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ED 345Calvin University Teacher Intern Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Intern: Noah Treffers Date: October 17, 2019

Grade Level: 5/6 Subject/ Topic: Science
Approx. time spent planning this lesson: 45 minutes *The
template will expand as the text is added.*
Main Focus/Essential Questions:
● What biomes are within the country you have been studying this semester?
● What adaptations are present within your country’s biome?
● How has your country been impacted by climate change?
Brief Context:
Prerequisite Knowledge/Skills:
Lesson Objectives/Learning Targets Aligned Assessments
Consider formative & summative tools

Please number objectives and the aligned assessment measures.

The learner will: I will assess learning by:

1. Making a google slides presentation 1.Presentation or Poster
or a poster about their country’s
2. Examining the biomes within their 2. Presentation or Poster
3. Displaying knowledge of biomes, 3. Presentation or Poster
climates, adaptations, and climate

Standards Addressed in Lesson: (Include full standard.)

● 6 – G2 .1 .1 (Social Studies)
Locate and describe the basic patterns of landforms.
● 6 – G2 .1 .3 (Social Studies)
Locate and describe the characteristics and patterns of major world climates and ecosystems.
● 6 – G3 .2 .1 (Social Studies) Locate major ecosystems and explain how and why they are similar
or different as a consequence of latitude, elevation, land-forms, location, and human activity.
● MS-ESS2-5 (Science) Collect data to provide evidence for how the motions and complex
interactions of air masses result in changes in weather conditions.
● MS-ESS2-6 (Science) Develop and use a model to describe how unequal heating and rotation of
the Earth cause e circulation that determines regional climates.
● MS-LS4-4 (Science) Construct an explanation based on evidence that describes how genetic
variations of traits in a population increase some individuals’ probability of surviving and
reproducing in a specific environment.
● MS-ESS3-5 (Science) Ask questions to clarify evidence of the factors that have caused the rise in
global temperatures over the past century.
Instructional Resources:
● Google Drive
● Posters
● Printer
● Coloring Supplies
● Checklist
● Rubric

Consideration of Learners:
How have you responded to your diverse learners? Consider UDL (Multiple means of Engagement,
Representation, Action & Expression)& principles of differentiation. If appropriate, identify individual
accommodations you will make in response to needs or interests of students.
● ELL’s are only expected to list biomes, show animals, and explain what is climate change.
● ELL’s should also focus on visuals. They can find pictures and add that to their posters or
● Compose in multiple media such as text, speech, drawing, illustration, comics,
storyboards, design, film, music, dance/movement, visual art, sculpture, or video
● Allow learners to participate in the design of classroom activities and academic
● Provide prompts, reminders, guides, rubrics, checklists that focus on:
○ Self-regulatory goals like reducing the frequency of aggressive outbursts
in response to frustration
○ Increasing the length of on-task orientation in the face of distractions
○ Elevating the frequency of self-reflection and self-reinforcements
● Provide checklists, organizers, sticky notes, electronic reminders
● Offer opportunities over time to revisit key ideas and linkages between ideas


BUILDING RESPECTFUL RELATIONSHIPS:(Note any specific ways in which you plan to establish rapport,
build mutual trust, monitor & maintain relationships. Consider student-teacher & student-student
● Students may sit where they choose, if they can prove that they are showing a mutual respect
by getting work done and listening.
● Classroom discussions
● Group work
ORGANIZATIONAL ROUTINES:(Identify ways that you have intentionally organized time, space,
materials, & students to minimize disruptions and maximize learning.)
● Use “Bum, bad, dah, bum, bum” … Students say “Eyes Up”
● Clap and have students repeat the clap back
● Students will sit in their seats that they choose
● Desk are placed in groups of three
● They will be faced towards the front of the room where they can see the screen

SPECIFYING & REINFORCING PRODUCTIVE BEHAVIOR:(Note how expectations are specified,

productive behavior is reinforced and disruptive behavior is redirected.)
● Use positive reinforcements (“________ is doing a good job of working with their group”)
● Owe me 5 minutes at recess if being disruptive



Motivation/Opening/Intro: [Think creatively about how to recruit learning.]
● Remind students of the countries that they have been studying within social studies class. Tell
students that we will continue to study our countries in terms of biomes, animals, and climate
● Show a student example of the project. This is in the presentation form, but it could also be in a
poster form.
● Give students the checklist and rubric to follow.
○ Walkthrough each part of the checklist. Ask students if they have any questions.
○ Ask if students have questions about the rubric.
● Explain to students that you will be giving them 2 - 3 class periods to work on this project. This
will be their final project or the final assessment that they will be graded from.
● Explain that you and the other teachers will be available to ask questions. This project will
require research on their computers.
● Computer expectations:
○ Not on any websites that don’t have to do with the project
○ If on other website they will be asked to make a poster and the teacher can help them
find the research.
● This project will be due at the end of the week, if the students aren’t finished in class then they
can finish it at home or during recess.
Development: [It may help to number your steps with corresponding times.]
● Give students time to work. While they are working circulate around the rooms and help
● In between classes give them feedback through comments or sticky notes about what they need
to add.
● Help students print and research their countries as needed.
Closure: (Be creative and consider authentic audiences for the work. Think beyond giving an
assignment or independent practice.)
● Ask the students what they learned about their country.
● Do they know more about their country than before?
● Explain that you will be grading these projects based off of the rubric for their science grade.


EVIDENCE OF PROFESSIONALISM: Please note recent evidence of your efforts as a professional.


This project was really interesting because it allowed students to apply the knowledge
that they learned to a country they had already been studying. I did have difficulty when some
students had to find all this research on their own. Many students were able to do this, but some
students had difficulty comprehending the resources that they found or had difficulties because
of their computer or reading abilities. If I had more time I would try to find resources for the
students that I expected wouldn’t be able to find the resources on their own. This lesson also
took multiple class periods for the students to finish. This is not something that can be
completed within one class period.

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