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Bea Andrea May V.

Mathematics in the Modern World


Patterns and numbers

Embedded through lines and curves
Of this universe
– B.V.D

There is a code programmed in the universe that we

are in. Vast mysteries yet to be unlocked are most likely
bound by formulae unbeknownst to others. No doubt that
there is mathematics in literally anything we are thinking
about. An escape to the world of mathematics is impossible
for it is the very backbone of everything that we see
everywhere. Come to think of it, in unmeasurable galaxies
possibly trillions of miles apart from the Milky Way, the solar
system’s earth which is inhabited by billions of humans are
individually composed of trillions of cells. Mind-blowing is an understatement for how math
describes us from the big picture up to the littlest specifics.

Beginning of each dawn until setting of the sun

Clocks continue to tick, time always on a run
Numbers may truly seem intimidating
But our coexistence with it is realities colliding

The steps necessary for a distance

Even the Newtons completing a perfect balance
Truly, math’s presence is incontestable
Innate integration in our universe, indeed

Efficient and modern technology rapidly advancing

Plus the valuable money used for our cherished
Mathematics incorporated with our lives
It contributes convenience in every day’s drives
– B.V.D
If we look around right now, in this very moment,
we most probably – or even surely – can spot a few
numbers or patterns scattered around us up to no
known extent.
Discovery of recurring shapes and patterns in
nature are believed to be organized in Fibonacci
sequence. Fibonacci sequence where each number in
the sequence is the sum of the two numbers that precede it. Examples of this sequence
are the intricate arrangements within shells, trees, flower pistils and petals, leaves, and
even us, humans, as an example. Us humans as an example? Certainly! From our face
to our ear to our hands and beyond up to the selection of one nose, two eyes, three
segments of each limb, as well as five fingers on each hand.

What else has math? Science. Every branch of

science has a mathematical backbone or foundation as laws
by scientists are defined concretely and described using
mathematical equations. Mathematics is used in to calculate
the measurements of objects, their characteristics, and to
prove the relationship between properties and functions. It
is frequently associated with science and is primarily relied
upon by scientists as the leaves of any modern physics,
biology, chemistry, or any scientific discipline resources are peppered with graphs,
statistics, calculation, as well as mathematical models. Mathematics enables us to
understand and explain the natural world. Isaac Newton's discovery of the basic rules of
motion was made realizable by the advances he made in calculus. Unconsciously, for
most scientists, using mathematics is much like breathing – it is done without noticing it.

According to Tegmark (2014), our universe is very mathematical due to the

observation that the more carefully we look, the more math we seem to find. He stated
the mathematical universe hypothesis which presents that “our reality is not just described
by mathematics, for it is mathematics”. Or to put simply, our external physical reality is a
mathematical structure.
All in all, mathematics is
not just merely a subject taken in
school because it is so much
more than that. It is us, it is our
nature, and it is our universe.

Aigner, M., & Behrends, E. (2010). Mathematics Everywhere. Retrieved from
Johnson, P. (2018, March 14). You'll Be Amazed to Know the Role of Math in Everyday
Life. Retrieved from
Tegmark, M. (2014, January 10). Is the Universe Made of Math? [Excerpt]. Retrieved from
Tegmark, M. In this excerpt from his new book, Max Tegmark proposes that our reality
isn't just described by mathematics, it is mathematics. Retrieved from

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