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Unit Testing Tools

S. No Conditions Output Pass/Fail

Form Login should start Pass
1. The librarian start the application
position in Center Screen
The result is form Pass
The librarian do login with his/her
2. EmployeeMain will be show
The librarian click Members image Form ManageMember will be Pass
button show up
The librarian click Loans image Form ManageLoan will be Pass
button show up
The librarian click Returns image Form ManageReturn will be Pass
button show up
The librarian do search Members The result is the data will Pass
data show in data grid view
The librarian selects Members Data The result is the detail of the Pass
in ComboBox form ManageLoan data will show in TextBox
The librarian selects Loan Data in The result is the detail of Pass
ComboBox form ManageReturn thedata will show in TextBox
The result is Form Pass
The librarian click one cell in ManageMember will be pop
Member datagrid view up with Member’s
The librarian click one cell in Log The result is Form Log will be Pass
10. pop up with Loan Details
datagrid view
Manual Tools
S. No Conditions Pass Fail
Admin login into AdminMain with method : public void
1. Pass -
Librarian login into EmployeeMain with method : public
2. Pass -
void login()
The Form ManageBook will show the Books data in data
3. Pass -
grid view using method : public DataSet getAllBook()
The Form ManageEmployee will show the Employees
4. data in data grid view using method : public DataSet Pass -
The Form ManageMember will show the Members data
5. in data grid view using method : public DataSet Pass -
The Form ManageLoan will show the Members data in
6. ComboBox using method : public DataSet Pass -
The Form ManageLoan will show the Books data in
7. ComboBox using method : public DataSet Pass -
The Form ManageReturn will show the Loans data in
8. ComboBox using method : public DataSet Pass -
The Form Log will show the Loans data in datagrid view
9. Pass -
using method : public DataSet getAllLoan()
If Admin do create Employees data using function :
10. Pass -
public int insertEmployee(), with valid parameter
If Admin do create Books data using function : public int
11. Pass -
insertBook(), with valid parameter
If Librarian do create Members data using function :
12. Pass -
public int insertMember(), with valid parameter
If Librarian do create Loans data using function : public
13. Pass -
int insertLoan(), with valid parameter
If Librarian do create LoanDetails data using function :
14. Pass -
public insertLoanDetails(), with valid parameter
If Librarian do create Returns data using function : public
15. Pass -
insertReturn(), with valid parameter
If Admin do update Employees data using function :
16. Pass -
public int updateEmployee(), with valid parameter
If Admin do update Books data using function : public
17. Pass -
int updateBook(), with valid parameter
If Admin do update Members data using function : public
18. Pass -
int updateMember(), with valid parameter
Method autoId() in Form ManageEmployee, Employee id
19. Pass -
will be generated while form is load
Method autoId() in Form ManageBook, Book id will be
20. Pass -
generated while form is load
Method autoId() in Form ManageMember, Member id
21. Pass -
will be generated while form is load
Method autoId() in Form ManageLoan, Loan id will be
22. Pass -
generated while form is load
Method autoId() in Form ManageReturn, Return id will
23. Pass -
be generated while form is load

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