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Unsafe Acts 

Operating Equipment without Authority

 Disregard of SOP or instructions

 Removing Safety Devices

 Using Defective equipment

 Using improper PPEs or Using PPEs improperly

 Horseplay

 Working in an unsafe posture

 Absent-mindedness / Nervousness

 Willful intent to injure

 Working while under the influence of alcohol or drugs

 Improper lifting and carrying

 Lack of knowledge or skills

 Failure to understand instructions

Administrative Control : Safe work practices, Signs and signage

Ppe Last line of defense

PPE does nothing to stop the hazard at source, but simply serves as a barrier protection to
reduce the severity of the potential accident.

Misconception 1: Workers causes accidents

The First and foremost misconception, that every safety practitioners and employer should
avoid is that " worker causes accidents ".

Of course, i agree the worker's unsafe activities and violations may result in accidents, but
before that, we should remember, the legal requirements places duty over every employer
to control the human error and violations through careful design of work environment.

So the conclusion is that the worker will never cause an accident, but the primary failures
such as employing unskilled labourers, lack of training, lack of enforcement of safety rules,
poorly maintained / unsafe equipment's, failure of health and safety Management systems
are causing the accidents.

Misconception 2: It Won't happen to me

Remember the accidents and fatalities are common to everyone, no one is an exception
here. The study & most of the research says as the experience increases the carelessness
and overconfidence also increases.

So It's always better to remember the accidents can happen at any time and for many

Misconception 3 : Safety = PPE

The common misconception that exists among every common individual is, thinking like the
meaning of safety = PPE.

Of course, the Personal protective equipment's are having an important role in safety but
they are the only part of safety.

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