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Samenvatting ohr class 2d


Organization : a group consisting of people with formally assigned roles who work together to achieve

Manager= someone who is responsible for accomplishing the organizational goals and who does so by
managing the efforts of the organizational people

Managing involves 5 basic functions:

Planning= establishing goals and standards, developing rules and procedures developing plans and

Organizing giving each subordinate a specific task

Staffing= determining what type of people should be hired

Leading = getting other to get the job done

Controlling= setting standards , such as sales quota quality standards

Human resource management is important, because it helps you to avoide personnel mistakes

Authority= the right to make decisions, direct others work and give orders.

Line authority= the right for managers to issue orders to other manager or employees

Staff authority = the right for managers to advise other managers and employees

Line manfagers= a manager who is authorized to direct the work of subordinates and is responsible for
accomplishing the organization’s tasks ( sales and production departments)

Staff manager= a manager who assists and advises line managers ( purchasing departments)

Recruiter= maintains contact within the community and perhaps travels extensively for qualified job

Equal employment opportunity ( eeo) resprenstatives or affirmative action coordinator= investigate and
resolve eeo grievances , examine organizational practices for potential violations , and compile and
submit eeo reports.

Job analysts = collect and examine detailed information about job duties to prepare job descriptions.

Compensation managers= develop compensation plans and handle the employee benefit programme

Training specialist= plan organize and direct training activities

Labor relations specialist= advise management on all aspects of union management relations

Corporate hr teams = teams who assist top management in top-level issues such as developing the
personnel aspect of the company’s long term strategic plan
Embedded hr teams= provide selection and other assistance the departments needs ( relationship
managers or hr business partners sales and production)

Centers of expertise= are basically specialized hr consulting firms within the company

Non traditional workers= are workers who work temporary or part-time or have multiple jobs

Trends in how people work :

On demand workers= are independent contractors who work when they can on what they want to work

Human capital= knowledge , education , training, skills and expertise

Globalization trends =company’s extending their sales, ownership and manufacturing to new markets

Data analytics= using statistical techniques algorithms and problem solving to identify relationships
among data for the purpose of solving problems

Cloud computing= enables employers to report and monitor on things like a team’s goal attainment and
to provide feedback

True office = enables employers to inject gaming features into training , performance appraisel and

Hr department lever= the hr manager ensures that the human resource management function is
delivering services efficiently

Employee cost lever= the human resource manager takes a prominent role in advising top management
about the company’s staffing levels and in setting and controlling the firm’s compensation, incentives
and benefits policies.

Strategic result lever= the hr manager puts in place the policies and practices that produce the
employee competencies and skills the company needs to achieve it’s strategic goals.

Evidence based hr management= the use of data, facts, analytics , scientific rigor , critical evaluation
and critical evaluated research to support human resource management decisions and proposals

Adding value= helping the company and its employees improve in a measurable way as a result of hrm

Employee engagement= being psychological , connected and committed to get a job done

Hr managers should be able to exhibit:

Leadership and navigate = the ability to direct and contribute to initiatives and processes within the

Ethical practice= the ability to integrate core values, integrity and accountability troughout all
organizational and business practices
Relationship management = the abilty to manage interactions to provide service and to support the

Consultation = the ability to provide guidance to organizational stakeholder

Critical evaluation= the ability to interpret information with which to make business decisions and

Global and cultural effictiveness= the ability to value and consider the perspective and background of all

Communication = the ability to effectively exchange information with stakeholders


Talent management= the goal oriented and integrated process of planning recruiting developing ,
managing and compensating employees

Job analysis= the procedure of determining duties and skills of a job and the person who should be hired

Job descriptions= a list of the jobs duties , responsibilities reporting relationship, working conditions and
supervisory responsibilities

Job specification = what kind of person to be hired

Job context= information about things such as physical working conditions , work schedule, incentives
and the number of people someone will work with

Human requirements = information such as knowledge and skills and required personal attributes

Performance appraisel= comparison between the actual performance and the duties and skills of the

Organizational chart= a chart that shows the organizations wide distribution of work, and it shows who
reports to whom

Process charts= a chart that shows the flow of inputs to and outputs from a particular job

Business process reengineering = redesigning the business processes

Job enlargement= assigning workers additional same level activities

Job rotation systematically moving workers from one job to another

Job enrichtment= redesigning jobs in a way that increases the opportunities for the worker to
experience feeling of responsibility , achievement , growth and recognition this increases their

When collecting job analysis information consider the following;

Make the job analysis a joint effort between the human resource manager, worker and the worker’s
supervisor .

Use several job analysis methods.

Pros and cons interview:


Simple and quick way to collect information

Observation :

Use observation when the job mainly consist of physical activities

Problem : reactivity the worker is changing what he or she normally does, because you are watching

Diary= daily listing made by workers of every activity in which they engage along with the time the
activity takes made by the employee itself and not by the supervisor

Quantitative job analysis techniques:

Position analysis questionnaire = a questionnaire used to collect quantifiable data concerning the duties
and responsibilities of various jobs

Dol method= uses a set of standard activites called workers functions to describe what a workers must
do with respect to data , people and things you will give each function a grade

Writing job descriptions :

1 job identification

Job title

Fair labor status identifies whether the job is exempt or not exempt

Date when the identification is written

2 job summary= summarization of the essence of the job and the most important functions and

3 relationships= the job holder’s relationships with others within the company

For example

Reports to


Works with

Outside the company

3 responsibilities and duties= a list of the job’s significant responsibilities and duties

4 authority of incumbent

5 standards of performance
6 working conditions

7 job specification

Writing job specifications:

For trained and experienced personnel= focus on factors such as length of previous service , quality of
relevant training and previous job performance

Untrained personnel= specifiying qualities such as physical traits, personality , interest or sensory skills

Job specifications based on judgement= what does it take in terms of education intelligence , training
and the like to do this job well?

Job requirements matrix= clarification of each tasks purpose and each duty’s required knowledge, skills
, abilities and other characteristics

Task statement= what the worker does and how the worker does it and what is needed to do the job

Competencies model= the knowledge skills and experience to do the job

H5 hrm samenvatting

Job analysis= the identification of the duties and human requirements of each company’s job

Workforce planning = is the process of deciding what positions the firm will have to fill and how to fill
them its aim is to identify and address the gap between the employers workforce today and its
projected workforce needs.


1 reviewing the the clients business plan and workforce data

2 identifying what positions to be filled and potential workforce gaps.

Succession planning= deciding how to fill executive jobs

Forecasting Workforce demand stats with estimating what demand will be for your products and

Ways of forecasting :

Trend analysis= study of a firms past employment needs over a period of years to predict future needs.

Ratio analysis= a forecasting technique for determining future staff needs by using ratio’s between for
example sales volume and number of employees needed

Scatter plot: a graphical method used to help identify the relationship between two or more variables. If
the variables are related the points will be in straight line up.

Managerial judgement= a few historical trends ratios, relationships will continue unchanged in the
future, so judgement is needed to adjust the forecast.

Forecasting the supply of inside candidates:

Personnel replacement charts= company records showing present performance and promotability and
training of inside candidates for the most important positions.

Positions replacement cards= a card prepared for each position in a company to show possible
replacement candidates and their qualifications.

Markov analysis= a matrix that shows the probabilities that employees in the chain of feeder positions
for a key job will move from position to position and therefore be available to fill the key position

Succession planning= the ongoing process of systematically identifying assessing and eveloping
organizational leadership enhance performance.

3 steps:

1 identify key position needs

2 develop inside candidates

3 asses and choose those who will fill the key positions.

Employee recruiting= finding and attracting applicants for the employer’s open positions

Recruiting yield pyramid= the historical arithmetic relationships between recruitment leads and invitees
, invitees and interviews , interviews and offers made , and of offers made and offers accepted

Advantages filling open positions with inside candidates:

1 you know the employees strengths and weaknesses

2 they are more committed to the company and get more engaged to the company
3 Less orientation and training
4 External tend to come in at higher salaries than do those promoted internally
5 Some excel better in the company they come from then the new company


1 the process of searching for external people can waste a lot of time

2 rejected inside applicants may become discontended : telling them why you rejected them and what
remedial actions they might take

Job posting= publizing the open job to employees

Job posting includes:

- Job’s attributes
- Work schedule
- Pay rate

Recruiting forms:

Recruiting via the internet:

1Faster responses

2 it’s cheaper

3 more richer and comprehensive in describing the job


1 older and some minorities might be excluded

2 internet overload lots of people will send resumés

Applicant tracking systems = online systems that help employers attract gather , screen compile and
manage applicants

Aida = attention , interest , desire ,action. Experienced advertise use this guide

Private agencies= white collar people

Recruitment process outsources= special vendors that handle all most of an employer’s recruitment

Reasons for using temporary workers:

1 continuining weak economic confidence among employers

2 the trend toward organizing around short term projects.

3 when someone is long term ill or on vacation

4 productivity in hour is higher

Alternative staffing= the use of nontraditional recruitment resources

Outsourcing= having outside vendors supply services that the company’s own employees did previously

Offshoring= having outside vendors or employees abroad supply services

Executive recruiters= special employment agencies employers retain to seek out top management for
their clients

Employee referral= the employer posts announcements of openings and requests for referrals on its

On demand recruiting services= services that provide short term specialized recruiting to support
specific projects without the expense of retaining traditional search firms.

College recruiting= sending an employers representatives to college campuses to prescreen applicants

and create an applicant pool from the graduating class

Recruiting a more diverse workforce=

Recruiting women=

1 the employer should emphasize the importance of recruiting women .

2 make sure that this is the company women wants to work in
3 emphasize the effectiveness of the employer’s mentoring programme
4 Offer real workplace flexibility
5 Focus the recuiting effort on women organization’s

Recruiting single parents:

1 make the workplace user friendly

2 give them schedule flexibility

Recruiting older workers;

Lower level of absentism , better work habits and more reliability

The trainability is lower. Page 189

Negligent hiring = hiring workers with questionable backgrounds

Reliability= the consistency of scores obtained by the same person when retested with the identical test
or with alternate forms of the same test

Reliability coefficient= the degree to which the two measures are correlated

Test validity = does this measures what it is supposed to measure

Criterion validity = a type of validity based on showing that scores on the test are related to job
performance 9 ( does people who do well on the test do well at the job)

Content validity= the content of a selection procedure is representative of important aspects of

performance on the job is it a fair sample of the tasks and skills required for the job

Construct validity= a selection procedure measures a construct ( morale or honesty) and that the
construct is important for succesfull job performance

Expectancy chart= a graph showing the relationship between test scores and job performance for a
group of people

Validity generalization = the degree to which evidence of a measure’s validity obtained in one situation
can ben generalized to another situation without further study

Types of tests:

Test of cognitive abilities = test including reasoning ability ( inteligince ) and test of specific mental
abilities ( memory and inductive reasoning)

Cognitive test = aptitude tests

Motor skills test= the speed and accuracy of simple judgement as well as the speed of finger hand and
arm movements.
Neurocitism = poor emotional adjustment and experience negative effects such as aniety insecurity
and hostility

Extraversion = sociable , assertive , active and to experience positive effects

Openness to experience= being imaginative , nonconforming, unconvential and autonomous

Agreeableness= the ability to be trusting compliant caring and gentle

Conscientiousness= achievement and dependability

Interest inventory= a personal development and selection device that compares the person’s current
interest with those of other now in various occupations

Work samples= actual job tasks used in testing applicants performance

Work sampling technique = a testing method based on measuring performance on actual basic job tasks

Situational judgement test= personnel tests designed to asses an applicant’s judgement regarding a
situation encountered in the workplace

Management assessment center= a simulation in which management candidates are asked to perform
realistic tasks in hypothical situations and are scored on their performance

- The in basket= the candidate gets report memos, notes of income phone calls the candidate
must perform appriopate action on each item and gets reviewed
- Leaderless group discussion = trainers give a leaderless group a discussion question and tell
member to arrive at a group decision they then evaluate each group member’s interpersonal
skills, acceptance by the group , leadership ability and individual influence
- Management games= participants solve realistic problems as members of simulated companies
competing in a market
- Individual oral presentations= are used for reviewing the participants communication skills and

Situational test= examinees respond to situations representative of the job

Video based simulation= a situational test in which examinees respond to video simulations of
realistic job situations

Miniature job training and evaluation = training candidates to perform several of the job’s tasks and
then evaluating the candidates performance prior to hire

Polygraph= a device that measures psychological changes like increased perspiration it reflects lying

Unstructured interview= an unstructured convenrsational style interview in which the interviewer

pursues points of interest as they come up in response to questions

Structured interview= an interview following set sequence of questions.

Structured interviews are the best , because every applicant gets the same questions
Situational interview= a series of job related questions that focuses on how the candidate would behave
in a given situation

Behavioral interview= a series of job related questions that focus on how the candidate reacted to
actual situations in the past

Job related interview= a series of job related questions that focus on relevant past job related behaviors

Stress interview= an interview in which the applicant is made uncomfortable by a series of often rude
questions it gives an indication of the stress level of an applicant

Unstructured sequential interview= an interview in which each interviewer forms an independent

opinion after asking different questions.

Structured sequential interview= all interviewers ask the same questions

Panel interview= is an conducted by a team of interviewers

Mass interview= a panel interviews several candidates at the same time

Phone interviews= can be more usefull then face to face interviews for judging someone’s intelligence
and interpersonal skills, because needn’t worry about appearance or handshake each party can focus on

Snap judgement= first impressions

Candidate order error= an error of judgement on the part of the interview due to interviewing one or
more very of very bad candidates just before the interview in question average will look very good if the
persons before him were very bad

Candidate order errors occur , because of hiring pressure

There is a less difference between interviews of white collar and minorities when using a structured

Telegraphing= asking questions in a way what lead to the desired answer

Situational structured interview= a series of job- relevant questions with predetermined answers that
interviewer ask of all applicants

Total selection programme aims to select candidates whose totality of attributes best fits the

Exhaustive screening process= 8 to 10 hours interviewing.

Judgemental approach= subjectively weighs all te evidence about the candidate

Statistical approach= quantifies all the evidence and perhaps use a formula to predict job success

Hybrid approach= combination of the judgemental and statistical approach

Employee orientation = a procedure for providing employees with basic background information about
the firm.

- It helps the new employees to get emotionally attached and engaged to the firm

Addie training steps process:

Analyse = the training need

Design = the overall training program

Develop= the course

Implement= training by actually training the targeted employee group using methods such as on the
job and online training

Evaluate = the course effectiveness

Conducting the training :

- Task analysis = identifying new employee needs ( job descriptions and specification are
- Performance analysis = to identify current employee training needs
- Task analysis record form= information regarding required task and skills for a job
- Competency model= a overview of the competencies someone would need to do the job well

Performance analysis= is the process of verifying that there is a performance deficiency and
determining whether the employee should correct such deficiencies trough training or some other
means ( transferring the employee)

Creating a motivational learning environment :

The learner must be motivated

Support the program by top management

Self efficacy= trainees must believe that they have the capacity to succeed

- Provide a bird view of the material that you are going to present
- Use familiar examples
- Organize the information
- Use terms and concepts which are familiar for the trainees
- Use visual aids
- Create a perceived training need in trainees minds

Make skills transfer obvious and easy:

Maximize the similarity between the training situation and the work situation

2 provide adequate practice

3 label of identify each feature of the machine or step in the process

4 direct the trainees attention to important aspects of the job

5 provide heads up information

6 trainees learn best at their own space

7 make the learner gets plenty of feedback

Developing the program:

Program development= assembling the program’s training content and materials

During the training make sure that all the participants have a point of contact in case they have
questions or need guidance

Make sure that the participants use their new skills during work

The cloud= placing software programs and services on vendors remote servers from which they can
deliver these programs and services seamlessl to employees devices participants will be able to use
their training programms from out of every place, because of this.

Implementing the training program:

On the job training= training a person to learn the job while working on the job

- Coaching or understudy method= an experienced worker or the trainee’s supervisor trains the
- Job rotation = the employee moves from job to job at planned intervals

Apprenticeship training= a structured process by which people become skilled workers trough a
combination of classroom and on the job training.

Job instruction training= listing each job’s basic tasks along , with key points( how do you do it) in
order to provide step-by-step training


- Don’t start out on the wrong foot for instance with an irrelevant joke
- Speak only about what you know well
- Give your listeners signals
- Use anecdotes and stories
- Be alert to your audience
- Maintain eye contact

Programmed learning= a systematically method for teaching job skills, involving presenting
questions or facts allowing the person to respond and giving the learner immediate feedback on the
accuracy of his or her answers
Behaviour modelling= a training technique in whch trainees are first shown good management
techniques in a films and are asked to play a role in a simulated situation, and are then given
feedback and praise by the supervisor

Vestibule training= letting trainees learn on the actual or simulated equipment, but are trained off
the job vestibule training is necessary when it’s too dangerous , costly to train employees on the

Electronic performance support systems= computerized tools and displays that automate training,
documentation and phone support

Job aids= a set of instructions , diagrams or similar methods available at the job site to guide the

Computer based training= training methods that use interactive computer-based systems to
increase knowledge or skills

- Multimedia training= integrates the use of text videos, graphics photos animation and sound to
create a complex training environment with which the trainee interacts
- Virtual reality training= putting trainees into a simulated environment

Lifelong learning= provides employees with continuning learning experiences over their tenure with
the firm with the aims of ensuring they have the opportunity to learn the skills need to do their jobs
and to expand their occupational horizons.

Diversity training= aims to improve cross cultural sensitivy with the goal o fostering more
harmonious working relationships among a firm’s employees

Cross training= training employees to do different tasks or job than their own

Interpersonal skills: training for skills such as listening, handling conflicts and negotiating

Learning portal: a section of an employer’s website that offers employees online access to training

Learning management systems= special software tools that support internet training by helping
employees identifying training needs and schedule

Blended learning= trainees use multiple delivery methods to learn the materials

Mobile learning= delivering learning content on the learner’s denand via mobile devices

Web 2.0 learning= training that uses online technologies such as social networks and virtual worlds
and systems that blend synchronous and asynchronous delivery with blogs

Management development= any attempt to improve managerial performance by imparting

knowledge skills , changing attitudes or increasing skills

Succession planning= developing workforce plans for the company’s top positions

Action learning= a training technique by which management trainees are allowed to work full time
analysing and solving problems in other deparments
Case study method= a development method in which the manager is presented with a written
description of an organizational problem to diagnose and solve

Management game= enable trainees to learn by making realistic decisions in simulated situations

Role playing= a training technique in which trainees act out parts in a realistic management situation

In house development centers ( coporate univerity’s= company based-method exposing aanstaande

managers to realistic excercises to develop improved management skills

Executive coach= an outside consultant who questions the executive boss , peers subordinates and
family In order to identify the executive strengths and weaknesses

Lewin’s change process; a system by implementing a change with minimum resistance

1 unfreezing= reducing the forces that are striving to maintain the status quo by showing a
provocative problem

2 developing new behaviors , values and attitudes by organizational structure changes

3 building in the reinforcement to make sure that the organization doesn’t slide back into it’s
formers ways of doing things

Organizational development= is a change process trough which employees formule the change
that’s required and implement it

Characteristics organizational development

1 Involves action research= collecting data about group , department or organization and feeding
this information back to the employees so they can analyse it and develop hypotheses about what
the problem might be

Team building meetings starts with asking what the problems are

Designing the evaluation study:

1 time series design= you take a series of performance measures before and after the training
programm this gives insight into the program effectiveness

2 controlled experimentation= is a method by using a training group and a control that receives no
training data are obtained both before and after one group is exposed to a training


Performance appraisel= evaluating an employee’s current and past performance relative to his or
her performance standards

Performance appraisel process=

1 setting work standards

2 assessing the employees actual performance to these standards

3 providing her with feedback to help the employee in eliminating performance deffiency
Performance management= continuously ensuring that each employee’s performance make sense
in terms of the company’s goals

Performance appraisel

First step what should be done

Effective goals should be smart

Ways of appraising=

1 appraising based on the numerical goals

2 using basic job dimensions or traits ( communication, teamwork)

3 appraise someone based on their mastery of the competency ( skills , knowledge)

Who should do the appraisel:

Rating commitees= a rating committee usually consist of the employee’s immediate supervisor and
three or four other supervisors ( no bias on individual raters)

Self rating=

- Problem = employees rate themselves higher then their supervisor

Appraisel by subordinates:

- Upward feedback improves managers’ performance

360 degrees feedback:

- Employer collects performance information all around an employee- from his or her supervisor
subordinates, and customers

Tecniques for appraising performance=

Graphic rating scale= a scale that lists a number of traits ( eigenschap ) ( communication , team work)
and a range of performance for each . the employee is then rated by identifying the score that best
describes his or her level of performance for each trait

Alternation ranking method= ranking employees from best worst on a particular trait choosing highest
then lowest until everyone is ranked

Paired comparison method= ranking employees by making a charts of all possible pairs of the employees
for each eigenschap and indicating which is the better employee of the pair

Forced distribution model= similar to grading on a curve predetermined percentages of ratees are
placed in various performance catagories

Critical indicident method= keeping a record oncummonly good or undesirable example of an employee
work related behaviour
Behaviourally anchored rating skills= an appraisel tool that anchors a numerical rating scale with
specific illustrative examples of good and poor performance.

Bars method:

1 collecting critical incidents , grouped these into eight performance dimensions : knowledge,
conscientiousness, relations

2 behaviorally anchored rating scale for each of these 9 dimensions

Management by objectives= a multistep company-wide goal setting and appraisel program

Electronic performance monitoring = having supervisors electronically montir the amount of

computerized data an employee is processing per day and thereby his of her performance ( accuracy
time spend working online) increases stress

Error appraisel problems:

1 unclear standards= an appraisel that is too open for interpretation

Halo effect= the influence of a rater’s impression of the employee on ratings pf specific ratee qualities

Central tendency = rating all employees average

Strictness/ leniency= supervisors tend to rate their subordinates high or lower , just as some supervisors
notoriously high or lower grades

Recency effects= letting what the employee has done recently blind you to what his or her performance
has been over the year

Bias= the tendency to let individual differences such as age, race and sex to affect the appraisel rating
employees receive

How to conduct an interview:

1 talks in terms of work data

2 don’t get personal

3 encourage the person talk

4 get agreement

Total quality programs=organizational wide programs that integrates all functions and processes of the
business aimed at maximizing customers satisfaction

Direction sharing= communicating the company’s goas to all employees and translate these In doable
department , team and individual goals

Goal alignment= a method that enables managers and employees to see the link between the
employees goals and those of their department

Ongoing performance monitoring= computerized systems to measure team’s or employee’s progress

towards meeting performance goals.
Recognition and rewards= should provide the incentives to keep the employees goal- directed
performance on track


Career management= the process for enabling employees to better understand and develop their career
skills and interests and to use these skills and interest more effectively

Career development= the lifelong series of activities that contribute to a person’s career exploration ,
establishment, success and fulfilment

People need to reinvent themselves more to make a change these days for a career

Psychological contract= an unwritten agreement that exist between employers and employees it
identifies each parties mutual expectations

Realistic job interviews will help prospective employees more accurate cauge whether the job fits for

Reality shock= the high job expectation confront the reality of a boring or otherwise unattractive job

- Job rotation can help the employee to find out in what he or she is good

Mentoring= having an experienced senior people advising , counselling and guiding employees longer
term career development

Coaching= educating instructing and training subordinates

Ways to improve employee engagement:

Send a signal that you care about an employee’s career success

- Career oriented appraisels= the supervisor and employee jointly merge the latter’s past
performance , career preferences and developmental needs into a formal career plan

The risk of a high turnover from employees is that the workforce and financial performance are at risk

Ways to reduce turnover:

- First identifying the reasons for the turnover

- Exit interviews provide usefull insight into turnover problems areas
- Attitude suverys to monitor employees matters such as supervision and pay
- Open door policies helps management to identify and remedy moral problems
- Stay interview is to head off rentention problems by finding out how the employee is doing

Job withdrawal= actions intended to place physical or psychological distance between employees
and their work environments ( absence , voluntary turnover)

Promotion = advancement to a position of increased responsibility

Transfer= reassignment to similar positions in other parts of the firm

Managing retirements:
Focus on retirement policies, because there is shortage in talented workers

Dismissel= involuntary termination of an employee’s employment at a firm

Reasons for dismissal

- Unsatisfactory performance
- Misconduct = is the violation of the employer’s rules
- Lack of qualification for the job
- Changed requirements of the job

Insubordination= willfull disregard or disobedience of the boss’s authority or legitimate orders :

criticizing the boss in public

Steps to dismissal a employee:

1 allow the employee to explain why he did what he did

2 have a formal multistep procedure ( warning, appeal process

3 the person who actually does the dismissing is important

Terminate at will= in the absence of a contract either the employer or the employee can terminate
at will the employment relationship

Three main protection against termination at will:

1 statutory exceptions include federal and state equal employment and work place laws and policies
that prohibit certain dismissals

2 common law exceptions exist

Wrongful discharge= occurs when an employee’s dismissal does not comply with the law or with the
contractuel arrangement stated or implied by the employer

Termination interview= the interview in which an employee is informed of the fact that he or she
has been dismidded

Outplacement counselling= a formal process by which a terminated person is trained and

counselled in the techniques of self appraisel and securing a new position

Exit interviews= interviews with employees who are leaving the firm conducted for obtaining
information about the job or related matters to give the employer insight about the company

Layoff= an employer sending an employee home due to the fact that there is a lack of work this is
typically temporary

- Employers try to minimize layoffcs , becauseIt can lead to psychical and health problems

Downsizing = reducing the number of people employed by a firm

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