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CAT Geometry: Obtuse Triangles - Integers

x, y, z are integer that are side of an obtuse-angled triangle. If xy = 4, find z.

1. 2
2. 3
3. 1
4. More than one possible value of z exists

 CAT Geometry: Isosceles Triangles - Integers

How many isosceles triangles with integer sides are possible such that sum of two of the side is 12?

1. 11
2. 6
3. 17
4. 23

 CAT Geometry: Triangles - Area

Sides of a triangle are 6, 10 and x for what value of x is the area of the △ the maximum?

1. 8 cms
2. 9 cms
3. 12 cms
4. None of these

 CAT Geometry: Equilateral triangle and circle

Two circles are placed in an equilateral triangle as shown in the figure. What is the ratio of the area of the smaller
circle to that of the equilateral triangle

1. π:36√3
2. π:18√3
3. π:27√3
4. π:42√3

 CAT Geometry: Triangles - Perimeter

Perimeter of a △ with integer sides is equal to 15. How many such triangles are possible?

1. 7
2. 6
3. 8
4. 5

 CAT Geometry: Equilateral Triangle and Square

There is an equilateral triangle with a square inscribed inside it. One of the sides of the square lies on a side of the
equilateral △. What is the ratio of the area of the square to that of the equilateral triangle?

1. 12 : 12 + 7√3
2. 24 : 24 + 7√3
3. 18 : 12 + 15√3
4. 6 : 6 + 5√3

 CAT Geometry: Triangles - Integers

△ABC has integer sides x, y, z such that xz = 12. How many such triangles are possible?

1. 8
2. 6
3. 9
4. 12

 CAT Geometry: Regular Polygon

ABCDE is a regular pentagon. O is a point inside the pentagon such that AOB is an equilateral triangle. What is

1. 66°
2. 48°
3. 54°
4. 72°

 CAT Geometry: Triangles Properties

△ has sides a2, b2 and c2. Then the triangle with sides a, b, c has to be:

1. Right-angled
2. Acute-angled
3. Obtuse-angled
4. Can be any of these three

 CAT Geometry: Right Triangle Properties

Consider a right–angled triangle with inradius 2 cm and circumradius of 7 cm. What is the area of the triangle?

1. 32 sq cms
2. 31.5 sq cms
3. 32.5 sq cms
4. 33 sq cms

 CAT Geometry: Regular Polygon

What is the ratio of longest diagonal to the shortest diagonal in a regular octagon?

1. √3 : 1
2. 2 : 1
3. 2 : √3
4. √2 : 1

 CAT Geometry: Altitude of a Triangle

Find the altitude to side AC of triangle with side AB = 20 cm, AC = 20 cm, BC = 30 cm.

1. 10√7
2. 8√7
3. 7.5√7
4. 15√7

 CAT Geometry: Regular Polygon

ABCDEF is a regular hexagon inscribed inside a circle. If the shortest diagonal of the hexagon is of length 3 units,
what is the area of the shaded region.

1. 1/6(3π − (9√3)/2)
2. 1/6(2π − (6√3)/2)
3. 1/6(3π − (8√3)/2)
4. 1/6(6π − (15√3)/2)

 CAT Geometry: Circles

A circle of radius 5 cm has chord RS at a distance of 3 units from it. Chord PQ intersects with chord RS at T such
that TS = 1/3 of RT. Find minimum value of PQ.

1. 6√3
2. 4√3
3. 8√3
4. 2√3

 CAT Geometry: Triangles - Area

Triangle has perimeter of 6 + 2√3 . One of the angles in the triangle is equal to the exterior angle of a regular
hexagon another angle is equal to the exterior angle of a regular 12-sided polygon. Find area of the triangle.

1. 2√3
2. √3
3. √3/2
4. 3

 CAT Geometry: Quadrilateral

Area of a Rhombus of perimeter 56 cms is 100 sq cms. Find the sum of the lengths of its diagonals

1. 33.40
2. 34.40
3. 31.20
4. 32.30

 CAT Geometry: Quadrilateral

Rhombus has a perimeter of 12 and one angle = 120°. Find its area.

1. 9 * (√3)/2
2. 3 * (√3)/2
3. 9 * √3
4. 18 * √3

 CAT Geometry: Triangles - Area

Circle with center O and radius 25 cms has a chord AB of length of 14 cms in it. Find the area of triangle AOB

1. 144 cm2
2. 121 cm2
3. 156 cm2
4. 168 cm2

 CAT Geometry: Circles

Two mutually perpendicular chords AB and CD intersect at P. AP = 4, PB = 6, CP = 3. Find radius of the circle.

1. 31.25(1/2)
2. 37.5(1/2)
3. 26(1/2)
4. 52(1/2)

 CAT Geometry: Triangles

Triangle ABC has angles A = 60° and B = 70°. The incenter of this triangle is at I. Find angle BIC.

1. 90°
2. 130°
3. 80°
4. 120°

 CAT Geometry: Quadrilateral

Rhombus of side 6 cm has an angle equal to the external angle of a regular octagon. Find the area of the rhombus.

1. 18√2 cm2
2. 9√2 cm2
3. 15√2 cm2
4. 12√2 cm2

 CAT Geometry: Circle, Square and Triangle

A circle inscribed in a square of side 2 has an equilateral triangle inscribed inside it. What is the ratio of areas of
the equilateral triangle to that of the square?

1. 9√3 : 16
2. 3√3 : 4
3. 9√3 : 4
4. 3√3 : 16

 CAT Geometry: Isosceles Triangles

An acute-angled isosceles triangle has two of its sides equal to 10 and 16. Find the area of this triangle.
1. √231 units
2. 12√66 units
3. 24 units
4. 5√231 units

 CAT Geometry: Triangles - Area

Three equal circles are placed inside an equilateral triangle such that any circle is tangential to two sides of the
equilateral triangle and to two other circles. What is the ratio of the areas of one circle to that of the triangle?

1. π : (6+4√3)
2. 3π : (6+4√3)
3. 2π : (6+4√3)
4. π : (6+2√3)

 CAT Geometry: Triangle and Square

There is an equilateral triangle with a square inscribed inside it. One of the sides of the square lies on a side of the
equilateral △. What is the ratio of the area of the square to that of the equilateral triangle?

1. √3 : (5 + 4√3)
2. 2√3 : (7 + 4√3)
3. 4√3 : (7 + 4√3)
4. 4√3 : (5 + 2√3)

 CAT Geometry: Squares and Circles

Consider Square S inscribed in circle C, what is the ratio of the areas of S and Q? And, Consider Circle C
inscribed in Square S, what is the ratio of the areas of S and Q?

1. 2:π, 4:π
2. 4:π, 2:π
3. 1:π, 4:π
4. 2:π, 1:π

 CAT Geometry: Triangles - Area

Consider equilateral triangle T inscribed in circle C, what is ratio of the areas of T and C? Consider Circle C
inscribed in equilateral triangle T, what is ratio of the areas of T and C?

1. 3√3:π , 3√3:16π
2. 3√3:4π , 3√3:π
3. √3:π , 3√3:4π
4. √3:π , √3:16π

 CAT Geometry: Regular Octagon

Consider Regular Hexagon H inscribed in circle C, what is ratio of the areas of H and C? Consider Circle C
inscribed in Regular Hexagon H, what is ratio of the areas of H and C?

1. 2√3 : 3π , 3√3 : 4π
2. 3√3 : π , 3√3 : 4π
3. 3√3 : 2π, 2√3 : π
4. √3 : π , √3 : 4π

 CAT Geometry: Triangles

What is the distance between the orthocentre and the circumcenter of a triangle who sides measure 24 cm, 26 cm
and 10 cm?

1. 13 cm
2. 12 cm
3. 7.5 cm
4. √30 cm

 CAT Geometry: Circles and Triangles

Two circles with centres O1 and O2 touch each other externally at a point R. AB is a tangent to both the circles
passing through R. P’Q’ is another tangent to the circles touching them at P and Q respectively and also cutting
AB at S. PQ measures 6 cm and the point S is at distance of 5 cms and 4 cms from the centres of the circles. What
is the area of the triangle SO1O2?

1. 9 cm2
2. 3(4+√7)/2 cm2
3. 27/2 cm2
4. (3√41)/2 cm2

 CAT Geometry: Circles

What is the circumference of the below circle given that AB is the diameter and XY is perpendicular to AB?

1. 8π cm
2. π√34 cm
3. 34π/3 cm
4. π√31/3 cm

 CAT Geometry: Circles

Find ∠PRB. Given

I. ∠BPQ = 22∘ and O is the centre of the circle
II. ∠RBP = 54∘ and chord PQ is parallel to AB

1. Either I or II individually is sufficient

2. Both I and II together are required
3. One of the statements alone is sufficient
4. Need more data

 CAT Geometry: Triangles

The two sides of a triangle are 8 cm and 9 cm and one angle is 60∘. Which of the following can be the length of its
third side?
I. √23 cm
II. √73 cm
III.(4.5 - √3.25) cm
IV. (4 + √33) cm
V. (9 + √13) cm

1. Only II and IV
2. Only I and III
3. Only I, II and V
4. Only II, III and IV

 CAT Geometry: Quadrilateral

There is a set of parallel lines with x lines in it and another set of parallel lines with y lines in it. The lines intersect
at 12 points. If x > y, find the maximum number of parallelograms that can be formed.

1. 16
2. 15
3. 18
4. 33

 CAT Geometry: Polygon and Circles

There are 2 concentric circles, one big and one small. A square ABCD is inscribed inside the big circle while the
same square circumscribes the small circle. The square touches the small circle at points P, Q, R and S. Determine
the ratio of circumference of big circle to the polygon PQRS.

1. π:2
2. 2:π
3. 2 : √2
4. π : √2

 CAT Geometry: Quadrilaterals

If PQ || RS, find the value of x

1. 7
2. 3
3. Both A & B
4. None of these

 CAT Geometry: Circles

A circle is inscribed in a semi-circle as shown:-

The radius of the circle is:-

1. (√2 + 1)/2
2. √2 − 1/2
3. 1 − √2
4. √2 − 1

 CAT Geometry: Circles

Two circles of radius 5 cm have a direct tangent PQ and an indirect tangent RS. Find the length of PQ if RS = 24

1. 29 cm
2. 13 cm
3. 26 cm
4. Cannot be determined due to lack of information

 CAT Geometry: Circles and Triangles

In the below figure which of the following holds good?

1. ∠SQO = ∠ROP
2. 2 ∠ROP = ∠SOR
3. ∠POR = ∠ASO
4. ∠QOX’ = ∠SOR + ∠ROP

 CAT Geometry: Circles and Triangles

In the below figure, If PQPR


, then

 >2
 =2

3. < 2
4. can’t be determined

 CAT Geometry: Triangles

A right angled triangle PQR is such that ∠PRQ = 90° and QR = 4 cm T is a point on QR such that PT = 3 cm, and
perimeter of triangle PQT = Perimeter of triangle PTR Then, QT/TR takes the value:

1. QT/TR < 1/3

2. 1/3 < QT/TR < 1
3. QT/TR > 1
4. can’t be determined

 CAT Geometry: Triangles

M and N are two points on the side PQ and PR of a triangle PQR respectively such that MNQR is a trapezium and
MN:QR = 2:5. Find the ratio of the area of triangle PMN : Trapezium MNQR.
1. 4:25
2. 1:2
3. 4:21
4. 4:10

 CAT Geometry: Triangles

In the below figure, ΔABC is right angled and AC = 100 cm. Also, AD = DE = EF = FC. Find the value of: BD2 +
BE2 + BF2 (in cm2)

1. 10,000 cm2
2. 5,000 cm2
3. 8,750 cm2
4. 12,500 cm2

 CAT Geometry: Triangles

The Olympics committee came up with a new rule. The flag of the gold medal winning team would be hoisted to
the right (AB) at 5m. The flag of silver medal winning team would be hoisted to the left (PQ) at a height of 3m.
The flag (MN) of bronze medal winning team would be hoisted at the point of intersection of the line joining the
top of each of AB and PQ to the foot of other, as shown in the figure below. A and P are 8m apart. In a wrestling
event, India won the bronze medal. Find the height at which the Indian flag was hoisted.

1. 2 m
2. 52

 m
 58
 m
 158

4. m

 CAT Geometry: Polygons

The number of sides in a regular polygon is ‘T’ times the number of diagonals in it. What is the interior angle of
this polygon in terms of T?

1. 180 * (T+2)(3T+2)

  540 * (T+2)(3T+2)
  360 * (T+2)(3T+2)
  90 * (T+

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