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Meeting 5


1. Countable noun: kata benda yang dapat di hitung.

a. Singular noun (tunggal, satu): book, bag, cat, person etc.
b. Plural noun (jamak): books, bags, cats, people etc.
2. Uncountable noun: kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung.
Example: water, sugar, salt, rice, milk, oil, soil, dust, cheese
micin, butter, wine, wind, rain, time, money, gold etc.

1. Some – Any (beberapa)
-some and any digunakan untuk countable noun (diikuti oleh s/es)
- some and any digunakan untuk uncountable noun (tidak boleh pakai s/es)
a. some digunakan untuk kalimat positif
Ex: (+) I have some book(s).
I have some picture(s).
b. any digunakan untuk kalimat negative (-) dan interrogative (?)
Ex: (-) I don’t have any book(s).
(?) do you have any question(s)?
(?) do you have any food(s)?
(?) do you have any sugar?

Some/Any + countable noun Some/any + uncountable noun
Some students Some/any coffee
Some people Some/any milk
Some cars Some/any honey
Etc. Etc.
2. Much – Many (banyak) a lot of
-many digunakan untuk plural countable noun (yang ada s/es).
Example: (+) I have many boyfriends/girlfriends.
(-) I don’t have many boyfriends.
(?) do you have many boyfriends?
-much digunakan untuk uncountable noun.
Example: (+) I have much water.
(-) I don’t have much water.
(?) do you have much water?
much + uncountable noun many + plural countable noun
much sugar many schools
much coffee many pens
much water many books
Etc. Etc.

3. A few/few – A little/little (sedikit)

-a few/few digunakan untuk countable noun.
Example: (+) I need a few books to study.
(-) I don’t need few books to study.
-a little/little digunakan untuk uncountable noun.
I put a little sugar to make tea.
a little + uncountable noun a few + plural countable noun
a little sugar a few pencils
a little salt a few bottles
a little coffee a few cars
etc. etc.
4. All/whole (semua)
-whole digunakan dengan kolektif noun.
-all/whole diikuti dengan plural (jamak) countable noun (yang ada s/es)
Example: All
All friends study hard.
Whole class attends English club.
All students is/are……
Whole campus is……
All + countable noun (plural/jamak) Whole (secara keseluruhan) + countable
noun (singular/tunggal)
all people whole class
all students whole campus
all books whole UKM
etc. whole school

5. Each/every (setiap/tiap-tiap)
Each dan every diikuti oleh countable noun tapi yang singular (tidak ada s/es).
(+) Every day I study English.
Each girl wears black uniform.

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