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365 days of her

Day 115. Today was May 24th. It was my big day. No, not that kind of big day. I was celebrating my
birthday. Literally. Yes, me alone. As I was lying on the sofa, browsing through my phone, expecting to
get birthday wishes, hopelessly, a sudden notification appeared. One beep after the other, it was nearly
simultaneous, unstoppable barrage of notifications. I smiled. A big grin on my face. “Finally,”, I said. Those
might be the most meaningful moments I had for the entire day. I said to myself, “How can I not love her
if she can do this every time”. Yes, those messages were sent by probably one of the most important
women I’ve ever had in my life, almost on equal footing with my mother. If my mother was the heart,
beating to keep me alive, that girl, was the blood, flowing through my veins, supplying oxygens and
nutrients, removing wastes. Basically, she made me feel meaningful. Although, more than a hundred days
ago, it was not the case.

Day 1. Introducing me. About to turn 29 in three months’ time, still single or preferred to stay single. Had
lots of heartbreaks in the past, but obviously that was an overreaction. I was a little bit shy especially with
girls, well obviously. Felt confident with my looks although I believed I was not that good-looking guy type
who could capture plenty of eyes in just a moment but yeah, I was. Quite settled with everything that I
had yet, I thought I was always missing something and this was about to change that day.

It was a cold Monday morning, as usual I was on my way to office. As I was driving my dad’s car, suddenly
my eyes caught something, or someone rather. I looked at that someone, it was a she. Quite tall for a girl
but still shorter than me. Had slender body, long legs as she was wearing a pair of blue pants. She looked
nice in that loose white blouse, paired with an equivalently loose tudung, very pleasing to the eyes. I had
to admit, I’d seen this kind of women plenty of times in the past and surely that didn’t really catch my
attention but there was something quite unusual about her. If you asked most guys about what were the
first things, they notice about women they like, they would straight away answer, the looks, 99.9 percent
of the times and so did I, no exception. Unlike the girl I was seeing at this very moment, there was more
than meets the eyes. I swore to God, it was the first time I felt this way. To be attracted to a girl not by
how she looks, it was quite strange even for my standard. Besides, like I said, looking nice by how she
dressed, surely that was quite common. I mean, girls were created by God beautiful as they were or at
least were to the eyes of the beholder.

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