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AL 101 – Algorithm and Complexity


Midterm Period
By: Prof. Jinky B. Tumasis, MSIT


A. Form a group with 5 or 6 members

B. Create a Flowchart for every Problem with the Solution(code) with the name of
student who answered that question and with Screen Shot picture.
C. Submit in Hardcopy (short bond paper) No Folder.
D. Submit and send the Softcopy in MS Word format, email it on pls.
indicate your name and section and group membter.

Deadline: October 9, 2019 until 8PM only.

1. Create a program that declares a minutes variable that represent s minutes worked on a job and assign
a value. Use Time as the file name.
Display the value in hours and minutes. For example, 197 minutes becomes 3 hours and 17 minutes.

2. Create a program that declares variables to hold your three initials. Allow user to input and
Display the three initials with a period following one, as in J.B.T.

3. Create a program that contains variables that hold your tuition fee and your book fee. Allow user to input
and Display the sum of the variables.

4. Create a program that contains variables that hold your hourly rate and number of hours that you
worked. Allow user to input and Display your gross pay, your withholding tax, which is 12 percent of your
gross pay, and your net pay.

5. Create a program that declares variables to represent the length and width of a room in feet. Assign
appropriate values to the variables -- for example, length = 15 and width = 25. Compute and display the
floor space of the room in square feet (area = length * width).
Do not display only a value as output; display explanatory text with the value. -- For example, The floor
space is 375 square feet.

6. Print the numbers 1 through 100 to standard output, using a For loop,while and Do..while loop:

7. Create a program that can hold five integers in an array. Display the integers from first to last, and then
display the integers from last to first.

8. Create a program to determine the answers for each of the following:
a. The square root of 30
b. The sine and cosine of 100

9. Create a program that prompts the user for a four character password, accepts four characters, and then
echoes the characters to the screen.

10. A box designed to hold 3 pounds of candy, Create a program that will accept the number of pounds of
candy. Your program must output the number of candy can fill out of a day.
11. Create a program that will ask user to input password, if the password is correct, display a message
"Access Granted" and if the password is incorrect display a message " Access Denied". Using While

12. This is a temperature conversion program. It generates and displays Fahrenheit and centigrade
temperatures, and list the freezing and boiling point of water.
If centegrade is equal to 0, display a message" Freezing point of water" and if the centigrade is equal to
100, display a message "Boiling point of water"

centigrade = 10* variable
farenheit = 32+(centigrade*9)/5

13. Make a program that allows a user to input number and identifies if the inputted number is positive or

15. Make a program that will read 2 numbers x and y and display whether x=y, x<y or x>y.

16. Make a program that will read a number and tell whether it is odd or even.

1. num = int(input("Enter a number: "))

2. if (num % 2) == 0:
3. print("{0} is Even".format(num))
4. else:
5. print("{0} is Odd".format(num))

num = int(input("Enter a number: "))

mod = num % 2
if mod > 0:
print("This is an odd number.")
print("This is an even number.")
18. Make a progam that will read a birthday (month, day) in integer values and tell the zodiac sign of that

19. Make a program that will read an amount between 1 to 100. Then the program will display the
breakdown asd how to many 50,10,5 is are there Example.
Enter an amount: 75
50 = 1
10 = 2

20. Store 40 characters in an array, such as 12345UGHF...

Create a program that produces a count of how many of the characters are letters in the English alphabet,
and how many of the characters are not letters.
Sample Output:

The Array List are: 12345UGHFL

Total number letter characters are: 5

Total number of not letter characters are:5

Good luck and God bless!

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