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Human Resource Management deals with issues related to compensation, performance

management, organization development, safety, wellness, benefits, employee motivation, training
and others. HRM plays a strategic role in managing people and the workplace culture and


Suggests that employees are not just a servant, they are valuable assets, and they should be
considered as a source of powerful and dynamic workforce assets .The concept of Islamic HRM
aims at understanding the needs and hopes of employees in a better way.


HR professionals establish systems for performance development, career succession planning and
employee development. This keeps people motivated, happy, personally engaged and contributing
to company success. Furthermore the HR professional helps the development of organizational
culture and climate in which employees have the competency, concern and commitment to serve
customers well.


Islamic Theory:

 A set of perceptions, concepts and thoughts, judgments, principles and goals connected
with the training of the Muslim in accordance with Islamic assets.
 To understand human resource management from an Islamic perspective, there should be
an acceptable knowledge of Islamic sharia.
 Identifies some of the Islamic moral principles those are related to human resource
 Identifies the importance of Islam religion as a guide for any organization.




In recruitment and selection of employees, favoritism and preference has always influenced hiring
decisions. Selection is one of the most complicated tasks in organization In order to ensure the
recruitment is fairly conducted and a just treatment is given to all applicants, Islam requires the
person in charge of recruitment to be pious and just. A manager is obliged to perform prayers,
fasting, zakat and other pillars of Islam so to attain best level of religiousness. The Quranic
standard of eligibility for a job is the required merit and competence for it.

In Islam, employee selection is abided by certain principles.

1. An employee is selected based on his competency. The individual is not to be appointed

based on kinship or blood relationship, friendship, wealth, age, race, and political power or
2. Second, principle is honesty. Both the applicant and recruiter have to be honest.
3. Third, Islam forbids assignment of work that will exceed the individual’s capacity.

Employers are required to inform the truth about the jobs offered to applicants. These
include the job requirements, the criteria of the job holders, and the compensation to be
paid. It is important for the information to be fairly provided to applicants so that they can
evaluate and match well the job suitability with their competency, capability, interest, and


The HR managers come up with plans and strategies for hiring the right kind of people. They
design the criteria which is best suited for a specific job description. Their other tasks related to
recruitment include formulating the obligations of an employee and the scope of tasks assigned to
him or her.

Training is the process of developing qualities in human resources that will enable them to be more
productive and thus to contribute more to organizational goal attainment. According to the Quran,
man’s basic qualification for being the representative of Allah on earth is to possess
knowledge. Allah Almighty said, Indicates towards knowledge (2:30-33)

Islam made education obligatory for all rich and poor. It is the duty of rich people to facilitate
education for poor people. Prophet Muhammed (SAW) said, “Seeking knowledge is obligatory for
all Muslim men and women”.

Allah calls for job mastery. Thus, it is an obligation for Muslims to seek knowledge diligently and
obtain excellence in performance. Muslims are urged to seek knowledge from the cradle to grave.
This great concept creates a state of knowledge continuity.

The duty of seeking knowledge lies on the individual as well as the employer. It is obligatory for
Muslim employees to seek knowledge to serve his employer well. The employer, on the other
hand, is responsible to provide opportunities to enable the employees to improve their
competencies. The decision on who should attend training organized by employer is always
subject to the superior. Superior will need to review pertinent information regarding the
employee’s performance and potentials to recommend the employee for training.

Performance appraisal is a formal system of setting work standards, assessing performance, and
providing feedback to employees for the purpose of motivation, corrections and continuation of
their performance Information obtained from performance appraisal is used as a basis for pay and
promotion decisions.

 Performance appraisal is another HRM activity that is subjected to justice. Appraiser

biases are well documented. There are almost a dozen of known phenomena which prove
that supervisors tend to appraise employees inaccurately because of subconscious
tendencies. Managers at times find it difficult to appraise their employees effectively. This
is due to religious consideration, personal relationship and bureaucratic tendencies
 In Islam, there are rewards and punishments in worldly life and the Hereafter. Good news
and warning from Allah to humankind are sent through His Divine sources of revelation
and His Messengers, Al- Qur’an states (18:87-88): “Whoever doth wrong, him shall we
punish; then shall be sent back to his Lord, and He will punish him with a punishment
unheard of (before). But whoever believes, and work righteousness, he shall have a goodly
reward, and easy will be his task as we order it by our command.”

Distributive justice and procedural justice are commonly associated with employees’
compensation. The purpose of any compensation, whether direct or indirect, is to recognize the
performance value of employees and to establish ways to motivate them to work with full
efficiency in an ever changing business environment.

 Employment is a contract, thus the fulfillment of a contract is an obligation for both

employer and employee to meet. The Qur’an not only instructs believers to meet
conditions, but also to avoid any attempt to go around the contract.
 Islam emphasizes that workers should be given adequate and reasonable wages for their
work, keeping in view the quality and quantity of work, their needs and requirement, and
the overall economic condition of the society. The Qur’an acknowledges various
gradations among workers on the basis of the quality and quantity of their work; some
workers need specific skills, whereas some can do manual work. This provides an ample
proof that wages for all workers cannot be equal in all cases. The Qur’an states, (46:19)
“And to all are ranked according to their deeds.”
 Compensation must be determined in advance and wage has to be given immediately once
the work is completed.
 Wages and compensations are based on prior agreement and should be increased according
to circumstances. Islam forbids any misuse or misappropriation of an employer’s property
by his employee, who is entitled to the mutually agreed wages only. Appropriation of
anything beyond the stipulated wages is either an act of dishonesty or stealing both of
which are expressly prohibited. In addition, wages and compensation should be
sufficient to provide a decent living. if the wage is too low, the individual may not feel
motivated to put in an adequate amount of effort, on the other hand, stated that a worker is
entitled to a fair and just wage for his work.


Do not give employee workload more than his ability. If work load is heavy help him. Prophet
Mohammed (‫ )ﷺ‬said: “Do not give them workload more than their ability. If workload is heavy
help them” “People work under you also Human being like you do not throw them into misery and
suffering” (Targib & Tarhib, Ibn Habban)


Safe work place, food, drink and uniforms at the time of work must be provided, Prophet
Mohammed said : “ Food Drinks and Cloths are the right of people working under you” (Ibn


The responsibility of establishing good public relations lies with the HRM to a great extent. They
organise business meetings, seminars and various official gatherings on behalf of the company in
order to build up relationships with other business sectors. Sometimes, the HR department plays
an active role in preparing the business and marketing plans for the organisation too.


Islamic law is unbiased, fair and justice in every activity of human beings, without discrimination,
irrespective of status and position between other parties relationships. There are no any options for
partial practices of Islamic law (Bukhari & Muslim). Therefore, it is the prime duty and
responsibility of management to have adequate knowledge and understanding regarding Islamic
principles. In addition, with having Islamic knowledge they must buildup the entire

HR systems and practices in their daily working life Human resource management is an integrated
strategy and planned development process for effective utilization of their employees’ ability and
effort to accomplish organizational goals and outcomes

REFERENCES: › encyclopedia › human-resource-management

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