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Class : 4 Arif

Date : 20th September 2018

Level : Intermediate

Time : 60 Minutes

Theme : World Of Story

Topic : Sounds Like Magic

Skills : Listening and speaking skills.

Language Aspect : Learning about rhymes in poetry.

General Objectives : Able to recite and understand the poem correctly.

Specific Objectives : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to :

1. Recite poems with correct rhyming.

2. Able to write down at least 10 out of the 15 words in the

worksheet correctly.

3. Able to recite the poem with guidance correctly with


Previous Knowledge : Students have previously learnt about poems and how recite

Moral Values : Do not judge a book by its cover.

Thinking Skills : To Analyse rhymes.

Teaching Aids : Worksheet and Anthology book of poems.

Time / Stages Teacher’s Activities Student’s Aids

1. Set induction 1. Teacher asks students 1. Students will

whether if any of raise their
( 4 Minutes )
you have listened to hands and
a seashell by putting answer the
Rationale: it against your ear, teacher’s
the teacher then asks questions.
To get the
students to share
students get into
what they have
the mood for
2. Teacher then
introduces the day’s

2.Explanation 1. Teacher asks the Anthology

1. The students
students to turn to book of
( 15 Minutes ) will read the poem
page 11 of their poems
Anthology book and
Rationale: read the poem 2. The students
“Sounds Like then recite the
Able to recite the
Magic” silently. poem aloud
poem with
2. Teacher then recites repeating after the
the poem line by teacher with the
correctly with
line with the correct correct rhyming .
rhyming and ask the
3. The students
students to follow
then answer the
teacher’s questions
3. After the reciting, the based on their
teacher will ask the understanding by
students several reading the
questions based on passage.
the poem to assess
their understanding. Suggested
1. The poem is
1. What is the poem about sounds.
2. The boy hears
2. What do you think is different sounds
happening in the from different
poem? objects.

3. Practice and 1. Teacher explains to 1. Students listen

metacognition the students about to the teacher
rhyme and why is it attentively as
( 15 Minutes)
important. he is explaining
Rationale: about rhymes
2. Teacher uses several
Able to recite the in poetry.
lines from the poem
poem with the as an example to 2. Students recite
correct rhyming. illustrate rhyme. the lines
3. Teacher then writes
down several lines
the whiteboard and
as students to read
them out with the
correct rhyme.
Example of lines:
I listened to a seashell
and thought I could hear
I held an empty eggshell
close against my head

4. Application 1. The teacher splits 1. Students Worksheet

the classroom into complete the
( 15 Minutes)
six groups. given
Rationale: worksheet
2. The teacher
Able to write distributes a
down at least 10 worksheet to each
out of the 15 group.
words in the
3. The teacher provides
an example on how
to carry out the
exercise on the
4. The teacher then
collects the
worksheet .

5. Evaluation 1. Teacher asks the 1. Students recite

students to recite the the poem with
( 8 Minutes )
poem with the the correct
Rationale: correct rhyming on rhyming.
Able to recite the their own in their
poem with groups.
correct rhyming.

6.Closure 1. The teacher explains 1. Students listen

to students that the and take notes
( 3 Minutes )
just because the about what the
Rationale: seashell is empty teacher is
To stress the that does not mean saying.
importance of not that it can be used
judging someone for other purposes,
or something and the same goes
based by their for humans whereby
appearances. just because some
are weak in certain
areas that does not
mean that they are
weak in all areas.

Reflections: At the end of the day’s lesson, the students had fun in reciting the poem.
The day’s objectives were achieved.

List the words that rhyme with the words below

1. Broom = _____________________________

2. Fire = _____________________________

3. People = _____________________________

4. Land = _____________________________

5. Shine = _____________________________

6. Cried = _____________________________

7. Clip = _____________________________

8. Full = _____________________________

9. Rappel = _____________________________

10. Tear = _____________________________

11. Song = _____________________________

12. Eat = _____________________________

13. Lead = _____________________________

14. Fist = _____________________________

15. Seat = _____________________________

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