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This chapter presents the research methods and techniques, the population and sample, the

research instrument, the data gathering procedure and the data interpretation and analysis of the


Methods and Techniques of the Study

In this study, the researchers used descriptive approach because it corresponds in

identifying the characteristics of a problem through description. Furthermore, descriptive research

exist when the subject cannot be described in all its detail, careful selection of facts must occur

(University of Waterloo). This method was used in the study in order to assess and describe the

level of awareness of grades 4 and 5 students in Sto. Niño Academy in the municipality of Bocaue,

Bulacan and to know if consumption of junk foods and level of awareness is significantly related.

Survey was used as the technique in the study. It is a traditional way of conducting research

and is useful in establishing prevalence and incidence of a particular condition (Mathers, Fox, &

Hunn, 2009). The researchers used this method to easily quantify data.
Population and Sample of the Study

The respondents of the study were grades 4 and 5 students in Sto. Niño Academy school

year 2018-2019 in the Municipality of Bocaue, Bulacan.

Table 1

Total Number of Respondents

Respondents Number

Grade 4 students 39

Grade 5 students 61

Total 100

The research included one hundred (100) students from grades 4 and 5. The population and

sample of the study were chosen through simple random sampling. Researchers use random

selection for the respondents and giving them an equal chance of being selected in the sample.

Simple Random Sampling is “a type of probability sampling where member of the population has

a known probability of being selected in the sample”. Retrieved from It is the method where each respondents has a

known chance of being selected in the sample. On the other hand, simple random sampling is the

method where respondents have similar characteristics and each member has a known chance of

being selected in a sample. Researchers set criteria in choosing the respondents, it should be grades

4 and 5 students in Sto. Niño Academy in the municipality of Bocaue, Bulacan.

Research Instrument

For the exploration of this study in Municipality of Bocaue, Bulacan, the researchers used

self-constructed questionnaire in conducting the survey. The purpose of the instrument used in this

study is to gather or collect all the primary data from the participants which are needed on the


In measuring level of awareness, the researchers used self-constructed questionnaire. It was

composed of questions on which junk foods are consumed, frequency of eating and which of the

following does the respondents consider as an effect of consumption of junk foods.

The questionnaires were validated by experts from the school to make sure the questions

are appropriate to use and distribute on the desired participants of the study.

Awareness on the Effects of Junk Foods Frequency of Consumption of Junk Foods

Very Low Sweets, Salty Foods and Fatty Foods

Low Never (this week)

Average 1-2 times a week

High 3-4 times a week

Very High 5-6 times a week

More than 7 times a week

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers collected primary data from the grades 4 and 5 students from the

Municipality of Bocaue, Bulacan. To conduct this study, a request letter was issued to Sto. Niño

Academy to seek permission in collecting data from grades 4 and 5 students and ask for help to

allow us to meet this participants in making the study.

Upon having the permission from the officials, the researchers proceeded in conducting the

survey on the target participants. First, researchers go to the office of elementary department to

look for the head teacher. Second, researchers proceeded in the room of grades 4 and 5 students to

discuss to the students about the researcher’s study. Free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) was

assured to the participants, that all information gathered from them will only be used for academic

purpose. Respondents were not forced to participate; they have the right to refuse to join in the

study. In conducting the survey, self- constructed survey questionnaire were given to the

respondents. Researchers provide directions and instructions to the respondents in answering the

survey questionnaire to make it more accurate and comprehensible. The researchers entertained

the questions and queries raised by the respondents. The respondents were given enough time to

answer the survey questionnaire.

After all needed data are gathered from the survey, it was subjected to statistical treatment.
Data Analysis

A. Preparation of Data

All gathered were treated with confidentiality. In preparing the data, the researchers

transcribe the primary collected data from the respondents and tallied, with no changing any

answers of the respondents.

B. Presentation of Data

In this study, the researchers presented data through table and scaling because it is the most

suited in presenting the level of awareness on the effects of consumption of junk foods. Moreover,

researchers used Interval scale to better identify the level of awareness of students on the effects

of consumption of junk foods. Scale is “an ordered system of numbering or indexing that is used

as a reference standard in measurement, in which each number corresponds to some physical


Range Interpretation

0.00 - 1.49 Very Low

1.50 – 2.49 Low

2.50 – 3.49 Average

3.50 – 4.49 High

4.50 – 5. 50 Very High

C. Data Conclusion/Verifying Data

In the last stage of data analysis, the researcher made a conclusion based on the responses

of the respondents. In this part, the researchers synthesized all the information gathered from the

respondents’ answers. The researchers summarized and finally made a conclusion out of it.

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