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Business Case
1.1. Organization Issues
Al-Ain Farms is the first dairy company in 1981 it has been around for a long time in UAE

and the company is facing a lot of issues that cost them a lot, therefore, the integration will

come in useful. There is no proper way of authentication in this company, everyone changes

information without any permission, data is not properly updated with time. There is no

proper way of data sharing between different departments. Communication between

departments is not efficient which is not good for the company. The company needs proper

data-sharing platforms for efficient use of data.

1.2. Challenges
Many challenges are facing them such as, the usage of SharePoint which can allow any

change of important data without notification of top administrators as well as data is not

updated on a real-time basis. Everyone accesses data and easily adds and deletes records

without getting any permission from top administration. It is very harmful to data integrity

and it causes duplication of data. In some departments, data is changed while other

departments contain old data. Data did not update properly on all departments of Al Ain

Farms company.

1.2.1. Impact of Challenges

The impacts of these challenges are listed below:

● These challenges waste time of company, because there is no proper way of sharing

data so it takes a lot of time to share and update data in all departments.

● Wastage of cost and resources while update records on all departments.

● Cause duplication of data.

● These challenges affect data integrity which is a risk for the company.
1.3. Resolve Issues
As we mentioned having a share point has created a lot of problems so, as a team, we decided

to implement an ERP which will help the company efficiently sharing its data among all

departments and saving them a lot of time and cost. These departments are Finance, HR,

Logistics & production, IT, and Facility Management.

2. Requirement Document
2.1. Functional Requirements
The functional requirements of this project are listed below:

● Find issues of the company and suggest the best solution for these problems.

● Implement ERP to overcome the issue of data integrity.

● This project should provide a sharing platform through which data sharing between

different departments.

● ERP should manage all business activities of Al Ain Farms such as accounting,

procurement, risk management, and compliance.

● ERP should normalize data and remove data duplication.

● The project should be resolving all issues related to data authentication, only limited staff

will able to add and delete data not all staff access data easily.

● Notify the top administration before change any data and get permission.

2.2. Non-functional Requirements

Non-functional requirements of Al Ain Farms company project are listed below:

● Review and validate the milestones and successes of the project.

● Identify Project Highlights and Best Practices. ·

● Confirm outstanding issues, risks, and recommendations. ·

● Outline the tasks and activities required to close the project. Create a supportive

environment for work.

● Fulfill the technical and safety requirements according to the needs of clients and


● Project build according to customers' needs and requirements.

● The stakeholder agreed on all deliverables and sign and approved all deliverables.

● Project completed on time and within a budget that defines in the project execution plan.

3. Recommendation Solution
Al-Ain Farms company decided to implement an ERP which will help the company

efficiently sharing its data among all departments and saving them a lot of time and cost.
3.1. Zachman Framework

3.2. Prototype
Inventory Data Management

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