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India- the land we live in is built on 1.15 billion population living in 35 states
speaking 850 languages following 10 different religions diversified by caste, creed,
colour, culture, race and sex. Despite these diversities, the humanity and integrity that
India represents today, is the product of the civilization, ethics and moral values laid
by our great ancestors. Communal harmony should be the way of life rather than an
issue. It is the basic building blocks of a country.

The present busy world demands the best out of every human being which results in
violation of key factors to humanity. The unity which was shown by our fellow
citizens to save our motherland from the Britishers is now shattered and threatened by
terrorism, caste disputes, communal riots, racism, economic disputes etc. The
government which is for the people, of the people and by the people also now scares
the people by its dirty politics. Land, air and water which was once common for all,
now acts as a root cause for major unrests in the country. The people residing at our
next door doesn’t even share water. Its not that they don’t have water to spare, its just
because they don’t want to share. This attitude of people is due to the insecurity, fear,
hatred and suspicion they face in their daily life. Every citizen of India takes the

“India is my country. All Indians are my brothers and sisters.

I love my country. I am proud of its rich and varied heritage.
I shall always strive to be worthy of it…….”

But still the number of terrorists and extremists groups in India is running to pages
touching a count of 178. These groups take the life of their own brothers and sisters
for each other’s individual obligations. This scenario in our country is just because of
lack of patience to love and understand each other.

All religions are great and has a message of love and humanism. But the major riots in
the city are based on difference in religion. Though people fight to death to safe guard
their religion, they forget to follow and propagate love and humanism, the basic
principle on which their religion is built upon.

In multi cultural country like India, the major issues dividing mankind and causing
communal disharmony are caste, color, race, sex, culture, language, religion and the
vide gap that exists between the rich and the poor. The rich are becoming richer and
the poor are becoming poor. This economic imbalance has resulted in the birth of
many terrorists and extremists groups in India.

Here goes few simple steps to replete our country with communal harmony and make
our mother India the best place to live in.

1. Encouragement of inter-caste, inter- religion marriages. These type of marriages not

only bring the bride and groom of different castes together, but also bring their both
families together. In this way the caste slowly erodes away when generations pass

2. Spreading of literacy and knowledge among people. This will make every
individual understand his roles and responsibilities and help them have a broader
outlook on the society. Hence brotherhood spreads among the citizens.

Follow “Each one teach one” to spread literacy in a much quicker, simpler
and economic way. Its our prime duty to educate our brothers and sisters.

3. Removal of caste column in every admission form of schools, colleges,

employment exchanges etc., so that in due course the individual castes loses its
importance. The quotas and other schemes for the people below poverty line and for
downtrodden people can be implemented based on their annual income rather fixing
caste as a basis of demarcation.

4. Social programs and cultural programs can be organized widely for bringing
different communities together and incorporating a sense of brotherhood among the

5. Today’s mass medias like Tele visions, radios, internet and other social networkings
should insist on non violence and guide people to promote communal harmony in the

6. India is a country which absorbs all religions and hence respect for each other’s
religion should be maintained with a responsibility to promote the basic principles of
love and affection which their religion states.

7. Filling of gap between the rich and poor with proper planned flow of funds from
the rich to poor. Indian government should initiate and implement various schemes to
fill this gap.

8. “If we really want to love we must learn how to forgive”

These words were said by Mother Teresa. Everyone should learn to forgive and forget
to promote communal harmony.

9. The schools should teach children the importance of communal harmony since
they are the future generation who are going to rule the country. The feel of oneness
and unity should be cultured in them.

Our great leaders have struggled hard to build this nation. Let us not break it by our
selfishness, jealousy, greed or in the name of caste, colour, race or sex. Let us join our
hands together to sow seeds of love, affection, care, brotherhood, passion and reap
communal harmony.

“ Every day we pray for a better tomorrow….

But when better tomorrow arrives, we again pray for a better tomorrow
instead of enjoying the one we asked for…
Life is too short to live in….Let us not waste it in wars….
Lets Stop terrorism…
Smile easily…
Love unconditionally…. &
Spread peace & communal harmony”

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