiety. If you give him the signals and he doesn’t come, he
probably is shy and has anxiety. I suggest you go over there and make the


Let me note something here. There is a thing we call The Law of Scarcity where
something is perceived as valuable because there is less of it. This law does
work however, you have to have him already pulled in and interested, and he has

to like you. You can’t do this in the beginning because it goes against the law of

reciprocation, which states, what you give out, you will receive.

You’re boring.
If you’re trying to have a conversation with a guy through texting, you’re

pushing him away even though you may not realize it. Studies have shown that a

physical presence is what attracts men, not texting. Even if the man is texting

back, he won’t for much longer because he has no purpose to. A man is a

provider and feeds his ego by believing he is providing something. Even if it’s
something as simple as taking out the trash, driving when you guys go out, or

making you laugh, it’s a hell of a lot more than getting to know you over boring

text. He isn’t providing you with anything behind a phone.

Your text have no substance

This threads with the reason above. When you say, “what’s up? How are you?”
that means, “Entertain me, I am bored and need a babysitter” even though you’re

a strong woman. It shows that you don’t have a lot that goes on and it lowers
your value in his eyes because it shows a lack of social proof. Subtext is heavily

misread when texting because no one looks at it. However, your subconscious is
always picking up these cues and storing them.

There is someone else

I know you don’t want to hear that but it’s the truth. That’s why I don’t agree
with texting. It lets anyone who moves fast get the upper hand. The job of both
sexes is to prove they are the best option to be with. It’s all about evolution and

the best chances of survival.

You don’t fit his “Love Map”

Just as I stated above several times, not everyone is going to be interested in you
and there are going to be other people in the picture that are a better fit. The

question is, what do they have that you don’t? A lot of people will jump to the

conclusion that they’re not good enough or the other person is more attractive

when it’s much more than that.

We all have what is called a “Love Map” which is deep subconscious drive that
pulls us towards other people. Your Love Map is shaped by several things:

1. Biology: What biological factors shaped our personality

2. Cultural: What part has society, ethnicity, religion, socioeconomic class,

and the culture in which you were raised played in the development of your

3. Social: Self-reflect on how your self-esteem was formed vis a vis how you

were perceived or perceived yourself as a child through young adulthood.

4. Psychological: How you were raised and how you “attached” to your
parents has enormous influence on you.

A mixture of these things will determine whom a man is attracted to. For
example, if he was attached to his mother and you remind him of his mother,
than he will be attracted to you. Or if he always ate vanilla ice cream as a child
and related it to good memories, he will be attracted to you if you wore a vanilla

type of fragrance.

No social Proof

Social proof means a lot when it comes to men and attraction. If you don’t place
a value on yourself and live up to that value, society will do it for you and you

don’t want that because they will push you to the bottom. This is why you see

strong women get strong quality men. They know what they want and men are

glad to give it to her because they get a great return on it. Why is social proof so

important? There are several reasons:

You’re low risk. A woman who is seen as valuable will add value to a

man’s life. She shows that she has her life together, confident, and stable.

This means that she will be able to take on his offspring. From a
sociological way of seeing it, she’s in high demand and we, as men want the

best so we want a strong stable woman.

Safe options. If you see yourself as a great person and everyone else is

attracted to your energy and love being around you, you come off as a safe
option for men. Men will be willing to take more of a chance on you
because you’re “socially accepted”. I know this sound harsh but both sexes

do it and so does every other animal in the animal kingdom. Social proof
means you’re highly desired (even if you’re not. Just as long as you come
off or act like you are) and you’re not going to be a stress or liability.

The best of the best. Social proof shows you’re the real deal. You know

you’re the best so you need to let him know too. Even though everyone has
problems in their lives, the best women take care of it and let the world

know nothing can bring them down. Men like this because the woman

shows traits that the man wants in himself.

When it comes to texting, if you did any complaining, hard chasing (blowing up

his phone), text him things such as “What is up?”, “How are you?”, give him

your life story or past, you lowered your value in his eyes. Every interaction

between you two should be fun and have depth. Don’t worry about seeing this

guy numerous times a week. Worry about having amazing times when you are
together. Everything else will fall in place.

I hope you got what you were looking for in this mini guide. I know how hard it

is to like someone and then they pull the rug out from under you. You’re on your

face and hesitant to give up. Forget that guy. He’s not worth it. Worry about
yourself first. Develop strong friendships, find a job you love and are passionate
about, work on your health, and find a hobby that makes you happy. Doing this

will guarantee the right guy. It starts with you. If you give off the right vibe, he
will come.

If you want to learn more about men and texting, you can check out my book
below that goes into great detail on EVERYTHING you need to know about the
male ego, psychology, why we do what we do, what we are thinking, and
complete “to-do” plan for every texting scenario.

Check out this book now!


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