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Investigation 2 – Developing Models - Part 1 – Black Boxes

A. Informational Components
Lesson Title: Black Boxes
Grade Level: 5th (Gifted)
State Standards Science Connection: Standard 1: Describe that matter is neither created nor
destroyed even though it may undergo change. Objective 2: Evaluate evidence that indicates a
physical change has occurred. a. Identify the physical properties of matter (e.g., hard, soft, solid,
liquid, gas). c. Describe the appearance of a substance before and after a physical change.

Disciplinary Core Idea: Developing Models

Scientific and Engineering Practices: Analyzing and Interpreting data; developing and using
models; constructing explanations; engaging in argument from evidence.

Cross-cutting Concept: Systems & system models

Specific Lesson Objective: Students will create a model of their Black Box they have been
working with based on their drawing model. They will work with their group to enhance their

Vocabulary Focus: Observe, Construct, Analyze, Revise

Materials: Science Notebooks, FOSS Kit Materials (black boxes, marbles, sponges)
Anticipated Time Frame: 60 minutes
B. Instructional Procedures
Engage – (5 mins) Call students over to the carpet so they are in a group. Review of
vocabulary / what we have done so far. Have a black box up there to model
what we have done so far and a drawing from one of the groups. Let them
know that last time they made a model by drawing it. Ask, how do you think
we can test if those models are accurate? Once they answer, I will confirm that
this time they will get to build a physical model of what they think their boxes
look like inside and test them against the original.
Teacher Role: Ask questions. Assess prior knowledge.
Student Role: Has an interest. Calls up prior knowledge. Develops a need to know.
Explore – (25 mins):
-Let them know they will have 15 minutes to create their model with their
original partnership. The timer will be shown on the smart board.
-Each group will need an empty black box, whatever foam pieces they need, a
marble, and masking tape.
-Ask, once we draw a model, does that mean that’s it? Can we continue to
revise our model? Make sure they know they can change it if they don’t feel it
is quite right.
-After the 15 minutes is over, tell them to get together with their letter group.
(A, B, C, D) to show their models and collaborate as a group. They will have
10 minutes to do this, unless everyone gets done faster.
-Let them know they can fix their original group drawing based on their
physical models if they need to.
-Have students clean up and throw away the masking tape and put the supplies
back where they got them and have everyone go back to their seats and have
their science journals ready.

Teacher role: Make open suggestions. Question and probe. Model when needed. Provide
feedback. Assess process and understanding.
Student Role: Design and plan. Explore resources and materials.
Explain – (10 mins)
-Write focus question on the board: Focus Question: What is the process to
develop a model of the black box?
-Have students record the question on the top of the next empty page in their
science journals.
-Have students look back in their notebooks and reflect on the process they
used to develop their models.
-Discuss the steps they used and introduce vocabulary:
-Observe to gather data
-Construct a model based on observations (drawing or make physical
-Analyze how the model performs as an explanation
-Revise the model, based on new information or feedback
-Have students turn to the person next to them to discuss how their group used
these steps.
Teacher Role: Ask for evidence and clarification from students. Enhance or
clarify student explanation. Evaluate student explanations.
Student Role: Clarify understandings discovered. Share understanding for
feedback. Communicate understanding using flipbook.
Extend – (10 mins)
-Students will write a paragraph in their notebooks answering the focus
question, providing examples for each step.
-Have students turn in their notebooks so I can tread through the responses.
-If time, and if the smart board works, we will do an activity on the computer
together as a class. I will let students know I will call on the quietest person so
help with each problem and they ask for input from the class if they need help.
-The activity is to determine the shape that is hidden within the grid by probing
it with a “laser”. They can determine the shape by the way the laser reflects. I
will show them one as an example.
Teacher role: Ask questions. Enhance or clarify explanations. Evaluates
Student role: Apply new knowledge by performing related tasks. Plans and carries
out new project.
Evaluate – This will be done by walking among the class and listening to their answers
and their answers during group discussion. They will turn in their science
journals so I can read their response to the focus question.
Teacher role: Observe and assess students as they apply new concepts and skills.
Ask open-ended questions. Allows students to assess their own learning and
Student role: Demonstrate an understanding of skill/concept. Evaluate his or her
own progress and knowledge. Answer open-ended questions by using
observations, evidence, and previously accepted explanations.

Adaptations for ELLs, SPED, and GT students (early finishers):

ELLs: Use vocabulary words in each students’ native language.
SPED: List directions out for the students that may need to see it written. Go around to each
group and explain directions again one-on-one.
GTs: If students finish with their group before other groups, I will go over and discuss with that
group what they used to determine their final model and get them thinking about the vocabulary
words and the focus question.

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