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 Planning: The proper structure of the Supermarket should be planned out. This includes, the
placement of the shop( preferably in the center of the city), logical division of all the grocery items on
one floor, the furniture on other floor, and clothing on other, and remaining accessories on the last.
 System: All the systems should be properly planned and worked out. From transport of goods from
wholesale markets, storage of materials in bulk. Proper refrigeration should be provided for long
sustenance of the goods in the storage.
 Space Utilization: As 4 floors of the supermarket is being considered, based on the investment and
constant revenue being gauged by the company officials the size of the floor can be estimated. If the
floor size is to be considered small, proper utilization of the area should be done per floor.
 Unit Load: If we increase the amount of goods being bought, we need to consider a sensitivity analysis
of the situation. If the demand of the goods being bought is more, the supply rate is therefore
increased, if not we decrease the buying contingent.
 Material Flow: The flow of materials is observed from the wholesale market to storage facility of the
supermarket, and final arrangement of the goods for consumer purchase. This can be optimized by
automating and fixing guided paths for each type of goods. This would surely result in the initial
investment, but will not effect the consumer sales rate.
 Safety: Every floor should have a fire escape route. Fire extinguishers and safety precautions to be
taken by the staff during an emergency should be trained in their practice schedule. Water sprinkler
system to activate on rise in heat, radium lighting on the walls and floor to guide public during
electricity blackout.
 Flexibility: The staff appointed should be sufficient in cleaning processes, storage maintenance, cash
counter management and goods shifting process.
 Idle Time: We can reduce idle time by intruding many decorative features made out by the staff to
attract more public to the store. The staff can be called an hour before the usual opening hour and be
appointed tasks to open the store on time without delay.
 Maintenance: Maintenance of goods involves two types of goods. One are the ones in the storage
facility and the other are the goods on display. For food products, the company must make sure to
dispose the expired foods, for faulty furniture or any products they should be delivered back to the
wholesaler to make amends and return in proper condition for sale.
 Performance: Manage staff timing and performance on each floor and each floor and each
department, such that less number of workers are required to monitor the same amount of work load.
The supermarket can function in a way appointing different 8 hour shifts for running of the shop from
9AM to 11AM.

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