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Generatio Biologia is a peer-reviewed journal publishing research or review papers of all about life
science. We publish articles on all biological topics and at the interface of related disciplines. We
welcome submissions of primary research articles in some formats (see author guidelines) and review,
commentaries and opinion on any level of biological organizations, from molecule to ecosystem.
Generatio Biologia is an open access journal. All content is freely under GNU GeneralPublic License.
Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the
articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author.

Chief Editor
Dr. rer. nat. Arif Luqman

1. Yulanda Antonius, M.Sc (Universitas Surabaya)
2. Azizatur Rahmah, M. Sc. (UIN Malik Ibrahim Malang)
3. Dian Samitra, M.Pd.Si (STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau)

Editorial Boards
1. Siti Nur Hidayati, Ph.D. (Middle Tennessee State University)
2. Dr. Niken Satuti Nur Handayani, M.Sc. (Universitas Gadjah Mada)
3. Dr. Lulu Lusianti Fitri, M. Sc. (Institut Teknologi Bandung)
4. Dr. Arum Setiawan, M.Si. (Universitas Sriwijaya)
5. Dr. Tarzan Purnomo, M.Si. (Universitas Negeri Surabaya)
6. Dr. rer. nat Edwin Setiawan (Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November)
7. Adhityo Wicaksono, M. Sc., MRSB (Genbinesia)
8. Wisnu H. Ardi, M. Si. (LIPI- KRB)


Aim and Scope

All article deal with biological sciences are welcomed.

Article Types
Research article
Research article contains novel primary research data. The total character in the main article
(introduction, results, discussion, and figure legends) is up to 45.000 characters including spaces. The
title consists of up to 20 words or 100 characters including spaces. Abstract limits to 250 words. There
should be no more than 8 figures and tables. The supplementary figures and tables are no more than
8 for the combination of both. There should be no more than 80 references.
Letter/Short communication
Letter/Short communication contains novel primary research data. We consider to accept articles as
letter/short communication when the article contains less primary research data, can stand
independently and as impactful as research article. The total character in the main article is up to
25.000 characters including spaces. The title consists of up to 12 words or 70 characters including
spaces. Abstract limits to 150 words. There should be no more than 5 figures and tables. The
supplementary figures and tables are no more than 5 for the combination of both. There should be no
more than 40 references.

Review Article
Review article comprises a comprehensive reviews on a certain topic. Review articles are usually 5000
to 7000 words in length including abstract with no more than 200 words. It has up to 100 references
and 5 figures and tables.

Opinion is a short commentary regarding a specific topic of interest. It has no more than 2000 words
including abstract with no more than 100 words. The references are no more than 30 and contains
maximum 2 figures and tables.

Preparation of the manuscript

All manuscript should be prepared in English, either British or American, used throughout the

Word, RTF, ODT are acceptable.

Standard like cm, m, L, mL.

Mathematical symbol
Multiplication. En-dash, Em-dash, hyphens.

Special case
Taxonomy and Checklist Format

Deposition of material - only for Taxonomic Article

Geography and Elevation

Elevation is defined as height of an earth surface from the sea surfaces, avoid using altitude.

The authors should use Arial as a font style for the whole manuscript, figures, and tables. The main
text manuscript should use 12 font size with 1,5 spacing and continuous numbered line throughout
the whole manuscript.

Paper Structure
The title should be brief and concise. The number of the words are limited according to the type of
the article.

Author names and affiliations

Arif Luqman, Muh. Badruttamam, Heri Santoso
Correspondence author: provide email.

Structure of the main manuscript

Material and Methods
Ethical statement (optional)
Declaration of interest
Figure legends


The following style should be followed: Santoso (2015), Santoso & Tamam (2015), Santoso et al. (2015)
or (Santoso 2015), (Santoso & Tamam 2015), or (Santoso et al. 2015). For taxonomic article, species
name, citation from its protologue is obligatory, e.g. Solanum lycopersicum L. (Linnaeus 1753), Areca
gurita Heatubun (Heatubun et al. 2015). Such name can be refered from Consult editor for
the application of such name.

Please include DOI if applicable. We strongly suggest to use the citation manager software

Journal article.
Book Chapter.
Internet source.
Thesis and dissertation. Treated as book.

Figure and Tables

Figure and tables are prepared separately from the manuscript. DO NOT embed images or tables in
your main manuscript. Figures and tables must be submitted separately from the main manuscript
numbered consecutively, e.g. Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3 or Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3.

Legends of figures placed separately after list of references, in the same file with manuscript. The
format is as follow:

Figure 1. Postulate deduced from the result of current research.

General Requirements
Preparation of the images should consider that the images will be placed in an A4 paper, journal
matter size 25 × 17 cm. Required final resolution is 300 dpi for colour photograph, 300-600 dpi for
illustration and 600-1200 dpi for line art. Final file should be prepared in TIFF format without LZW
Compression. This can be done using Photoshop or GNU Software such as GIMP.

Prior to editing, all images can be submitted in PDF. It can be done by arranging all pictures using
POWER POINT and then saved as PDF and send it as supplementary file. When manuscript has been
accepted, the original file should be prepared, and editor may ask to modify the file.

Assembling Plates
Multiple images can be combined into plates. The label should be proportional and prepared using
Arial font. Pre-assembled images are discouraged.

Tables should be prepared at the end of the manuscript, after the figure legends. Please DO NOT use
tab key or space bar to type the tables.

Authors can submit the article by sending email to: Please submit the
articles in an appropriate format together with the supplementary files and a cover letter. Cover letter
should contain the title of the submitted article, authors names, abstract, and the highlights of the
findings. We suggest the authors to mention suggested reviewers outside from editorial board in the
cover letter and the excluded reviewers as well.
We strongly suggest the authors to do proof-reading before submitting the article. We have a separate
service for the article proof-reading for the authors with a competitive price. Please contact

Editorial Evaluation Time

We carefully evaluate every submitted article and we try our best to make it as fast as possible. Here
is the time spent for each step approximately:

1. Initial decision to review 3-7 working days after submission

2. Decision after review 3-4 weeks after initial decision
3. Revision (can be longer as requested by the authors 1-2 months
4. Decision after revision 1-2 weeks after re-submission
5. Online publication of the accepted article 1-2 weeks after final decision

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