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Fatemeh Tajkey - 19198558

102086 Designing Teaching & Learning

Assignment 2
Lesson Plan Analysis


Original Lesson Plan……………………………………………. 2

Lesson Plan Analysis…………………………………………... 8

Modified Lesson Plan…………………………………………… 11

Academic Justification…………………………………………. 15


Web Link…………………………………………………………… 17

Fatemeh Tajkey - 19198558

Original Lesson Plan

Topic area: Timetables Stage of Learner: 11, Syllabus Pages: pp. 34
Date: 23.03.17 Location Booked: Lesson number: 8
Total Number of to various transport websites
Time: 50 minutes students: ready. Print worksheets and
30 corresponding timetables.
access to a Smart Board.

Students learn Students learn

Outcomes Assessment
about to
Students review
how to
interpret timetables
The interpretation and
Formative of use this to solve
assessment takes different timetables problems using a
place throughout and how this can be range
the lesson. used as a part of of different
MS11-3, MS11-4, Teacher walks life. timetables,
MS11-9, MS11-10. around and asks How public including ferries,
questions, and transportation can buses
ensures that be and trains.
students are used as a means of Incorporate
staying on task. promoting 12-hour and 24-
sustainability. hour
time into
Explicit subject
specific concepts
and skills
Cross Knowledge,
Curriculum understanding
themes & and skills:
General Students:
capabilities 1. Develop the ability
- Sustainability to use mathematical
skills and techniques,
aided by

Fatemeh Tajkey - 19198558

technology, to
information and
interpret practical
Values and
Students will value
and appreciate:
1. Mathematics as an
essential and relevant
part of life,
recognizing that its
development and use
have been largely in
response to human
needs by societies all
around the globe.
2. The importance of
resilience in
taking responsibility
for their own
learning and
evaluating their

Teaching and learning Centred

Time Organisation
actions T/S
Teacher greets students and
asks them to sit down in Teacher: Greets students,
their outlines lesson details.
Intro seats. Students take out their Student: Takes out books Teacher
5 mins work book and stationery and stationery
required for the lesson. Resources: Books,
Teacher outlines what the stationery.
lesson will entail.
Teacher hands back results Teacher: Answers and
from the in-class assessment asks questions
Revision from lesson 7. Teacher Student: Responds to and
5 mins outlines what was done well teachers questions, asks student.
overall and what the class about assignment.
will Resources: Notes, results
work on together, to

Fatemeh Tajkey - 19198558

improve and questions from lesson

students’ understanding of 7.
content, as a path to achieve
syllabus outcomes.
Class discussion
Teacher facilitates
between students and asks
questions about when and
where you may need to use a
transportation timetable.
Teacher shows a transport
timetable on the Smartboard Teacher: Encourages
and asks: discussion, provides
1. What is the purpose of questions that prompt
this timetable? thinking.
2. What features does Student: Contributes to
this timetable have? discussions, asks Teacher
Body 3. What would happen if questions. and
10 mins this timetable did not Resources: Smartboard, student.
exist? PDF of bus timetable from
Within this section, the Mount Hutton to
teacher briefly discusses Newcastle. Available from:
with http://www.newcastlebus
students about how using
public transport can help (Route 111)
sustainability, by reducing
carbon emissions and what
the impact human activity
on ecosystems. Teacher asks
students what sustainability
means to them.

Class activity and Teacher: Gets students

Smartboard into pairs, walks around,
interaction assist where necessary,
Students get into pairs and asks questions.
ask each other travel related Student: Works in pairs,
questions, based on the ferry comes up with questions
10 mins timetable that appears on the and help each other. Student
Smartboard. For example, Resources: Link to
“What time do I have to timetable for ferry
leave between Mosman Bay
Old Cremorne Wharf, if I Wharf and Circular Quay:
am http://www.sydneytrains.i
to arrive at Circular Quay, nfo/timetables/timetables

Fatemeh Tajkey - 19198558

Wharf 2 by 2pm?” Teacher _by_line.htm?line=wt&dir=

walks around the room and 1 - landingPoint
checks students are staying
task, asking relevant
questions and helping where
necessary. Teacher ensures
that students are helping
other, as a form of social
Teacher: Observes
students, ensures that
Worksheet activity* students are staying on
Teacher hands out bus task, prompts thinking
timetable worksheet activity. through questioning.
15 mins Students have the option of
Student: Completes
working on this alone, or
worksheet, asks questions
when necessary.
another person.
Resources: Bus timetable
Teacher summarises the key
points of the lesson. Teacher:
Conclusion Discusses
what the next lesson will Student: Teacher
5 mins
entail. Asks students if they Resources: nil
have any further questions.

How am I measuring the outcomes of this lesson?

Method of
Learning Outcome measurement and
Teacher and student
questioning throughout
timetable worksheet.
Students working in pairs
and helping each other
perform calculations based
on time.
MS11-10 Timetable worksheet.

What are the key risk issues that may appear for and need to be
reduced/eliminated in this lesson? Using your syllabus and support documents
as well as other WHS policy- Outline the key WHS considerations that are to be
applied in this lesson?

Fatemeh Tajkey - 19198558

This lesson only has a few

WHS considerations to take
into account for this
lesson. Firstly, it is
important to ensure that any
electrical cords are out of
path of all students and the
teacher. This will eliminate
the likelihood of tripping.
Secondly, tables should be
placed an appropriate
distance apart, to encourage
movement of the teacher
around the classroom
without tripping or falling.

Worksheet activity*
Five trains travel from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to London
Central on the same morning. The Hufflepuff Express leaves Hogwarts station 6
minutes after the Gryffindor Goods Train, but arrives 14 minutes before the
Slytherin All-Stations Train. The Gryffindor Goods Train takes 46 minutes to
reach London Central and arrives at 8:53am. The Ravenclaw Express leaves 10
minutes after the Hufflepuff Express and arrives 14 minutes before the
Gryffindor Goods Train. The Muggle-stops train is running 6 minutes late on this
particular morning, and arrives in London Central at 8:37, after leaving
Hogwarts 4 minutes before the Hufflepuff Express. The Slytherin All-Stations
Train takes 33 minutes to travel from Hogwarts to Central London, and arrives
46 minutes after the Hufflepuff Express leaves Hogwarts.
Work out the train timetable for the 5 trains.
Hogwarts London Central
Hufflepuff Express
Slytherin All-Stations
Gryffindor Goods
Ravenclaw Express

1. What is the latest time train you could catch from Hogwarts to arrive at
London Central before 8:40am? What train is this?
2. Explain what would happen if the Ravenclaw Express train was running 7
minutes late.
3. Hannah misses the Hufflepuff Express train by 2 minutes. She needs to be
in London Central by 8:45am. What may be a possible solution for her?
Justify reasons for your answer
Fatemeh Tajkey SID 19198558
Assignment 2: APST and QT Analysis Template

Fatemeh Tajkey - 19198558

Section 1: Australian Professional Standards for Teachers

Evaluate the lesson plan according to the following Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. Only
standards directly addressed in Designing Teaching &
that are relevant to this assignment have been included. However, this does not mean the other standards are
irrelevant to lesson planning and evaluation more generally.

Evaluation score – 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent)

Comments incl. evidence for evaluation score (2 sentences)

1 Know students and how they learn

1.3 Students with diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds
1–2–3–4– Comments: Does not address linguistic, culture, religious and socioeconomic background.
5 There would be homework from different socioeconomic area.

1.4 Strategies for teaching Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
1–2–3–4– Comments: Does not mention, could be included as one of the examples.
1.5 Differentiate teaching to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities
1–2–3–4– Comments: Uses group and individual activity. Worksheet activity available for students at
5 the end of the lesson plan but would be better if the teacher asks students to create their own
time table.

1.6 Strategies to support full participation of students with disability

1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: No mentioned, does not identify students with disability in group activity.
2 Know the content and how to teach it
2.2 Content selection and organisation
1–2–3–4– Comments: Revision of the prior lesson is available in a flows. In the lesson plan content
5 explained clearly.

2.3 Curriculum, assessment and reporting

1–2–3–4– Comments: There is formative assessment by questioning during the lesson and also in the
5 class discussion about the content of the lesson.

2.6 Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: makes use of Smartboard and PDF of bus timetable. Appropriate technology
5 accessible to organise information.
3 Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
3.1 Establish challenging learning goals
1–2–3–4– Comments: mentioned goals of the lesson clearly and how affect learning timetable in daily
5 life.

3.2 Plan, structure and sequence learning programs

1–2–3–4– Comments: structure of the lesson organised appropriately and learning program is in flow.
3.3 Use teaching strategies
1–2–3–4– Comments: uses class discussion, class activity however could be developed critical thinking
5 base on the lesson.

3.4 Select and use resources

1–2–3–4– Comments: technology used via Internet, Smartboard and PDF to access to actual bus
5 timetable and book is another resource.

4 Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments

4.1 Support student participation

Fatemeh Tajkey - 19198558

1–2–3–4– Comments: Group activity helps student learn from each other and enhance their confidence
5 but sometimes allows them to lose focus on their task.

4.2 Manage classroom activities

1–2–3–4– Comments: During class activity teacher walks around the room and check students are
5 staying on task. Teacher ensure that students are helping each other.

4.3 Manage challenging behaviour

1–2–3–4– Comments: Only mentioned once that teacher ask them to sit down and take out their work
5 books. Respect to peers and their opinion require specially in group work.

4.4 Maintain student safety

1–2–3–4– Comments: All student physically safety and they have a class discussion that is manage by
5 teacher which is safe. (no bullying)

4.5 Use ICT safely, responsibly and ethically

1–2–3–4– Comments: Does not mention appropriate ICT use, however accesses to web that leads by
5 teacher should not have risk and would be safe.

5 Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning

5.1 Assess student learning
1–2–3–4– Comments: Formative assessment used at the beginning of the lesson plan and at the end is
5 worksheet activity which is based on lesson.

5.2 Provide feedback to students on their learning

1–2–3–4– Comments: Giving individual feedback, through formative assessment is difficult however
5 they got feedback on their results from prior lesson.

Section 2: NSW Quality Teaching Model

Evaluate the lesson plan according to the following NSW Quality Teaching model elements.

Evaluation score – refer to NSW QTM Classroom Practice Guide for each element
Comments incl. evidence for evaluation score (2 sentences)

1 Intellectual quality
1.1 Deep knowledge
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: Identifies concept for lesson clearly. Focussed on transport timetable and benefit
5 of public transport.

1.2 Deep understanding

1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: Teacher facilitates student to understand the purpose of the lesson but should
5 have explained in depth matter. By questioning students to ensure that they understand how
interpret the timetable.

1.3 Problematic knowledge

1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: Teacher encourages student to recognise that knowledge has been constructed
5 hence this lesson made.

1.4 Higher-order thinking

1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: How public transport impact ecosystems and can help with sustainability by
5 reducing carbon emissions which is evaluate their knowledge.

1.5 Metalanguage
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: some student may not know about carbon. Could use internet research to find
5 the definition of carbon.

Fatemeh Tajkey - 19198558

1.6 Substantive communication

1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: producing discussions and cooperative learning is well and teacher ensures that
5 students staying on task.

Quality learning environment

2.1 Explicit quality criteria
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: The lesson plan explained what students expected to learn by class discussion
5 and class activity however, not explicit criteria.

2.2 Engagement
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: Most of the lesson appears participant to classroom activity could be improve by
5 asking students for sharing own experience. (e.g. Missed the train because they did not use
train timetable)

2.3 High expectations

1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: critical thinking and reflection on public transport and transport timetable
5 requires and goals could be extension.

2.4 Social support

1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: class discussion and group work allows student to feel social support and
5 promote confidence and positive environment.

2.5 Students’ self-regulation

1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: Group and pair activity promote learning however there is a scope for students’
5 self-regulation.

2.6 Student direction

1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: Would be good to give students choice to implement their own activities. In this
5 lesson plan all activities designed by teacher only.

3 Significance
3.1 Background knowledge
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: Results of the prior assessment from lesson 7 link to the students’ knowledge
5 And review the previous learning helps to achieve outcomes.
3.2 Cultural knowledge
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: Does not address diverse cultures could be possible to make a question from
5 different culture. (distance of two different country)

3.3 Knowledge integration

1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: There is link to ecosystem knowledge and how we can reduce carbon by public
5 transport.

3.4 Inclusivity
1–2–3–4– Comments: Class discussion and participation allows students feel inclusivity and enhance
5 learning.

3.5 Connectedness
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: The lesson plan connected to real life and also connected to environment.
3.6 Narrative
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: No mention, could create it by asking student to share their own experience.

Section 3: Identifying Areas for Improvement

Identify the two APST standards and two NSW QT model elements you are targeting for improvement.


Fatemeh Tajkey - 19198558

1)1.3 students with diverse linguistic, cultural, 2)1.5 Differentiate teaching to meet the specific
religious and socioeconomic backgrounds learning needs of students across the full range of
QT model
1)1.2 Deep understanding 2)3.6 narrative

Lesson Plan (Modified for DTL)

Fatemeh Tajkey - 19198558

Topic area: Mathematics Stage of Learner: 6 Syllabus Pages: pp.34


Date:23/03/17 Location Booked: classroom Lesson Number: 2 /8

Time: 50 minutes Total Number of students: 30 Printing/preparation

Links to various transport
Websites ready.
Download the timetable learning
objective rubric.
Print a ferry timetable between
Mosman Bay Wharf and
Circular Quay.
Print worksheets and
corresponding train timetables.
Need access to a smart board.

Outcomes Assessment Students learn about Students learn to

MS11-3 Formative The interpretation of Student identify the

Solves problems involving assessment different timetables location and analyse the
quantity measurement, throughout the and how this can be data of the timetable.
including accuracy and the lesson to engage used as a part of life.
choice of relevant units and keep student Using different
MS11-4 on track. Benefits of public timetable to solve the
Performs calculations in transport and impacts problems.
relation to two-dimensional Ask questions to of that in daily life.
figures ensure that the Range of different
MS11-9 student How public timetable, including
Uses appropriate technology understand how transportation can be ferries, buses and trains.
to investigate, organise and to interpret the used as a means of Incorporate 12-hour and
interpret information in a timetable, and promoting 24-hour time into
range of contexts how to calculate sustainability. understanding
MS11-10 elapsed time. timetables.
Justifies a response to a Definitions of
given problem using Extension sustainability and
appropriate mathematical question for carbon
terminology and /or those students
calculations who more How to convert time
capable. (e.g. am to pm)

Fatemeh Tajkey - 19198558

Cross Curriculum themes & General Explicit subject specific concepts and skills
Knowledge, understanding and skills:
Sustainable transport systems make a positive 1. Develop the ability to use mathematical
contribution to the environmental, social and skills and techniques, aided by
economic that reduce carbon and improving appropriate technology, to organise
public health through better air quality. information and interpret practical
Literacy: definition of sustainable and carbon
Values and attitudes:
General capability: Manage their own learning, Students will value and appreciate:
problem solving, making decision and capacity 1. Mathematics as an essential and relevant
to work collaboratively with others. part of life, recognizing that it is
development and use have been largely in
Social inclusive: class discussions, pair work, response to human needs by societies all
sharing. around the globe.
2. The importance of resilience in
Critical thinking: looking at the negative factors undertaking mathematical challenges,
of public transport. taking responsibility for their own
learning and evaluating their
Narrative: create narrative by engaging students mathematical development.
to share their own experience about public
transport and using timetable.

Fatemeh Tajkey - 19198558

Time Teaching and learning actions Organisation Centre

Intro Explain briefly to the class that we are going Teacher: explain syllabus and goals of the lesson Teacher
to learn how to interpret and use timetables to clearly
5 minutes plan journeys using public transport and what
are the expectations of this lesson, using
smartboard document Student: listening to teacher
Asking questions if it is necessary

Resources: Books, stationary, smartboard

5 minutes Teacher discuses about how using public Teacher: Try to get more attention by demonstrate Teacher
transport can help with sustainability, by the value of the lesson. Research to find the and
reducing carbon emissions and what the definitions. student
impact human activity has on ecosystems.
Teacher asks students what sustainability Student: Engaging to class discussion with respect,
means to them and what carbon means? raising hand, letting other students speak
What are the benefits of Leaving the car at
home and taking more sustainable modes of Resources: Smartboard, internet
 Reduce traffic
 Reduce air pollution and related
risks such as asthma
 Increasing physical activity
 Increase social interaction
Teacher facilitates discussion between Teacher: Encourages discussion, provides Teacher
Body students and asks questions about when and questions that prompt thinking. and
10 minutes where you may need to use a transportation student
timetable. Student: listening and thinking while the teacher
Teacher shows a transport timetable on the talking.
smartboard and asks: Contributes to discussion, asks questions
1.What is purpose of this timetable?
2.What features does this timetable have? Resources: Smartboard, PDF of bus timetable from
3.What would happen if this timetable did not Kingswood to Black town
4.Ask questions to ensure that the student
understand how to interpret the timetable and
how to calculate elapsed time.
Some examples:
How long does it take to travel from point A
to point B?
What time would you leave point A if you
want to be at point B at 11:45am?
How long would you wait for the next service
if you arrived at point A at 3:50pm
Class activity and Smartboard interaction Teacher: Gets students to be creative and checks student
10 minutes their works and helps them to correct their own
Students get into pairs and ask each other works.
travel related questions, based on the ferry
timetable that appears on the smartboard. For Student: Works in the small group and answers to
example; what time do I have to leave Old the questions
Cremorne Wharf, if I am to arrive at Circular
Quay, Wharf 2 by 2pm? Resources: link to timetable for ferry between
Teacher hands out the print of the ferry Mosman Bay Wharf and Circular Quay:
timetable to each group
and walks around the room and checks -by-line.htm?line=wt&dir=1-landingPoint
students are staying on task and gives students print of the ferry timetable
small clues to keep them engaged and support
them if they need more help. Teacher
challenge more capable students by asking to
create their own timetable for a local public
transport service.

Fatemeh Tajkey - 19198558

Worksheet activity* Teacher: After giving hand out, settles down student
10 minutes students.
Teacher hands out train timetable worksheet Reads out the questions for students
activity to each student and gives them option observes students ensures that students are staying
either to work individual or in pairs. on task, prompts thinking through questioning.

Student: completes worksheet, asks questions

when necessary.

Resources: train timetable worksheet

Conclusion Teacher asks students what messages they will Teacher: review of the key ideas of the lesson Teacher
5 minutes take home from this lesson and helps students shortly and
to review the key points of the lesson and at student
the end asks students if they have any further Student: thinking about what they learnt
Resources: nil
Teacher hands back results from the in-class Teacher: Answers the questions Teacher
5 minutes assessment from lesson 7. Teacher outlines and
what was done well overall and what the class Student: Asks any question about assessment student
will work on together, to improve students
understanding of content, as a path to achieve Resources: Notes, results and questions from
syllabus outcomes. Teacher allows students to lesson 7.
check their work and their mistakes and
answers questions related to the assessment.

How am I measuring the outcomes of this lesson?

Learning Outcome Method of measurement and recording

MS11-3 Teacher and students questioning throughout lesson,
timetable worksheet.
MS11-4 Students working in pairs and helping each other perform
calculations based on time.
MS11-9 Class activity and smartboard interaction to investigate
and organise information
MS11-10 Timetable worksheet.

Fatemeh Tajkey - 19198558

Academic Justification

The original lesson plan was well thought- out and comprehensive, the interpretation
of timetables is practical for the students in their lives and used on a daily basis and it
offers calculation understanding to work out transport timetables, however
improvement can be made to further address the Australian Professional Standards of
Teaching (APST), the NSW Quality Teaching Model (QT), and provide a deeper
understanding through the differentiation planning for gifted and students with
English as Additional Language or Dialect (EALD). Additionally, the cross-
curriculum themes pertaining to the environmental sustainability can be included in a
discussion about location and impact of transport.
The modification to the lesson plan included furthering standard 1.3 and 1.5 of the
APST in regard to students with diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and
socioeconomic backgrounds and differentiate teaching to meet the specific learning
needs of students across the full range of ability. Differentiated learning is based on
the needs of individual students (Handa,2013). Teachers are required to follow
syllabus, identify students and understand their level of understanding in order to
ensure the lesson is of the appropriate level. Schools provide special support and
adjustments to meet the needs of students with special educational needs and
management (NESA,2017)
Gifted and talented students need specific learning that require to appropriate level
because they are capable to learn faster and solve problems that other students might
not be able to and comparably, students with learning and behavioural difficulties
need an individual and differentiated lesson plan (NESA,2017). In modified lesson
plan provided, extension work of creating their own timetable had been provided for
students that were able to finish earlier.
Teacher motivate students to learn by demonstrating the value of the lesson and
how it impacts their life, the lesson plan sets a high expectation through their in-depth
understanding of the concept of the lesson in regard to the use of public transport
timetables. High expectations address the QT, however there is scope for making
higher-order thinking that could be address by engage students to critical thinking
about what the advantage or disadvantage of using public transport is. For students to
have high and deep knowledge, they need to understand the important concepts of
mathematics which include operations and relations, reading and analysing data, and
they also must provide and understanding of the mathematical symbols. One of the
most basic but important method in mathematics is for students to understand and be
able to use adding, subtracting multiplying and dividing appropriately, whether it is
calculated mentally or with paper and pencil (Checkley,2006). Students use their logic
to understand the relationship between concepts and situations which lead them to
navigate through the elements of a problem that they may come across and see how
they fit together.
The lesson plan involved students to work in a group which promote learning and
social support. (Johnson, David, 1984). Class discussions develop critical thinking
and positive attitude toward subject areas. More over research shown that competitive
and collaborative discussion in the class help students confidence and motivation
(Hoadley & Linn, 2000). The atmosphere of the class discussion should be formed in
such a way where students give respect to one another without discrimination and
prejudice that will address wellbeing of students (Ludwig & Gore, 2003).

Fatemeh Tajkey - 19198558

Engaging is one of the most common techniques that teachers used as it is the key
to success in Mathematics (Checkley,2006). Involving students in class discussion
helps them to embrace their ideas that mathematics makes sense, they will have a
better understanding that learning mathematics would be needed and useful both
inside and outside school (Checkley,2006).
Another modification is interacting with other students and sharing stories with each
other, this will help them to understand real life situations and help them learn from
one another. According to several educational researchers’ life experiences can be
interpreted in to powerful narrative stories useful for both teaching and learning
The final major modification that is made to the lesson plan is moved the part of
the lesson that a teacher hand out result from prior assessment at the end of the lesson.
When students get their results, they begin discussing it and are distracted from tasks
given, thus handing the results at the end avoid the issue of the students being
distracted throughout the lesson. Assessing students and giving them feedback about
what they can improve on and practice would impact their future result (APST, 2017).
In addition, the completion the lesson plan made me realise the importance the
APST, QT, Syllabus and outcomes and how to integrate them together. Teachers need
to be aware of differentiation lessons and their student’s levels of learning, this
promotes the student’s wellbeing as much as learning, tracing back to the first
standard of the APST to know your student. As a future maths teacher, I need to
make an environment for the students where they can use mathematics concepts in
their life and solve problems with ease.

Fatemeh Tajkey - 19198558


AITSL. (2017). Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. Retrieved from


Checkley, K. (2006). The essentials of mathematics K-6. Alexandria, Va.: Association

for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

Handa, M. C. (2013). Leading differentiated high-performance learning. Australian

Educational Leader, 35(3), 22-26.

Hoadley, C., & Linn, M. (2000). Teaching science through online, peer discussions:

SpeakEasy in the Knowledge Integration Environment. International Journal

Of Science Education, 22(8), 839-857.

Johnson, D. (1984). The new circles of learning. Alexandria, Va.: Association for

Supervision and Curriculum Development.

Kerl, S. (2002). Using Narrative Approaches to Teach Multicultural Counseling.

Journal Of Multicultural Counseling And Development, 30(2), 135-143.

Ludwig, J., & Gore, J. (2003). Quality Teaching in NSW Public Schools A classroom

practice guide Retrieved from


NSW Education Standards. (2017). Retrieved 25

September 2017, from


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