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Discussion Topics lll

 Competition is necessary in the learning process

 Free will is a myth
 The voting age should be set at 16
 University is overrated and overemphasised as key to a successful career
 Drug abuse and alcohol addiction are a choice not a disease and should be treated as
 All employees should have the right to join trade unions, engage in collective bargaining
and to strike
 Abortion should be legal on demand
 Drug prohibition minimizes drug use.
 The death penalty is an appropriate penalty for certain crimes.
 The tobacco industry is immoral and should be banned
 Vaccinations for preventable, infectious childhood diseases such as MMR should be
 Vegetarianism should be promoted in schools.
 Genetic engineering should be utilized in food crops as it is the only way to solve the
issue of food scarcity
 Schools summer holidays are too long
 Contraception should be available to school-age girls without parental consent or
 Those being investigated for sexual assault or other sexual crimes should have the right
to anonymity until/unless formally charged
 Political conditions should be placed on humanitarian aid to foreign countries.
 There is too much pressure on young girls and women to have perfect bodies?
 Smartphones should be banned during school hours
 Affirmative action should be allowed?
 Presidents/prime ministers should be limited to 2 terms
 There should be no restrictions on freedom of speech
 The Olympic Games are a waste of money
 There is no such thing as society
 The use of animals in sports and entertainment should be banned
 People in their 50s are too old to adopt children.
 Organ donation should be on an `opt out` rather than an `opt in` basis
 Trial by jury is not objective.
 Peer pressure is more beneficial than harmful to young people
 Drones should be banned for sale to the general public
 It is unethical and unsustainable to the environment to eat meat
 Zoos should be banned
 All media (newspapers, television et al) should be independent of and free from any
state interference or control
 Immigration is more beneficial than harmful to destination countries
 In some cases juveniles should be tried and treated as adults
 Human cloning is justified, and should be allowed
 nuclear energy should be promoted
 We should not be proud to be patriotic
 Former imperial powers should pay reparations to their former colonies
 Money motivates people more than any other factor in the workplace
 The EU is a threat to democracy
 School attendance ought to be made voluntary in secondary school
 Schools should conduct mandatory drug testing on their students

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