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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Rizal
Francisco P. Felix Memorial National High School


Name:_________________________________________________ Year and Section:___________________
Date:__________________________________________________ Score:____________________________

I. Reading and Literature

A. Read the texts carefully. Answer the questions that follow by writing only the letter of the correct answer on
the space provided before each number.

Pure water lacks taste and smell. All living things need water in order to survive. Forty to
ninety percent of the weight of all organisms is water. The human body uses water to remove
wastes and transport nutrients throughout the body.
Ancient philosophers thought of water as a true building block by which all other liquids are
measured. Until the late eighteenth century when a British chemist by the name of Cavendish
made water by using a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen. We now know that water is 2 parts
hydrogen, the most abundant element in our universe, and 1 part oxygen, the element that we
breathe in order to survive.
___1. What is the most abundant element in the universe?
A. water B. hydrogen C. carbon dioxide D. oxygen
___2. Which of the following is true?
A. Water smells like apples. B. Water smells like orange juice.
C. All living things need water in order to survive. D. None of these
___3. What percentage of your body weight may be water?
A. 70% B. 30% C. 95% D. 10%
___4. How does water help your body?
A. It protects you from shock. B. It provides your lungs with oxygen
C. It heals cuts. D. It transports nutrients.
___5. Water is made of hydrogen and what other element?
A. water B. hydrogen C. carbon dioxide D. oxygen
___6. Who discovered that water is a mixture?
A. Cavendish B. British scientists C. no one D. ancient philosophers

One of the root causes of air pollution in Asia is the region’s rapidly growing population. Air pollution,
along with other environmental hazards, will get better only when the urgent need for environment is instilled
in the consciousness of every individual and is manifested in our everyday actions.
Until every citizen realizes that air pollution is their direct responsibility, children will continue to suffer,
and clear air acts and other anti-pollution laws will merely be another flash in the pan.
We have the power in our own hands! If one person can make a difference, imagine what the largest
continent in the world can do when it works together.

___7. What the main cause of air pollution in Asia based on the above text?
A. Citizens B. Children C. Population D. Environment
___8. What would likely happen if air pollution is not controlled?
A. Children will be the most affected of all. B. Children will learn the wrong values.
C. Children will be careless with the environment. D. Children will neglect the environment.
___9. How can be an air pollution and other environmental hazard get better according to the selection?
A. When the environment is the government concern only
B. When the two child policy is implemented
C. When the care of the environment is instilled to every individual and can be seen in everyday action
D. When the government unites with the other country
___10. What is the author’s purpose in writing the article?
A. To persuade the reader to care about the environment
B. To explain the root causes of the air pollution
C. To emphasize the importance of everyone’s responsibility in the environment
D. All of the above
____11. What value is given emphasis in the selection?
A. Love of culture B. Love of nature C. Brotherly love D. Filial love
B. Literature
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
Robert Frost
Whose woods these are I think I know. He gives his harness bells a shake
His house is in village though; To ask if there is some mistake.
He will not see me stopping here The only other sound’s the sweep
To watch his woods fill up with snow. Of easy wind and downy flake.
My little horse must think it queer The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
To stop without a farm house near But I have promises to keep,
Between the woods and frozen lake And miles to go before I sleep,
The darkest evening of the year. And miles to go before before I sleep.

___12. During which time of year does the poem take place?
A. spring B. summer
C. fall D. winter
___13. The reader may infer that the horse is impatient because of its________________________.
A. heavy snorting B. shaking of the harness bell
C. stamping hooves D. neighing and whinnying
___14. The man stops because he_________________________________.
A. used to own the woods near where he stopped
B. wants to watch the woods fill up with snow
C. is having trouble with the horse
D. is tired of traveling and needs to rest
___15. The speaker repeats the last line because he____________________________.
A. lives far from the woods B. promised he would be home early
C. has too much to do D. has many miles to travel on life’s journey
___16. How does the speaker describe the woods?
A. dark and deep B. quiet and shadowy
C. cold and isolated D. distant and queer
___17. The speaker decides to move along because_________________________________.
A. is too cold to stay longer B. has prior commitment
C. doesn’t want the horse to be out longer D. has an early day the next day
___18. What is the theme of the poem?
A. a person’s need for quiet B. the fury of a snowstorm
C. the beauty of nature D. the sadness of bleak winter
___19. What are the rhyming words in the first two lines of the poem?
A. snow and know B. though and snow
C. know and though D. here and queer
___20. Who is with the speaker?
A. the owner of the woods B. his father
C. his horse D. a stranger

Directions: Read each sentence carefully and give the nearest meaning of the underlined
words. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided before each number.
___21. The cat is creeping silently towards the bird.
A. watching carefully B. sleeping
C. eating D. moving slowly
___22. The student checks everything on his satchel to see it that everything is inside on it.
A. school bag B. suit case
C. laundry basket D. attaché case
___23. Her old grandmother suffers from oblivion for she cannot recognize her children anymore.
A. immortality B. joy
C. forgetfulness D. imagination
___24. Like most people past their mid-forties, he uses spectacles to read and write.
A. eyeglasses B. a type of clothing
C. pencil D. chair
___25. When Christians renders a ballad, the audience is wrapped with love.
A. song about love B. jingle
C. festive song D. community song
___26. There is a disgusting smell inside our classroom, my classmates are puking all over the floor.
A. dancing B. celebrating
C. playing D. vomiting
___27. Anyone sans shirt will not be allowed in the restaurant
A. more B. without
C. doubled D. over


Directions: Identify the literary device used in each line(s) of the best loved poems written
by famous poets. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided before each number.

Examples Literary Devices

___28. "Hear the mellow wedding bells" A. alliteration
___29. “No more thy glassy brook, reflects the day, B. assonance
But choked with sedges, works its weedy way” C. consonance
___30. “The fingers of this hand wherewith I write; D. end rhyme
And ever since, it grew more clean and white” E. imagery
___31. “Leese but their show; their substance still lives sweet.” F. internal rhyme
___32. “And drowsy tinklings lull the distant folds” G. onomatopoeia
___33. “O MARY, go and call the cattle the cattle home, H. repetition
And call the cattle home,
And call the cattle home”
___34. “A tap at the pane, the quick sharp scratch”

A. Punctuation Marks
Directions: Provide the missing punctuation marks in the following sentences/ Write the letter of
your answer on the space provided before each number.

___35. Wow __ I can’t believe that you are here.

A. period (.) B. exclamation point (!) C. hyphen (-) D. colon (:)
___36. He said, __ I don’t know what to do. __
A. quotation marks (“ “) B. question mark (?) C. semicolon (;) D. comma (,)
___37. Are you sure you’re okay ___
A. question mark (?) B. apostrophe (‘) C. ellipsis (…) D. period (.)
___38. We will wait for you until 2_30 PM tomorrow.
A. period (.) B. exclamation point (!) C. hyphen (-) D. colon (:)
___39. The student can_t answer the Math equation.
A. question mark (?) B. apostrophe (‘) C. ellipsis (…) D. period (.)

B. Capitalization
Directions: Identify which sentence uses correct capitalization. Write the letter of your answer on
the space provided before each number.

___40. A. We celebrate Valentine’s Day in February.

B. we celebrate Valentine’s day in February.
C. We celebrate Valentine’s day in february
D. We celebrate valentine’s day in February
___41. A. My Father is working as a supervisor at puregold Cainta.
B. My father is working as a supervisor at puregold Cainta.
C. My father is working as a supervisor at Puregold Cainta.
D. My father is working as a Supervisor at Puregold Cainta.
___42. A. Daisy’s boss, mr. Soriano, is absent today.
B. daisy’s boss, Mr. Soriano, is absent today.
C. Daisy’s boss, Mr. Soriano, is absent Today.
D. Daisy’s boss, Mr. Soriano, is absent today.
___43. A. Jean and i forgot our assignment in ESP.
B. Jean and I forgot our assignment in ESP.
C. Jean and I forgot our assignment in EsP.
D. Jean and I forgot our assignment in Esp.
___44. A. It was very hot outside, my selecta ice cream melted immediately.
B. It was very hot Outside, my Selecta ice cream melted immediately.
C. It was very hot outside, my Selecta ice cream melted immediately.
D. It was very hot outside, my selecta ice cream melted Immediately.
C. Transitional Devices/Connectors
Directions: Below the is the lyric poetry of William Shakespeare, “The Seven Ages of Man”, from
the play, As You Like It.” Fill in the blanks with the most suitable sequence signal or connector to complete
the sentence.

next first fourth then in addition final

The (45) ___________ stage is a helpless baby is just crying, throwing up and vomiting in the
mother’s lap. (46) ________ is the school boy who is reluctant to go school and afraid of what the world
holds in store for him. (47) ________ the lover whose main interest is the girls. (48) _________, he is
sentimental, sighing and writing poems to his dream girls. There comes the (49) ____________stage which
is the bold and fearless soldier. He is full of promises for his country and seeks bubble reputation. The fifth
stage is the age of justice, a middle aged person. He becomes wise and experienced. The sixth age is the
old age. He apparently begins to lose his charm — both physical and mental. The (50)___________stage is
the second childhood. He loses almost everything even his memory.

V. Writing (51-60)
Imagine yourself ten years from now. What kind of career/role do you think might have? Perhaps, you
are a noble teacher, a cooking specialist, an IT expert, a beautiful flight attendant, or an ingenious engineer.
Write an informative paragraph highlighting your role and how you perform it effectively. Remember to
observe correct capitalization and to use correct punctuations.
Be guided by the given rubrics below.
Excellent Good Fair Poor
10-8 pts. 7-6 pts. 5-3 pts. 2-0 pts.
The idea of the paragraph is The idea of the paragraph is The idea of the paragraph is The idea of the paragraph has
conveyed clearly; has unity, good but one element of partially conveyed for the lack of focus. The work has
cohesion and emphasis. It is paragraph writing is missing; elements of paragraph are not frequent errors that confused
free of grammatical and has few grammatical and evident; has many the readers.
spelling errors; observes the spelling errors; use mechanics grammatical and spelling
mechanics of paragraph of paragraph writing and errors as well as the use of
writing and punctuation marks punctuation marks but there mechanics of paragraph
correctly. are few errors. writing and punctuation marks.

Prepared by:


Teacher- English 9

Checked by: Noted by:


Master Teacher II, English Department Chairman, English Department

Approved by:


Principal IV

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