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Thomas Carlyle stipulated that: That a man without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder-

a waif, a nothing, a no man. Everyone life is driven by something, many are driven by guilt,

resentment, anger, fear, materialism. People have a tendency to hold on to past hurts and

never letting go, being manipulated by memories, as a result unconsciously sabotaging their

own success. I am also guilty off this. For others the ability to uphold fame and fortune is all

the life for, they always poses a show off attitude. The bible said that: A pretentious, showy

life is an empty life, a plain and simple life is a full life.

Life on earth is not all there is, it is described as a dressing rehearsal before the real

production. We will spend far more time on the other side of death in eternity than we will

here on earth. The word of God says “When this tenth we live in our body here on earth is

torn down, God will have a house in heaven for us to live in, a home he himself has made,

which will live forever.

How one define life determine their destiny. Your perspective will influence how you invest

your time, spent your money, use your talents, and value your relationship. If one view life as

a marathon, they will value endurance, on the other hand if they have a sprint mentality

everything happened fast.

People focus so much on material things, we should ask God to help us see life through his

eyes. The Bible keep re- emphasizing over and over that earth is our temporary home, we are

just pilgrim passing through, and our true home is in heaven. In the meantime earth is where

we reside, and God created it, and everything he created is beautifully and wonderfully made,

and it is made for our enjoyment. The Lord takes pleasure in his people. His desire for us is

to be in good health, and to bring glory to his name, this should be our ultimate gold, this will

make god smile upon us. He will be pleased that we are honoring him in every aspect of our

life, being obedient and loving him hold heartily. Romance 6: 13: Give yourselves to God...
Surrender your whole being to him to be used for righteous purpose. God is my everything,

my best friend, my sustainer, my source. The Bible advise us to “Draw close to God, and God

will draw close to you.

God will test our faith, and as a result some people will draw closer to him or move away

from him. When things are going good in our life it is easy for us to worship him, but when

trouble steps in people tend to move away from his presence. However the deepest level of

worship is praising God in spite of pain, hurt, and rejection. In everything we should give

God thanks. God inhibits the praises of his people. Regardless of our situation God love us,

and this is one of his greatest commandment, so we should love each other. Each one of us is

part of the body of Christ, and we were chosen to live together in peace. Focus on what we

have in common, not our differences. Paul tell us, “Let us concentrate on the things which

make for harmony, and on the growth of one another’s character. We were created to be like

Christ and should demonstrate his character. We should be committed to God and others,

because of a lack of commitment, people miss the blessing God have for them. God purpose

is for us to obey his commandments. We ought to “Love God with our hearts”. “Love your

neighbor’s as yourself”. “GO and make disciples”. Baptize them”. “Teach them to do all

things”. A great commitment to the Great commandment and the great commission will make

you a great Christian.

Our life should be live with purpose, Proverbs 19: 21 says: Many are the plans in a man’s

heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails. Many struggled with Identity crises, going

through life not knowing who we are? We don’t understand our self-worth, we often

question whether or not we are important? And we also tend to asked what is our role here is

on earth?
It’s a statement that clarifies your roles. We will have different roles at different stages in life,

but our purpose should never change. They are greater than any role you would have. Paul

told Timothy. “Keep a firm grasp on both your character and your teaching. Don’t be

diverted. Just keep it”.

This Purpose Driven Book by Rick Warren is an excellent book, I have gain a lot of

knowledge. I acknowledge that God is the Source of my Life and that my happiness is found

in him and not in man. I should be reliant on God and him alone. When God is at the center

of our life we worship him, and life is full of meaning, and I am grateful that I read this book.

Written by: Candice Mendoza

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