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Assignment 1a

500 – 800 Word Assessment. …………………………………………………………. p.2
References. ……………………………………………………………………………. p.4
Marking guideline for Question A ……………………………………………………. p.5
Marking guideline for Question B p.5
Ranking of each student p.5
Criteria + Results + Feedback ……………………………………………………p.7 – 26
The relationship of assessment with teaching and learning theories.

I believe that assessment is an important aspect of teaching students. Despite a teacher

developing a relationship with students and a healthy classroom environment, a teacher cannot

truly understand what is happening inside the student’s mind. Therefore, informal and formal

assessments are important tools in gaining insight into students learning. Hassan (2011) has

argued, effective assessments demonstrate qualitive and quantitative properties. This is

because, “it is not necessarily true that a correct answer shown by the student implies that

he/she is more skilled in the tested subject” (Hassan, 2011, p. 329). For assessment to be

effective it must come in a variety of different formats; to truly demonstrate if a student is

learning. I argue that assessment, when done correctly can play an important role in teaching

and learning theories.

Lev Vygotsky was a key figure in introducing the concept of scaffolding to teaching. This is a

process of learning where students are given support from the teacher. Through a serious of

steps, the teacher slowly removes themselves, so the students can then apply the new skills and

strategies themselves. However, without any form of formative assessment there is no way of

tracking if the student has gained new knowledge. Clark (2012) has suggested that individual

formative assessment is a form of self-regulated learning. This is because students must be

responsible for their own learning during assessment. With this information in mind, I believe

that classroom assessments might be as simple as asking questions like; what did we learn

today? Who can recap what we did last week? Why was this exercise important? By having

students answer these questions they are not just receiving the information instead, they are

active participants in their own learning. Clark (2012) reinforces this idea by stating that
individual self-assessment for students “scaffolds their learning so it is the student who believes

that s/he is leading the discussion and solving the problem” (p. 214). Without assessment, a

teaching theory like scaffolding can have negative effects because students are only receiving

the information, instead of being active in the learning process.

I also believe that assessment is important because it provides teachers with results and students

with feedback. Hale and Green (2009) have argued, using assessment within education and

pedagogy is like running a diagnosis. Price et al., (2010) reinforce this idea by stating that good

assessment “identifies a gap between what is understood/has been demonstrated and the

standard of performance expected” (p. 278). As stated prior, good assessment should be a

combination of both qualitive and quantitative properties. I believe this means testing students

in a variety of different formats, as oppose to one traditional format that provides quantitative

results. Price et al., (2010) also criticise feedback as a learning theory, stating that “feedback

can only be positioned as advice rather than instruction. Students have the choice about whether

to act on feedback” (p. 279). This means, for feedback to be effective a teacher must regularly

assess students; allowing a higher chance of students to respond and act on feedback. Saville

(2011) makes the argument that the timing of feedback after assessment can play a crucial role

in the impact feedback has. Suggesting that, “The longer the delay before feedback is given,

the less impact there will be on learning” (Saville, 2011, p.70). I believe that assessment is a

catalyst for feedback therefore, administering frequent formative assessment in classroom

settings is important as it provides opportunities for feedback.

In conclusion, assessment can sometimes be difficult to administer and monitor. How

formative assessment is administered is contextual as learning varies between students,

teachers, classrooms and schools. However, in this response I have looked at why assessment

is important through the frame of learning theories. Informal assessments in classroom settings

are important because they act as tools to engage students. Assessment can also be formal and

provide feedback. However, for this approach to be effective it needs to be administered

regularly and quickly.

Clark, Ian. (2012). Formative Assessment: Assessment Is for Self-regulated Learning.
Educational Psychology Review 24(2), 205 -249.
Doi: 10.1007/s10648-011-9191-6

Hale, C., & Green, S. (2009). Six Key Principals for Music Assessment. Music Educators
Journal 83(1), 27-31. Retrieved from

Hassan, O. (2011). Learning theories and assessment methodologies – an engineering

educational perspective. European Journal of Engineering Education 36(4), 327 – 339.
Retrieved from

Price, M., Handley, K., Millar., & O’Donovan, B. (2010). Feedback: All that effort, but what
is the effect? Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education 35(3), 277 – 289. Retrieved

Saville, K. (2011). Strategies for using repetition as a powerful teaching tool. Music
Educators Journal, 98(1), 69-75.
Retrieved from https://search-proquest-
For the HSC question 1, Discuss the phrasing and texture of excerpt (a). I will be using these

Criteria Marks

 Describes in detail the use of phrasing and texture in this excerpt 6

 Demonstrates a developed aural understanding

 Describes in some detail the use of phrasing and texture in this excerpt 4-5
 Demonstrates a competent aural understanding

 Describes some of the uses of phrasing and texture in this excerpt 2-3
 Demonstrates a basic aural understanding

 Demonstrates a limited aural understanding 1

For HSC question 2, With reference to the musical concepts, discuss the contrasts between
excerpts (a) & (b). I will be using these criteria.

Criteria Mark

 Explains in detail how the musical concepts are contrasted in these excerpts 8
 Demonstrates a highly developed aural understanding, using well supported
observations and appropriate examples

 Explains in some detail how the musical concepts are contrasted in these excerpts 6-7
 Demonstrates a developed aural understanding, using appropriate observations and

 Explains how the musical concepts are contrasted in these excerpts 4-5
 Demonstrates a competent aural understanding, using observations and examples

 Demonstrates a basic understanding of how the musical concepts are contrasted in these 2-3
 Demonstrates a basic aural understanding
 Demonstrates a limited aural understanding 1

Ranking each student

Overall Student Overall First Second
Ranking Mark Question Question
1st Student 7 12.5 Out of 4.5 8
2nd Student 9 12 Out of 14 5 7
3rd Student 4 10 out of 14 4 6
4th Student 1 9.5 out of 14 4 5.5
5th Student 6 9.5 out of 14 3 6.5
6th Student 3 9 out of 14 3 6
7th Student 8 9 out of 14 4 5.5
8th Student 5 8.5 out of 14 3.5 5
9th Student 2 8 out of 14 3.5 4.5
10th Student 10 6 out of 14 2.5 3.5
Student 1 Overall mark 9.5/14
Part A Mark 4/6

Criteria Marks

 Describes in detail the use of phrasing and texture in this excerpt 6

 Demonstrates a developed aural understanding

 Describes in some detail the use of phrasing and texture in this excerpt 4-5
 Demonstrates a competent aural understanding

 Describes some of the uses of phrasing and texture in this excerpt 2-3
 Demonstrates a basic aural understanding

 Demonstrates a limited aural understanding 1

This response demonstrated a good understanding of music terminology and how those terms
are applied to music. This response demonstrated that you can listen to the piece and identify
aural components within it. Well done in identifying the homophonic, monophonic and
polyphonic elements to the piece.
This response needed more detail as to what each instrument was doing and how it adds to the
texture of the piece. Try to use longer sentences when describing music concepts. Avoid using
generalisations like, “added texture throughout the song”. Instead, identify what and how
texture is being added throughout the song. This response also needed more detail in the use of
phrasing. You have done a good job in identifying the singers; use that as the jumping of point
to discuss their use of phrasing. What are the singers doing to make phrases? When does each
phrase start and end?
Part B Mark 5.5/8

Criteria Mark

 Explains in detail how the musical concepts are contrasted in these excerpts 8
 Demonstrates a highly developed aural understanding, using well supported observations and
appropriate examples
 Explains in some detail how the musical concepts are contrasted in these excerpts 6-7
 Demonstrates a developed aural understanding, using appropriate observations and examples

 Explains how the musical concepts are contrasted in these excerpts 4-5
 Demonstrates a competent aural understanding, using observations and examples

 Demonstrates a basic understanding of how the musical concepts are contrasted in these 2-3
 Demonstrates a basic aural understanding

 Demonstrates a limited aural understanding 1

You have done well at identifying 5 out of 6 of the musical concepts and applied them to the
question. Good use of music terminology to describe what is happening within the piece. There
are some good attempts at contrasting the two songs together.

This question was a comparative question, what you needed to do, was take what you have
identified in your response and then ask yourself the question, how is this different from the
first musical except? Avoid using the wrong terminology, “more beats per bar” a better
response could have been, percussion plays a more rhythmically dense drum pattern then the
first excerpt. This song is not in a higher key, lead female singer sings in a higher register. Try
to include full sentences that describe how the two pieces can be contrasted.
Student 2 Overall mark 8/14
Mark 3.5/6

Criteria Marks

 Describes in detail the use of phrasing and texture in this excerpt 6

 Demonstrates a developed aural understanding

 Describes in some detail the use of phrasing and texture in this excerpt 4-5
 Demonstrates a competent aural understanding

 Describes some of the uses of phrasing and texture in this excerpt 2-3
 Demonstrates a basic aural understanding

 Demonstrates a limited aural understanding 1

This response provides some good points on discussing texture. Good job on identifying that
the texture builds in this song. You have also made some strong observations when discussing
the vocalists, this includes the lead singer and backing vocals.

This response needed more points that discussed phrasing. In a response like this give yourself
prompt questions, who is doing the phrasing? How long does each phrase last for? Is the
percussion using phrasing? Also, try to use more music terminology, instead of using general
terms like “you get this rich effect”. When describing texture use terms like; dense, thick
layering, thin layering and/or complex layers of instruments interweaving.

Part B 4.5/8

Criteria Mark

 Explains in detail how the musical concepts are contrasted in these excerpts 8
 Demonstrates a highly developed aural understanding, using well supported
observations and appropriate examples

 Explains in some detail how the musical concepts are contrasted in these excerpts 6-7
 Demonstrates a developed aural understanding, using appropriate observations and

 Explains how the musical concepts are contrasted in these excerpts 4-5
 Demonstrates a competent aural understanding, using observations and examples

 Demonstrates a basic understanding of how the musical concepts are contrasted in 2-3
these excerpts
 Demonstrates a basic aural understanding

 Demonstrates a limited aural understanding 1

Good job in identifying the musical features of the second piece. Good use of music
terminology to describe what is happening in the piece. You have done well at using texture as
a way of contrasting the 2 pieces.
You have done well at identifying how texture is contrasted. What would have made this
response stronger is if you used the same sentence structure with the other 5 concepts of music.
How is the structure different? How is the tone colour different? Avoid using subjective terms
to describe music, “without being too piercing” instead, describe how the rhythms compliment
and/or do not conflict with what the other instruments are doing.
Student 3
Part A Mark 3/6

Criteria Marks

 Describes in detail the use of phrasing and texture in this excerpt 6

 Demonstrates a developed aural understanding

 Describes in some detail the use of phrasing and texture in this excerpt 4-5
 Demonstrates a competent aural understanding

 Describes some of the uses of phrasing and texture in this excerpt 2-3
 Demonstrates a basic aural understanding

 Demonstrates a limited aural understanding 1

This is a good attempt at describing what is happening within the piece. This response is very
focused on the question with a strong focus on texture. Good work on using the term
homophonic to describe the harmonic layers.
When describing texture don’t use the term, “texture” to describe layers, “a 3rd texture becomes
more” instead, use the term layer. This response needed more detail when describing both
phrasing and texture. When doing a response like this, give yourself prompt questions, is this
monophonic? Is this homophonic? Is the texture thick or thin? Does it remain thin or does it
gradually build? How does it gradually build? What instrument is providing the phrasing? Are
the phrases long or short? Are any other instruments using phrasing? Try to be clear as to which
instrument is doing what, “Phrasing is in question and answer” who is providing the phrasing,
the lead or backing vocals?
Part B
Mark 6/8

Criteria Mark

 Explains in detail how the musical concepts are contrasted in these excerpts 8
 Demonstrates a highly developed aural understanding, using well supported observations and
appropriate examples

 Explains in some detail how the musical concepts are contrasted in these excerpts 6-7
 Demonstrates a developed aural understanding, using appropriate observations and examples

 Explains how the musical concepts are contrasted in these excerpts 4-5
 Demonstrates a competent aural understanding, using observations and examples

 Demonstrates a basic understanding of how the musical concepts are contrasted in these 2-3
 Demonstrates a basic aural understanding

 Demonstrates a limited aural understanding 1

This is a solid attempt at answering the question. There are multiple points where you have
described how the second excerpt is different from the first. Good use of music terminology to
describe musical concepts. You have branched out and used more than one musical concept to
answer the question.

What would have given this response a higher score would have been more detail on how the
musical concepts are contrasted between excerpts. Avoid using general statements to describe
the music like, “duration is shorter” instead, identify what is shorter. Are the vocals singing
shorter notes? Is the rhythmic accompaniment providing shorter notes, or the backup vocals?
Try to be more specific in your responses as it will give you a more detailed answer. With a
question like this you have done a good job at identifying music concepts, give yourself a
prompt question like, how is this musical concept different from the first excerpt?
Student 4 Total mark 10/14
Part (a) 4/6

Criteria Marks

 Describes in detail the use of phrasing and texture in this excerpt 6

 Demonstrates a developed aural understanding

 Describes in some detail the use of phrasing and texture in this excerpt 4-5
 Demonstrates a competent aural understanding

 Describes some of the uses of phrasing and texture in this excerpt 2-3
 Demonstrates a basic aural understanding

 Demonstrates a limited aural understanding 1

This is a well-structured response with good detailed points. Good job on using musical
terminology to describe texture. This response demonstrates a clear understanding of texture.
This response is uneven as it only briefly mentions phrasing. This response could have received
a higher mark if you had discussed phrasing as much as you have discussed texture. It is good
to ask yourself prompt questions, what instrument is doing the phrasing? Are the phrases long
or short? Is there only one instrument doing phrasing, or is it multiple? Avoid making
generalisations, “There is a repeated phrase throughout the whole song” Identify what is being
repeated, if you do this you are providing a more detailed response.

Part B Mark 6/8

Criteria Mark

 Explains in detail how the musical concepts are contrasted in these excerpts 8
 Demonstrates a highly developed aural understanding, using well supported
observations and appropriate examples
 Explains in some detail how the musical concepts are contrasted in these excerpts 6-7
 Demonstrates a developed aural understanding, using appropriate observations and

 Explains how the musical concepts are contrasted in these excerpts 4-5
 Demonstrates a competent aural understanding, using observations and examples

 Demonstrates a basic understanding of how the musical concepts are contrasted in 2-3
these excerpts
 Demonstrates a basic aural understanding

 Demonstrates a limited aural understanding 1

This is a solid attempt at answering the question. You have addressed 5 of 6 of the musical
concepts. There are some good attempts at comparing the two excerpts. This response
demonstrates that you have developed aural capabilities.

With a response like this try to be more specific, you make a few broad statements like, “Pitch
has become higher” Instead, identify what has gone higher, in this excerpt the lead female
singer sings in a higher register. Try to avoid awkward expressions like, “women’s voices melt
together”. Instead, use music terminology like the vocals sing in unison. Being specific will
give you a more detailed response. With a question like this try to identify the musical concept
then ask yourself, how is this different from the first excerpt?
Student 5 Overall mark 8.5/14
Part a mark 3.5/6

Criteria Marks

 Describes in detail the use of phrasing and texture in this excerpt 6

 Demonstrates a developed aural understanding

 Describes in some detail the use of phrasing and texture in this excerpt 4-5
 Demonstrates a competent aural understanding

 Describes some of the uses of phrasing and texture in this excerpt 2-3
 Demonstrates a basic aural understanding

 Demonstrates a limited aural understanding 1

There were some strong observations regarding texture and you have made a good attempt at
addressing phrasing. Good use of sentences that describe what is happening in the music.
This response would have benefited from using more music terminology to describe texture
and phrasing. Try to be clearer in your response, “then a second one making the harmony” a
second what? Try to be more careful when listening to music as this piece does not have male
vocals in it. There is no rhythm bass in the piece. Avoid making general phrases that do not
link to the question, “and it is all smoother and flowing”.

Part B 5/8

Criteria Mark

 Explains in detail how the musical concepts are contrasted in these excerpts 8
 Demonstrates a highly developed aural understanding, using well supported
observations and appropriate examples
 Explains in some detail how the musical concepts are contrasted in these excerpts 6-7
 Demonstrates a developed aural understanding, using appropriate observations and

 Explains how the musical concepts are contrasted in these excerpts 4-5
 Demonstrates a competent aural understanding, using observations and examples

 Demonstrates a basic understanding of how the musical concepts are contrasted in 2-3
these excerpts
 Demonstrates a basic aural understanding

 Demonstrates a limited aural understanding 1

You have identified and mentioned 5 out of 6 of the musical concepts. There are multiple
attempts at addressing how the musical concepts are different between the two excepts.

To get a higher mark this response needed more detailed points. Try to be more specific and
avoid using general comments. One example, “Shorter length of notes” This is a good point,
but you must identify what instrument is playing shorter notes. There are a few awkward and
subjective terms, “a lot of things happen”, “a little bit polyphonic” try to be more specific. You
have identified musical concepts well; the next step is to then to go into more detail. In future
responses like this question, try to identify what instrument it is? What are they doing? And
how is it different from the first excerpt?
Student 6 9.5/14
mark 3/6

Criteria Marks

 Describes in detail the use of phrasing and texture in this excerpt 6

 Demonstrates a developed aural understanding

 Describes in some detail the use of phrasing and texture in this excerpt 4-5
 Demonstrates a competent aural understanding

 Describes some of the uses of phrasing and texture in this excerpt 2-3
 Demonstrates a basic aural understanding

 Demonstrates a limited aural understanding 1

This response follows the question closely. Good job at using appropriate music terms to
describe musical concepts. There are some good observations that describe what the singers
are doing.

To get a higher mark this response needed more detail in both texture and phrasing. Avoid
using generalisations like, “RICH HARMONY”. Instead, describe why you think its rich, is it
because there are a lot of layers working independently? Is the texture thick? And why? When
discussing phrasing, try to identify who is doing the phrasing. Who is providing the lead
melody? Who is providing the harmonic phrasing?

Part B 6.5/8

Criteria Mark

 Explains in detail how the musical concepts are contrasted in these excerpts 8
 Demonstrates a highly developed aural understanding, using well supported
observations and appropriate examples

 Explains in some detail how the musical concepts are contrasted in these excerpts 6-7
 Demonstrates a developed aural understanding, using appropriate observations and

 Explains how the musical concepts are contrasted in these excerpts 4-5
 Demonstrates a competent aural understanding, using observations and examples

 Demonstrates a basic understanding of how the musical concepts are contrasted in 2-3
these excerpts
 Demonstrates a basic aural understanding

 Demonstrates a limited aural understanding 1

This is a solid response that answers the question. You have used most of the musical concepts
to contrast the two musical excerpts. This response demonstrates a solid understanding of aural
listening skills.
This response needed more comparative points, comparing how the two excerpts are different.
What would have given this response a higher mark would be to include the concept of
duration. You have discussed the use of rhythm but try to avoid making generalisations, “a lot
of syncopation” try to identify what instruments are providing the syncopated beat. And then
compare the syncopation to the first except.
Student 7 Overall mark 12.5/14
Part a mark 4.5/6

Criteria Marks

 Describes in detail the use of phrasing and texture in this excerpt 6

 Demonstrates a developed aural understanding

 Describes in some detail the use of phrasing and texture in this excerpt 4-5
 Demonstrates a competent aural understanding

 Describes some of the uses of phrasing and texture in this excerpt 2-3
 Demonstrates a basic aural understanding

 Demonstrates a limited aural understanding 1

This is a solid attempt at answering the question. Although you did not use musical terms to
describe the music, your description of what was happening demonstrates a strong
understanding of aural theory.

What would have made this response stronger is to be more explicit when describing phrasing
and texture. For example; the choir singing in harmony would have been a homophonic texture.
The percussive cowbell and solo female singer at the start creates a thin polyphonic texture.
This song does not include a male tenor. This song is in a 12/8-time signature.

Part B Mark 8/8

Criteria Mark

 Explains in detail how the musical concepts are contrasted in these excerpts 8
 Demonstrates a highly developed aural understanding, using well supported
observations and appropriate examples
 Explains in some detail how the musical concepts are contrasted in these excerpts 6-7
 Demonstrates a developed aural understanding, using appropriate observations and

 Explains how the musical concepts are contrasted in these excerpts 4-5
 Demonstrates a competent aural understanding, using observations and examples

 Demonstrates a basic understanding of how the musical concepts are contrasted in 2-3
these excerpts
 Demonstrates a basic aural understanding

 Demonstrates a limited aural understanding 1

Well done on using all 6 musical concepts to answer the question. This is a focused response
that addresses the question and demonstrates a strong aural understanding.
What could have made this response stronger was more discussion on the concepts of pitch and
duration. Well done on this response!
Student 8 Overall 9/14
mark 4/6

Criteria Marks

 Describes in detail the use of phrasing and texture in this excerpt 6

 Demonstrates a developed aural understanding

 Describes in some detail the use of phrasing and texture in this excerpt 4-5
 Demonstrates a competent aural understanding

 Describes some of the uses of phrasing and texture in this excerpt 2-3
 Demonstrates a basic aural understanding

 Demonstrates a limited aural understanding 1

You made some good points on phrasing and texture. You have made some detailed points that
discuss phrasing. Good work on describing the female singers and their use of phrasing.
What would have made this response stronger was if you added more detail regarding texture.
If you are stuck, try to use prompt questions like; is the texture thick or thin? And what is
making the texture thick or thin? Avoid using clumsy expressions like, “repeated sentence” try
using the term ‘musical phrase’ or in this case ‘vocal melody’. It is not sung in a round.
Part B Mark 5.5/8

Criteria Mark

 Explains in detail how the musical concepts are contrasted in these excerpts 8
 Demonstrates a highly developed aural understanding, using well supported
observations and appropriate examples

 Explains in some detail how the musical concepts are contrasted in these excerpts 6-7
 Demonstrates a developed aural understanding, using appropriate observations and

 Explains how the musical concepts are contrasted in these excerpts 4-5
 Demonstrates a competent aural understanding, using observations and examples

 Demonstrates a basic understanding of how the musical concepts are contrasted in 2-3
these excerpts
 Demonstrates a basic aural understanding

 Demonstrates a limited aural understanding 1

Although it is not explicit you have used a variety of different musical concepts to answer the
question. There are some points where you have contrasted the two musical excepts.

Try to make more detailed points when discussing the difference between the two pieces. Try
to avoid clumsy expressions when discussing the piece, “there are no evident texture
variations”. Instead try stating, the layering of instruments remains consistent in the second
excerpt’ Avoid making generalisations like, ‘there is more rhythmic accompaniment’ Instead
try asking yourself prompt questions like; what instruments are added to make more rhythm?
It is syncopated?
Student 9 Overall Mark 12/14
Part A mark 5/6

Criteria Marks

 Describes in detail the use of phrasing and texture in this excerpt 6

 Demonstrates a developed aural understanding

 Describes in some detail the use of phrasing and texture in this excerpt 4-5
 Demonstrates a competent aural understanding

 Describes some of the uses of phrasing and texture in this excerpt 2-3
 Demonstrates a basic aural understanding

 Demonstrates a limited aural understanding 1

This response answers both the phrasing and the texture equally. Good work at identifying
more than one form of phrasing outside of the main female vocal. Although it is not explicit,
there are some good points addressing texture.
With a response like this, try to use more musical terminology to describe musical concepts.
Use terms like homophonic and polyphonic texture. What would have made this response
stronger, would have been more detailed points describing the texture of the piece.

Part B 7/8

Criteria Mark

 Explains in detail how the musical concepts are contrasted in these excerpts 8
 Demonstrates a highly developed aural understanding, using well supported
observations and appropriate examples

 Explains in some detail how the musical concepts are contrasted in these excerpts 6-7
 Demonstrates a developed aural understanding, using appropriate observations and

 Explains how the musical concepts are contrasted in these excerpts 4-5
 Demonstrates a competent aural understanding, using observations and examples

 Demonstrates a basic understanding of how the musical concepts are contrasted in these 2-3
 Demonstrates a basic aural understanding

You have identified all 6 of the musical concepts. Most of the concepts that you have mentioned
link back to how the two pieces can be contrasted. This response has demonstrated both a solid
understanding of music terminology and aural listening skills.
Not all your points refer to how the pieces can be contrasted. Some of the points you make
need more detail. Be careful of clumsy expressions like, “she sings in many” Instead write, the
lead female vocalist uses. Try to avoid describing texture through using percussion, “more
percussion added” instead write, “another layer of percussion was added, creating a denser
texture”. Having more detail within each musical concept would have given this response a
higher score.
Student 10 Overall mark 6/14
Part a mark 2.5/6

Criteria Marks

 Describes in detail the use of phrasing and texture in this excerpt 6

 Demonstrates a developed aural understanding

 Describes in some detail the use of phrasing and texture in this excerpt 4-5
 Demonstrates a competent aural understanding

 Describes some of the uses of phrasing and texture in this excerpt 2-3
 Demonstrates a basic aural understanding

 Demonstrates a limited aural understanding 1

This response makes a good attempt at answering the question. It is slightly unfocused in parts
however, you have made an attempt at answering how phrasing is being used within the piece.
This response needed more detail on both concepts, texture and phrasing. This response would
have benefited from using musical terminology to describe the music concepts. Avoid making
general statements like, “it changes slightly” Instead, describe how the female vocal changes
her phrasing. If you are stuck on a question like this give yourself prompt questions; is the
texture thick or thin? Why? What instrument is doing the phrasing? Is that the only instrument
providing phrasing? This piece does not include a male voice.
Part B 3.5/8

Criteria Mark

 Explains in detail how the musical concepts are contrasted in these excerpts 8
 Demonstrates a highly developed aural understanding, using well supported
observations and appropriate examples
 Explains in some detail how the musical concepts are contrasted in these excerpts 6-7
 Demonstrates a developed aural understanding, using appropriate observations and

 Explains how the musical concepts are contrasted in these excerpts 4-5
 Demonstrates a competent aural understanding, using observations and examples

 Demonstrates a basic understanding of how the musical concepts are contrasted in these 2-3
 Demonstrates a basic aural understanding

 Demonstrates a limited aural understanding 1

This is a good attempt at identifying music concepts within the second excerpt. You have
mentioned rhythm, texture and pitch 3 out of the 6 musical concepts. Good work on noticing
that the range of the singer is higher.
This response only mentions briefly how the two pieces can be contrasted. To get a higher mark
the response needed more detail on how the two pieces could be contrasted. If you are stuck or
overwhelmed on how to answer a response like this. Give yourself prompt questions like; what
is playing the rhythm? And how is the rhythm different from the first excerpt? What is the
structure doing in this excerpt? And how is it different from the first piece that I have heard?
For a question like this, use all 6 concepts to structure the question. Write them onto the answer
paper and answer each concept one by one.

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