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Copyright © 1996lFAC lb-Ol 1

13th Tri~nnial World Congress. San Francisco, USA


Yun-Hui Liu * Suguru Arimoto·*
Dept. of Mechanical and Automation Engineering
The Chinesf Uni11ersily of Hong Kong, 8hatill, N. T .. Hong Kong
** Dept. of Ma~h€matical Engineering and Infu1'malwll Physicb
Univ('Tsity of Tokyo, Hongo, Bunkyo, Tokyo. Japan

Abstract. This paper deals with position and force tracking of manipulators with
end-effectors constrained on time-varying surfaces. Two controllers respectively with-
out and with force feedback are proposed by using the joint-space orthogonalization
scheme, which dt~couplcs position and force signals in the joint-spaces. It will be shown
that energy-bast'd Lyapunov functions guarantee exponential convergences of both
tht:' position and force errors. The controllers are further generalized to distributed
or decentralized coop(~ration control of multiple manipulators. Unlike centralized con-
trollers, our cont.rollers have simple structures and are easy t.o implement even for
systems with many manipulators.

Keywords. Constraints, Manipulators, Force control, Exponential stability.

Distributed control,

1. INTRODlTC'TIO'< joint-space orthogonalization tlcheme decouples the po-

sition and force control by using projected position sig-
Force control has been onc of hottest. topics in robot.ics nals onto the tangent space and projected force signals
since 1980s. and various methods including hybrid con- onto the force space, Since t.he controller assumes no
trol (RaiberL and Craig. 1981, Khatib, 1987, Yoshikawa, prior knowledge of robotic models, it only givetl rise to
1987. MaC'lamroch and Wang. 19SR, Arimoto, et aI, asymptotic convergence of the tracking errors.
1993. Parra-Vega, et aI, 1994) have been developed. Most
This paper shows that the control performance can be
force cont.rollers only concern robotic motion holonom-
improved in case robotic. models are available, and pro-
ically constrained on static geometric surfaces. How-
poses t.wo exponentially stable controllers, which work
ever, many applications. such as assembly task on mo-
011 the salIle principle as thaL in (Liu, et ai, t 995a) but
bile platforms, in industries require compliant motion on
assume exact knowledge of the robotic models. They re-
moving surfaces, which is a typical rheo-holollomically
alize the position control by feeding back the projected
constrained motion. Few literature can be found on con-
trajectory errors onto the tangential space! but achieve
trol of rheo-holonomically const.rained motion. Similar
the force control in different ways. The first controller
to the controller proposed by MaClamroch and Wang
called implicit fCH'et controller only uses a feedforward
(1988) for holoIlomically constrained motion, t.he COI1-
of the desired force, Howcvcr. in addition to the feed-
t.roller in (Peng, et, al, 1993) is designed in the reduced
forward, the second controller called e.xplicit force. con-
space lIsing t.he independent. coordinat,es. A shortcoming
tTOllerincludes a loop of force feedback. Exponential sta-
of this controller is lIsing tilE' aC<':('lerat.ion whose mea-
bility of the cont.rollers are guaranteed by energy-based
surement is not only noisy but also opposite the causal-
Lyapunov functions, This paper further presents their
ity. The authors (Liu, et ai, 199.5a) also proposed an
ext.ension t.o distributed/decentralized cooperation con-
adaptive controller for rheo-holonomically constrained
trol of multi-manipulator systems, in which constraints
motion, which is based on tilt" joint.-space orthogonal-
on individual manipulators can virtually be considered
izatioIl scheme (Arimoto, et aI, 199:n and the model-
a.~ rheo-holonornic by processing motion of the others
based adaptive algorithm (Slotine and Li, 1987). The
as moving surfaces, Compared to centralized controllers

(Nakamura, et ai , 1989, Tarn , et ai , 1987, Uchiyama, 3, THE JOINT-SPACE ORTHOGONALlZATION
et ai , 1987, Wen and Kreutz, 1989) , our decentralized
cooperation controllers have simpler structures and are Suppose that matrix J, (q , t) always has a rank M , The
ea.qy to implement. Finally, simulation results will be column vectors of Jtp( q, t) s pa.n a M dimensional s pace
shown to demonstrate stability of OUt contro llers. n(q , I) , to which the interactive force J.,,(q,l)f between
th e manipulator and the , urfaces belongs, The orthog-
anal complement. of n(q , I) is represented by Tp(q , tj, It
2, MOTION CONSTRAINTS AND ROBOTIC must specially he point.f!d out that the joint velocity q
DYNAMICS does not. helong t.o space Tp(q, t) in rheo-holonomically
constrained motions.
Denote the joint angles of a manipulator with N revolu~
The joint-space orthogonalization meth od is a scheme
tive joints by an N dimensional vedor q. Wheu the cno-
for decoupling force and position signals in ajoint space.
effector of the manipulator is constrained on M moving
In t.his me.thod, t.he force signals are orthogonally pro-
surfaces represented by
jected ont.o space n(q, t) and the trajectory signals onto
'P(X, tl = 0, space Tp(q , t), The orthogonal projections are realized
through the following matri<es P(q, I) and Q(q, t), re-
where x is the world coordina.l,e , q must satisfy spectively(Lill , et. ai , 1995a):

'P(((q) , I) = 0, (I)
PIg , t) = J~(q, t)J.,,(q , t) (5)
where x = ~(q) means forward kinematics of the manip- Q(q , tl = 1- P(q , tj =I - J~(q , t)J.,,(q , t) (6)
ulator. it should be noted that. time t exists explicit ly
in eq. (1). The constraints with an explicit t are said where J:;(q , t) is the pseudo-inverse of J.,,( q, t):
rheo-ho10nomic , By differentiating eq, (I) ,
By using Q(q, I), the joint velocity q can be decomposed
where J,(q , t)(= o'P/oq) is a M by N matrix, and into two parts, which belong to different spaces:
p(q, t)
= a
-o'P(q, I), (3)
ot 4= Q(q, tlq + (1- Q(q , t»)4
= Q(q, tJq + J~(q, t)J,(q, t)q (8)
p( q ) t'L called varying tle/oeity of the constraints . depends
on t.h~ir ch;mge rates. Under the constraints , the manip- From the definition of /'irq , t) ,
ulator complies the following dynami cs:
q = Q(q, I)q + ':; (q , t)/'i(q , t) (9)
H(q)ij + (~iI(q) + C( q, q))<i + G(q) = T + J;(q)/(4)

where H(q) is t he inertial matrLx , and C(q l <i) a skew- 4. AN IMPLICIT FORCE CO NT ROLLER
symmetric matrix. G(q) expresses the gravity term , and
T t.h e input torque, / is the M x 1 Lagrange multipliers, Force control does not necessarily require a force feed-
Physically, J;;(q) f is the reanion force exerted on the back, that. will be demonstrated by ou r first controller,
rob ot from the moving surfaces. which realizes the force control only by a fe~dforward
term of the desired force. In this controller, a nominal
Before moving to the controllers, wc: suppose
reference qr is introduced as follows :
Assumption 1 The desired trajectory, i.e. desired po-
sition qd , desired 'v elocity qd and drstred a,ceeie-ration. (10)
qd are bounded. Fad/tcr. llu dc~i1"nl forn: fd is also
bounded, where r is a po..qit.ive COllstanl, a Dd
Assumption 2 The f)}.o1Ji ng sur/afe/; move at bounded
ve locdics.
For revolutive manipulators, :p(q : t) is concerned with q qd denotes the desired joint. angle, and qd tbe desired
by tri gonometri c funct.ions. Assumpt.ion 2 impli ~s ho unded velocity. The two parts of qr are clearly orthogonal to
J.,,(q , I), bounded p(q , t) , and bounde~ p(q , I), each ot.her. Differentiating eq. (10) derivE".s

q, = Q(q , t)(iid - 'Y~ri) + Q(q, t)(rid - r~q) D(g) is of full rank because H(q) is positive definite.
+J; (q, t)p(q , t) + j;(q , t)V(q, t) (11) From convergence of s, it is possible to prove bounded-
ness of q, which fur t her implies boundedness of j",(q , t) .
[t must be pointed o ut. that. t he nominal reference does Conseq uently, tJ.J goes to zero exponentially if 8 is ex-
not include a ny force term . From eq:-;. (9) a.nd (10) , tt.n ponentially stable. 0
error vecto r s is
Renlark 3 The asymptoti c converg ence of s implies that
s~ ri - ri,· = Q(q, t)(~q + r~q) (12) of the trajectory error 6.q when th e initial position error
is not large(Anmoto, et ai, 1993, L iu, et ai, 1995b).
Physi cally, s is the projected trajectory error onto th e
space Tp( q, t). p( q, t) and p( q, t) in 4, and ij, are directly
calculated from the c.ons t.raints. The joint torque is then 5. AN EXPLICIT FORCE CO NTROLLER
given by
This section considers the controller design when a force
feedback is used. Suppose that a force sensor is equ ipped
T = H (q)ij, + ( ~H( q) + C(q, <ilJri, + G(q) at the endpoint of the rnanipuiatorso that force f can be
- [( ,s - J~( q , t)Jd ( 13) measured on-line during the motion, Similar t.o previous
case: we introdu('e" a nomi nal reference 9r .
Here Id denotes the magnitude of the desired force; I.....
is a positive definit.e matrix. Substituting eq. (13) into ri, ~ Q(q , t)(qd - r~q) - J;t (q,t)(,.,(q,t) - A~F) .( 19)
t he dynami c equa.tion (4) result.s in the error dynamics:
where l' and ..\ are positive cons tants, and
H (g)' + (~H(q) + C(q,q»)" - J~(g, t)l'.J = -K.s(14) /

where ill = f - Id is t.he force error.

~F = J~fdt
Theorem 1 The controller in eq. (J.3) giv es rise lo ex·
pon entially convergenCE of sand 6.f. ~J denotes the force error. The difference from eq. (10)
lies in term ~F. Differentiating eq. (19) leads to ij,:
Proof: First of alL introduce a scalar function:

v = ~sT
ll(q)s (15 ) ij, = Q(q, t)(ijd -,~q) + Q(q, t)(qd - 'Y~g)

- ~ {J;(q, t)(p(q, t) - '\~F)}. (20)

\/ is clearly non-negative. From the error dynamics (14 )
and orthogonalization of s alltl J cp (q, i), Then , the residual error s is

v-- sT H(q)s + ~sT if(q )s

s ~ q - q, = Q(q, t)(~4 + ,l'.q) - >.J: (q, t)l'.F.(21)
=_ sT K.s + sT J~(q, t)~J = _.T K . . (16) The first part is the projected trajectory error , and the
second part the projected force error. Clearly, they are
Clearly •.tt is exponentially convergenl. to zero as t ime t orthogonal to each other. Th e- controller is then given as
approaches to the infinity.
Multiply ing J(g, t)H-1(q) to eq. (14) derives T = H(q)ij, + (~H(q) + e(q, ri»4, + G(q)
D(q)~f = J~(q, t), - B(q, q)s ( 17) -K,. - T
J", (g, t)(fd - I<Jl'.F) , (22)

where where f{~ and l{, are p ositi vf~ definite matrices. Substi-
tuting eq. (22) int,o the dyna mic equation (4) , we get.
the following error dynamics:
D(q) = J~(q,t)H-l(q)JT(q,t)
B(g , q) = Jop(q , t)Wl(q){ ~H(q) + C(q , q) + K.} H(q) s + (~H(q) + G(q,ti»s - J~(q . t)l'.J =
Since J", (q , t) s = 0, J",(q, I); = -j",(q , t) • . Substitut ing -I<,. + I<JJ~(q) ~F. (23)
this into eq. (L7) gives rise t.o
Theorenl 2 The controller f.q. (22) gives rise to crpo-
D(q)~J = - ( B(g , q) + J,,(q , t».. (18) ncniially asymptotic convergtnct! of errors sand tl..F_

Proof: First, define an non-negative scalar funct.ion: 6.1 Motion con.o;traints

(24) In this paper. the research is restricted to holonomic

cooperative tasks, such as handling an object, of L nOIl-
redundant manipulators, in wbi ch the manipulators are
From the erro r dynamics (23) .
subject to the followin g m otion const raints:
11 = _sT 1(,8 - >'tl.F T Kftl.F (25)
<p(q"q" .... qLl = 0, (29)
Since matrices J<.3 and Kj are positive definite and A is
where qj repre~enis joint. angles of manipulator i. The
positive, V il:i never positive. Furt.hermore, both sand
motion constraints are holonomi c in t erm of (q}, Q2, ... , qL).
D-.F exil:it in th e right side of eq. (25). Therefore, sand For individual manipulators, however , the constraints
t:J..F are exponentialiy stable. 0 can be considered as rheo-holon omic . In t his case, joint.
Theorem 3 In lhe conlroller tq. (22), th e force error angles of other robots play a role of time t. Differentiat-
t:J..f is also expon ent·i ally stable.. mg eq. (2~J) results in

Proof: From definition of s. (30)

J~ (q . t) s = -tl.F (26)
where J", . = {}>P(Ql , Q2 , --. , qd /{}Qi and
Differentiating eq . (26) leads to
Pi = - "
L-J<p ,qi' (3l )
J", (q , t).' = -!'>f - ) ",( q . tls (27) j = I,i;t i

Mul tiplying J",(q, t)H -I (q) t,o the error dynamics from Pi corresponds to the varying veloci ty of the motion con-
the left side leads to straints. The integral of Pi is

D(q)tl.f = B(q,q)s - E(q)tl.F (28)
Pi = J
J,,i/idt. (32)

Once a desired t.rajectory is specified, the desired values

D(q ) = I + J",( q, t)H - 1
(q)/;: (q. t)
Pet; and Pd, can b e cakulated in the follo ..... ing way:
1 . .
B (q, q) = J",(q , t)H-1(q){ 2 H(ql + C(q , q) - J", (q , t) + K,} ,
E(q) = J",(q , l )H - l(q)I\ f J~' (q . t)
Pd. = J~, (qd"qd, .. .. , qdL)qd" Pd. = J
Pd.dt (33)
Clearly: U(q ) is of full ra nk . Conver,!!;ence of s guaran-
tees boulldedoess of q, whi ch further leads to bounded Since the motion constraints mU!lt hold on a desired tra-
B(q , q) . Consequentl y, we ca.n conclude exponential con- jectory,
vergence of a..J beca.use sand !:IF are exponentially sta-
ble. O
L Pd, = 0, (34)
Remark 4 Cain>. of the forn eITor tl.f in th e nominal
referen.ce fir could be very small without any influence on
th, stahility. A sm all ,\ implies a weak direct f eedba ck of From eq. (34) and definitions of Pi and Pi, clearly
the force , and hencc the ca-nsalzty is apprOXImately guar- n
anteed. Beeaus< of el'iS/fllce of tl.F. the force f eedba ck L!:"Pi = 0, L
" tl.Pi = 0, (35)
wOf·ks we.ll r. Vt~ n. f or a sm.all A.

6.2 The decenlrali:ed controllers
This section presents extension of th€' controllers previ-
o usly pro posed to decentralized cooperation control of The decentralized cooperation controllers basically
multi-manipulator systems. extensi ons. of our previous co ntrollers . In eqs. (11) a nd

(20), the term p(q, t) is computable from explicit ex- ETA3, which was developed at the ETL, Japan, have
pression of rheo-holonomic constraints. In a cooperative been carried out. In the simulations, the ETA3 manipu-
system, however, Pi depends on the acceleration qi (see lator lS required t.o trace a circle of radius O.07m with a
eq. (31 »,
whose measurement suffers from causaHty and desired force Id = ION m and a desired angular velocity
large noise. To solve this problem, thp nominal reference 7r(rad/s) on a moving plane represented by (Fig. Ib)
qr; is modified as follows:
(- sin <1', 0, cosu)(x - 0.55, y, z - 0.2f = O. (38)
• Implicit cooperation control:
where Cl' denotes the angle between the plane and the
$ - axiS. The a changes its value according to
• Explicit cooperation controL
7r 7r
qc, ~ Qi(qd, -li~q;) + J;%,(j}d, - fi~Pi + Ai~F)
,,= 4 + 12 sin (7rt). (39)

Here i is index of the robot. Q1 denotes the projection The center of the circle is located at (0.55,0.0, 0.2)m.
matrix, and Pd; desired value of Pi. ;::1 is a positive con- Fig. 2 shows the results of the implicit force controller.
stant. The key point is replacing p(q,t) by (Pd, -;3~p,) and Fig. 3 the results of the explicit force controller. The
so that the acceleration is not. f(,quired in the controller. results ascertained
The joint torques of rohot 'f an~ giW-'ll in similar forms
to those in eqs. (13) and (22). respectively. • The position errors go to zero exponentially in both
Theorem 4 The implicit and explicit distributed coop· • The force errors also go t.o zero exponentially. How-
{,Tation controllers gil1f rise to crponcntially asymptotic ever, the convergence is faster in the explicit con-
convergence of Si and t1J. troller than in the implicit controller.
Proof: We first prove the implicit cont.roller. The error Here the gains are chosen as 'Y :::: 2.0, A =
0.01, Ks =
dynamics of robot i has the form: diag{50.0, 30.0,50.0,10.0,10.0, 0.5} and Kj = 100.01.
1 The simulations were done hy MatLab at a sampling
Hi(q;)S, + (-iH,(q,) + C,(qi,qi))Si = -f{"s, + J~,~f. time of

Tnt.roduce the following non-negat.ive scalar function:


V =~L ": Hi(q , )-" (36)


Multiplying sf to the error dynamics derives

V= - L si K"s, + L(~p, + ;3~p, )~f (37) Fig. 1. Setup of the simulation.
i=l i=l

From eq. (35), the last. t.erm in eq. (37) disappears. Since
Si exists in the right side, it. goes to zero exponentially 8. CONCLUSIONS
as t --+ 00. A simila.r discussion to Theorem 1 results
in exponential convergence of t1j. The case of the ex- This paper proposed two hybrid controllers for robots
plicit controller can be proved by using the following with end-effectors constrained on moving geometric suc-
Lyapunov function: faces, i.e. subject to rheo-holonomic constraints, The
L first controller does not use any force feedback. Although
V = ~ LisT H,(q;)Si + ),i~FT ~F}. a direct force feedback exists in the second controller,
i=l the causality can approximately be guaranteed by a small
force gain because the force control is basically realized
through integral of the force error. Both controllers give
7. SIMULATIONS rise to exponential of the position and force
errors. The controllers are furt.her extended to decentral-
In order to show usefulness and properties of the con- ized cooperation control of mult.iple manipulators. Un-
trollers, two simulations using the six DOF manipulator like a centralized controller, our cooperation controllers

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