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Secara garis besar, ada 3 hal yang perlu bangetkamu perhatikan, yaitu:




Kalo kamu fokus ke 3 hal tersebut, kamu dah meng-cover semua hal inti yang bakal keluar di UN
nantinya. Seperti yang kamu tahu, UN SMP Bahasa Inggris 2019 kali ini akan menggunakan soal HOTS. 3
hal yang diatas merupakan konsep penting yang kamu perlu pahamin agar kamu bisa menyelesaikan
soal-soal yang nanti diujikan. Mari kita bahas satu-satu.

Tasya : I’m sorry I can’t join you to the party. I don’t feel well.

Uni : ...

The best expression to comfort Tasya is ...

(A) Thank you for your understanding.

(B) Don’t worry. Just have some rest.

(C) I feel good now, but I will stay at home.

(D) Thanks for coming.

June : My little brother is six years old. How about yours?

Kite : I don’t have any siblings. …

(A) I am an adult

(B) My brother is seventeen

(C) I am an only child

(D) I have a twin sister

Ari : Wow! What a cute bag.

Bella : ...

The best expression to fill in the blank is ...

(A) Thank you, it belongs to my sister

(B) I am sorry to hear that

(C) That’s a nice idea

(D) You’re welcome

Ari : Please turn down the volume. I'm trying to sleep.

Budi : ... I'll turn it down.

What is the proper expression to fill in the blank?

(A) It's your fault

(B) I am sorry

(C) I thank you for it

(D) I know

A : What time is our morning class?

B : ...

A : It is 07.05 right now. We are already late.

(A) It is ten to eight.

(B) It is a quarter past seven.

(C) It is a quarter to seven.

(D) It is a half past seven.

The floor in your room is dirty. Your items on the table are … You must clean and tidy up your room.

(A) clean

(B) disorderly

(C) tidy

(D) pretty

Uwa : I did not see the new student in our class. What does she look like?

Vera : …

The below expressions can be used to continue the conversation, except…

(A) She is in a long ponytail.

(B) Her skin is very fair.

(C) She has bangs.

(D) She has good grades.

Ani : What does your mother do?

Budi : She is a veterinarian. ...

The best expression to fill in the blank is ...

(A) She cooks at big hotels.

(B) She examines ill people.

(C) She teaches mathematics.

(D) She treats sick pets.

Dudi : Let’s go jogging tomorrow. I always jog in the morning.

Citra : I don’t want to. It’s the opposite for me. ...

(A) I never jog in the morning.

(B) I also jog in the morning.

(C) I swim in the morning.

(D) I will jog tomorrow.

Gina : Do you think the teacher is angry at us?

Hien : … No one did the assignment. No one scored above 80 in the test.

The best answer to fill in the gap above is …

(A) I think so

(B) Attention, please

(C) I think you should study

(D) It is very interesting. Thank you

... I’d like to welcome our new student Rianti. She just moved from Osaka to Jakarta. Rianti, you are a
member of the school family now.

The best expression to fill in the gap above is …

(A) Thank you

(B) Attention, please

(C) First

(D) Right

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