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Basic a n d B e h a v i o u r a l S c i e n c e s Indian J Pediatr 1997; 64:131-141

The Causes of Cancer : I m p l i c a t i o n s For Prevention

and Treatment
B.V. Madhukar and J.E. Trosko

Department of Pediatrics and Human Development, College of Human

Medicine, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, USA

Abstract. The final clinical manifestation of cancer is a result of complex series of changes
in a single cell. This review summarizes some of the new concepts and hypotheses that
explain the evolution of cancers. The emphasis is on cancer as a disease of the stem cells
within a tissue that undergo initiation as a result of mutational insult to one or more genes
that are critical for cell growth. During the second stage (promotion stage) the initiated cells
acquire proliferative capacity due to epigenetic changes, i.e., altered expression of genes
whose products play a central role in signal transduction. This requires continued exposure
to agents and events causing such changes. This stage is, therefore, reversible and the
various components of this stage are central targets for the development of mechanism based
anti-cancer drugs. During the stage of progression, the neoplastic lesions acquire additional
genetic alterations and become clinically manifestable malignant neoplasms. At the biochemical
and molecular level, neoplastic tranformation involves aberrations in the expression and
regulation of oncogenes, tumor suppression genes, transcription factors and components of
the cell signal transduction cascades. The understanding of the various cellular biochemical
and molecular events that metamorphose a normal cell into a cancer cell is central to the
development of rational new drugs that. are targeted against the various components. Such
drugs in combination with the conventional chemotherapeutic agents that are currently used,
provide a more effective control of cancer without the risk of toxic side effects.

Key words: Neoplastic growth; Multistage carcinogenesis; Oncogenes; Tumor suppressor

genes; Signal transduction.

Cancer is clearly a world-wide problem. molecular and cell biology, together with
With a p p r o x i m a t e l y one out of four both experimental animal and h u m a n
individuals having the chance of getting epidemiological data, have provided the
this disease before they die, it is clear, that foundation for new approaches to prevent
new insights are needed to understand the and treat cancers. More importantly a basic
nature of this disease both by the physician understanding of how a seemingly normal
and the society w h o m u s t deal w i t h cell metamorphoses into a cancer cell,
prevention and treatment both. M o d e m acquires unrestrained growth propensity
and d o d g e s b o d y ' s i m m u n e d e f e n s e
Reprint requests: Burra V. Madhukar, Ph.D. mechanisms to become a clinical tumor and
Department of Pediatrics/Human Development, how these changes can be detected early,
Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, before the clinical manifestation of cancer,
USA. is critical for the development of new

therapeutic regimes to combat the disease set of interactions b e t w e e n the genes,.

in its v e r y early stages. Clearly such development stage, the sex the environment
a p p r o a c h e s are beneficial for both dietary factors, life style behaviours, work
psychosociological and economic reasons. place hazards, medications, and pollutants.
In this review, we focus on the basic biology No one factor causes cancer. From both
of the cancer cell, its genesis from a normal animal experimental and human
cell and the biochemical and molecular epidemiological studies, the concept of
events that facilitate the metamorphosis of initiation, promotion, and progression
a normal cell into a cancer cell. For obvious stages of the complex cancer process has
reasons, it is not possible to give a detailed been developed. 1,~As shown in Fig. 1, when
description of each of these events in this a single cell (the stem cell as explained
short review; we will briefly highlight the below) is exposed to a physical or chemical
critical events in cancer cell growth and agent, such as ultraviolet light from the sun,
explain how such information is useful for an irreversible change can be induced in
the development of new cancer therapeutic certain genes (e.g., oncogenes or tumor
strategies. Many of these new concepts and suppressor genes, see b e l o w ) w h i c h
techniques must be understood in order prevents the stem ceil from completing its
that effective strategies and treatments for ability to terminally differentiate but not
cancer be developed and applied. from proliferating. These cells can partially
These concepts include: (a) "multi- differentiate but are unable to lose their
stage, multi-mechanism" or the "initiation/ ability to p r o l i f e r a t e u n d e r n o r m a l
promotion/progression" theory of cancer conditions. These cells are not yet malignant
formation; (lo) the "stem cell" theory of but have the potential to become cancers.
cancer; (c) the "oncogenes and t u m o r All human beings have "initiated" cells in
suppressor genes" in cancer; (d) "signal their body. However, these "initiated" stem
transduction'; (e) " a p o p t o s i s " or ceils can either be s u p p r e s s e d b y
programmed cell death; and (f) "nature and surrounding normal cells, stimulated to
nurture" theory of cancer formation. While p r o l i f e r a t e or i n d u c e d to di~ b y the
each concept is based on strong scientific induction of terminal differentiation or by
evidence, it is, by itself, i n c o m p l e t e . apoptosis (see below).
Therefore, ultimately, an integration of all The process by which this irreversible
of them will be necessary to d e v e l o p change or "initiation" occurs is thought to
meaningful strategies of public policy and be mutagenesis. Agents that can induce.
clinical interventions. DNA damages and cause the formation of
an a b n o r m a l " o n c o g e n e " or " t u m o r
MULTI-STAGE, MULTI-MECHANISM NATURE OF s u p p r e s s o r g e n e " are r e f e r r e d to as
THE CANCER PROCESS "mutagens". If these "initiated" cells with
a m u t a t e d " o n c o g e n e " or " t u m o r
The common misconception is that a single s u p p r e s s o r " gene are s u b s e q u e n t l y
exposure to a physical or chemical agent stimulated to proliferate either by ncrmal
will cause cancer. In truth, the transition of growth factors (as might happen in a young
a normal cell to a malignant, invasive and child), by wound healing [actors (as might
metastatic cancer cell involves a complex h a p p e n after surgery, b u r n s , alcohol
1997; Vol. 64: No. 2 'II-IE INDIAN J O U R N A L OF PEDIATRICS 133



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induced liver damage, virus-induced cell mechanisms at each stage of initiation/

killing), or by exposure to chemicals that promotion and progression. Conceptually,
induce cell p r o l i f e r a t i o n or p r e v e n t it should be possible to intervene at each
programmed cell death (apoptosis), then a stage to prevent the cancer process from
clone of undifferentiated cells accumulates completion.
in the tissue. This process is called tumor
promotion. Papilloma of the skin, the STEM CELL THEORY OF CANCER
nodule in the breast, the polyp in the colon
or the foci in the liver are examples of pre- In the h u m a n body, there exists
malignant initiated stem cells. Agents that approximately 100 trillion cells. However,
are t u m o r p r o m o t e r s are basically from a n u m b e r of animal and h u m a n
mitogens, not mutagens2 They are capable studies, it is clear that all the cells of a given
of inducing Signal transduction within the tumor are derived from a single cell. In
cell (see below). This process of tumor other words, when the process of cancer
p r o m o t i o n is very d i f f e r e n t from the formation or carcinogenesis begins, a single
initiation process, in that, it m u s t be normal cell which has the potential to
sustained for a longer period of time to proliferate and to differentiate somehow, is
allow the single initiated stem cell to grow unable to regulate its ability to stop cell
into a large mass of cells (preneoplastic d i v i s i o n a n d its ability to t e r m i n a l l y
lesion). This is to allow other additional differentiate. After the complex series of
stable changes in other genes to convert the m o l e c u l a r / b i o c h e m i c a l a n d cellular
non-differentiated abnormal stem cell to changes that occur d u r i n g the cancer
acquire the properties of overcoming the process, that single cell multiples many a
suppressing effect of proliferation within times and changes its genetic (genotype)
and outside of the cell. In other words, the and physiological (phenotype) make up
promotion process is p o t e n t i a l l y such that it can multiply without restraint,
interruptable, if not reversible. invade through tissues and metastasize to
If sufficient numbers of initiated cells other tissues.
are promoted, the probability is that enough What is the biological make up of the
stable changes can occur in at least one of cell that is the target for neoplastic growth?
these cells in the benign tumor such that In the human body, there exist four kinds
the cell no longer has its growth suppressed of cells - a few toti-potent stem cells (cells
by its own tumor suppressor genes or by that can give rise to all the cells of the body);
s u r r o u n d i n g normal ceils. It can now pluri-potent stem cells (cells which give rise
invade the surrounding tissue and migrate to all the cells of a given tissue or organ);
to distant tissues. At this point, it can be committed stem cells (cells that give rise to
said the cell has p r o g r e s s e d to the one of few cell types in a given tissue or
malignant state. This process also seems to organ); and the terminally differentiated
involve a stable, irreversible set of changes cell (highly specialized cells which can no
in its oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes. longer proliferate). Not all of these cells are
This complex process by which a normal targets for the cancer process. Terminally
stem cell evolves to the malignant state differentiated red blood cells, lens cells of
involves multiple molecular/biochemical the eye, keratinocytes or neurones cannot

give rise to cancers. However, the stem cells must sustain the proliferative competence
of these differentiated cells are the targets of the stem cell and block its ability to
for this process. The normal function of the differentiate. In m a n y cancers, mutations
stem cells within a tissue is to replace the have been found to occur in cellular genes,
terminally differentiated dead cells. Thus, the proto-oncogenes and tumor suppressor
in tissues s u c h as the skin w h e r e the genes, s-8 Here, we will briefly describe the
keratinocytes slough off as s q u a m e (dead involvement of these two types of genes in
skin cells), f u n c t i o n a l k e r a t i n o c y t e s are cancers.
p r o d u c e d as a r e s u l t of s t e m cell
differentiation from the basal layer of the Oncogenes
skin. T h i s is a n e x a m p l e of r a p i d l y
The growth, proliferation and
proliferating and differentiating stem cells.
differentiation of normal cells involves the
On the other hand, in tissues such as the
concerted functioning of a n u m b e r of gene
liver, stem cells are d o r m a n t but can rise
products. The expression of these genes is
to t h e o c c a s i o n to p r o l i f e r a t e w h e n
temporally very tightly regulated during
warranted. Thus, it is clear that stem cells
normal cell growth and proliferation. Such
of m a n y t i s s u e s are n o t a c t i v e l y
genes are termed protooncogenes. In cancer
proliferating cells but have the potential to
do so w h e n the n e e d arises. The idea that initiated cells these genes are deregulated
as a result of mutation or other initiating
c a n c e r s o r i g i n a t e f r o m s t e m cells was
insult. In m a n y cancers, a n u m b e r of such
conceptualized b y the idea of " o n c o g e n y
as partially blocked o n t o n g e n y " . * In other genes have been identified and are termed
words, a normal stem cell when exposed oncogenes meaning that their expression
to a physical or chemical factor that can causes cancer. A mutation occurring in a
normal proto-oncogene can constitutively
prevent a single stem cell from terminally
differentiating but not from proliferating a c t i v a t e it so t h a t the r e g u l a t o r y
mechanisms in the cell are no longer able
can e v e n t u a l l y give rise to a malignant
to regulate it. This aberration can then turn
cancer. As h u m a n s age, the n u m b e r of stem
cells in specific organs that are exposed to on the d o w n s t r e a m elements of the cell to
keep the proliferative signals continuously
agents that can start the cancer process
i n c r e a s e s . Also, s o m e o r g a n s , such as active. As a result, these cells proliferate at
h u m a n breast tissue, can have the stem cell an accelerated pace than the normal cells
population decreased, thereby, decreasing surrounding t h e m to g i v e rise to
the p r o b a b i l i t y of h a v i n g c a n c e r (e.g., preneoplastic lesions. Oncogenes that have
pregnancy at early ages tends to protect been reported to be aberrantly expressed
against breast cancer). in h u m a n and experimental cancers are src,
ras, neu etc. 9 The protein products of these
genes, as will be explained later, are central
ONCOGENES AND TUMOR SUPPRESSOR GENES elements in cell signalling pathways that
If the s t e m cell is a t a r g e t for the r e g u l a t e g e n e e x p r e s s i o n a n d cell
carcinogenic process, the next question is proliferation. Some of these oricogenes code
how is it affected during the initiation stage for g r o w t h f a c t o r s , g r o w t h r e c e p t o r s ,
of carcinogenesis? Obviously such a change t r a n s d u c e r s of g r o w t h factor signals or

transcription factors that regulate gene the hormonious response of cells to both
expression.l~ extracellular and intracellular stimuli and
this is important for the cells to carry out
Tumor Suppressor Genes physiological functions. That iS, a normal
While activation of oncogenes is frequently cell responds to these stimuli in an ordered
found in cancers, somatic cell fusion manner that is strictly regulated. These
experiments between tumor and normal stimuli also regulate the way in which cells
cells h a v e s u g g e s t e d the presence of grow and proliferate by triggering the
suppressor genes in normal cells. 13 The activity of a number of biochemical events
hybrid cells exhibited normal phenotype collectively called "signal transduction
and were not tumorigenic. This implied that cascades,, 17,18 In a cell that is destined to
normal cells contain a dominant gene that b e c o m e cancerous, these s i g n a l l i n g
can suppress tumor cell growth. In tumor mechanisms are deregulated such that the
cells, these genes are inactivated. Such signal(s) generated for cell proliferation are
genes are termed tumor suppressor genes not turned off. These changes occur during
or a n t i o n c o g e n e s . One of the first the promotion stage of tumorigenesis to
discovered tumor suppressor genes is the facilitate clonal expansion of cancer cell to
r e t i n o b l a s t o m a (Rb-1) gene that is form a preneoplastic lesion. Briefly, cells
r e s p o n s i b l e for r e t i n o b l a s t o m a s in respond to various extracellular signals
children} ~ Retinoblastomas result from the such as growth factors by transducing the
mutational inactivation of the Rb-1 gene. signal through a number of cytoplasmic
From various studies it appears that the elements and into the celJ nucleus. Signal
RB gene functions as a negative regulator quenching occurs as a result of activation
of cell proliferation through its effect on of p r o t e a s e s a n d p h o s o p h a t a s e s and
cell cycle. Inactivation of Rb-1 gene is also prevents the signals from p r o c e e d i n g
detected in other cancers such as lung u n a b a t e d . The various cellular signal
cancerJ s transduction pathways and their
A second tumor suppressor gene that interrealtionships are illustrated in Fig. 2.
was intensively investigated was p53. Wild- It is quite obvious from the illustration that
type p53 in normal cells is associated with the oncogenes that are usually activated
regulation of cell cycle. Mutations of the during neoplastic growth are, in fact, part
p53 gene alter the ability of the gene of the signal transduction cascades. For
product so that it loses its ability to bind example, the oncogene ras, when activated
with genes that negatively control cell by a mutation in one of the amino acids,
proliferation. I~ It is noteworthy that p53 is locked in GTP bound state and sustains
m u t a t i o n s are seen in m a n y cancers the signals to the downstream elements of
suggesting that p53 may be a common the s i g n a l l i n g p a t h w a y s . Similarly,
biochemical p a t h w a y of diverse cancer activation of the oncogene n e u normally
types. found in human breast cancers can sustain
the tyrosine kinase activity of the signal
SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION AND ONCOGENESIS transduction pathway. It is also important
to note t h a t the v a r i o u s o n c o g e n e s
Normal cellular homeostasis depends on collaborate in the t r a n s d u c t i o n of the

factors G'~
factor I I N~
receptors -
kinases -
PDGF erbB, kit src GTP-R'---~


?- :ription factors
n, myc, etc.
, ,
]transcriotion I- '~translation

Nucleus ]

cell proliferation ]

Fig. 2: Growth factors, oncogenes and components of cell signalling cascades in growth control and
as potential targets for anticancer drug intervention. Oncogenes code for growth factors, or growth
factor receptors, components of cell signalling cascades or nuclear transcription factors. The normal
regulatory controls over these oncogene products are ineffective because of mutations or over expression
of these genes. In turn, they interact (oncogene cooperativity) as well as affect other components of
the signal transduction cascades such as the second messenger systems (the protein kinase C pathway)
or MAP kinases (through the activation of raf-I oncogene) resulting in aberrant growth regulation.
Abbreviations: PDGF--platelet derived growth factor/sis oncogene; PI PLC -y- Phosphotidyl inositol
specific phospholipase C; DAG - diacylglycerol; IP3 - - inositol triphosphate; MAPK/MAPKK - mitogen
activated protein kinase/kinase; PKA cyclic AMP dependent protein kinase. The numbers indicate
components of the pathways that can be regulated by pharmacological intervention.
138 THE INDIAN JOURNAl, OF PEDIATRICS 1997; Vol. 64: No. 2

proliferative signals to the nucleus. An gap junctions, other gap junction associated
important aspect of the aberrant activity of molecules or proteins are also important in
the signal ~.ransduction machinery is the maintaining intercellular communication. A
increase in the production of two important calcium dependent protein, E-cadherin has
second messengers, inositol triphosphate been s h o w n to be i n v o l v e d in the
and diacylglycerol that increase recognition of cells and in junctional
intracellular calcium and activate protein communication. It is noteworthy that the
kinase C (PKC) respectively. PKC plays a above described signalling mechanisms that
central role in the r e g u l a t i o n of the are aberrantly regulated in cancer cells
d o w n s t r e a m e l e m e n t s of the signal appear to affect gap junctional
transduction cascade and activation of communication suggesting that they may
transcription factors. converge upon gap junctional proteins as
a common target during neoplastic growth.
Communication Disorder of Cancer Cells This raises the possibility that the growth
of cancer cells m a y be interfered by
To maintain homeostasis, the various cells upregulating their communication
within a tissue must communicate with proficiency with normal cells through
each other. M a n y cells do h a v e such chemotherapeutic approaches. 19.2o Indeed,
c o m m u n i c a t i o n channels t e r m e d gap gap junctional c o m m u n i c a t i o n can be
junctions. Gap junctions [connexions] are upregulated by caratenoids and agents that
protein channels that bridge the cytoplasm elevate intracellular c-AMP. Interestingly
of one cell with other neighboring cells in both caratenoids and c-AMP have been
contact. It is presumed that cells exhange used as potential anticancer agents2 ~ 21
i n f o r m a t i o n m o l e c u l e s t h r o u g h gap
junctions. We now know that molecules APOPTOSIS AND CANCER
such as n u c l e o t i d e s and inositol
triphosphate and ions such as calcium can An important regulator of normal growth
pass t h r o u g h gap junctions. These and development, is a process termed
molecules are also recognized as important programmed cell death or "apoptosis"
in growth control. Thus it is obvious that t h r o u g h w h i c h u n w a n t e d cells in a
cancer cells might overcome the growth d e v e l o p i n g tissue are r e m o v e d . Thus,
constraints within a tissue environment if during embryonic palatogenesis, the medial
their gap junctional communication with epithelial cells of the two upper palatal
the surrounding normal cells is abrogated. shelves undergo programmed cell death to
Indeed, it has been shown that many cancer facilitate fusion of the two shelves. Cell
derived cells and cancer cells in vivo do not death is preceded by significant biochemical
have functional gap junctions. Some cancer changes in the apoptotic cells that results
cells do h o w e v e r , show the ability to in the degradation of DNA and chromatin
c o m m u n i c a t e a m o n g s t t h e m s e l v e s as condensation. We do /lot yet know the
revealed by dye transfer assays. When complete picture of the apoptotic process
cultured with normal cells, however, they but it is reasonable to assume that the
fail to establish communication with the expression of certain new genes is involved.
former. This suggests that in addition to In neoplastic cells, one can assume that
1997; Vol. 64: No. 2 THE INDIAN JOURNAl. OF PEDIATRICS 139

apoptosis is inhibited. This assumption is factors are needed to trigger a stem cell to
supported by the finding of a new gene, become initiated, promoted or progressed.
the bcl-2 that was found to be expressed In other words, a person could inherit a
in human follicular lymphoma.22 How bcl- mutated gene which either predisposes
2 e x p r e s s i o n l e a d s to a b r o g a t i o n of them to become initiated or promoted more
apoptosis is not yet known. The localization easily than a person who does not inherit
of bcl-2 protein in mitochondria, nuclear this mutated gene. Examples would include
m e m b r a n e and endoplasmic reticulum the Xeroderma p i g m e n t o s u m , D o w n ' s
suggested that bcl-2 may function as an S y n d r o m e , R e t i n o b l a s t o m a , BRCA-1,
antioxidant in the cells that may protect the Wilms's, Bloom's, Fanconi's syndromes. In
cells from apoptotic injury induced by the case of x e r o d e r m a p i g m e n t o s u m ,
reactive oxygen species. Pharmacological syndrome, the individual inherits a mutated
agents that selectively induce apoptosis are gene for its ability to repair ultraviolet light
likely to be of significant value as new induced DNA damage to the skin cells. As
anticancer agents. a result, either or both their oncogenes and
tumor suppressor genes in the cells of the
NATURE AND NURTURE OF GENES AND skin could be mutated (i.e., initiated). Sun-
ENVIRONMENT IN CANCER FORMATION light induced killing (apoptosis of their skin
cells, but not their initiated skin stem cells)
One of the common misconceptions is that stimulate wound healing of the skin with
cancer is caused by either one's genes or these initiated cells, leading to papillomas.
by the environment. In fact, all cancers are Continued exposure of these initiated
the result of a complex interaction of papilloma cells to ultraviolet light could
specific genes (oncogenes and t u m o r then lead to many skin cancers seen in these
s u p r e s s o r genes) and the specific y o u n g patients. On the other h a n d ,
environmental factors of the individual. All a v o i d a n c e of s u n l i g h t by Xeroderma
of us inherit "proto-oncogenes" (normal pigmentosum patients would reduce the
genes of the cell n e e d e d for cell skin cancers, in spite of the fact that they
proliferation and differentiation) and carry the mutated DNA repair gene in all
"tumor suppressor genes" (normal genes their cells.
of the cell needed for normal suppression While modern molecular biology has
of cell growth and for differentiation or been able to identify more and more of the
programmed cell death). We are all exposed genes predisposing individuals to cancer
to physical and chemical agents that have (the "nature" part), unfortunately, we either
the potential of initiating, promoting or do not know what the specific "nature" or
causing progression of cells to become environmental factors are that work with
tumors. Yet only one out of four of all these genes or we cannot control these
humans get a malignant tumor before they factors as we could with the Xeroderma
die. Some get cancers early in life while pigmentosum patient. For example, if a
most get later. A few get multiple numbers person inherits a gene that is already
and kinds of tumors. "initiated" or if all the cells of this person's
The " n a t u r e and n u r t u r e " concept body are exposed to either their own
implies that both genes and environmental "promoter" (i.e., growth factor or hormone)

or to some ubiquitous chemical that is are not overtly toxic. However, one might
impossible to escape, then it will be very ask the question--does interference with
difficult to prevent the cancer. key signal transduction cascades disable
In principle, there are genes that can normal cell? The answer to this question is
be initiation-prone, promoter-prone and no, since normal cells do not depend only
progressor-prone or predisposing genes. on one path w a y to m a i n t a i n cellular
These individuals will inherit genes that homeostasis. There is ample redundancy in
make them very sensitive to physical or the signal transduction pathways to enable
chemical agents which can either mutate cells to function normally u n d e r such
oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes or situations.23, 24 On the other h a n d , in
can cause initiated cells to proliferate. These neoplastic cells generally one or two
individuals tend to have tumors early in aberrations occur. Therefore, inhibiting their
life and multiple numbers and types of function is likely to affect the cancer cell
tumors. This is why getting good family w i t h o u t j e o p a r d i s i n g the f u n c t i o n a l
histories in all cancer cases is important. integrity of normal cells.
In light of the fact that the process of
INTEGRATION OF CONCEPTS FOR CLINICAL tumorigenesis is a multistep process that
PREVENTION AND TREATMENT OF CANCER involves a complex array of change both
at genome and epigenetic levels, future
In the f o r e g o i n g brief discussion, we development of cancer control sirategies
summarized the various mechanisms of must take into account the aberrations that
neoplastic growth. While the ultimate occur in the signal transduction cascades
cancer cell of various types of tumors may of cancer cells. There has already been some
have undergone drastic changes, there are progress in using inhibitor drugs for specific
a few checkpoints at which intervention components of the signal transduction
through the use of pharmacological agents pathways to prevent cancer cell growth. For
is possible. These a l o n g w i t h the example, inhibitors of protein kinase C and
conventional anticancer drugs may be more tyrosine kinases are being investigated as
useful than the use of conventional drugs anticancer agents in experimental models
a!one. First, with the continued use of and in early clinical studies. 2s
conventional cytotoxic drugs, the problem In short, human cancers arise as a result
of resistance will be encountered. Second, of complex changes at the genomic and
many of the currently used anticancer drugs epigenetic level of organization of cells
have serious side effects because of the within a tissue. Such changes involve cell
toxicity at the,concentrations (doses) they signalling cascades that resist normal
are administered. On the other hand, in control mechansims. Future anticancer drug
c o m b i n a t i o n t h e r a p y of c o n v e n t i o n a l development should, therefore, focus on
anticancer drugs and drugs targeted against drugs targeted to inhibit the aberrant
cell s i g n a l l i n g m e c h a n i s m s , one can activation state of these pathways. With
eliminate the problem of side effects. increased understanding of the cancer cell
Because of the synergistic interactions biochemistry and molecular biology we can
between these two types of drugs, they only hope to develop drugs that specifically kill
need to be administered at low doses that cancer cells without affecting normal cells.

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