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Lesson Plan

Fusha: Lënda: Anglisht Shkalla: V Klasa: XI

Tema Mësimore: Situata për diskutim:

Home sweet home- grammar- present tenses The teacher and the students discuss about
types of houses using present tenses.
Kompentencat e të nxënit:
Students will be able to:
- Use correctly and reinforce present simple
and continuous tenses.
- Use correctly and reinforce past perfect
- Use vocabulary related to houses
Burimet e informacionit: Fjalori me terma/ koncepte të reja:
Coursebook, Workbook, digital platform, Suburbs, flats, countryside, tree house,
photos, ELP, interactive flashcards (TB), Extra
Lidhja Ndërlëndore e temës:
This topic can be related to other subjects.
Metodologjia e ores së mësimit:
Brainstorming, group activities, pair activities, individual work, matching activities, gap filling
activities, questions and answers.
Organizimi i ores së mësimit:
Hapi i pare:
Start your class with an activity called “what’s in your living room?” Number the rooms in the
house from one to six: kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, living room, dining room, office. Make two
teams and hand each a die. The first student roles the die, calls out the number, and then must
immediately name something that be found in that room. Than the second team takes a turn. Tell
students they may not repeat the items. At the end of the exercise ask students to describe their
favourite room.
Hapi i dytë:
Draw on the board the table on Ex. 1 page 4 and ask students to complete it with words for
houses and rooms. After describing different types of houses ask students if they know or have
heard about any strange houses.
Ask students to look at the photos of Ex. 3 page 4 and listen to three teenagers talking about their
unusual homes. What advantages or disadvantages they mention.
Review with them the use of present simple, present continuous and present perfect using the
answers they give about the three teenagers on exercise 3.Use grammar focus pages 108-
109.Complete Remember this dialogue.
Hapi i tret :
For the next activity ask students to complete the sentences with the teenagers’ names from
exercise 3. Then listen and check your answers.
While reading ask them to underline all the verbs in the past. Read them loud and try to match
them with the corresponding verbs on Ex. 4. If you see that students still have difficulties do
some extra practice with Ex. 8 on page5.
Përforëcimi i të nxënit:
Ask students to work individually and choose the correct options and then in pairs tell each other
which are true for them.(Ex.6 page 4)
And finally ask students to complete sentences on Ex. 7 using present tenses.
Vlerësimi i nxënësve:
Evaluation based on observations, answers, group work and home work.
WB Exercises

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