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The soul is componed of three parts

intectual soul: The supreme part of the soul is the seat of thoughts and will; It is in
charge of controlling and balancing the other parts of the soul; and it is the furthest
from the senses, so it is not so attached to the subject. It is immortal . Its
corresponding virtue is prudence, therefore allows man the vital activities of food, growth,
reproduction, lower appetites , sensitive knowledge and locomotion; However, the most characteristic
of the intellectual soul is to enable the human being for activities that are not found in any other living
being: knowledge and volition or voluntary acts. Of all living beings, only man is able to acquire
intellectual knowledge of things, and only he is able to have free behaviors but the human soul is
a spiritual substance, a substance that does not need an organ any body, and has the ability
to survive on its own. This is what happens with understanding and will.

Irascible soul:

It would be the place of positive feelings, courage, courage, willpower, enthusiasm

and hope for projects. They are noble and heroic feelings. It seems to be inseparable
from the body and perishes with it

is where aggressiveness and the desire for struggle or power reside, it is generally allied
to the rational soul: when a person suffers an injustice, he fights more ardently and with
more force than when he knows that reason is not on his side; It is represented by a lion
and is located in the heart. This soul is preeminent among the military and its associated
virtue is strength or courage.


According to Plato It is the one that fulfills the basic vital , one of the three parts into which the soul is
divided; It is a mortal part of the human soul, the most related to the body, which is responsible for passions, pleasures and
sensitive desires. In this are sexual desires, appetites for food, fame, wealth, etc., and is destroyed when he dies. Plato places
it in the abdomen

the Egyptians were the first to talk about it.

belief among the Egyptians was that the individual soul is separated from the
body, needed to survive in the other world, in others words the soul entered the
world of the dead, and if he returned to earth was in human form, animal or

In Egypt, the resurrection is symbolized by the frog, and by Goddess Hekhet, who lives in
the air and in the water: It is one of the symbols of immortality and the principle of water.

The Egyptians believed, not only that souls could be reborn a second time, but that they
could be sent on Earth to redeem themselves from faults committed in their previous
incarnations, and also that they could rekindle memories of their previous existences.


The Greeks always felt horror and fear of death, and did not conduct a search
to learn their states.

recognized the need to return to earth for the subsequent purification of human
souls, thus fulfilling the concept of the eternal cycle of nature.

India :

the person accumulates positive and negative experiences , good and bad actions during his earthly life ...
that is the weight of karma , the weight of all these actions that will determine and affect reincarnation or
rebirth. The trajectory of a soul is marked by the content and meaning of its actions and will be judged once
the body is abandoned after death.

Each life is the result of the actions in your past life:

 If he did very badly in his life, this soul must be sent to an infernal planet
(patala) during a lifetime.
 If he acted in a good way, the soul is sent to a celestial planet.
 If the actions I carry out did not have such a negative or positive impact, the
soul returns to the intermediate plane that is the earth
Jews and the cristians:

Judaism, Islam and Christianity do not accept reincarnation. In effect, it is not compatible
with the revelation of the Old Testament or the New Testament. This doctrine is totally
incompatible with the Catholic theses on the soul. The soul is the substantial form of the
body, which gives it the specific being, so it cannot become the form of another body

if not separation of the soul and the body, the body of man falls into corruption, while his
soul goes to meet God, waiting to meet his glorified body.

in the same way that Christ has truly risen from the dead, and who lives forever, just as the
righteous after his death will live forever with the risen Christ

"Those who have done good will rise again for life, and those who have done evil, for
Prize and punishment. If the soul were not immortal, what difference would there be
between the righteous and the wicked if his life ended with death? What would move us
to goodness? Plato agrees with Socrates that the very knowledge of good leads us to
good behavior. Postmortem life will be the one that establishes the prize for the
righteous and the punishment for the wicked.

Looking for happiness. The goal of human life is to obtain happiness. When asked
why happiness gives us, we often respond that pleasures are an important condition for
happiness. According with aristoteles Aristotle affirms that happiness is an activity
according to virtue . The happy man lives well and works well ( Cf. Ar. Eth. Nic. 1098b
20). The work continues to be for the achievement of its purpose.
Even if the way of living life is eligible, as long as we are natural beings we have a
purpose. This purpose is happiness through transcendence
For Plato, happiness is possible when man can contemplate the essences of things that for this
philosopher are the ideas of God It refers to seeing with the intellect, beyond the illusion that our senses
offer us.
Platon recognizes that one cannot be happy without seeing the work of God in the world that manifests
itself as a model for human happiness.

In order for man to achieve happiness, he must identify himself with God by practicing virtue.

Platon recognizes that one cannot be happy without seeing the work of God in the world that manifests
itself as a model for human happiness.

In order for man to achieve happiness, he must identify himself with God by practicing virtue.

A human being can never be like God but the task of man to be happy is to resemble Him as much as
possible through wisdom; since the gods take care of all those who wish to be fair.
a materialistic philosophy typical of countries with a high level of consumption, with a worldview that
identifies Being with having.

But we all know that as soon as we have agreed to a desired good, our interest is declining rapidly
along with the state of satisfaction that it caused us before having it. So that definition describes
happiness as a passing possibility that when it ends, deepens even more the feeling of emptiness
and inner discontent causing a new yearning.

find in the virtue of wisdom the moral intellectualism of Socrates, according to which no one
intentionally does evil, but through ignorance. The one who is wise knows the idea that is at
the top of the hierarchy of ideas, namely good. In this way, the relativism of the sophists is
overcome. As I said, of all virtues, justice is the most important, since it balances the three
parts of the soul.

hus arises an ethical model based on self-control and national self-control. The man who
achieves these goals will be harmonious and fair. In addition, Plato establishes a parallel
between soul and the State: it compares the State with a human being (organic mission). In
this way, ethics leads us to politics. Only a just society can educate righteous men.
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