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5 Ways how to save water

1. Shower Bucket. Instead of letting the water pour down the drain, stick a bucket
under the faucet while you wait for your shower water to heat up. You can use the water
for flushing the toilet or watering your plants.
2. Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth. Water comes out of the average faucet
at 2.5 gallons per minute. Don’t let all that water go down the drain while you brush!
Turn off the faucet after you wet your brush, and leave it off until it’s time to rinse.
3. Turn off the tap while washing your hands. Do you need the water to run while
you’re scrubbing your hands? Save a few gallons of water and turn the faucet off after
you wet your hands until you need to rinse.
4. If it’s yellow, let it mellow. This tip might not be for everyone, but the toilet is one of
the most water-intensive fixtures in the house. Do you need to flush every time?
5. Fix your leaks. Whether you go DIY or hire a plumber, fixing leaky faucets can mean
big water savings.
5 Ways how to save Electricity

1. Turn off unnecessary lights

Two 100-watt incandescent bulbs switched off an extra two hours per day could save you $15 over a
year. Better yet, switch to LED.
2. Use natural light
A single south-facing window can illuminate 20 to 100 times its area. Turning off one 60-watt bulb for
four hours a day is a $9 saving over a year.
3. Use task lighting
Turn off ceiling lights and use table lamps, track lighting and under-counter lights in work and hobby
areas as well as in kitchens.
4. Unplug unused electronics
Standby power can account for 10% of an average household's annual electricity use. Unplug
unused electronics and save $50 a year.
5.Not home? Turn off the air conditioner
Turn off that old window unit air conditioner for five hours a day while you're away. Do that for 60
days over a summer and you'll save $16.
List of safety rules
HOME All children regardless of age should know how to use a telephone and ask for help. Teaching
children to memorize important contact information, as well as how to react in the event of a home
emergency, can help them take charge of their safety.
SCHOOL Do Not Eat Anything Given By A Stranger:

You need to teach your kid about the dangers of eating food that is given by a stranger. No matter how
tempting the treat is, if it comes from a stranger, your kid should not eat it. Teach your kid that it is
dangerous to accept food from anyone. Ask them to politely refuse in case someone is offering food
without your consent or in your absence.
STREET Cross Safely

Your mother was right—you should look both ways before crossing any street. At controlled
intersections, it is wise to cross only when you have the pedestrian crossing light. Even then, drivers and
bikers may have a green light to turn and won't be expecting you to be in the crosswalk. Make eye
contact with any drivers who may be turning. Give them a wave. Make sure they see you. In an
interaction between a vehicle and a walker, the walker can only lose. It can be tempting to simply
jaywalk, but that is not only a safety hazard, it can result in getting a ticket.
PLAY GROUND Actively supervise children on playgrounds: You should always have your eye on your
kids as they play on playground equipment.
OTHER PLACE /WORKING PLACE - work clothes should fit properly. Anything that can catch in
machinery or trip you up is hazardous. Wear protective clothing and equipment as required.
Sunny means shining with bright sunlight, like a beautiful sunny Saturday at the beach. It can
also mean cheerful, like your sunny, upbeat best friend. When the sun is shining, it's a sunny
day, and when you're smiling and friendly, you'resunny too.
Cloudy. When the sky is cloudy, it's so full of clouds that you can't see the sun. Acloudy
day isn't ideal for a trip to the beach, and a cloudy night isn't great for star gazing. ... You can
also describe an issue, thought, or memory as cloudy when it's vague or half-remembered or
Snowy. When abounding in or covered with snow: snowy fields. characterized by snow, as
theweather: a snowy day. pertaining to, consisting of, or resembling snow.
Rainy .The monsoon season is the time of year when most of a region's average annual rainfall
occurs. Generally the season lasts at least a month. The term "green season" is also sometimes
used as a euphemism by tourist authorities. Areas with wet seasons are dispersed across
portions of the tropics and subtropics.
Windy. On the surface of the Earth, wind consists of the bulk ... In coastal areas the sea
breeze/land breeze cycle can define local winds; in areas that have variable terrain, mountain ...
Areas of wind shear caused by various weather phenomena can lead to dangerous situations
for aircraft.
Different ways of Saving Water and

Submitted by:

Prince Dominicque L. Doroin


Submitted to:

Ms. Jovelle S. Dilidili

List of Different Safety rules

Submitted by:

Prince Dominicque L. Doroin


Submitted to:

Ms. Jovelle S. Dilidili

Different kinds of Weather

Submitted by:

Prince Dominicque L. Doroin


Submitted to:

Ms. Joyce Nicole G. Favorito


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