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Verb – Responsibility, Takes

Adjective – Visual, Audio

Noun – Production, Effect, Director

Article – A, The

Preposition – responsibility For, Of

Conjunction – And

4. present perfect

5. Present perfect continuous

6. Past simple

7. Present continuous


Tense – Past perfect

Affirmative form – Subject + had + past participle form of verb

Negative form – Subject + hadn’t (had not) + past participle form of verb

Question form – Had + subject + past participle form of verb

9. Ali regretted eating so much.

10. He couldn’t keep up with them.

11. Access is restricted except for authorized personnel.

12. The key word here is cooked and cooking. The root of both words is cook.

In the first sentence, the verb used is cooked which is the past tense form of the word cook. The
general rule of thumb of how to identify a past tense version of word is modifying the word with
“ed”. In this case, cooked means the process is over.

In the case of the second sentence, cooking is the present continuous tense form of the word
cook. A general rule of thumb is by taking a verb and modifying it with “ing”. By being in a
continuous form, it means the process is ongoing.
For example, if you go to a restaurant and your food is ready, it has already been cooked but if
you need to wait because it isn’t ready, it is being cooked.

13. The key word that makes a difference between the two sentences is “to”. In the case of the
first sentence, “to” is used as a preposition to denote that pronoun was moving to another
location and stopped to ask the question. In contrast, the second sentence uses “stopped” simply
denotes that the action of asking has ended.

14. Jack will be traveling until tomorrow. (To say that something is an ongoing process that will
stop at a specified time.)

James will leave as soon as Jack arrives. (To say that something will happen after a specified
event finishes or completes.)

15. Jack wore new clothes to school. (Garments meant to be worn to cover the body.)

She brought the cloths to the tailor to make dresses. (Basic fabrics that can used to make


Error – Received

Correct – Did you receive the letter?

Explain – The word “did” iw a past tense form so it is more grammatically correct to use receive
rather than received.


Error – Wounded

Correct – He was injured in a car accident.

Explain – Wounded is a type of injury that involves flesh wounds whereas injury is a more
encompassing term.


Error – Am

Correct – I would apply for the job I were you.

Explain – The statement is contrary to the fact, that is not applying for the job, therefore “were”
should be used.

Error – Learn

Correct – I couldn’t go out last night because I had to study for my exam.

Explain – Learn is the wrong vocabulary word to use in this instance as one studies for an exam
to demonstrate what they have learnt.


Lina – I have to leave now. May we speak further tomorrow?

Wendy – Yes, that sounds good.

Lina – See you tomorrow.


1 – o O o: Responses

2 – O o o: Similar

3 – o O o o: Equality

4 – o o O o: Unrealistic

5 – o o O: Referee


I would begin with an example to the class by briefly introducing my own hobbies in simple
terms, highlighting sentence structures and sentence frames that can be used to help them
communicate with each other.

In this case, a simple sentence frame such as “I enjoy verb ending with ing” or “I like verb
ending with ing” would allow for them to communicate their interests. In addition, giving them a
small pool of nouns as it relates to each hobby would be advantageous. An example would be,
should a student enjoy painting, to provide them with nouns often associated with subjects of
painting such as mountains and people. This also extends to activities they engage in during their
free time such as sleeping, watching movies and reading.

To help them with each group of nouns, it might also be advantageous to allow a visual
representation of nouns and verbs. An aeroplane, for example, might denote that the student
enjoys traveling or a television may show that they enjoy watching television programs during
their free time.
To further their understanding and also provide them with practice, a simple exercise where each
student emulates my introduction to the topic would be employed. Each student will give a brief
explanation of what they enjoy doing and how they go about it.

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