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Science, Economic Growth, and Public Policy

Richard R. Nelson & Paul M. Romer

To cite this article: Richard R. Nelson & Paul M. Romer (1996) Science, Economic Growth, and
Public Policy, Challenge, 39:1, 9-21, DOI: 10.1080/05775132.1996.11471873

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Suienue, Euonomiu Growth,
and Pnbliu Poliuy
Richard R. Nelson and Panl M. Romer

7Ihe authors argue that the

spcial returns to R&D
itJVestment are large and
M ajor long-term policy
changes often flow from
decisions made in times
pivotal role in the development of
quantum mechanics. Bush argued
that public support for that kind of
cannot be captured by any of stress. Thus, choices about how science would lead to advances in
to fight World War II ultimately led the work done by someone like
single firm. Therefore, the
to the large-scale sustained support Thomas Edison, who takes existing
nited States underinvests of university research by the federal knowledge and puts it to commer-
research. Encouraging government that has lasted over the cial use. (The argument comes from
&D investment is as half-century since World War II. Bush but the examples of Bohr and
portant as investing itself. The economic threat we face today Edison come from Stokes.)
is less acute than the security threat We are beginning to see a deci-
we faced then. Nevertheless, this sive shift on the part of the govern-
threat may lead to a fundamental ment toward direct rather than indi-
realignment of science and technol- rect support for the "Edisons." If
ogy policy and a major change in the Edison were alive today, setting up
economic role of the university. General Electric, he could apply for
In the midst of the debate about direct grants from such government
how government support for science programs as SBIR (Small Business
should be structured after World War Innovative Research), ATP (Ad-
n, Vannevar Bush prepared his fa- vanced Technology Program), and
mous report, "Science--The Endless TRP (Technology Reinvestment
Frontier." Although the specific in- Program). He could pursue
stitutional recommendations from CRADAs (Cooperative Research
the report were not adopted, it set and Development Agreements)
the terms for the subsequent intel- with the National Laboratories. He
RICHARD R. NELSON is Professor of Eco-
nomics at Columbia University, and PAUL lectual debate about science policy. could form a consortium of for-
M. ROMER is Professor of Economics at In an analysis of Bush's report, profit firms and get government
Stanford University. This article is excerpted Donald E. Stokes (1995) notes that matching money to develop a spe-
from a forthcoming book, Technology, R&D Bush advocated government sup- cific technology such as flat panel
and the Economy, edited by Bruce Smith and
Oaude Barfield, a joint publication of the
port for the kind of abstract science display screens. The government
Brookings Institution and the American En- done by scientists such as Niels would also be much more willing to
terprise Institute. Bohr, the physicist who played a help him establish commercially

© 1996 by c!M.E. Sharpe. Inc. March-April 1996/ Challenge 9

valuable intellectual property rights over any funda- Before World War II, they did this by catering to the
mental discoveries that he might make. Some policy needs of the private business sector. They provided
makers would encourage him to patent the sequence the home for new scientific fields such as metallurgy,
data on gene fragments, the scientific and practical which was developed expressly to advance steel-
importance of which no one had yet understood. making technology. After the war, universities in the
As many students of science and technology have United States became world-class centers of Bohr-
pointed out, there are good reasons to be dissatisfied style science, but they also gained new strength in the
with the "linear model" of the relationship between Pasteur-like activities. In large part, this took place
science and practical technology that is implicit in because such government agencies as the National
Bush's report. According to this now discredited Institutes of Health and the Department of Defense
provided massive support for what came to be called
"mission-oriented" basic research.
We now have the opportunity to adjust the set of
The economic threat that we face practical problems that animate Pasteur-style sci-
today . .. may lead to a fundamental ence within the university. We could reduce our
realignment of science and technology emphasis on problems in the areas of defense and
policy and a major change in the health. We could pay more attention to the broad
economic role of the university. range of scientific and technical challenges that
arise in the private sector. This change can be im-
plemented without endangering our national
strength in Bohr-style science. It can be accom-
model, the government merely puts resources into the plished without trying to privatize Pasteur-style sci-
Bohr-end of a production line and valuable products ence and without creating strong property rights that
come out at the Edison-end. There are, however, could impede the free flow of knowledge that is
equally good reasons to be worried about a strategy generated by this work. Indeed, our argument is that
that sharply shifts government policy toward direct the preservation, with reorientation, of Pasteur-style
support of R&D in industry, giving government science within the university will both strengthen
money to Edison-like activities and strengthening Bohr-style science and help us meet the changing
property rights across the board. And the reasons for practical demands we are putting on science.
concern are amplified if such a policy shift involves a We are concerned that this is not adequately under-
drying up of public support for basic research at uni- stood. Instead of offering new and different opportu-
versities. nities for the Pasteurs of the university, policy makers
One important limitation of the linear model-the may try to convert both the Bohrs and the Pasteurs into
one we will focus upon here-is that it is blind to Edisons. Fearful of this prospect, the Bohrs and Pas-
basic research undertaken with practical problems teurs may fight any proposal for readjustment. Gov-
in mind-work in which the Bohrs are directly mo- ernment leaders may therefore bypass the university
tivated to lay the scientific basis for the work of the in frustration and fund the Edisons ofthe private sector
Edisons. In the map laid out by Stokes, such work is directly. Over time, the work that was previously done
epitomized by the research of Louis Pasteur, a sci- by Pasteurs in the university will be shifted to the
entist whose research was primarily guided by prac- private sector through a combination of direct grants,
tical problems, which led him to explore fundamen- matching money, and stronger property rights, where
tal scientific questions. Basic economic analysis it will become Edison work, not Pasteur work. The
suggests that different institutional arrangements be Bohrs may acquiesce in this privatization and eventual
used to support the work of a Bohr and an Edison, destruction of Pasteur-style science because it buys
but the example of Pasteur indicates that one wants them protection from political demands for changes in
to have strong linkages between the two. Both of their part of university research. We could end up with
these kinds of work are more productive when they the kind of separation that we have avoided until now,
rub up against each other. with the Bohrs working in isolation from the Edisons,
Universities in the United States have enjoyed and with little work in the Pasteurs' quadrant. We will
unique success in promoting this kind of interaction. then have lost the unique features that made our uni-

10 Challenge / March-April 1996

versities so successful in generating good science and The second major wave of American economic
strong economic growth. success was in "high-technology" industries. These
In this paper, we try to outline the economic princi- developed after World War II and were made possible
ples that should guide the choice of which path to take. by rapidly developing American capabilities in sci-
We start by outlining the forces that brought us to this ence. Indeed, World War II was a watershed in Ameri-
junction. can science and technology in several respects. After
the war, the federal government became the principal
patron of university research. By the middle 1960s, the
THE CURRENT POLICY CONTEXT American university research system had clearly be-
Before describing what economists know about the come the world's best across a spectrum that included
connections between science, technology, and eco- almost all fields of science. This improvement in the
nomic growth, it is important to layout the economic quality of American science was accompanied by
context of the current debate about science policy. major procurement and industrial R&D programs of
This context has been shaped by the erosion of the very the department of defense and, for a period of time,
large and widespread technological and economic lead NASA. These programs created the initial market for
that the United States had over other countries during some of the high-technology goods that made the first
the 1960s and the worldwide slowdown in income and use ofthe rapidly developing body of scientific knowl-
productivity growth since the early 1970s. The erosion edge. On the other hand, in many cases the market for
of the U.S. lead is easy to explain and probably was high-technology goods drew forth the science that
inevitable. The slowdown in growth is not well under- made these goods possible.
stood. Increased government support for science was ac-
It is important to recognize that the post-World War companied by two other developments. One was the
II economic and technological dominance of the large increase in the number of young Americans
United States was the consequence of two distinct earning a university education. While only a small
waves of economic growth. The first wave, which fraction of college majors were in the natural sciences
~ates from the late nineteenth century, began at a time or engineering, the sheer numbers of Americans re-
f,vhen U.S. universities were not strong centers of ceiving undergraduate and postgraduate training
~cientific research. The act that created the land-grant meant that by the late 1960s the fraction of scientists
college system in the 1870s described the mission of and engineers in the U.S. work force stood well above
these institutions as the development of the "agricul- the fraction in Europe and Japan. Second, both private
tural and mechanic arts." Such research as did take and public monies flowing into industrial R&D in-
lace tended to reflect this strong practical orientation. creased greatly. By the late 1960s, the U.S. ratio of
uropean intellectuals were disdainful of the voca- industrial R&D to GNP was far higher than in any
ional orientation of American universities. And as late other country. All these factors combined to give firms
s the 1930s, young American scientists who wanted in the United States a commanding position in such
dvanced scientific training generally went to Europe high-technology fields as computers, semiconductors,
o get it. aircraft, and pharmaceuticals.
The early U.S. successes in such industries as auto- The late 1960s marked another watershed. By that
obiles and steel were not the result of any particular time American economic dominance was clearly be-
erican strength in science. Instead, firms here ginning to erode, as Japan and the advanced industrial
achieved dominance in the techniques of mass produc- nations of Western Europe began to catch up. There
tion in large part because they operated in the world's were two basic factors behind this process of catching
argest common market. They had access to many up. One was the rapid integration of the economies of
onsumers and to ample supplies of inexpensive raw the industrialized nations. Reductions in transporta-
aterials. But universities also played an important tion costs and the removal of trade restrictions meant
ole. Because of the unusual practical orientation of that manufactured products and raw materials could
he U.S. system of higher education, U.S. industry had move more readily between countries. In addition,
ccess to a large pool of well-trained engineers and increased flows of direct foreign investment let firms
as able to develop professional managers to a far from the United States put their knowledge and tech-
eater degree than was the case in Europe. nology to work in many other countries. The other

March-April 1996/Challenge 11
factor in the process of catching up was the investment the 19508 and 1960s has returned to levels that are
that other countries were making in science and engi- closer to historical norms. In any case, economists are
neering education and in research and development. nearly unanimous in holding that the rapid growth of
Together these developments made it possible for other nations was not a cause of the slowdown in
several countries to achieve rough parity with-and growth in the United States.
in some cases go beyond-the United States in tra- Nevertheless, the combination of convergence and
ditional areas of mass production. The U.S. high- slow growth blended together fo create a public per-
technology industries, however, have generally con- ception that the United States is suffering from a
tinued to do well in the face of strengthening foreign serious relative decline in its economic performance.
competition. This perception has changed the nature of the policy
discussion in the United States regarding the appropri-
ate role of the government in supporting technology
The loss of the dominant position held and science. The loss of the dominant position held by
by American firms has caused the policy American firms has caused the policy discussion to
discussion to focus on measures that focus on measures that could enhance their competi-
could enhance their competitive tive position. The productivity slowdown, which
manifests itself most dramatically in stagnation of the
position. The productivity slowdown, wages paid to low-skilled workers, has generated ad-
which manifests itself most dramatically ditional support for government measures that would
in stagnation of the wages paid to directly spur economic growth.
low-skilled workers, has generated The slowdown has also meant that government
additional support for government revenues have not grown as rapidly in the last thirty
measures that would directly spur years as they did during the 1950s and 196Os. The
economic growth. slowdown in the rate of growth of private income has
increased political resistance to increased tax rates. As
a result, political support for the strategy of dealing
Most economists believe that convergence among with national problems by spending public money has
the advanced industrial nations was inevitable. In a fallen. Also, as seems always to be the case when times
world where transportation and communication costs get harder, there has been growing disenchantment
are falling and where governments remove artificial with government policies and programs that were
barriers, the same forces that operate within the bor- widely regarded as appropriate and efficacious during
ders of the United States will operate between coun- earlier, better economic times.
tries. At the time of the Civil War, economic activity One important manifestation has been growing dis-
in the southern states of the United States was very sension about whether the large-scale U.S. govern-
different from that in the industrialized Northeast. ment support for basic research, primarily at universi-
Because of the greatly increased mobility of goods and ties, is worth what it costs. Increasingly, there are
firms that has been the result of advances in transpor- suggestions that university research support ought to
tation and communications technology since that time, be more closely targeted on areas and activities that
economic activity in the two regions now looks much were deemed likely to feed directly into technological
the same. innovation.
At the same time that the convergence between the This dissatisfaction certainly has influenced the
industrialized nations was taking place, productivity design of the new technology programs. Except in the
and income growth slowed significantly from the pace area of defense procurement, the government tradi-
it had achieved during the quarter-century after World tionally has used the university as an intermediary
War II. This slowdown occurred first in the United when it wanted to encourage economic and techno-
States, but is also apparent in the other industrialized logical development in the private business sector.
economies. Economists are still uncertain as to exactly The new technology programs cited in the introduc-
what lay behind the global slowdown beginning in tion largely bypass the university. Many directly in-
1970, or to put the question in another way, why fluence research activity within firms and, for the first
growth that proceeded at unprecedented rates during time, attempt to do so in areas where the federal

12 Challenge / March-AprU 1996

government will not be the primary user of the goods market economy allocates resources. Classical econo-
being developed. mists reasoned as follows: the amount of food pro-
Several other factors further complicate the situ- duced by each agricultural worker is very high when
ation for universities. The end of the cold war already there are few workers on a given area of land. Output
poses a serious threat to existing defense-related sup- per worker diminishes as more people work the given
port for university research in such fields as electrical amount of land. This kind of reasoning leads to a very
emgineering, computer science, and materials science. pessimistic view of the prospect for sustained eco-
Growing concern about health care costs may soon nomic growth. As Thomas Malthus and others pointed
threaten research support for the biomedical sciences. out, in the absence of some offsetting influence, di-
An increasing number of young scientists who had minishing returns in agriculture implies that the output
expected to follow an academic career are finding that of food per person will fall as the population increases.
path blocked by a lack of jobs. Universities are re- The inevitable outcome would be famine and starva-
sponding to the feared cutbacks in government re- tion.
search funding by soliciting more support from indus- By the end of the nineteenth century, it was clear
try. that this dismal forecast was completely wrong. Popu-
At the same time that public support of university lation and food output had each increased dramati-
basic research has come under attack, some of the cally. Economists observed that discovery and inven-
private organizations that did path-breaking basic re- tion kept Malthus's bleak prediction from coming true.
search-Bell Labs, IBM Yorktown, Xerox PARC- With a fixed set of technological opportunities, the
have been cutting back on expenditures or reallocating return in any activity did indeed diminish. But over
their energies to projects that have quicker payoffs or time, new techniques of production have been intro-
where the results more easily can be kept proprietary. duced. Initially, these new activities offered high re-
Some of these same companies also are pulling away turns. As resources were shifted into them, the returns
from their previous support of academic research. fell, but new discoveries and new techniques kept the
The current debate about government support for process going.
$cience and technology reflects all this. Decisions Economists were preoccupied with other questions
made now will determine how scientific research in during the first half of this century, especially with
universities and technological development in indus- macroeconomic stabilization because of the world-
try will evolve, perhaps for decades to come. Behind wide disruptions experienced during the interwar pe-
every position in this debate there lies a set of assump- riod. When they returned to the study of long-run
tions about the relationships between science, techno- trends in the 1950s, both the empirical studies and the
logical innovation, and economic growth. It is to these theoretical writings affirmed the importance of tech-
relationships that we now turn. nical advance to economic growth. Technological
change was understood to have a direct effect on
growth by increasing the amount of output that can be
TECHNOLOGY AND produced with fixed quantities of capital and labor.
[ECONOMIC GROWTH The direct effect is what economists try to measure
I with estimates of "total factor productivity growth" or
[From the very beginning, economists have appreci- the "growth accounting residual." Early estimates at-
Iated the importance of technical advance. One of the tributed most of the growth in per capita income to this
imost striking parts of Adam Smith's pioneering analy- effect alone. More recent estimates have attributed a
Isis of economic principles, The Wealth o/Nations, was larger fraction of growth to the accumulation of physi-
Ihis famous description of productivity improvement cal and human capital and have reduced the fraction
.in the making of pins. A good part of that description directly attributable to technology .
involved technical advances. In any case, estimates of this direct effect of tech-
From the beginning, technological advance was nological change tell only part of the story. Technical
seen as the force that could offset diminishing returns. advance also has an indirect effect because it raises the
Diminishing returns-the notion that the marginal return on investments in physical and human capital.
benefits decrease as the effort in any activity in- If there were no technological advance, returns on both
creases-is fundamental to any explanation of how a of these types of capital would be reduced to zero.

March-April 1996/ Challenge 13

Capital accumulation would stop. In a fundamental complex and variegated. Economists broadly under-
sense, all economic growth, even the growth that is stand that the advance of technology is closely asso-
directly caused by capital accumulation, can ulti- ciated with advances in knowledge. It also is clear that
mately be attributed to technological change. new knowledge must be embodied in practices, tech-
A second line of work tried to measure the rate of niques, and designs before it can affect an economic
return on investments in technology. In one famous and activity. Beyond this, different economic analyses
revealing calculation, Zvi Griliches showed that the focus on or stress different things.
investment in agricultural research that produced hybrid Some discussions stress the "public good" aspects
com generated benefits that were about seven times of technology, seeing new technology as ultimately
larger than the costs and yielded an internal rate of return available to all users. Others treat technology as
of about 40 percent. Other calculations found similar largely a "private good," possessed by the company or
rates of return on research investments in other parts of person that creates it. Many economists have studied
agriculture and in manufacturing. These estimates meas- research and development as the key source of new
ure the social rate of return because the entity that does technology. Those that have focused on R&D done by
the research-either the government or the private private, for-profit business, firms naturally assumed
firm--often fails .to capture all of the benefits. In the that the technology created through corporate R&D is,
jargon of the field, much of the benefit comes in the form to some extent at least, a private good. By contrast,
of "spillovers" that are captured by others. economists who have stressed the "public good" as-
The existence of a differential between private and pects of technology have focused on government in-
social returns is essential if we are to understand why vestments in R&D, "spillovers" from private R&D, or
high rates of return on research and development could both. (These spillovers are another manifestation of
persist. If all firms could capture all of the benefits and the divergence between the public and private returns
earn 40 percent return on investments in R&D-a return noted above.) Still others argue that a single-minded
that is much higher than returns on other forms of emphasis on organized R&D as the source oftechni-
investment-many firms would increase their R&D cal advance sees the sources too narrowly. They point
investments. As they did, the return to research would to evidence that leaming-by-doing and learning-by-
be driven down to a more normal level. Because large using are important parts of the processes whereby
returns to investment in research apparently still are new technologies are developed and refined.
available, we can infer that private investors have diffi- Another matter on which economists have been of
culty capturing all of the benefits from their investments. different minds is whether technical advance and eco-
The divergence between the private and social re- nomic growth fueled by technical advance can ade-
turn to R&D investment provides an important justi- quately be captured in the mathematical models of
fication for policies that would encourage R&D. From economic equilibrium that economists developed to
the point of view of society, the income-maximizing describe a static world. Joseph Schumpeter and econo-
strategy is to invest first in those activities that offer mists proposing "evolutionary" theories of growth
the highest rate of return. From the point of view of have stressed that disequilibrium is an essential aspect
society as a whole, this criterion suggests that we are of the process. By contrast, recent theories that de-
not investing enough in the activities that generate scend from neoclassical models presume that the es-
technological advance. To address the question of how sential aspects of technical advance and economic
this deficiency could be resolved, we need a precise growth can be captured by extending the static equi-
understanding of what these activities are and what the librium models.
government can do to influence them. While we do not want to underplay the important
open questions about how economists ought to under-
THE ECONOMICS OF SOFTWARE stand technical advance, a workable consensus for
policy analysis seems to be emerging from these di-
Although economists have long appreciated the cen- vergent perspectives. Technology needs to be under-
trality of technical advance in the process of economic stood as a collection of many different kinds of goods.
growth, a complete understanding of the key proc- These goods can have the attributes of public goods
esses, investments, and actors that combine to produce and private goods in varying proportions. Some are
it has not come easily. Indeed, these processes are very fmanced primarily by public support for R&D, others

14 Challenge I March-AprU 1996

by private R&D. Both business firms and universities it can be copied, communicated, and reused.
are involved in various aspects of the process. Other The role of software, hardware, and wetware can be
parts of technology are produced primarily through discerned in a wide variety of economic activities.
learning-by-doing and learning-by-using, both of Together they can produce new software, as when a
which can interact powerfully with research and de- writer uses her skills, word processing software, and a
velopment. There are aspects of the process that are personal computer to write a book. They can produce
quite well treated by equilibrium theories, with their new hardware, for example, when an engineer uses
emphasis on foresight, stationariness, and restoring special software and hardware to produce the photo-
forces. Still other aspects are better suited to the evo- graphic mask that is used to lay down the lines in a
lutionary models, with their emphasis on unpre- semiconductor chip. When an aircraft simulator and
dictability and the limits of rational calculation. training software are used to teach pilots new skills,
they produce new wetware.
These three types of inputs can be discerned in
At the same time that public support of activities that are far removed from digital computing.
university basic research has come In the construction of the new city of Suzhou in
under attack, some of the private mainland China, the government of Singapore says
that its primary responsibility is to supply the software
organizations that did path-breaking
needed to run the city. The hardware is the physical
basic research-Bell Labs, IBM infrastructure-roads, sewers, buildings, etc.-that
Yorktown, Xerox PARC-have been will be designed according to the software. The wet-
cutting back on expenditures or ware initially will be the minds of experts from Singa-
reallocating their energies to projects pore, but eventually will be supplied by Chinese offi-
that have quicker payoffs or where the cials who will be trained in Singapore to staff the legal,
results more easily can be kept administrative, and regulatory bureaucracies. The
proprietary. Some of these same software comprises all the routines and operating pro-
cedures that have been developed in Singapore, exam-
companies also are pulling away from ples of which range from the procedures for designing
their previous support of academic a road, to those for ensuring that police officers do not
research. accept bribes, to instructions on how to run an efficient
taxi service.
Traditional models of growth describe output as a
lOne way to summarize this emerging view is to function of physical capital, human capital, and the
~ocus on three types of durable inputs in production. catch-all category, "technology." The alternative pro-
We will take our imagery and language from the posed here has the advantage of explicitly distinguish-
ongoing digital revolution and refer to these three ing wetware (Le., human capital) from software. This
different types of inputs as hardware, software, and is an essential first step in a careful analysis of the
wetware. Hardware includes all the nonhuman objects intangibles used in economic activity. The next step is
used in production-both capital goods such as equip- to identify the reasons why software differs from both
ment and structures and natural resources such as land hardware and wetware.
and raw materials. Wetware, the things that are stored Economists identify two key attributes that distin-
in the "wet" computer of the human brain, includes guish different types of economic goods: rivalry and
both the human capital that mainstream economists excludability. A good is rival if it can be used by only
have studied and the tacit knowledge that evolutionary one user at a time. This awkward terminology stems
theorists, cognitive scientists, and philosophers have from the observation that two people will be rivals for
emphasized. By contrast, software represents knowl- such a good. They cannot both use it at the same time.
edge or information that can be stored in a form that A piece of computer hardware is a rival good. So,
exists outside of the brain. Whether it is text on paper, arguably, are the skills of an experienced computer
data on a computer disk, images on fIlm, drawings on user. However, the bit string that encodes the operat-
a blueprint, music on tape--even thoughts expressed ing-system software for the computer is a nonrival
in human speech-software has the unique feature that good. Everyone can use it at the same time because it

March-April 1996/ Challenge 15

can be copied indefinitely at essentially zero cost. rithms out of a book. Because the law lets anyone copy
Nonrivalry is what makes software unique. and use them, they are nonexcludable.
Although it is physically possible for a nonrival In addition to private goods and public goods, there
good to be used by many people, this does not mean are two other types of goods that have no generally
that others are permitted to use it without the consent accepted labels but are important for policy analysis.
of the owner. This is where excludability, the second The first are goods that are rival but not excludable.
property, comes in. A good is said to be excludable if The proverbial example is a common pasture. Only
the owner has the power to exclude. others from using one person's livestock can eat the grass in any square
it. Hardware is excludable. To keep others from using foot of pasture, so pasture land is a rival good for
a piece of hardware, the owner need only maintain purposes of grazing. If the legal and institutional ar-
rangements in force give everyone unlimited access to
the pasture, it is also a nonexcludable good. Frequent
Technology needs to be understood as a allusions to "the tragedy of the commons" illustrate
colledion of many different kinds of one of the basic results of economic theory: Free
choice in the presence of rival, nonexcludable goods
goods. These goods can have the leads to waste and inefficiency.
attributes of public goods and private The fourth category, and one of central importance
goods in varying proportions. to the study of technical advance, is of nonrival goods
that are excludable, at least potentially. We stress the
term "potentially" here because society often has a
physical possession of it. Our legal system supports choice about the matter. It can establish and enforce
each of us in our efforts to do this. strong property rights, in which case market incentives
It is more difficult to make software excludable induce the production of such goods. Alternatively, it
because possession of a piece of software is not suffi- can deny such property rights. Then if the goods are
cient to keep others from using it. Someone may have to be provided, support through goveniment funding,
surreptitiously copied it. The feasible alternatives for private collaborative effort, or philanthropy is needed.
establishing some degree of control are to rely on Many of the most important issues of public policy
intellectual property rights established by the legal regarding technical advances are associated with this
system or to keep the software, or at least some crucial latter choice. For rivalrous goods, establishing and
part of it, secret. enforcing strong property rights is generally a good
Our legal system assigns intellectual property rights policy (although there are exceptional cases.) But for
to some kinds of software but not others. For example, nonrivalrous goods, the matter is much less clear.
basic mathematical formulas cannot be patented or By and large, society has chosen to give property
copyrighted. At least at the present time, there is no rights to the kind of software commonly called "tech-
way for the scientists who develop algorithms for nology" and to deny property rights but provide public
solving linear programming problems to get intellec- support for the development of the software com-
tual property rights on the mathematical insight behind monly referred to as "science." Establishing property
their creation. On the other hand, the code for a com- rights on software enables the holder of those rights to
puter program, the text of a novel, or the tune and lyrics restrict access to a nonrival good. When such restric-
of a song are examples of software that is excludable, tion is applied-for example, by charging a license
at least to some degree. fee....;....some potential users for whom access would be
The two-way classification of goods according to valuable but not worth the fee will choose to forego
excludability and rivalry creates four idealized types use, even though the real cost of their using it is zero.
of goods. Private goods and public goods are the So putting a "price" on software imposes a social
names given to two of these four types. Private goods cost-positive-value uses that are locked out-and in
are both excludable and rival. Public goods are both general the more valuable the software is to large
nonexcludable and nonrival. The mathematical prin- numbers of users, the higher will be the cost. To cite
ciples used to solve linear programming problems are just one example that influences the choices of work-
public goods. Because they are software, they are ing scientists, there are experiments that could be
nonrival; it is physically possible to copy the algo- carried out using PCR (polymerase chain reaction)

16 Challenge/March-AprU 1996
technology that would be done if the scientists in- idea, before such software can be finally embodied in
volved could use this technology at the cost of mate- a technique, practice, or design that produces value
rials involved. Some of these are not being done be- and is sold to a final consumer. Economic theory tells
cause the high price charged by the current patent us that the presence of monopoly power at many stages
holder makes this research prohibitively expensive. in this long and unpredictable chain of production can
Note that this is very different from what is entailed be very bad for efficiency.
in establishing property rights on rival goods. Only one In the worst case, property rights that are too strong
user can make use of a rival good at anyone time. So could preempt the development of entire areas of new
property rights, or options to sell them, encourage the software. In the computer software industry, people
rival good to be used by those to whom it is most capture this dilemma by asking the rhetorical question,
valuable. "What if someone had been able to patent the blinking
Our legal system tries to take account of the am- cursor?" The point applies equally well to many other
biguous character of property rights on software. We important discoveries in the history of the industry-
give patents for some discoveries, but they are limited the notion of a high-level language and a compiler, the
in scope and expire after a specific period of time. For iterative loop, the conditional branch point, or a
rival goods this would be a terrible policy. Imagine the spreadsheet-like display of columns and rows. Ex-
consequences if the titles to all pieces of land lapsed tremely strong property rights on these kinds of soft-
after seventeen years. For some nonrival goods, such ware could have significantly slowed innovation in
as works of literature or music, we grant copyright computer software and kept many types of existing
protection that lasts much longer than patent protec- applications from being developed.
tion. This can be rationalized by the argument that In the production of computer software, basic soft-
costs from monopoly control of these goods creates ware concepts are not granted strong property rights.
relatively little economic inefficiency. For other Software applications, the kind of software sold in
goods, such as scientific discoveries and mathematical shrink-wrapped boxes in computer stores, is protected.
formulas, the law gives no protection at all. This This suggests a simple dichotomy between concepts
presumably reflects a judgment that the cost of mo- and final applications that mirrors the distinction noted
nopoly power over these goods is too high and that we in the beginning between the search for basic concepts
are better off relying on such nonmarket mechanisms by a Niels Bohr and the search for practical applica-
as philanthropic giving and government support to tions by a Thomas Edison. As the work of Pasteur
finance and motivate the production of these types of would lead us to expect, this dichotomy hides impor-
software. tant ambiguities that arise in practice. At the extremes,
• One important distinction between different types the distinction between concepts and applications is
bf software is the difference in the amount and variety clear, but in the middle ground there is no sharp
of additional work that needs to be done before that dividing line. Courts are forces to decide either that
software makes an actual contribution that consumers software for overlapping windows or specific key
would be willing to pay for. Property rights on soft- sequences should be treated as essential parts of an
ware that is directly employed by final consumers can application that are entitled to patent or copyright
lead to high prices--consider the high prices on some protections, or that they are basic concepts that are not
pharmaceuticals-and cut out use by some parties given legal protection. In the realm of software, there
Who would value use, but will not or cannot pay the are many shades of gray. The simple dichotomy nev-
price. For software such as this, however, that is close ertheless serves as a useful framework for guiding the
to final use, it is possible for users to make reasonably economic and policy analysis of science and technol-
Well founded benefit-price calculations. ogy, for science is concerned with basic concepts, and
! It is quite otherwise with software whose major use technology is ultimately all about applications.
is to facilitate the development of subsequent soft-
ware. Any market for software, such as mathematical SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
~lgorithms and scientific discoveries far removed
from the final consumer, would risk being grossly One of the dangers in drawing sharp policy distinc-
~nefficient. Over time, many producers have to inter- tions between basic concepts and applications arises
ene, making improvements and refining the basic because progress in the development of both types of

March-April 1996/ Challenge 17

software is most rapid when they interact closely. The a mixture of new concepts and applications that are
ideal policy treatment of these two types is different, ready for sale. Successful inventors can make a profit,
but if badly designed policies interfere with this inter- at least for a time, on the sale of applications, because
action, they can do great harm. they generally are protected. Even if the legal system
Most important, new technologies come into exist- does not provide effective protection, first-mover ad-
ence in an embryonic and imperfect form. In many vantages and secrecy are often enough to let someone
cases, people have only a limited understanding of earn a profit by selling a new application. In almost all
both the underlying basic concepts and of the range of cases, the basic concepts became public software,
possible applications. It took some time and effort available for the rest of the technological community,
after the "discovery" of the transistor at Bell Labs both in the private sector and in the university, to build
before transistors were developed that could be used on.
in practical applications. It took many years for the
transistor to evolve from its early free-standing state
into collections of transistors in integrated circuits and Most important, new technologies come
many more for the development of higher-density and into existence in an embryonic and
faster circuits. Many researchers working in many
different firms contributed to these developments. In
imperfect form. In many cases, people
the beginning, no one anticipated the many uses to have only a limited understanding of
which it would be put. If Bell Labs had had extremely both the underlying basic concepts and
strong property rights over the use of the transistor, of the range of possible applications.
many of the most important improvements in design
and new uses for it might never have been discovered.
The story of the laser follows along similar lines. As the discussion from the last section suggests,
When it was first invented, AT&T, which had rights strong property rights that interfered with widespread
to the invention, could not see a way in which it would participation would reduce the diversity in the evolu-
ever be used in the communications business. Succes- tionary process and slow progress. But weak property
sive generations of the laser have turned out to have a rights create spillovers. They reduce the private incen-
wide range of applications, the vast majority of them tives for doing research and induce a divergence be-
outside the telephone system. One important applica- tween the social and private rates of return to research.
tion, however, has been in fiber optics, which currently An effective social system for inducing technological
is revolutionizing that system. progress will therefore tolerate weak property rights
In the cases of both the transistor and the laser, the on basic concepts but will subsidize some types of
history of technological development is marked by research to offset the tendency for a research effort to
great uncertainty and considerable differences of opin- be too low. Because both the search for concepts and
ion regarding how to make the technology better. It the search for applications can lead to important new
took wide participation in the process of refinement discoveries, both are candidates for subsidies. Since
and exploration to produce the many applications that World War II, a significant portion of the subsidies in
consumers now buy. the United Sates have taken the form of unrestricted .
In most of the technologies whose development has support for university research into basic concepts (as
been studied in detail, technical progress proceeded provided, for example, by the National Science Foun-
through a lengthy, complex evolutionary process. At dation), but an even larger fraction was devoted to
any time, there were a number of different actors who support for research in basic concepts that were rele-
were attempting to develop variants or improvements vant to practical applications in the areas of defense
on prevailing technology. They competed with each and health.
other and with prevailing practice. Some turned out to Before the war, there was research support from the
be winners, and others were losers. The winners often government in the field of agriculture and private
enjoyed wide market success. At the same time they philanthropic support for some areas of basic science.
provided a new base from which subsequent techno- The bulk of the subsidies, however, were directed at
logical advance, often made by others, could progress. training scientists and engineers, most of whom went
Most innovations that arise in the private sector are to work in the private sector. Some of this support

18 Challenge/March-ApriI1996
came from the federal government, through its grants the perceptions that motivated the initiation of particu-
of land to the states. Some came from the operating lar projects, the key factor was almost invariably "per-
budgets of the states themselves. Important support ception of a demand." Studies have documented that
also came from the philanthropic activity of such scientific understanding and techniques often played
people as George Eastman and Arthur D. Little (who a critical role in successful inventive efforts, but that
helped create chemical engineering at MIT) or such the understandings and techniques drawn upon often
Ofganizations as the Camegie Foundation and the tended to be relatively "old." A study funded by the
Rockefeller Foundation (which fostered the develop- Department of Defense, "Project Hindsight," explored
ment of physics, the social sciences, and molecular the key scientific and technical breakthroughs that
biology). enabled the development of a number of important
In the cases of both the laser and the transistor, fields weapons for the military. The study found that almost
of scientific study grew up around the new technologies. invariably these breakthroughs came about as the re-
The advent of the transistor provided a whole new sult of research addressed to particular needs, rather
~genda for research for electrical engineering and mate- than "basic research" done with little awareness of or
rials science. The laser has had a major effect on such concern about those problems.
fields as physical chemistry and has revitalized the field The NSF responded by funding "Project Traces,"
of optics. These scientific fields worked backwards from which looked farther back in the history of various
applications and tried to uncover the basic concepts that technological advances and found that many of them
helped explain how and why they worked. were in fact made possible only because of earlier
In both of these cases, the original inventions drew "basic research." David Mowery and Nathan Rosen-
extensively on scientific knowledge. After their berg, in an article summarizing and criticizing this
achievement, the technologies themselves became the debate (1979), argued that it was pointless to focus on
subject matter of scientific research. In tum, the grow- either "perception of demand" or "perception of a
ing body of scientific understanding about the tech- technological opportunity" as the only factor stimulat-
nologies provided important inputs into their refine- ing a particular technological effort. They pointed out
ment and further development. that it made sense to invest only in cases where both a
Technological progress was quite rapid both before scientific opportunity and a practical demand were
and after World War II, in environments that provided present.
very different kinds of support for science and technol- In many technologies, the early findings continue
bgy. The history of specific technological areas shows to hold up-much of the science being drawn upon in
lhat the development of basic concepts and applications the private sector is not new science. There are, how-
~e intimately intertwined. Both of these observations ever, some areas in which the connections between
suggest that it is pointless to ask whether applications or university research and commercial application are
basic concepts are the prime movers in generating sci- relatively close: pharmaceuticals, certain other chemi-
entific and technological progress. Since each can en- cal technologies, various fields of electronics, and
'courage the other, neither can be singled out. This has more recently, biotechnology. In these fields, inven-
Inot, however, stopped people from trying. tors seem to draw on science that is quite recent.
In the 1950s and 1960s, scholars studying technical The nature of the interaction between application
,advance debated the relative importance of "percep- and the development of basic concepts was illumi-
Itions of demand" or "opportunities opened by sci- nated by a survey research project conducted about ten
'ence." Implicit in this debate were two different views years ago. Industry executives in charge of R&D were
Iabout policy options for stimulating technical advance asked about the importance of various bodies of basic
.and economic growth. The interpretation based on and applied science for technical advance in their
scientific opportunity was associated with a science- industry. They were also asked about the relevance of
push policy: Support scientific research, and the eco- current research in these scientific areas. Most respon-
nomic and technical benefits will follow. The percep- dents rated the relevance of a "science" much higher
tions of the demand view seemed to suggest that than the relevance of "university research in that sci-
measures designed to increase economic activity in the ence." But evidence supports the interpretation that
Iprivate sector should be given the highest priority. effective industry R&D in a specific field almost al-
A number of studies indicated that if one looked into ways requires that the scientists and engineers work-

March-April 1996/ Challenge 19

ing in industry had to be trained in universities so that advanced training programs in the sciences and engi-
they are familiar with the basic scientific under- neering. They should move toward training people for
standings and techniques. In many cases, however, work in the private sector and away from the presump-
new advances in science were not exploited in indus- tion that Ph.D.s, or at least good ones, get recycled into
trial R&D. If we separate the wetware (educational) academia. It may be possible to go a long way toward
and software (research) outputs of the university, for this goal merely by changing the attitudes and expec-
most businesses it was the output of wetware that tations that permeate the graduate faculty. Changing
mattered. attitudes and expectations will not be easy, but the
The responses regarding what fields of university alternative is to stand by while the number and quality
research were most relevant to technical advance in of people getting advanced training in the sciences
industry were interesting. For the most part the indus- declines. In an era of rapidly unfolding technological
trial respondents tended to score most highly the rele- opportunities, it would be perverse to cut back on
vance of university research in the engineering fields advanced training in science.
and in such scientific fields as materials science and If university research and graduate training are to
computer science-fields in Pasteur's quadrant. Most be oriented more toward the needs of industry, it is
of the respondents stated that university research in also important that mechanisms for interaction be-
basic disciplines such as mathematics and physics was tween university and industry scientists and engineers
not particularly relevant to technical advance in their be widened and strengthened. Universities and com-
lines of business. But this does not mean that basic panies might strive for a significant increase in the
research in the fundamental disciplines is not relevant extent to which industry scientists spend periods of
to technical advance. It suggests that the results of time in academia and academic scientists in industry.
basic research in such fields as mathematics and phys- These exchanges might even be supported by govern-
ics influence technical change indirectly, by improv- ment funds. Rather than giving money directly to firms
ing and stimulating research in the more applied sci- to do research on specific topics, the government
entific and engineering disciplines. might also explicitly subsidize the training of students
who will go to work in the private sector. By taking
these steps, the government could subsidize the inputs
that go into private-sector research instead of contract-
There is no inherent danger in moving toward an ing with firms for specific research outputs. This
environment where economic and commercial oppor- would let market demands and market perceptions of
tunities are given more explicit weight in determining opportunity continue to be the primary forces that
broad areas of "national need" and where national allocate resources between specific research projects
security and health carry less weight. This change in the private sector. It would avoid the pork-barrel
poses little risk, provided it does not reduce the frac- politics that can arise when the government writes
tion of research that is focused on fundamental con- checks to business firms.
cepts and does not shorten the time horizon over which As the arguments from the previous section make
payoffs are measured. The best way to avoid such a clear, it is generally not good practice to establish
shift would be to preserve the institutional arrange- "property rights" on the output from scientific re-
ments for supporting research that have worked so search. This is true whether that research is directed at
well. Universities have offered an extremely effective practical problems facing the military, health profes-
environment for exploring basic concepts and pursu- sionals, or business firms. There are important effi-
ing distant payoffs. A shift toward commercial and ciency advantages in a system where the government
economic objectives should be accomplished by subsidizes the production of fundamental concepts
changing the emphasis in university research, not by and insights and gives them away for free. The Bayh-
pushing that research into the private sector. There Dole Act of 1980 marked a major retreat from the
must continue to be a place in the university for principle that knowledge subsidized by the govern-
modem-day Pasteurs. ment should circulate freely, and the continuing argu-
The returns from this attempt to adjust priorities ment about issues such as whether "gene fragments"
will be larger if it is accompanied by two co~plemen­ ought to be patentable clearly reflects strong pressures
tary developments. One is a change in orientation of to move even further in this direction. Even as we

20 Challenge/March-AprtI1996
strengthen property rights on the applications end of sic research reflected others. This new understanding
the software spectrum, we should not establish private encompassed the traditional principle that private
property rights on bodies of knowledge and techniques funds should be the main support for commercial
that have wide and nonrivalrous applications, particu- applications of science. To this was added a new set
larly when many of these applications are in further of principles about science: Government funds should
research and development. A renewed attention to the be used to finance the search for new fundamental
needs of industry need not be associated with a major concepts and insights.
change in our intellectual property rights regime. These principles are as relevant today as they were
There is no reason to treat science as being "private" then. We should adjust the details of science and
rather than "public" knowledge. technology policy in response to changing circum-
World War II produced a new set of principles about stances. But we should not change our principles.
the role of the federal government in support of sci-
ence. The arguments presented in Vannevar Bush's
report captured some of these principles. The major
To order reprints, call 1-800-352-221 0;
support that the defense department and the National outside the United States, call 717-632-3535
Institutes of Health provided for mission-oriented ba-

March-April 1996/ Challenge 21

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