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Tanishq was the country¶s only truly national jeweler that sold gold and gem-studded jewelry in

boutiques across India. The brand has undergone several strategic retooling over time to reach

out to the traditional but modern Indian woman segment. At the same time Gold plus was being

launched by TATA a modest brand positioned to serve the plain gold wedding jewelry market in

India¶s smaller cities. The Tanishq team, in the midst of a campaign to capture the wedding

jewelry market, felt that the Gold plus launch would confuse the market place and distract the

organization. They were also reluctant to give up the opportunity for Tanishq to serve the

smaller towns.While there was no truly national competitor, Tanishq faced local competitors

that were bigger than Tanishq locally. In addition there were over 25,000 family owned

independent jewelers.while women were the primary target for jewelry, men were the

buyers.Indian jewelers were essentially retail stockists. Vendors, who owned the inventories,

supplied to the jewelers through a consignment arrangement.At the back end of the supply chin

was a group of over 3 million craftsmen or karigars, most being born into the trade and working

from their homes. Going back to the history Titan was incorporated in 1984 as a joint venture

between the Tata Group and TIDCO. Prior to Titan¶s entry the Indian watch market was

predominantly mechanical. Within a decade, Titan redefined the Indian watch industry and

quartz became the new standard. Then with their success in watches they thought of

international expansion.Launching a brand in Europe was expensive, so the company decided to

enter as a private label supplier. They underestimated several factors including significant

pricing pressures, high frequency of new product introductions and demanding customers that

needed their orders serviced at very short notice .The presence of low-cost Hong Kong based

competitors only compounded the problems and sales were below targets. With the lifting of

controls in the domestic market, Titan shifted its attention towards India. They introduced

jewelry watches under a new brand Tanishq. They positioned it as jewelry that tells time. The
advertising campaign created high awareness but sales did not follow. After these failures they

decide to manufacture and market studded jewelry under the Tanishq brand.Tanishq initially

offered 18 karat gem studed jewelry but later on it has to move to 22 karat to play in the larger

market.In 2001 a karigar park was set up to eliminate the traditional middlemen and his

margins.To face competition from local players Gold Plus stores were established which will

cover the market where Tanishq did not have its presence.


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