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Robert G. Allen

This guidebook contains the ne west and most exclusive information for generating
multiple streams of income for life-time prosperity. Use this book as a supplement to
the insights you’ll hear in the audio program, and discover the added benefits for
Robert G. Allen’s wide range of wealth-growing strategies.
Wealth St reams I N S I D E R ’ S G U I D E 2


Dear Reader:

Years of studying highly effective, successful people have shown me that four distinct qualities are
shared by virtually all of these individuals. The four characteristics are:

1. Passion: They love what they do. If they weren’t making so much money, they’d be tempted
to do it for free.

2. Values: Their daily activities are extremely important to them.

3. Talent: They’re good at what they do. They’ve got what it takes to be among the best in their
chosen fields.

4. Destiny: They have a sense that they’re doing what was intended for them. They’re following
their intuition and fulfilling their destiny.

Can you discover and develop these qualities in yourself? Absolutely! In fact, as you read this
Insider’s Guide, I urge you to keep these four traits of successful people in the back of your mind at all
times. And right now, to help sharpen your awareness of these key characteristics, please complete the
Purpose Finder Exercise on the page four. Take your time, think carefully about what you write, and
read over the results whenever you feel the need to refocus. This will be of invaluable benefit, as you go
about creating the streams of wealth that you so desire and deserve.

Yours truly,
Robert G. Allen
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How to Use the Wealth Streams Insider’s Guide:
Welcome! This Insider’s Guide is a very important component of your Multiple Streams of
Income audio and print program. In these pages you’ll find powerful but little-known information that
will help you create streams of income quickly, effectively, and with little risk or effort. This is extreme-
ly important, because today working at one job, for one employer, with one salary, just won’t cut it for
those who want to be financially free. Instead, you need several streams of income from diversified
sources, and from completely different economic activities to plant a money tree that keeps growing
and bearing fruit – year after year – with minimal effort on your part.

I suggest that you listen to the Multiple Streams of Income audios first, before delving into the
strategies contained in this guidebook. The audios will give you the background and understanding
necessary to make full use of the shortcuts to wealth that you’ll find here. But feel free to read this
information any time. The more exposure you have to these ideas the better. The shortcuts described
her are among the many ways you can begin to grow your money tree, and watch the streams and
rivers of wealth flow directly to your door.

If you want a lifetime of unlimited wealth, if you want to end your money pressures forever, if
you want to build a lifetime stream of income, the information I am about to offer you will help you
to do just that with no employees, no selling, and little or no start-up cash. I guarantee that you will
learn the shortcuts that the pros use to cut years, even decades off your multimillion dollar goals.
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Fill in the blanks in order of preference, moving from highest to lowest. Use the questions that fol-
low the two topic headings to guide your responses. Then look at your top three responses in each cat-
egory. Begin to notice any links among the four categories. When you can make links between all four
areas, you are getting close to finding your purpose!

A. What do I love to do?

What has given me the most satisfaction in the past? What excites me about life? When have I been
happiest? What is my secret ambition?

1. _____________________________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________________________________

6. _____________________________________________________________________________

7. _____________________________________________________________________________

B. What am I good at?

What have other people told me I’m good at? Where have I excelled in the past? When have I been
most successful, and what special strengths does this reveal?

1. _____________________________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________________________________

6. _____________________________________________________________________________

7. _____________________________________________________________________________
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C. What is absolutely essential for me to do in my life?

Suppose I only had five years left to live: What would I absolutely have to do for my life to be complete?

1. _____________________________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________________________________

6. _____________________________________________________________________________

7. _____________________________________________________________________________

D. What do I feel that I ought to be doing?

What are some hunches that I’ve had? What are those things that I have always wanted to do, but
never quite had the time? What feelings have I had where I felt nudged to go in another direction?

1. _____________________________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________________________________

6. _____________________________________________________________________________

7. _____________________________________________________________________________
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Armed with the right tools, the serious seeker of financial freedom can make amazing things
happen. So let’s begin. Here’s a quick preview of what you’ll find in the pages that follow:

Part 1: The Six Wealth Resources

In this section, I will ask you to do a little bit of self-reflection. You’re going to take stock of the
personal resources you possess, so that you can have a strong foundation from which to establish your
new wealth-building program. None of the shortcuts to wealth offered in this program can really work
well, unless you have a good, solid foundation from which to begin.

Part 2: Finding Wealth on the Internet

The Internet may be the most important innovation since the internal combustion engine – and it’s
certainly one of the richest sources of wealth-building opportunities ever! Once you’ve learned to
thread your way through the electronic maze of seemingly infinite possibilities on the Net, you’ll find
astonishing opportunities for wealth literally at your fingertips. In this section, I’ll give you all the
information you will need to get started.

Part 3: The Amazing Monetary Power of Licensing

Licensing is simply an agreement to use an idea or a product – your idea or product – for a specific
period of time based on certain restrictions. It sounds simple enough, and it is. But once you’ve learned
to use the power of licensing to its full potential, it can virtually become a license to print money.
You’ll find out how to do that in Part 3.

Part 4: Creating Wealth With Discounted Mortgages

Believe it or not, there are some people who would rather have “less money now, than more money
later” – and many of those people are willing to sell the mortgages of their property to investors at a
deep discount. By becoming an investor in discounted mortgages, you can give someone what they
want – less money now – and collect a lot more money for yourself in the near future.
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Part 5: Tax Lien Certificates: The Bankers’ Secret

When you know how to purchase lien certificates on delinquent property taxes, you can win big
two different ways: Either you get your investment back plus a hefty chunk of interest – typically three
or four times what the banks are paying – or you gain clear title to valuable real estate for literally pen-
nies on the dollar. Tax lien certificates have been one of the best-kept wealth building secrets in
America. But in this section, you get to share the secret that has been making bankers rich.

Part 6: Securing a More Prosperous Millennium

The only thing we know for certain is that everything will change. In this day and age, life is
changing at a faster rate then ever. Global competition, minicomputerization, and instant information
have altered our lives forever. You’ll learn the seven fundamental mindshifts you’ll need in order to
keep up with the rapidly changing world around us.

Make no mistake: The wealth building strategies you’re about to learn can multiply your income
and transform your entire way of life! So, if you’re really ready to plant the seeds of your money tree,
turn the page and let’s get started!
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The Six Wealth Resources
Just the fact that you have purchased this program and are reading these words tells me that you are
different. You are taking action. That’s the difference that makes the difference.

I want to teach you how to be wealthy – first and foremost in your bank account, but also in every
area of your life. I know that’s a tall order, but somewhere between the beginning and end of this
course of study, you are going to act upon an idea that will change your life forever. I know you will,
because that’s the kind of person who studies and uses this program.

Five years from now, I want you to be able to look back at this very moment – right here, right
now – and be able to say that this was a pivotal time in your life, the time when you decided that you
were going to get your financial act together once and for all. In short, your “someday” is now!

Before launching into the details of specific wealth-building techniques, I want to begin by explor-
ing the wealth resources that you already possess. The tolls that lead to financial security can only be
used to their fullest effect by those who have their daily lives and their daily habits – what I refer to as
the “Life Systems” – under firm control. Right now we’re going to explore the six main resources of
your life system, the key resources that you will be drawing upon as you create your wealth. I’m going
to ask you to take a serious look at yourself and answer some important questions about the elements,
that form the foundation of your ability to cultivate wealth.


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Your Mind
The human mind is the most powerful computer in the universe. If you could just improve the use
of your mind by a tiny fraction, you would make massive improvements in every area of your life.
While cultivating great sums of wealth can be easier than you ever imagined, it does require you to be
able to think clearly, generate ideas, and make good decisions. Using the Multiple Streams strategy for
wealth-building means that you need a mind sharp enough to see an opportunity, grasp it, and make
the most of the situation. You need to be a creative thinker, a solution finder, and a problem solver.

Also remember that your mind is a highly sensitive computer, and that what you put into it is
very important. So if you have been telling yourself that you don’t deserve to be wealthy, or that you
can’t be wealthy, or that it isn’t morally right to be wealthy, ultimately you’ll find ways to sabotage
your success.

So let’s look at you more closely: How do you treat your mental computer? Do you spend your
time watching bad TV, reading the tabloids, and avoiding mental challenge? Or do you put your mind
to the test by taking classes, reading about new ideas, and working on new and different projects that
put your mind to work? How do you take care of your most personal computer, your mind? How do
you feed and nourish it? How do you starve or mistreat it? What self-defeating thoughts do you
regularly input into your computer?

In the space below, record some of your ideas on how you can improve the performance of your
mind. Set three goals for improving this first and your six wealth resources.


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Your Body
Your body is a truly amazing machine! Your heart continues its steady beating without a single con-
scious thought on your part, transferring food and oxygen to every living cell. Your eyes take in mil-
lions of pictures and then transfer these images effortlessly to your mind for later recall and analysis.
Your ears hear beautiful music. You can taste your favorite dessert and smell your favorite flower. What
an incredible sensory apparatus!

As you read this, what is the condition of your body? What do you expect it to be five years from
now? Are you happy with your body, or could you ensure many more years of healthy life for yourself
by taking better care of your physical self today? Could you be even more productive today by know-
ing how to treat your body with more care? After all, you need to feel healthy and energetic to meet
the challenges you’ll encounter along the road to wealth. You don’t want to be sidetracked by preventa-
ble illnesses that sap your strength and distract you from greater goals.

There is an old Arabic formula for wealth. The number “one” represents good health. After the
number “one,” there follows a series of zeros. Each zero represents an element in your life: family,
friends, house, car, job, business, jewels, money, and so on. Remember, that one at the beginning
stands for your health, it won’t do you much good to chase after the rest.

Take some time to answer the following questions and set some goals related to the important
wealth resource that your body represents. All too often we wait until the health problems start stack-
ing up, before we do something to take care of ourselves.

What is the current condition of your body? Are there any health problems you have been ignor-
ing? Do you exercise regularly? Do you have any bad health habits to drop like smoking or excessive
drinking or eating? When you have given a few moments of careful thought to these questions, write
down three goals designed to improve your physical well-being.


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Your Being or Spirit

I think you know that you are not your body and you are not your mind. There is something more
to you that doesn’t get old and doesn’t wear out. I call that “being.” There is a power there that most of
us don’t tap into frequently enough. I personally associate that power with God, but you can refer to it
by some other word or phrase if you prefer. In any case, I believe there is a higher power that wants
you to be successful – and it amazes me that people can hope to attain financial success without tap-
ping into this source that has all the answers.

Learn to develop the spiritual side of your nature that is part of your birthright as a human being.
The fact that this will help you achieve financial success is only a small fraction of the reason for doing
this. In a larger sense, it’s all part of becoming a complete, fully realized individual.

Have you ever had an experience that you would describe as spiritual? It may have been a premoni-
tion about something which was going to happen, or a sense that you were being guided by a higher
power through a difficult period, or an apparent coincidence in your life that seems impossible to
explain in ordinary terms. Use the space provided to briefly describe that experience. You may also
want to begin keeping a journal, or other written record of similar experiences as they occur. By doing
so, you can increase your awareness of the important role of spirit in your everyday life.








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Anyone who hopes to become financially successful simply must have great expertise in getting
along with people, and a profound understanding of how human relationships can be made to run

If you want to have a career in real estate, for example, you must learn to interact effectively with
bankers, property owners, tenants, and service providers such as plumbers, roofers, painters, and elec-
trician. These are all very different kinds of people, and the ability to “shift gears” in dealing with them
is, in my opinion, much more important than learning about adjustable mortgages or depreciation
rates. So you must bring at least as much energy to developing your interpersonal skills as you devote
to the more technical aspects of wealth-building.

Think about three or four important relationships in your life. What small thing can you do imme-
diately – in the next sixty minutes – that can benefit the course of those relationships, even if only in a
small way? In the space below, write down your ideas, and then put them into action right now. Pay
careful attention to the results of what you do. If your actions have genuinely been in the direction of
improving your relationship, I promise you’ll soon see the benefits reflected in your financial balance
sheet, as well as in all other aspects of your life.









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Who ever has enough money? If you’re like many people, there have probably been times when you
longed and dreamed for the kind of income you have at this very moment – yet now you long and
dream for more. In fact, you need increased income, and you’ll continue to need still more as time
goes on. That’s simply human nature.

I’ve made as much as two million dollars a year, and I still wonder where it all goes, and I still look
for ways to increase my income even more. Am I saying that money doesn’t buy happiness? Yes, I sup-
pose I am, in a way – but I also understand that you’d like to find that out for yourself!

So let’s be specific. Look around you right now. What kind of car are you driving? Where do you
live? How do you dress every day? Then ask yourself what you’d like to change. What more would you
like? Or, to put it another way, as you envision yourself in the future, what more will you have? What
will your life be like then?

In the space below, write a brief but clear description of how your life will change, once you’ve
achieved your financial goals.










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Finding Wealth on the Internet
Marketing your product or idea on the Internet is unlike anything that’s been done in the past. The
advantages are enormous, as the comparison below makes clear:

After looking at the columns on the previous page, you’re probably very eager to get started! Using
the Internet is not difficult, but it does require some familiarity with this exciting new technology and
some understanding of how to put it to use. Basically, e-mail, newsgroups, and Web pages are the three
essential Internet components you’ll want to understand.

E-mail: E-mail capability is available through a wide variety of online services. Once you’re signed up,
you can send and receive messages to millions of people all over the world almost instantly. What’s
more, you can do so at a tiny fraction of what you’d pay for regular or overnight mail. And by putting
your E-mail address on your business cards and other printed materials, you’ll provide potential cus-
tomers with a quick and easy way of getting in touch with you.

Newsgroups: The Internet abounds with electronic message boards in which people with a shared
interest can offer or request information. There are literally thousands of these newsgroups, and they
cover every subject under the sun. Once you’ve signed up with an Internet service provider, you can
use one of the so-called “search engines” to obtain the Internet address of newsgroups that suit your
interests. While it’s true that many newsgroups discourage the posting of commercial messages, there is
nothing wrong with such postings provided they’re done in a tasteful manner. You can also contact
newsgroup contributors individually by E-mail.

Web Pages: From a money-making point of view, this is the most exciting aspect of the new informa-
tion technologies. The World Wide Web is an area of the Internet consisting of electronic “home
pages” on an unlimited number of topics. Huge multinational corporations have home pages. So do
universities, artists, small businesses, and hundreds of thousands – maybe even millions – of individu-
als. Home pages may be designed purely for information or entertainment, or they may be of a more
commercial nature.

To create a Web page, you’ll first need to rent a certain amount of electronic “space” from your
Internet service provider. The cost of enough Web space for a simple home page is very low. But you
can also purchase additional space to create connecting pages on specific aspects of your topic.
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Suppose, for example, you are interested in marketing seeds and gardening tools through the
Internet. You’ll certainly want to have a home page to introduce yourself and your business. Then you
can add other pages describing a number of individual products that you want to feature, as well as a
page on which customers can actually place their orders and subscribe to your catalog. The specifics of
how this works will all become very clear once you’ve had a chance to browse the World Wide Web, to
see how various businesses present themselves.

You can put up a basic, simple home page virtually for pennies a day. Or, depending on your budg-
et, you can offer drawings, charts, photographs, and even videos complete with sound through your
pages on the Web. The costs of a sophisticated Web site can run into the hundreds of dollars – and, if
you’re just starting out, you’ll need someone to help you with the technical side of things. You may
have a computer-savvy friend who will do this for free, or you may have to hire a professional. Despite
these expenses, the World Wide Web is still the most economical means of marketing and customer
acquisition ever created. Comparable exposure in print, radio, or television would cost many thousands
of dollars.

Before you put anything up on the Web, be sure to carefully plan what you want people to see and
how you want them to see it. Take the time to visit a large number of Web sites, in order to see how
other people are using the medium. You’ll want your own site to be attractive, informative, and above
all easy to use. Of course, you’ll also want as many people as possible to visit your site, so be sure your
Web site address appears on all your stationery and business cards.

The Challenges of Internet Wealth-Building

So far we’ve talked about the Internet as if it can instantly provide everything you need to be a suc-
cessful entrepreneur: customers, advertising, ordering, and follow-up after the order has been filled. To
a great extent this is true – but unfortunately it’s equally true for everyone on the Net. There are mil-
lions of Web pages, tens of millions of e-mail solicitations, and an immense volume of electronic “junk
mail” that can tend to devalue the Internet as a medium that people take seriously. What’s more,
online service providers are now selling advertising space to large corporations, so that individuals are
bombarded by slick electronic ads as soon as they log on. This too can have a numbing effect on con-

What’s more, because of the nature of the medium, it’s very difficult to make your product or serv-
ice stand out from the crowd. All E-mail messages look more or less the same. Web pages can vary
enormously, but they’re all the same size; they’re limited by the size of the screen. True, you can have
more then one page, but those pages aren’t as quick and easy to access as flipping the pages of a maga-
zine. Loading a new Web page onto the screen can take several minutes – and the more elaborate the
Wealth St reams I N S I D E R ’ S G U I D E 16

page, the longer it takes. At any point, the potential customer may run out of patience and simply
move on to something else.

What’s the solution? How can you rise above the leveling effect that’s built into the new electronic
media? Despite the many revolutionary innovations that the Internet represents, tried and true princi-
ples of marketing still apply. In fact, on the Internet those principles are more important than ever. For

• Your web site, and especially the home page must be hard hitting, attractive, and easy to use. It
should feature an extremely strong one-sentence description of your product or service that shows
why what you’re offering is truly unique.

• You should create a trademark, logo, or other visual image that is elegant and eye catching. Large
corporations spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on their logs. Even if your budget is very lim-
ited, it may be worthwhile to work with a graphic designer, or perhaps even a student of graphic
design, in order to come up with a compelling visual representation of your enterprise.

• Think of something you can offer for free to anyone who visits your home page. It may be an
audio or video recording that can be downloaded, or a page of text about your business that creates
a desire to see more. It needn’t be anything complicated or expensive. Just an excuse to use that
powerful word FREE in your presentations.

• Your free offer should include a time limit that motivates customers to act quickly. You may want
to use an upcoming holiday for this purpose, with the offer tied to that specific occasion. That way,
you can easily create another offer for the next upcoming holiday. I know of an online bookstore
that offered the opportunity to download a ghost story at Halloween, and then followed up with an
offer of a children’s Christmas story. Both these offers generated lots of names witch could then be
treated as serious leads for future sales.
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The Amazing Monetary Power of Licensing
You don’t have to own a manufacturing plant in order to gain income from a product that’s in great
demand. You really don’t need a product at all. Through the miraculous moneymaking technique
known as licensing, you can make money simply by keeping your eyes open, recognizing a product or
idea that people want, and acquiring the right to give it to them. Or, you can come up with an idea
and license it to others. There are basically three methods of making money through licensing:


Today the image of Mickey Mouse can be found everywhere in the world. It’s been reproduced bil-
lions and billions of times. But the original Mickey Mouse existed in only one place, and that was in
the mind of Walt Disney. The same is true for many other concepts that have generated huge sums
through licensing agreements. The Cabbage Patch dolls, the Power Rangers, and all those T-shirts with
the “swoosh” emblem are really just tangible expressions of ideas in someone’s head. But there’s nothing
more powerful than an idea whose time has come, and there’s nothing more profitable either.

So be alert and pay attention – not only to what’s going on around you, but also to your own ideas
and inspirations. Carry a small notebook with you at all times, and when an interesting thought strikes
you, write it down, develop it, see where it leads. One thing is certain: The future will be full of more
ideas like the Smurfs and the Pet Rock, and there’s no reason why some of those ideas can’t be yours.


You don’t necessarily have to think of a new idea in order to make money through licensing. You
may already have a name, a logo, or a product that can be licensed to others. Is there anything about
your product or service that could be of benefit to someone else’s enterprise? Professional sports teams
make much more money by allowing others to use their names and logos, than they do from ticket
sales or even TV revenues.

Above all, don’t sell yourself short. What do you have to offer? What aspects of your business might
be useful to someone else? Your first thought might be to sell these elements outright, but licensing can
be much more lucrative in the long run. Remember: Bill Gates does not sell software. Instead, he
licenses it to other companies and individuals. It seems to have worked for him!
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Ray Kroc did not originate the idea for McDonald’s restaurants. Instead, he visited a fast-food
restaurant in Riverside California that was owned and operated by the McDonald brothers. Kroc
recognized a good idea, and acquired the right to franchise the McDonald’s name around the world.
Eventually, of course, he bought out the brothers, but that wasn’t until he’d made many millions of
dollars through his licensing agreement.

Putting the ideas we’ve just described into action is essentially a five-step process.

1. Condition your mind for “toll-gate thinking”

Licensing is simply the ability to charge a fee or a royalty for the use of a product, emblem, or idea.
For example, Michael Jordan can demand a fee from a vendor who wants to put his picture on a
sweatshirt, and the vendor will happily pay that fee because he knows he will now be able to sell a large
number of items. In a sense, Michael Jordan is like a human toll gate. But instead of charging for the
use of a toll road, he’s charging for the use of his image in advertising. Bill Gates functions as a toll
gate with his computer programs and software products, and it’s made him the wealthiest man in

Start thinking like Bill Gates and Michael Jordan. Start becoming aware of what you – and only
you – have to offer the world. Once you have identified those qualities, make sure you develop them
to the fullest. If you do this, sooner or later you’ll be recognized for what you have to offer. When this
happens, you’ll be ready to open up your own toll gate, just like Jordan or Gates.

2. Pretend you’re a licensing mogul

In addition to developing your own unique qualities, keep a sharp eye out for what others have to
offer. Make a game out of it. Try to notice at least one licensing possibility every day. Read newspapers
and the trade journals of various industries. Learn to spot trends. And when you find something that
catches your interest, ask yourself questions like these:
• “I wonder if they’ve given up the worldwide rights?”
• “Would that idea look good on a T-shirt?”
• “Would kids like this?”
• “What does that business need in the form of a licensable idea that could make us both a fortune?”
• “How could I market this idea to the rest of the world?”
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3. Spend a day at local libraries and bookstores hunting for licensing ideas
A public library can provide you with microfiche listings of patent filings. There are many thou-
sands of these, with more being added daily. Make a list of the most interesting ideas, along with the
phone numbers and addresses of the inventors. When you contact them, you’ll find that the vast
majority don’t have marketing or licensing agents and are very open to discussing licensing possibilities.

You can use bookstores and back issues of The New York Times best-sellers list in much the same way.
You’ll always find authors and experts who are willing to grant licensing rights, that are not covered in
their publishing contracts. Using exactly this approach, a close fiend of mine was able to acquire the
direct marketing rights to a well-known author and his work. In a short time, he had paid this author
over half a million dollars in licensing fees, and had also made a very large amount of money for him-
self. This was a win/win arrangement, if ever there was one!

4. Find a manufacturer
Once you’ve acquired licensing rights to a patent, name, or concept, the next step is to actually cre-
ate the product to be sold. Again, this may entail little more than another trip to the public library.
Suppose, for example, that you’re interested in marketing a baseball cap with a specialized logo. Visit
the library and look through the American Registry of Manufacturers, which is organized by subject.
The registry lists hundreds of baseball cap manufacturers, each with its own needs, capabilities, and
distribution channels already in place. Your task is to match your idea with the appropriate manufac-
turer, who will provide capital, production, inventory, and distribution to retail outlets.

5. Sit back and enjoy lifetime streams of royalty checks

Yes, it really can happen! Although this discussion has been a simplified version of the actual licens-
ing process, it should open your mind to the possibilities of this amazingly powerful income-generating
technique. But remember: The best time to create a licensing agreement is before the product or idea
becomes wildly popular and extremely expensive. Today, the Disney Company charges a minimum of
$500,000 up front, plus 15 percent of gross revenues, for the right to use the Mickey Mouse image.
But years ago, this same license could have been had for virtually nothing. Somewhere out there is the
next Mickey Mouse, the next Cabbage Patch, the next Microsoft, the next Power Ranger. Keep you
eyes open, find it, and go for it. Someone is going to, so make sure it’s you!
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Creating Wealth With Discounted Mortgages
You might think that a dollar bill is always worth one dollar, but in fact the value of money is not
absolute. It is influenced by many factors, or which time is one of the most important. Would you
rather have five dollars today, or ten dollars in five years? There’s no correct answer to this question, of
course. It all depends upon people’s wants and needs-and it’s the variations among these wants and
needs which have produced the amazing wealth-building vehicle known as the discounted mortgage.

Suppose a man named Mr. Jones has a house, and he decides to sell it. He has a $40,000 mortgage,
and he asks $100,000. Ideally, he would like to have his $60,000 equity in cash, so he lists his property
with a realtor, who runs a newspaper ad. In a few months, he hears from a Mr. Smith, who offers a
$30,000 cash down payment, along with a request that Mr. Jones carry the balance of his equity in the
form of a $30,000 second mortgage secured by the home. Mr. Jones will receive a monthly payment of
$430.41 for the next ten years at 12 percent interest.

Mr. Jones decides to accept the offer, because it meets his full asking price and guarantees monthly
payments at a good interest rate. But after several years go by, Mr. Jones finds himself in need of
$15,000 in cash. He’s not interest in borrowing the money from a bank using the mortgage note as
collateral, because he doesn’t like the idea of being in debt. Fortunately, he sees an ad in the newspaper
offering to buy mortgages at a discount. He calls about the ad, speaks to a Mr. Green, and finds that
Mr. Green will pay $18,300 in cash for the $26,500 note. Since Mr. Jones needs the cash, he decides
to accept Mr. Green’s offer.

You might wonder why Mr. Green would want to invest more then $18,000 in a depreciating piece
of paper with monthly payments attached. How can he win?

Actually, a more realistic question might be: How can he lose? If he continues getting the monthly
payments for the life of the mortgage, he will reap an overall yield of 24 percent on his invested capital
– certainly more than he could expect from a bank!

Or, the person making the monthly payments might stop making them. In that case, Mr. Green
might have to sell the $110,000 piece of property at a discount. But even if he sold it for $75,000 or
even $60,000, he would almost double his $18,300 and got back more then $32,000 in a two-year
period. That’s better than a 33 percent return per year.
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In short, Mr. Green only has to wait to see which way he wins. In the worst case, he receives 24
percent on his money, and in the best case 100 percent or more. But that’s not all. If Mr. Green is a
savvy investor, he can learn how to buy discounted mortgages for nothing down (none of the investor’s
money) and he can also learn how to trade these discounted mortgages at full face value to flexible real
estate owners for immediate profit. For all of these reasons, I believe that discounted mortgages offer
some of the most exciting money-making opportunities available anywhere, in any form.


Mr. Green found his discounted mortgage by running an ad in the newspaper, but that was only
the first step. He still had to accurately evaluate it as a potential investment, just as you’ll have to evalu-
ate discounted mortgages if you intend to make a profit in this field.

There are basically two areas of concern in buying a discounted mortgage. They are, first, the loca-
tion and physical aspects of the collateral property, and, second, the financial aspects of the note. Let’s
look at each of these two elements in turn.

Location and physical aspects: Whenever you buy a mortgage, you should pretend that you’ve
just bought the actual property that secures the mortgage – because if the mortgage ever goes bad,
you’ll have to foreclose on that property to protect your investment. In that event, you’ll own the prop-
erty. You’ll have to maintain it both physically and financially, or else somehow dispose of it.

The best security for a mortgage is a single family house in the lower price ranges. Be wary of mort-
gages secured in any other way. In particular, avoid commercial specific-use buildings and recreational
property. If you limit yourself to owner-occupied single-family house in lower price ranges, you will
significantly reduce your risks.

Be sure to personally visit the property, and inspect the surrounding neighborhood as well. You will
probably not be able to look inside a single-family home, since the person from whom you are buying
the mortgage no longer lives there. But your goal is to determine whether this property is in a stable or
upcoming neighborhood, and also to come away with a rough idea of what the property is worth in its
present condition. In short, you should ask yourself, “Would I like to own this house?”

Financial aspects of the loan: If you’re satisfied with the look of the collateral property, the next
step is checking out the financial aspects of the loan. This can be done by calculating three simple ratios.

The first ratio is that of total loans to value. Suppose, for example, that a potential seller approaches
you with a mortgage he would like to sell at a discount. It is a $10,000 second mortgage with monthly
Wealth St reams I N S I D E R’ S G U I D E 22

payments of $125 with interest at 14 percent for twenty years. But he would rather have $5000 for it
now in a lump sum than $10,000 in monthly installments plus interest for twenty years.

The seller informs you that the loan is secured by a single-family house worth approximately
$65,000, with an underlying first mortgage of $25,000. But your drive-by appraisal reveals that the
house is actually worth closer to $60,000 than the $65,000 indicated by the seller. So the loans to
value ratio can be expressed as follows:

Loans - $35,000 = 58%

Value $60,000

The smaller the percentage of loans to value, the better for you. This ratio should never go above
75 percent in a soft real estate market, or 85 percent in a very fast moving one.

The second ratio is that of equity to debt. In our example, this can be expressed by the following

Equity = $25,000 = 71%

Debt $35,000

The higher the percentage of equity to debt, the better secured you are. You should be very careful
in buying a mortgage with an equity-to-debt ratio lower than 25 percent.

The third ratio is discount-to-debt. In our example, the seller has a $10,000 second mortgage that
he will discount $4000 in exchange for $6000 in cash. The debt amount in this ratio is the amount of
mortgages in front of the discounted mortgage. This would refer to the $25,000 first mortgage. So the
ratio can be expressed like this:

Discount = $4000 = 16%

Debt $25,000

This percentage should not fall below 15 percent. If it does, the amount of profit in the discount
may not be worth the effort and risk required to bring the underlying loans current and pay any fore-
closure costs.

If your analysis of these three ratios produces green lights in each case, there is still one item left to
check. You need to determine the yield on the note or mortgage. In our example, the $10,000 note is
discounted by $4000. Whether this is good or bad depends on the monthly payment, the interest rate,
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and any early balloon payments. Making these calculations requires nothing more than a cheap calcula-
tor. Simply enter the figures concerning the existing note, plus a figure equal to what you want to have
your money earning.

For example, assume you don’t want to invest any money unless it earns at least 24 percent annual-
ly. So you would have to buy the sample $10,000 note for no more than $6,188.62. That’s almost a 40
percent discount off the face value. Since in our example the note holder is willing to sell it for only
$6000, the investment successfully meets your requirements.

The market for first and second mortgages is much like the market for homes. It depends on sup-
ply and demand. The greater the supply of notes, the lower the prices offered. In today’s market, notes
are generally being discounted to yield a sophisticated investor from 22 percent to 24 percent on his
money. A savvy investor can buy a note with a 24 percent yield and resell it to another investor at a
lower yield and pocket the cash difference as a profit.

As you can see, making a profit in discounted mortgages does require some research, careful
thought, and calculations. It can take time and expertise to put worthwhile transactions together.
Timing is of the essence. All the elements must fit together perfectly. The good news is that, because
they appear to be complicated, relatively few people will be investing in discounted mortgages. This is
all the more reason for you to take full advantage of these powerful investment opportunities.

Tax Lien Certificates: The Banker’s Secret
Here is a little-known investment opportunity that bankers and financial advisors have done their
best to keep under wraps: The opportunity is in tax lien certificates, and here’s how it works.

In this country, anyone who owns property is obligated to pay property taxes. But if for any reason
the owner fails to pay the tax, the state still needs the money to pay its own expenses. To solve this
problem, the state turns to citizens like you and me an offers us tax lien certificates, in exchange for
payment of the funds due.

When a property owner has failed to pay his or her real estate taxes, anyone who agrees to pay the
taxes is awarded a first lien on the property. Then, if the owner still doesn’t pay the taxes due within a
specific period of time – usually two years – the holder of the tax lien certificate is awarded ownership
of the property, free and clear, regardless of whether there were any mortgages.
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But suppose the owner does in fact pay the taxes within the specified time. If you have a tax lien
certificate on the property, you will still come out significantly ahead. That’s because the state will tack
on a 10 to 50 percent surcharge that the delinquent property owner must turn over to you, as a penal-
ty for late payment of taxes. So there are two ways to win with tax lien certificates. If the taxes don’t get
paid, you get the property, and if they do get paid, you get the interest penalty!

If this sounds like money in the bank, or something even better, that’s exactly what it is. But there
are a couple of catches. First, not every state offers tax lien certificates as described above. At present,
about 30 states do, which narrows the field of opportunity a bit. Second, in the states that do have the
certificates, they’re offered at auction on a county by county basis. With up to 2000 counties holding
auctions across America, some time and effort may be required for traveling and gathering the neces-
sary information. On the other hand, this may also keep other people away, which can work to your

The actual mechanics of a tax lien auction are very simple. The actual amount of the taxes due are
of course based on the assessed value of the property. The tax bill, therefore, can vary from a few hun-
dred dollars to many thousands, depending on the value of the real estate. But your bidding at the auc-
tion is not related to the amount of taxed due. Rather, you bid on the amount of interest that the lien
certificate will pay. If you’re the person willing to accept the lowest rate of interest, you will be the suc-
cessful bidder.

For example, suppose an auction is offering lien certificates paying a maximum of 16 percent inter-
est per year. That is a fairly typical rate, although some states offer considerably more. As of this writ-
ing, Texas pays 25 percent interest per year, Georgia pays 20 percent, and Illinois pays a maximum of
18 percent every six months, for a 36 percent annual return. Participants in an auction bid down the
interest rate. If no one bids lower, the lien certificate will be yours. If and when the property owner
pays off the taxes, he or she will be responsible for paying all your money back plus 14 percent.

But if the owner does not pay the delinquent taxes within the allowed redemption period, the law
allows you, the holder of the tax lien certificate, to foreclose on the property. Once this foreclosure
takes place, all liens prior to the property tax lien – including the mortgage – are erased and will not be
your responsibility. You will own the property outright.

Clearly, a bit of research is required to make this a prudent investment. For example, you’ll want to
be sure that the value of the property in question is greater than the amount of taxes due. But in actual
fact, it’s relatively rare that the holder of a tax lien certificate will actually gain possession of the proper-
ty. Usually the bank or other lending institution that holds the mortgage will pay off the taxes rather
than lose possession of the property. Your participation, therefore, will consist simply of receiving
Wealth St reams I N S I D E R ’ S G U I D E 25

checks from the state until the real estate taxes have finally been paid by either the property owner or
the holder of the mortgage.

All in all, tax lien certificates are a safe and powerful investment strategy that has largely been kept
hidden from the general public. As with many good opportunities, the bankers and institutional
investors have wanted to keep tax lien certificates to themselves. And make no mistake, tax lien certifi-
cates can be a very good investment indeed. While you might think that only second-or third-rate
propertied become available at auctions, this is far from the truth. Tax lien certificates on properties
worth hundreds of thousands of dollars often become available. If, as sometimes does happen, a very
valuable property actually does go through the foreclosure process, the holder of the lien certificate
could recoup ten or twenty times the amount of the original investment. So look into the possibility of
purchasing tax lien certificates in your home state. This is a hot insider’s investment that can get your
wealth streams flowing!

Securing a More Prosperous Millennium
It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. Sounds familiar doesn’t it? Some parts of our
economy are booming. Some industries are dying out like dinosaurs. It used to take a generation for
the metamorphosis to happen. Now, it seems to happen overnight. Fortunes are won and lost in
months. The whole world seems to be in economic upheaval. And in the midst of all of this, we are
supposed to carry on some semblance of financial stability. Planning for the future when it’s hard to
plan for next week.

How can you plan when you don’t know if you’ll have a job tomorrow? How can you save for the
kids’ college fund when you’re worried that you might have to go back to college yourself? Every knock
you hear could be the wolf at the door. Forget wealth ... Is financial security still possible these days
with words like downsizing, restructuring, reengineering buzzing about? Will you be next? Is this ever
going to blow over? Is this just a temporary blizzard? Will sanity or even stability ever return? Makes
you nostalgic for the fifties, doesn’t it?

For many the future really will be bleak. But for you, you can fill your life with stability, safety,
security and prosperity. But only if you understand what happened. What caused this tidal wave, this
tsunami, of change? And how can you not only achieve stability in the midst of it, but even prosperity
and wealth ... with lifetime streams of income flowing to you. Would you like that? Good. You’re lis-
tening to the right stuff.
Wealth St reams I N S I D E R ’ S G U I D E 26

The fall of communism and the move away from socialism can only mean one thing ... more capi-
talism ... and that can only mean one thing ... more capitalists all over the world ... more people mak-
ing and selling things to each other. How can a business making widgets in North America paying
$30,0000 a year for a North American high school graduate compete against a similar widget manufac-
turer in China who can hire a better educated, harder working high school graduate for a hundred dol-
lars a month? In order to compete, businesses are forced to be efficient. If people are fat and happy
where you work. Watch out. Lean and mean is the mantra for as far as you can see.

Computers came along at the right time. The best way to get efficient is to computerize. Besides com-
puters never complain, never call in sick when they’re not, never sue the company for sex, age or race
discrimination ... and never ask for a raise. And they work so fast. How can you compete with that?
This alone is wiping our whole layers of middle management.

The CNNing of the world gave us instant access to all kinds of information ... at nanosecond
speed. Remember when they predicted that there would soon be 500 channels of TV dumping into
our living rooms. Well, they were wrong. They underestimated by a factor of ten thousand. With the
internet exploding, there are already five million WEB pages ... each its own mini channel of informa-
tion ... soon to come to you in full multimedia sound, video, and text. This overloading of information
has transformed the world into a vastly more complicated, fast paced, volatile place. This is no longer a
Chocolate, Strawberry, Vanilla world. Or even 31 flavors. It’s 31 million flavors delivered instantly.


Since the world has shifted, you must shift your thinking.

Shift One: From employee mentality to free agent mentality

The first step in implementing a creating wealth strategy is to generate a stable, reliable and increas-
ing source of cash flow. Most people look to their jobs for this source of income. But, since jobs are
likely to be less stable, less lucrative and less available in the coming decade (the word “job” will come
to stand for its acronym: Just Over Broke) the only way for employees to compete in the future is to
think of themselves like FREE AGENTS.
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Just like in sports, you need to think of your skills as a bundle of services leased on a temporary
basis to a specific employer. In a sense you will be in the leasing business - leasing your skills – your
mind, your experience, your body – to needy employers in the same way that a consultant comes in for
a certain period of time.

And what kind of skills will the free agent of the future need to possess to command the highest
signing bonuses? Drucker says the workers that will get the biggest pieces of the pie in the future are
what he calls “knowledge workers,” and he predicts that around the year 2000 about one third of us
will be involved.

Shift two: From linear income mentality to residual income mentality

No more are you willing to rent your brain and body out to the highest bidder – X hours invested
equals X dollars of salary – in linear fashion. From now on, when you produce something you must
own a piece of it somehow. And the best type of ownership is a lifetime stream of residual income. X
hours invested equals X dollars ad infinitum. Even if you are not an employee but a free-spirited entre-
preneur, you must also change your thinking from linear to residual income.

Too many of today’s entrepreneurs spend too much of their time on businesses that only produce
temporary cash flow and are doomed to fail in the new economy. If you build it, the dollars must be

One of my favorite quotes is, “Wealth is when small efforts produce big results. Poverty is when big
efforts produce small results.” Most employees are big efforts/small results oriented. You may under-
stand what I mean. This has to change.

Shift Three: From singular to multiple streams of income

In the fifties a family could survive on one stream of income. In the seventies and eighties, it took
two streams for a family to prosper. In the nineties, it will take multiple streams to create security and
prosperity. And these streams should come from diversified sources, all residual of course ... and from
completely different economic activities so as the spread the risk of losing one or more of your streams
... since it will most likely happen sooner or later.

Shift Four: From collective efforts to individualized efforts

We have been accustomed to gathering in large organizations to do our work. But this wasn’t
always the case. In fact, it’s primarily a twentieth century phenomenon. At the turn of the century,
families acted as individual entrepreneurs on family farms ... each family taking care of its own individ-
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ual needs. A hundred years ago about 90 percent of our ancestors were entrepreneurs. Now, the num-
ber is between 10 and 20 percent.

By moving from the farms to the factories, we delegated our freedom to large centralized organiza-
tions. We got soft. Lost our entrepreneurial skills. And now, that the new paradigm of the world is
changing … we’ve been forced back to farm … so to speak … back to individual responsibility.

What’s happened in Russia is also happening in North America. Only more peacefully, and a not as
drastically. But the whole world is moving away from centralized authority of any kind. With downsiz-
ing, the companies that remain are splitting into profit teams ... smaller PT boats instead of lumbering
battleships. People who are being downsized out of a job have difficulty joining any team and are being
forced to create their own businesses from scratch.

This has fueled the incredible home-based business revolution of the first half of the nineties.
Home based businesses were being created at unprecedented rates. Most of these businesses are one
person and two person enterprises. The fragmentation and specialization of markets makes this type of
business the ideal form of business.

Shift Five: From mass marketing to individualized maxi-marketing

In the past, it was mass marketing ... the attempt to sell one product to as many customers as possi-
ble. The future is about maxi-marketing ... the necessity of selling as many products as possible to one
customer. Mass marketing used to be simple because most of us were watching only a handful of tele-
vision channels.

With hundreds of channels, magazines, and Web pages to choose from, it’s difficult to find a criti-
cal mass of customers and when we do find them, fierce competition makes it harder to hang onto
them. Businesses are being forced to undergo a complete 180 degree shift in strategy ... as one writer
put it ... from a share of market to share of customer. It’s no longer enough to aim for a percentage of
today’s market ... we need to aim for an increasing percentage of what that customer buys for the rest
of their life.

The future is not about selling stuff, it’s about building long-term relationships. It’s the only com-
petitive advantage that makes sense. If the business you are in is focused on selling a few things to a lot
of people instead of a lot of things to a few people, then the future will not be kind to you. It’s time to
shift your thinking before you’re forced to.
Wealth St reams I N S I D E R ’ S G U I D E 29

Shift Six: From local markets to Global markets

While businesses are downsizing and focusing on fewer and fewer customers, the playing field has
gone in just the opposite direction ... from local to global. When the world is competing with you, you
have to cast a wider net to pull in the same amount of fish. Besides, if they’re fishing in your pond, it’s
time they learned what it’s like. This is not just a nice idea, but a necessity.

Businesses and individual entrepreneurs have to fight back by expanding their markets, capturing
small groups of customers in far-flung regions of the planet. Now, this sounds daunting especially if
the idea of translating your business into swahili doesn’t immediately appeal to you. But remember
there is a tool, rapidly growing network of networks, which is linking up the world at blitzkrieg speed.

The Internet. You’ve heard of it, maybe you are even connected to it. On the World Wide Web,
you have access to millions and soon to be billions of intelligent people all speaking a common digital
language. The Internet makes going global as easy as the flick of a switch, the squawk of a modem and
the click of a mouse. But remember, if the world is using this tool to compete with you, you had better
know how it works and be ready to return blow for blow.

Shift Seven: From moving atoms to moving bits

In his excellent book, Being Digital, Nicholas Negroponte makes a powerful case that the world is
moving rapidly from moving things or atoms to moving digital bits or thoughts. The world is going
digital at mind-boggling speed. You remember how long it took to send a book via the US Mail. Then,
someone had the brilliant idea that you should absolutely, positively be able to get that book overnight.
Federal Express was born. But Federal Express has a growing problem.

A book is made of atoms in the form of paper which takes up space, has weight, is visible and takes
time and costs money to transfer from one place to another. But what happens when I convert that
book from atoms in paper to bits in a computer and modem those bits via a phone line? Those bits
take up no space, have no weight, are invisible and can be transported in seconds at almost zero cost?

The advantages of being digital are incredible. Music, video, audio, television, movies, information,
magazines, newspapers, photos, mail. The world is going digital. There are no borders to a digital
world. You can do things the old way … send a book via snail mail which is the computer jargon for
the US Post Office and in addition to the hassle of packaging, traveling to the Post Office for affixing
expensive postage, and physically dropping it in a box to be picked up by a truck and handled or mis-
handled by dozens of human hands where it finally gets held up at some international border and ran-
somed for a heft customs duty and finally dropped into your customers box in a faraway land. Or you
Wealth St reams I N S I D E R ’ S G U I D E 30

can simply push a button on your computer and wisk away the E-mail file of your book across the
globe where it alights in seconds ready to be downloaded to your customer. No fuss. No muss.

The barriers of time, space and money are obliterated. In a digital world, the individual has the
power that only used to be wielded by Fortune Five Hundred Companies. But there is a downside to
all of this. As Negroponte states, “As we move more toward such a digital world, an entire sector of the
population will be or feel disenfranchised. When a fifty-year-old steelworker loses his job, unlike his
twenty-five-year-old son, he may have no digital resilience at all. When a modern-day secretary loses
his job, at least he may be conversant with the digital world and have transferable skills.”

Will your skills be transferable? Will you be resilient in the new digital world? Is your job devoted
to hefting lumpy atom objects and shipping them slowly off to the rest of the world? It will be cen-
turies before we can digitize things like TV sets and transport them through the air waves … Star Trek
style, as in ‘Beam me up Scotty” ... but in the meantime, more and more of the processes of doing
business will be digitized and if you’re not digital … if you’re computer illiterate you had better shift
your thinking immediately. It will be absolutely essential for the creating of multiple streams of future

These seven fundamental mindshifts are just a few of the attitude changes that will be necessary for
you to survive and thrive in the coming years. Flexible, open, adaptable, creative, malleable, elastic,
variable. This is how we’ll describe wealthy people in the future. If there is any rigidity, stubbornness,
inflexibility, stiffness, obstinacy in you, be prepared for a bumpy ride. You must be wiling to flow with
the streams of income that you want to create.

Congratulations! You have just begun your journey toward a lifetime of prosperity and success. The
wealth-building strategies in this program will help you attain financial peace of mind and complete
freedom. Once you’ve applied them to your life, you can sit back and experience the pure joy of receiv-
ing unlimited streams of wealth.

w w w. n i g h t i n g a l e . c o m

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